One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 119 The Lord Of The Mummy

Chapter 119 The Lord of the Mummy

The sound of footsteps while running is undoubtedly quite harsh for the silent environment of the tomb.

So the mummy lord discovered the traces of Zuo Si and his party almost instantly.

Immediately activate his "Undead Master" ability, directly control the nearest ancient mummy, and chase in the direction of the sound.

He followed closely behind, trying to force out all the hidden intruders with the magic sphere suspended above his head.

However, since the mummy itself is a relatively slow-moving undead creature, Zuo Si barely opened a distance by virtue of its speed advantage.

When several people ran to the corner in one breath, Zuo Si immediately ordered to Alena without hesitation: "It's now! Don't hold back! Release all your flames!"

"as you wish!"

Alaina raised the [Fireball Wand] to aim at the approaching mummy lord, and shot a deadly fireball without hesitation.

boom! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by violent explosions and bright flames, three ancient mummies were ignited on the spot.

The lord at the center of the explosion turned into a Pyroman.

At this moment, the bandages on their bodies that were infected by necromantic magic and could defend against physical attacks to a certain extent turned into deadly combustibles.

But even so, not even one mummy fell down.

Because these guys are not low-level undead creatures like zombies, skeletons, and ghouls!

The astonishing negative energy in its body is enough to still be alive and kicking after eating three or four fireballs head-on.

The wise mummy lord even activated the [Sanctuary Technique] immediately, completely isolating himself from all magic and physical attacks.

Not only that!

It followed closely and completed the gestures and incantations at an extremely fast speed. After the [Sanctuary Spell] disappeared, it directly pointed at Alaina who was also preparing the spell.


The latter seemed to be paralyzed, and stood there stupidly, unable to move.

The second-ring divine art [human immobilization]!


The moment Alena was immobilized!

Zuo Si also completed his spell, aiming at the mummy lord and the two closest ones around him, shooting a hazy beam of light.

The two insane mummies were immobilized on the spot.

After struggling for a while, the former had to be affected by the spell and stand motionless.

Obviously, this is a version of the immobilization spell specifically for undead creatures-the three-ring magic [Dead Soul Immobilization].

However, after the spell took effect, Zuo Si did not show any relief, and immediately took out a card and activated the spell inside without hesitation.

next second...

boom! ! ! ! !

A stone element titan with a height of three and a half meters and its body made of hard granite appeared out of thin air. It waved its fists and knocked a mummy that rushed up like a cannonball on the spot.

The terrifying brute force and almost invulnerability to the body are definitely the nightmare of all melee fighters and monsters.

Moreover, the elemental creatures are completely immune to the "curse of carrion and disease" emanating from the mummy's body, and they have established an insurmountable line of defense with little effort.

Especially the terrifying weight of more than 20 tons, the terrifying kinetic energy and impact force produced by each fist swing is definitely not something that one or two mummies can bear.

Even these powerful undead creatures themselves have a strength attribute close to 20 points.

The soldiers, the half-orc Rhett, and the paladin Elroline fanned out respectively, and cooperated with each other to fight with the undead creatures that came around from the side.

Because the fireball technique made too much noise just now, many skeletons hiding in dark corners also woke up from their long sleep and joined the ranks of besieging the invaders.

All of a sudden, hundreds of undead appeared in the entire tomb.

So much so that everyone couldn't rush out and kill the most dangerous lord first.

"Here! Go ahead! Apply these [Blazing Glue] to the weapon!"

Realizing that this battle might not end as quickly as before, Zuo Si quickly took out a few bottles of alchemy items he made from his satchel, and threw them to the three melee members of the team.

After the latter got it, he immediately opened the seal without hesitation, and poured the viscous liquid evenly on the surface of the weapon.

The moment [Blazing Glue] comes into contact with the air!

The surfaces of the three weapons immediately ignited hot and bright red flames.

Cutting to those mummies at this time can well ignite the sackcloth bandages wrapped around them, causing additional fire damage.

Zuo Si herself was not idle, she took out several alchemy bombs filled with holy water from her satchel, and threw them where the undead creatures were most concentrated.

Accompanied by a violent explosion!

The holy water containing abundant positive energy immediately rained down on the heads of the undead creatures.

After the relatively weak small skeleton was basically covered with a little bit, the cold light in the eye sockets quickly disappeared without a trace, and it fell straight on the ground and turned into a pile of dry bones.

Just when Zuo Si kept harvesting these low-level undead creatures without any sense of consciousness, he suddenly heard the sound of chanting spells again.

Turn around and have a look!

He found that the mummy lord who had just eaten a shot of [Necromancer Hold] had regained his mobility at some point.

The evil, filthy and hateful light in the other party's eye sockets seemed to tear all the intruders, including their bodies and souls, into pieces.

Just as Zuo Si was about to try to use [Magic Missile] to interrupt the opponent's spellcasting concentration, he suddenly found that he couldn't make any sound.

Not only him!

Other people around, even when the weapon is chopped on the skeleton during the battle, there will be no sound at all.

It's as if someone suddenly pressed the mute button!

The second-ring divine art [Silence Art]!

Zuo Si realized what happened almost instantly.

Because many divine spellcasters will use this trick to deal with arcane spellcasters.

Especially for those mages and warlocks who have not learned the super magic skills - silent spells, instant casting, basically once they are silenced, it means that they will fall into an absolute disadvantage.

Unless there are enough magic items on the body that can be activated without spells, it is very likely to be killed quickly during this period of silence.

"Intruders! You will pay for your greed and recklessness! A price worse than death!"

As the mummy lord spoke, he lifted his palm that had been scorched by the previous fireball technique, and released a yellow sandstorm violently.

The gravel blown up by the strong airflow has a cone shape like a dragon's breath, and emits a high temperature enough to scald a person to death.

All of a sudden, the melee group including the stone element will be enveloped in it.

The fine gravel entered the armor through the gaps without any effort, and some directly burned the exposed face and neck.

The soldier, the half-orc Rhett, and the paladin Erolyn immediately knelt on the ground in pain.

Some opened their mouths wide and seemed to be screaming in pain;

Some desperately tried to get the hot sand out of their armor;

Others covered their bloody and tearful eyes, trembling violently because of the pain that exceeded the limit of endurance.

no doubt!

If it weren't for the influence of the [Silence Technique], their screams and wailing would definitely resound throughout the bottom of the tomb.

Among them, Eroline was the most seriously injured, and her two bloody and tearful eyes were basically no different from being blind.

But soon, a holy light emanated from her body.

Several undead creatures who wanted to pounce on him to kill them were purified by this force on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the young paladin raised his hand wrapped in positive energy and lightly wiped his eyes.

The eyes that were still tightly closed and bleeding one second, opened and returned to normal the next second.

Obviously, just now, Eloline's career level has risen from LV1 to LV2, and she has also obtained two new abilities of [Divine Grace] and [Lay on Hands].

(end of this chapter)

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