One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 131 Transformation Into A Half-Dragon (Second Update For Subscription)

Chapter 131 Transformation into a half-dragon (second update for subscription)

"Damn! I can't move!"

"There are spellcasters among them!"

"It's that little brat!"

"kill him!"

"Shooter! Shoot this guy into a hedgehog!"


As the large group of monsters began to shout in the orc language, those enemies who were not trapped in the [Spider Web] and [Grease] immediately reacted.

Among them, the orcs armed with longbows, compound bows and crossbows all drew their strings to aim at Zuo Si's position, firing a round of random shots.

But what they didn't expect was that a human girl who looked fifteen or sixteen years old suddenly jumped out, holding an inconspicuous shield in front of her.

As a result, after all the arrows shot at Zuo Si hit the shield, they immediately "returned the same way" under the action of some mysterious force.

A large group of shooters fell down on the spot, and they all wailed in pain.

Some of them were more accurate, and the arrows they shot pierced their eyes, throats, or hearts, and turned them into lifeless corpses.

no doubt!

The girl is none other than Fangers, who is called "mother wolf" by the wolf cubs.

And the shield she is holding is the [Shield of Reflection] that she bought from Aisha, a magic item merchant.

The biggest feature and function of this magic armor is that it can bounce back things shot by long-range shooting weapons such as bows, crossbows, slings, and darts.

This is also the reason why Zuo Si clearly knew how to make firearms, which are easy-to-operate, powerful and surprisingly powerful thermal weapons, but he still couldn't make them.

You must know that [Reflection Shield] and similar magics basically reflect how fast the projected weapon is shot, and how fast it is bounced back.

Just imagine……

If a person with a gun pulls the trigger on a target holding a [Reflective Shield] or something similar to magic, what will happen?

Assuming the distance between the two is not too far and the hit is successful.

The answer is that the moment the trigger is pulled and the sound is heard, the gunman will find himself shot and fell to the ground inexplicably.

Therefore, in order to avoid the embarrassing scene where the traverser is killed by the modern weapons made by himself, Zuo Si would rather temporarily give up the advantages and conveniences that firearms may bring.

"Master, this shield is so powerful!" the girl shouted excitedly.

Unlike those young children, she has obviously participated in many battles and killed many enemies with her own hands.

Therefore, the large group of goblins who can only serve as cannon fodder are completely ignored, and all attention is paid to those orcs, gnolls and wolves.

"Of course! I bought this shield for 6,500 gold coins."

Zuo Si raised the corner of his mouth and showed a smile, obviously very satisfied with the actual combat effect of [Reflective Shield].

A mere shield can nullify all the enemy's long-range attacks.

Do not!

Not just neutralization!

It also comes with anti-injury function!

The 6500 gold coins are absolutely worth spending!

Just when the group of monsters were a little overwhelmed by [Reflective Shield], Zuo Si activated two [Darkness] cards again, creating a suitable environment for the Shadow Legion to fight.


Hundreds of shadow army rushed out from the shadows at once, killing those unlucky ones trapped by [Grease] and [Spider Web].

In the blink of an eye, one or two hundred weak goblins died suddenly on the spot.

They were transformed into new shadows and put into battle less than ten seconds after their death.

Among them, those individuals who crazily killed the most creatures were even promoted to high-level shadows like Yelinia.

Although it is still mentally retarded, at least it will not be easily killed by low-level group damage magic.

Seeing that the Shadow Legion began to kill again, Alena was not to be outdone, and immediately began to chant spells, bombarding those guys hiding behind.

Accompanied by the loud noise from the [Fireball Technique] explosion, as well as the red flames and heat waves all over the sky.

Several smarter and stronger leaders suddenly realized that they might have kicked the iron plate in this robbery.

So without further ado, I turned around and wanted to drill into the woods.

But how could Zuo Si, who was short of mana, let these "mobile experience packs" run away.

What's more, if so many strong orcs and gnolls can be killed, maybe they can give him extra strength or physical attributes.

So after a little thought, he finally activated the ability to transform into a half-dragon once a day in [Dragon Transformation Gloves].

In less than two or three seconds, Zuo Si's originally short and thin body began to swell rapidly.

From a little over one meter three to a frightening height of two and a half meters, his whole body is covered with blue scales.

The two eyes also turned into vertical pupils like beasts.

Not only that!

His hands and legs have also transformed from normal human hands and feet into thick limbs like a giant dragon.

Especially the fingertips where the nails used to be were replaced by claws that could easily tear apart steel.

In addition, the butt has an extra tail that can be used as a whip by swinging left and right, and huge wings that grow out of the back.

Even the head is more like a dragon's head than a normal human face.

Undoubtedly, this is the appearance of the first generation of hybrid descendants after the combination of humans and dragons-half-dragons.

Most importantly, Zuo Si, whose strength attribute has always been quite "weak", felt for the first time that his body was full of inexhaustible strength, as if he could kill a cow alive with his fists.

"This feels... really good!"

Zuo Si shook the "right paw" lightly.

Although his body size has undergone a huge change, the magic equipment on his body has not been damaged or fallen off because of this, on the contrary, it has become a lot bigger with the change of body size.

Since the duration of the transformation is only one minute.

Therefore, after Zuo Si tried to flap its wings for a while, it kicked its legs hard and flew into the air.

He ignored the wretches who were being slaughtered by the Legion of Shadows, and went after a few enemies who looked like leaders or spellcasters.

Then he condescendingly aimed at the fleeing guys, and first released three [Lightning Spells] granted by [Dragon Transformation Gloves].

Then Zuo Si opened his mouth again, simulating the lightning breath of the blue dragon, and made up for those guys who had survived the first round of spell bombing and had extremely tenacious vitality.

A guy who looked like a priest tried to use a divine spell to fight back, but the spell was interrupted by a magic missile he released before the chant was halfway through.

Immediately after, the whole person swooped down, and brandishing the dragon's claws directly tore the chest cavity of this unlucky guy.

Even the orcs who are known for their strength cannot resist the explosive power of the half-dragon.

The leather armor worn by the other party was as if it didn't exist, and it was easily scratched by the dragon's claws, which were comparable to +2 magic weapons.

The severely damaged heart stopped beating within seconds after the cavity was dug out.

At the same time, the half-orc barbarian Reiter also chased up from behind with his [Strong Walking] moving speed.

Two ferocious jackals tried to knock him down and bite him, but just when he got close, he was hacked into two pieces by the former who had activated the [Rage] ability with two or three blows of his axe.

Especially the guy who had been cut in half dragged half of his body and exposed intestines and internal organs for a long distance before finally swallowing his last breath in pain.

Compared with Rhett who likes to find warriors to kill, Zuo Si obviously prefers hunting spellcasters.

Whether it was the jackals who were suspected of being priests or the very rare druids among the orcs, they all received his special attention.

The large amount of mana obtained through killings was devoted to improving the professional level of the planeswalker.

When the one-minute transformation time ended and Zuo Si landed on the ground from a high altitude, there was only one orc warrior who looked extraordinarily fierce and strong in the fleeing team, holding a one-handed ax in each hand.

He is obviously the supreme leader of this group of monsters, and he even wears a full-body plate armor with the holy emblem of the guardian god Heim printed on his body.

You don't need to ask, you know that this armor is probably taken from the corpse of a priest or warrior who believes in Heim.

(end of this chapter)

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