One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 106 Entering The Desert

Chapter 106 Entering the Desert

Bernard didn't care too much about the addition of a paladin who served Irmat, the god of suffering, in the entourage.

Because he didn't understand at all what the appearance of Eroline meant to this journey.

Not to mention that Zuo Si, whom he regards as a "savior", has unknowingly become a huge and incomparable trouble.

With the merchant's order, this huge team finally slowly began to slowly advance along the ancient trade route.

Since three experienced guides were invited in advance, and there were mercenaries who were responsible for surrounding the caravan's safety and resisting possible bandits and monsters, the entire caravan seemed to be in order.

Although thousands of camels stretched for several kilometers one after another, there was no sign of chaos at all.

As for the slaves, when they heard that they would become free civilians and get a stable job after they arrived in Amn, they also worked extremely hard, and they didn't even have the slightest intention of running away.

In this way, the whole caravan spent a whole morning without incident, crossing the plain covered with low vegetation, and formally entered the endless desert.

Looking at the huge undulating hills in the distance, Zuo Si, who has never traveled far, couldn't help sighing slightly: "It's really a magnificent scenery!"

"Yes! The vastness and harshness of the desert always make mortals involuntarily feel awe and fear.

According to ancient legends, the Karin Desert was originally a rich forest and plain.

But later, a war broke out between the djinn who first established the Kalin Empire on this land and the djinn who later established the Menon Empire.

Terrible magical forces destroyed everything before it became what it is now.

Some say that those genies are still imprisoned deep in the desert by the magic unleashed by the elves.

Whenever there is a sandstorm, it means that they are fighting each other again. "

The paladin Erolin took the initiative to talk about the origin of this great desert.

As she described, the history of Calimshan originated from a group of dwarf nobles who came to Faerun from another plane more than 9,500 years ago, and the fire giants who also came from another plane a thousand years later. Giant mercenaries.

Their names and the capital of the empire they once established are still intact, and they have become the two most important port cities in the Great Desert, one in the south and one in the north.

Even seven thousand years ago, when humans expelled the giant spirits and established the First Dynasty, the seven small fishing villages that were the starting point of Netheril civilization may not have existed.

It wasn't until more than 2,500 years later that the latter dug up the famous "Netheril scroll" and started their own era.

Therefore, although the history of the Calimshan region is far less important, glorious, powerful, and majestic than Netheril in the eyes of many scholars.

The latter almost represents the highest achievement that the human race can achieve in magic.

But Zuo Si, who has carefully read the history of Calimshan, related materials, and research notes, is very clear that there are not a lot of precious magical knowledge and materials preserved here.

Especially those genies who were captured and imprisoned after the collapse of the empire brought unimaginable wealth to the spellcasters in the Calimshan region.

You must know that the giant spirit, a special alien creature, is a bit like the magic lamp in the story of Aladdin's magic lamp on Earth.

It can give a non-giant race three times the ability similar to the nine-ring magic [Wishing Art].

Therefore, high-level spellcasters here can often obtain a lot of knowledge from other planes, rare materials, and various weird creatures through the wishing ability bestowed by the giant spirit.

Of course, there are quite a few idiots who "disappear" out of thin air by making unfulfilled wishes because they are too greedy.

"Sounds like a good place for adventure and treasure hunting, doesn't it?" Zuo Si joked half-truthfully.

Of course he is very interested in the treasures buried in the great desert, but he will never try his luck without any guarantee and preparation.

Eroline stared at Zuo Si with the eyes of a madman, and it took half a minute before she warned: "You'd better get rid of such unrealistic thoughts. Calimport has many adventures of dreaming of getting rich overnight." There are also mages and warlocks who are eager to gain powerful power, and they never came back alive after entering the depths of the desert."

"If I insist on going, will you still follow?" Zuo Si asked with great interest.

"Of course! This is a trial and test given to me by God!"

Erolyn hardly hesitated, and immediately gave an affirmative answer.

Zuo Si raised his eyebrows incomprehensibly: "You know you're going to die, but you still want to stay with me? Are all paladins as rigid as you?"

"No! It's not rigidity and inflexibility! It's courage, persistence, responsibility, protection and sacrifice! I promised the priest that I will be by your side and I will do it, even if the price I have to pay is death." Airol Lin corrected with a serious face.

It can be seen that this young girl has extremely firm beliefs, and her two dark blue eyes are as clear and transparent as lake water.

"I see……"

Zuo Si finally understands why the profession of paladin is known as "the last hope that never goes out".

Even if they disagree with some of their behaviors and ideas, other people around them will retain the most basic respect.

From the moment they were called to become paladins, these people almost gave up all "personal desires" and became outright "altruists".

That is, if you have a fellow paladin by your side.

Then before he dies in battle, he basically doesn't have to worry too much about getting hurt.

Because paladins will use their bodies and lives to protect everyone around them, even strangers they don't know at all.




Take fighting against evil and protecting the weak as your lifelong pursuit!

What the paladin represents is the best and most shining part of human nature, and it is also the embodiment of all virtues.

After figuring out the logic of Eloline's behavior, Zuo Si quickly put up a parasol, closed her eyes as if falling into a doze.

But in fact, he is reading those books that are stored in the "Thinking Library" but have not been carefully read.

After all, the length of this desert from north to south is at least more than 600 kilometers. According to the speed of walking 30 to 50 kilometers a day, it will take at least half a month.

Rather than wasting precious time staring at the sky full of yellow sand all day long, it is better to use it effectively.

Anyway, with Alena driving the camels, there is basically no need to worry too much about getting separated from the caravan.

Seeing that Zuo Si closed her eyes and stopped talking, Eloline also chose to close her mouth, and pulled her cloak as hard as possible to block the harsh sunlight as much as possible, preventing the metal armor on her body from getting hot and causing her body temperature to soar.

Although a paladin would hardly get sick under the protection of the power of adoration, she didn't want to make trouble for herself.

You must know that in the dry desert, there is no way to take a bath.

Water, the source of life, is an out-and-out scarce resource here, sometimes even more precious than gold.

Compared with other people who were sweating profusely, Alena, who was clinging to Zuo Si, not only didn't feel the slightest bit of heat, she didn't even break out a drop of sweat.

Because the [Frozen Pearl] hanging on the camel's saddle has already lowered the temperature of the surrounding environment to about ten degrees.

Alena even felt a little cold, and took off her hood to let the scorching sun shine directly on her head.

Soldiers in heavy armor and werewolves followed closely around, enjoying the coolness brought by [Frozen Pearl].

Only Reiter, a half-orc warrior who knew nothing about it, walked at the front of the team, chatting with the mercenaries to pass the time.

As for the poor drow captive who was tied behind the camel, he was already fainted by the scorching sun.

After all, the black elves were originally a race living in the underground world, and they had a strong hatred and fear of the sun.

Not to mention being thrown into the desert to be exposed to the sun like now, even the most ordinary sunlight during the day can make them feel weak, painful and hopeless.

(end of this chapter)

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