One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 256: Receive rewards, epic Star Wanderer suit!

"In addition, there is one most important thing you must remember."

"You will not really die in the Sky Tower Trial. Once you fail to pass the level, are killed by monsters, or choose to give up, you will be directly teleported back to the repair area on the 100th floor."

"And you will have the opportunity to enter the 99th floor again next time, but this time, once the floor you reach is not as deep as the last time."

"Then your chance to enter the Trial Tower in this life will be exhausted."

"For the unlucky ones, it is equivalent to only having two opportunities to participate in the trial in a lifetime."

"And for those who are capable, as long as you can keep refreshing your best record, you can always participate in the trial."

Hearing this, Lin Yi basically understood the mechanism of the Inverted Sky Tower.

It is a bit like a pigeon game.

Every level is random.

The difficulty that Cheng Xiao said is not in the trial itself, but in the choice.

He also has experience.

Is it to choose to continue exploring and gain more soul cores, or to stop while you are ahead and return to the repair floor for identification.

This is the first choice.

Continue to explore. If you fail, you will not even get the guaranteed soul core, which will waste a chance to pass the level.

If you return to the 100th floor, if the soul core you get is garbage, it is equivalent to wasting a chance to pass the level.

What really makes people difficult to choose is the second level.

There is one more factor to consider.

That is, if you cannot reach a deeper level than before, this is your last level.

The most murderous thing is that during the level-clearing process, it also gives you an additional chance to identify the soul core in advance.

But the price is to give up the random gain effect.

Don't think this choice is merciful.

For normal people, without those gain states, it is very likely that they will not even have the opportunity to get the soul core next time and die halfway.

Everyone fell into deep thought.

They are not stupid.

Naturally, they realized how much they have to think about in this journey to pass the level.

"Okay, these are all the rules and precautions."

"I believe you all understand. If you don't understand, I'm not responsible for answering. You'll know everything when you enter."

After saying this, Cheng Xiao's mouth was dry.

He drank some water, and then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he looked at Lin Yi.

Finally, he said, "By the way, don't worry about it."

"Try your best to reach the next level, and just give up the soul core given by the previous BOSS."

"Because those who pass the bottom of the tower, that is, the first level, have a chance to choose a mythical soul core."

Lin Yi was stunned.

Then he looked at Cheng Xiao with some resentment.

Why didn't you say it earlier!

Just now, Lin Yi's CPU was about to smoke. Before entering the tower, he was already thinking about how to maximize the use of this clearance mechanism.

The most cost-effective method he thought of was to directly choose to return to the 100th floor to identify the soul core every time starting from the 90th floor.

Anyway, it shouldn't be difficult for him to pass the 89th floor.

And so on, keep passing the levels, keep trying and making mistakes.

This clearance mode takes a lot of time, and if you are not strong enough, or the monsters in the tower are too abnormal and lack key gain states.

You will fail.

This most cost-effective clearance method becomes the stupidest clearance method.

Now it's okay.

No need to think too much.

Just close your eyes and rush down.

The others heard this and looked at Lin Yi with great envy.

Self-selected mythical soul core!

The upside-down sky tower is like this. Lin Yi only needs to close his eyes to pass the first floor, and they have to think more.

"Okay, that's it. I wish you all get martial souls."

"Oh, there should be a surprise waiting for you after you enter the tower tomorrow."

After speaking, Cheng Xiao waved his hand.

The figure disappeared.

Then, Zhao Enquan dismissed the others, leaving only Lin Yi.

"The organizer just informed me that no one has raised an objection to you winning the MVP of the team competition."

"So your relevant rewards are ready."

"Let's go, I'll take you to get them."

Zhao Enquan took Lin Yi to the core area of ​​the Penglai Arena.

"Lin Yi, this is a platinum card from the World Bank. It contains your 200 million world currency cash reward. The initial password is six sixes. You can contact our finance department to modify it later."

"Then here are ten star diamond scrolls with a storage value of 5,000 skill points. Please check them."

Lin Yi took the platinum card.

He got ten more star diamond skill point scrolls.

This is the first time Lin Yi has seen such a large amount of skill point scrolls.

The whole scroll is full of stars and looks very valuable.

This is the ultimate scroll that can store the most tradable skill points on Blue Star.

Each one is an auction-level treasure in the Daxia Trading House.

And according to the market, the transaction price is in the tens of millions.

These things are bought by the top families who are not short of money to give their younger generations a cramming style of adding points.

"Then there are the rewards you need to choose."

"Including 2 pieces of equipment below the epic level, and 2 wishes you want us to help you realize."

"These two wishes include all kinds of super rare materials, or legendary equipment, or requirements within our capabilities. We will try our best to meet them."

"This is a list of optional equipment."

The staff handed the spirit crystal projector to Lin Yi.

The light screen that this thing shows can be interacted in real time.

Anyway, the operation is not much different from a tablet. Before, Lin Yi felt uncomfortable because there was no real tactile feedback.

But after being in Shenxiao for so long, he used this thing to pick things from the treasure house. Now he is very proficient.

The finger kept moving on the light screen.

What he lacked most at the moment was a set of jewelry sets.

The Eternal Rest Set he was wearing now must be replaced by the All Heavens Nirvana Set.

Then Shen Jing would fill in the missing jewelry sets.

Adjust the filter mode to jewelry, check the set option, and add his current level.

Soon a series of filter results appeared in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was dazzled.

Epic equipment is already very good.

Not only the effects of the suits should be carefully considered, but also the attribute bonuses and special effects provided by each piece should be considered.

The staff and Zhao Enquan were very patient.

They did not rush Lin Yi.

It was not until more than ten minutes later that Lin Yi felt a little embarrassed.


"There are too many. I can't look at them all at once. Can I take them back and take a look at them slowly tonight?"

The staff smiled and said, "Of course you can."

"After you have selected them, you can call our asset department at 0326 using the phone in the room. You don't have to come here in person."

"We will arrange for you to deliver them to your door."


Two o'clock in the morning.

Lin Yi dozed off.

The spiritual crystal light screen in his hand still flickered with a faint luster.

In the collection and attention list on the right, Lin Yi has added more than ten optional good suits of equipment.

But he was really sleepy.

He had to get up early tomorrow to go to the Sky Tower.

Just when Lin Yi was planning to take a look slowly tomorrow and go to bed today,

An equipment called "Star Wandering Necklace" appeared in front of Lin Yi.

The next moment, Lin Yi was full of energy.

Here it comes!

This set of effects is too suitable for me!

I beg you to help me find the typos, I will correct them when I see them~!

Finally, I would like to ask for a wave of recommendation votes and monthly votes!

Thank you!

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