One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 127 Calishan And Tethyr's Enmity

Chapter 127 Calishan and Tethyr's Enmity

Time flies, five days passed in a flash.

When the large-scale caravan walked out of the endless desert and saw the large green vegetation and golden wheat fields that were about to mature on the plain, undisguised joy appeared on everyone's faces.

Because this means that they have completed the first difficulty in this dangerous journey.

That is to cross the Karin Desert, which has a harsh environment and is full of various bandits and monsters.

Although in the last two days, the caravan was attacked by several groups of bandits.

But in the end, these poor guys were all killed by the shadow army controlled by Zuo Si without exception, and their souls were transformed into new shadows.

Obviously, as the number of phantoms became more and more large, it was basically impossible for ordinary robber gangs like this lacking spellcasters to pose any effective threat to the caravan.

One of the bandits wanted to use the cover of night to launch a sneak attack.

As a result, Yelinia led the shadow army to slaughter them all before they got close.

The people who were resting in the camp at that time didn't even know that such a group of bandits existed, and were still sound asleep.

I didn't realize what happened last night until I set off again the next morning and saw the corpses lying on the sand dunes two or three kilometers away, and the camels that had lost their owners and were wandering aimlessly.

As for those mercenaries who were originally hired to protect the safety of the caravan, they have long consciously assumed a series of messy chores including vigilance, management, and night watch.

Unless the employer Bernard actively asks, he will not take part in the battle easily.

They don't want to be touched by those terrifying shadows, or suddenly burned to charred corpses on the spot by a fireball flying from behind.

After all, without proficient cooperation, fighting with arcane spellcasters is quite dangerous.

You have no idea what kind of spell the "teammate" behind you will release in the next second, and whether it will "accidentally" affect you.

In addition, Alaina often used the large-scale destructive evocation flame magic unscrupulously during battles, and even the soldiers dared not get close to her berserk posture.

Not to mention these mercenaries with "one life".

If there wasn't a paladin in the team, Zuo Si would have wanted to summon the little devil who was immune to damage, and cooperate with her to bombard the enemy from a distance.

Fortunately, after leaving the desert and approaching the densely populated plains, the number of monsters and bandits gradually disappeared.

Occasionally, you can see cavalry patrolling back and forth on the main road.

Obviously, as the second largest military port and fortress city in Calimshan, Menon paid more attention to and protected trade routes than Calimport.

Although these cavalry occasionally take advantage of their power to ask for a little bribe from the large caravans passing by.

But it was much better than those bandits and monsters who wanted not only money but also life.

Usually, a purse containing 200 gp will satisfy their appetite.

After getting the money, the cavalry captain will not only help escort for a short distance, but also introduce the public security and market conditions of Memnon to the caravan in the recent period.

"Let me tell you, don't go near the Yi Si River recently, and don't try to enter the Melatma on the other side."

The captain of the human cavalry, who seemed to be in his early thirties, issued a serious warning.

"Oh why?"

Bernard asked nervously.

There is no way not to be nervous.

Myratma is the only way for caravans to enter the Kingdom of Tethyr.

Unless it is diverted to the sea, otherwise this is an unavoidable hurdle.

The captain of the cavalry touched the purse that was slightly deposited, and explained meaningfully: "Because a few businessmen who escaped from there by chance said.

Near Myratma, there is a red dragon with an evil army composed of orcs, half-orcs, ogres, gnolls and goblins. It has blocked almost all roads and is crazily looting all the small towns around it. town, village.

The local lords tried to send an army to defeat it, but failed.

A total of 600 professional soldiers, more than 1,200 militiamen temporarily recruited, as well as accompanying adventurers and priests sent by the temple were all dead.

Not even a single person survived to ask for the report.

They didn't get the news until a swarm of refugees appeared outside the city walls.

Now, the whole of Mailatma is in a state of extreme panic and despair.

I wouldn't be too surprised to hear that the whole city fell to the Red Dragon and that evil army tomorrow.

In fact, as the news spread, Mannon had been mobilized for war a few days earlier.

If the dreaded red dragon is not content with sacking and destroying Myratma, and intends to continue south, we will call on the capital Calimport for reinforcements. "

"Damn it! Didn't the other lords of Tethyr Kingdom respond to this?" Bernard asked through gritted teeth.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing these words, the cavalry captain couldn't help laughing immediately.

Not only was he laughing, but the cavalrymen belonging to Menon behind him were also laughing wildly.

After laughing for several minutes, the former stopped laughing and said in a slightly sarcastic tone: "The Kingdom of Tethyr has long existed in name only!

Long-term wars, disputes, conspiracies and betrayals have made the nobles of this country very keen on killing each other.

The powerful dukes wished they could kill all their competitors and snatch the crown from the titular queen.

These stupid Tethyrians tried their best to separate themselves from Calimshan, and in the end they only ended up like this, and they deserved it. "

From the merciless ridicule and irony of these Memnon cavalry, it is not difficult to see that the history of the two countries is full of grievances.

Once upon a time, the people of the Kingdom of Tethyr were originally descendants of Calishite immigrants.

Later, due to many complicated reasons and contradictions, civil war broke out, and finally became independent from the ancient Calimshan Empire.

But later, the founder of the Shane Dynasty, the old Akaba Shane, through a series of marriages, murders and violence, forced the two countries to reintegrate together after three generations of efforts.

However, as Sean IV offended Ivy Coglan LS "Sharp Teeth" because of the uneven distribution of spoils, this powerful blue dragon will retaliate frantically for a long time in the future.

The Xia En Dynasty, which was in great prosperity for a while, was finally destroyed by the "sharp teeth" of Ivy Kerlan under the rule of Sean VII, and it inevitably collapsed and declined.

Although strictly speaking, Sean VII is not the last monarch, after that there was a female monarch, Sean VIII.

But historians generally believe that the Xia En Dynasty has ended here.

With the end of the Shorn Dynasty, the Tethyr region once again gained its independence.

Rather than gaining independence at the same time, Amn was further north.

That's right!

Both the kingdoms of Amn and Tethyr were once part of the huge empire established by the Calishite dynasty.

Therefore, both cultural and blood relations are very similar to each other.

Even the attitude towards the forest elves is exactly the same.

The nobles of Calimshan consider hunting the elves of the forest a form of entertainment and pastime.

The elves in Amn were almost either killed or turned into slaves for the nobles and rich people to play with.

In Tethyr, successive generations of monarchs have tirelessly attacked and destroyed the homes of the elves, trying to kill all these sharp-eared guys or drive them out of their rule.

Therefore, the Calimshan people, who considered themselves the orthodox successors of the Shane Dynasty, looked down on the Kingdom of Tethyr and Amn at all.

Some of the more extreme guys even see the latter as a traitor.

All Calishite rulers looking to make a difference look north.

Trying to use old Akaba Shane's tricks to annex the Kingdom of Tethyr and even Amn in the north again.

(end of this chapter)

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