Chapter 13

"What is that thing in your hand?"

Wilmes was completely stunned by the incomparably thick Super Lightning just now.

Because this is by no means a magical effect that ordinary [Lightning Technique] can produce!

Even if she is as strong as her, she can't guarantee that she won't be seriously injured and fall to the ground after being hit.

Looking at the first iron golem that fell into the mud and fell into silence at the very front, one can see how amazing the destruction caused by the destructive lightning just now is.

The red dragon couldn't believe it. At the age of the "human cub" in front of him, how could there be so many powerful magic items and scrolls on his body.

This is not in line with common sense!


Zuo Si patted the cylindrical translucent crystal fixed on the belt.

"It's just a small energy storage device. It's not a big deal. And it's very limited. It can only be used to store electrical energy. What you just saw is almost the sum of the accumulation of the power generation device working day and night for several months. Now, though, it's completely empty. And, beware, the swamp is about to disappear."

Before the words fell, Zuo Si began to quickly retreat to a safe distance.

As a creator, the best way to fight for him is to hide behind teammates who can fight and resist, and use various magic items, scrolls and potions to provide support.

To put it simply, this is an auxiliary class in itself, not a combat class.

So after confirming that he was in a relatively safe position, Zuo Si immediately took out another card.

[Magic Card: Demonized Minions]

[LV1 green card (upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Poor]

[Effect: After this card takes effect, it can strengthen the natural weapons of the specified target, such as teeth and claws. It is equivalent to adding an additional level of enchantment on the original basis. Duration two minutes]

[To use this card, you need to pay a little universal magic power, or a little green magic power that symbolizes forest, life and nature]

[When the demonized minion takes effect, the card will automatically enter the graveyard and wait for rebirth for 12 hours]

Without a doubt, one of the cards Zuo Si made himself.

Its inspiration comes from [Magic Tooth Spell] in natural spells.

Because he happened to have a creature card, he could use [Magic Tooth] to greatly increase his combat power.

It took a lot of effort to figure out the principle behind this spell and how it works.

After several twists and turns, it was finally made successfully.

You must know that making cards is completely different from using [Mimicry] to imitate a certain profession and obtain its abilities.

You must rely on your own mind to understand and master all the details of the magic, as well as the way the energy works.

In fact, it is not at all easy for planeswalkers to create cards of any type and class.

Especially rookies who have just become planeswalkers need to constantly acquire knowledge from different worlds, learn profound and complex magic principles, and then transform them into their own things and systems.

Zuo Si felt that the two cards [Thinking Library] and [Mimicry] he got at the beginning were not accidental.

But the owner of the inheritance knows that after the spark is ignited, what the heir needs most is the help of these two cards.

If there is no [Thinking Library], not to mention acquiring a lot of knowledge in a short period of time, even learning a completely unfamiliar language and writing system will be a big problem.

Even with the assistance of spells and magic items such as language proficiency and reading magic.

As for [Mimicry], Zuo Si can get a spellcasting profession that matches the current magic world as soon as possible to complete the entry.

Even being cultivated as a genius by other people around, so as to get better resources and living environment.

Otherwise, with the insidious, cunning and cruel character of the necromancer-Asta, if he finds that the target he is interested in does not have enough talent for casting spells, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous.

Zuo Si felt that if his performance was a little bit worse at the beginning, maybe he could directly consider ordering a glass jar full of embalming liquid in the necromancer magic laboratory on the basement floor to hold his body after it was dismembered and dug out viscera, head and limbs.

This is definitely not alarmist talk!

He himself dismembered and ended the lives of six apprentices who failed the test and were "eliminated" in just less than two years.

Every time Zuo Si thinks back to those creepy days, all the nerves in Zuo Si's whole body tense up subconsciously.


This nightmare life is about to end.

Seeing that the magical effect of [The Swamp] slowly disappeared, the ground of the passage corridor turned into a hard stone slab again.

Zuo Si immediately aimed at the red dragon and activated the card in his hand.


A green light shrouded the dragon's claws and teeth, forming some kind of steady and imperceptible magical aura.

"this is……"

Wilmes noticed the change, with a very puzzled expression on his face.

"This is strengthening magic! Your claws and teeth are now enough to tear the hard shell of those steel golems. Go! Kill them!" Zuo Si gave the order directly.

The teeth and claws of an adult red dragon could have been regarded as natural magical weapons.

Coupled with the strengthening effect of the spell, it is not a big problem to solve this group of severely damaged steel golems in theory.

Perhaps it was [Magic Minions] that gave the Red Dragon strong confidence.

It may also be that those steel golems that have been severely injured, and even their actions are a little shaky, really don't seem to be threatening.

In short, Wilmes went up without fear.

She opened her mouth first, bit the head of the nearest golem, and then swung it around like a tattered rag doll.

In the blink of an eye, the golem's head and body were separated with a click.

When the heavy steel body fell, it not only smashed the stone slab, but also made a small hollow.

At the same time, the tail of the red dragon is not idle.

Just turned around and swept the tail, and wiped out the golems that had some balance problems on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, she rushed forward again, frantically tearing the injured and damaged parts of the Iron Golem's body with her claws and teeth.

Although some golems struggled and tried to fight back, and even opened their mouths to spit out a highly poisonous death cloud.

But in the face of the red dragon's strong scales and strong magic resistance, it is almost difficult to cause effective damage.

At best, it left a few deep scratches on the hardest dragon scales on the back, as well as slight damage to internal organs.

After all, these steel golems don't have much intelligence and thinking ability, let alone retreat, they just mechanically execute the orders given by their masters.

The pain caused by the inhalation of the poisonous cloud into his body reminded Wilmes of the nightmarish scene not long ago, and he immediately fell into unparalleled madness and rage.

It seems that Zuo Si's face appeared on the heads of these golems.


With a deafening roar, she completely abandoned defense and tactics, and rampaged like a madman.

Through direct hand-to-hand combat without flinching, seven severely damaged steel golems were quickly dismantled into parts.

All kinds of hands, feet, torsos and heads made of metal are scattered everywhere.

No wonder some people say that the eggs of the red dragon have the lowest survival rate among all the true dragons in Faerun.

Only the white dragon of "Shame of the True Dragon" can compete with it.

Individuals who survive to adulthood are even more pitiful.

Most of them died during their teenage years in fights with others of their kind.

This kind of behavior that is easy to fall into rage and fight to the death once injured or emotionally agitated, makes people don't know how to evaluate it.

Seeing the scene of dragon blood flowing out of Wilmes' mouth and nose and dripping onto the ground, Zuo Si couldn't help shaking his head slightly, taking the opportunity to recover a lot of general mana from the destroyed steel golem.

And put the overflowing part into raising the level of Planeswalker.

He knew very well that the planeswalker was the core of his power.

As for the professional level obtained through [Mimicry], it is just a means to accumulate magic knowledge and continuously increase the types and quantities of cards produced.

The primary and secondary must be clearly distinguished.


Accompanied by heavy panting, the red dragon slowly recovered from the state of losing its mind.

But she didn't dare to vent the negative emotions in her heart to Zuo Si, so she carefully avoided eye contact, and asked without looking back: "We have cleared the guards in the passage now, so we can go through and enter the other side of the door." Is there a side room?"

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Well! It should be fine. But you have to carry me over there to prevent possible spikes and magic traps on the ground and inside the walls."

"Climb up on my tail."

Wilmes straightened the long tail behind him.

Although she felt ashamed, even insulted, to be ridden on a human cub.

If they are seen by others of the same kind, they will definitely be ridiculed mercilessly.

Maybe it will become "the shame of the red dragon".

But in order to save his life, this guy decided to choose Congxin.

But also trying to use "equal alliance" to convince and deceive themselves.

No way, who made the red dragon the most proud and conceited of all true dragons.

It seems that if you want to really tame this guy, you still need to spend some time and energy to train it slowly...

(end of this chapter)

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