Lin Yi can also foresee the future, and it is the future 10 seconds later.

Lin You heard Lin Yi's order.

He quickly used the skill [Epitaph].

There is a seven-second difference in the predictions of the future between the two.

This seven-second difference.

will be Suva's insurmountable perception wall.

Both of them are time and space observers at this moment.

Being able to predict the future three seconds later means that Suva was able to fully grasp and observe all of Lin Yi's movements before.

And prepare three seconds in advance.

But now that Lin Yi can observe the farther future.

Suva's ability is naturally invalidated.

But at this moment, Suva has not realized this.

In the future he saw.

Lin Yi's mirage refraction illusion disappeared, and then the real position was completely exposed.

Suva, who knew the real position three seconds in advance.

Without any hesitation, he moved there instantly.

Eight diamond arms launched indiscriminate attacks and bombardment on this area.

The commentator and the audience could no longer understand it.

What is he doing?

Why did Suva move to an inexplicable position and launch an attack.

Where is Lin Yi?

Why didn't he choose to attack Suva?

Everyone felt that the two had fought countless games in a very short period of time.

They could only see the surface.

But they couldn't see the depth.

Let alone them.

Even most of the people on the judges' bench were confused.

Only Cheng Xiao's smile grew bigger and bigger.

"Interesting, this game is so interesting."

"This is much better than the previous second-by-second game."

Cheng Xiao's voice fell as soon as he finished speaking.

Suva groaned in the field.

He spit out a lot of blood!

At the same time, his right half of the body, connected to three diamond arms.

It exploded in an instant.

He was obviously seriously injured.

On the big screen, the blood bar symbolizing Suva's health value instantly dropped by more than half.

Only about one-third was left.

Lin Yi's figure emerged from behind Suva.

"Still avoided the vital points."

"What a terrifying premonition of crisis."

Lin Yi couldn't help but exclaim.

The future that Suva saw was covered by the future that Lin Yi saw.

What he saw was naturally a false future.

Lin Yi was no longer in that position.

Even, Lin Yi could use this information to use the finger snap in advance on this area.

The time he timed was exactly the time when Suva moved over in his foreseen future scene.

But even so.

After landing.

He still moved one more step.

It was this step.

He took most of the damage from the finger snap, but not all.

You know, in the future that Lin Yi saw.

Suva took all the finger snaps, but his health bar was emptied on the spot and he lost.

Unexpectedly, he actually modified the future.

It seems that the so-called future is not predetermined.


The seriously injured Suva still moved at a terrifying speed.

He disappeared from Lin Yi's sight in an instant and retreated a long distance.

He couldn't understand why the future he saw was wrong.

And he didn't see the result that Lin Yi would seriously injure him with a finger snap.

He could only retreat temporarily.

This was the beginning of the battle.

Suva, who had always chosen to attack fiercely.

For the first time, he chose to retreat and defend.

The offensive and defensive momentum was quietly reversed.

Although Lin Yi admired this opponent with extremely rich practical experience.

But the game was a game.

He would not show mercy.


Another finger snap was used.

He accurately predicted the landing point of Suva's retreat this time.

This finger snap hit again!


A cloud of blood mist burst out of Suva's chest.

The next moment, a big hole was broken in his entire chest.

Hit the vital point!

Suva's blood bar was emptied instantly!

However, Lin Yi found that Suva was not dead.

His blood volume was stuck at 1 and did not drop.

Everyone has a blood lock, right?

Lin Yi was not too surprised by this.

He has a blood lock skill.

Others have a few life-saving skills, so what.

A true strong man not only needs to have the most terrifying output.

He also needs to have a certain ability to resist risks.

The dying Suwa growled.

The next moment, the big hole in his chest, the right half of his body and three arms.

They grew back instantly.

At the same time, his dark skin was also coated with a layer of golden color.

[Arhat Golden Body]

[Passive Skill]

[Effect: When you suffer an attack that is enough to kill you, avoid this death and restore all health in a short time. ]

[In the next 1 minute, you are immune to all control effects below the ninth level and all damage except the original damage. ]

[This effect has a 30-day cooldown. ]

The Eye of All-Knowing returned the information of Suwa's passive life-saving skill.

Free from control, invincible.

The effect of this skill is obviously much stronger than Singer's blood lock.

It is also more suitable for Suwa, a professional who can punch superhuman.

Suwa exudes golden Buddha light all over his body. In addition, another skill was used by him.

He crossed his legs and his body was suspended in mid-air.

The golden Buddha's light behind him flourished, and a phantom of the Vajra Arm made of pure Buddha's light appeared.

These illusory arms are also huge and strong.

It is formed with the condensation of countless golden Buddha light and Vajra arms.

Floating in mid-air, Suva's originally strong body began to slowly wither.

[Hundred and Eight Demon-Subduing Fist]

[Effect: Enter the final form of Demon-Conquering Vajra, gathering 108 illusory Vajra Arms to fight for you. All your moves and attacks can be realized with the illusory Vajra Arms. 】

[When attacking, the Illusive Vajra Arm inherits the permanent additional damage effect of the Demon-Conquering Vajra’s professional characteristics. 】

[When turned on, you need to enter the Arhat Golden Body state. 】

[When turned on, it will gradually consume your original life energy. 】

"These illusory diamond arms can attack regardless of distance, and are equally powerful."

"Be careful."

Suva, who was floating in the air, reminded him.

Of course he didn't know that Lin Yi could see through his skills.

These words simply don't want Lin Yi to lose this battle because of his carelessness.

If he wins, he must win with dignity.


After a strange sound like an eagle's cry.

On Suva's forehead, between his eyebrows, a bird's beak stuck out.

Then Suva grabbed the growing gap between his eyebrows with both hands and tore it open!

A monster with blue scales all over its body, wings on its back, and a sinister face flew out from between his eyebrows.

This monster has only one eye.

There are three hourglass-shaped pupils in the one eye.

【Tianmu Rakshasa】

[Personality: Top Royal Rank]

Information about this monster appeared in front of Lin Yi's eyes.

At this moment, he finally understood why Suva was blind but could see things clearly.

You can also predict the future three seconds later.

It is the credit of his battle pet.

Now, Lin Yi can also predict the future.

Then Suva naturally does not need to keep this battle pet in his body and use its field of vision.

It's better to release it and let it attack Lin Yi, which will give it more combat power and a chance of victory.

One hundred and eight illusory Vajra arms attack together!

Then, the entire arena was instantly razed to the ground!

In his final form, Suva has the ability to attack from a distance, and the number of attacks per second alone exceeds a thousand.

No enemy could survive this level of indiscriminate attack.

Even if Lin Yi has the ability to see into the future, there is no way to hide or hide.

However, Suva soon stopped attacking.

Because judging from the touch coming back from the Hundred-Eighth Vajra Arm, he did not hit Lin Yi.

Instead, it hit something extremely hard.

The Tianmu Rakshasa, who had been flying in the sky and assisted in the attack with magic, sent a message back to Suva.

That's a piece of ice.

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