One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 138 Accepting Employment (Fourth Update Please Subscribe)

Chapter 138 Accepting Employment (Fourth Update Please Subscribe)

A few minutes later, a group of people, led by the guards, walked into the spacious hall of the Lord's Mansion.

When Zuo Si saw the high-level priests and priests wearing different holy emblems around him, he immediately realized how much panic and survival pressure the monster army outside the city had brought to the city.

You must know that under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult for a group of churches who usually fight for believers and influence, or even send people to assassinate the other high-level churches to sit together and cooperate.

But now, whether it is Talos, the God of Storms, Amber, the Goddess of the Sea, from the evil camp, Heim, the God of Guardian, Tempus, the God of War, from the neutral camp, or Tom, the God of Courage, who is loyal to the good camp, Irmat, the God of Suffering...

All these churches of gods have sent representatives of the highest ranks to sit here and discuss how to withstand the deadly threat outside the city walls.

Because monsters don't believe in human gods.

If they rushed in, they would definitely kill all the priests immediately and destroy the halls and temples dedicated to human gods.

After all, orcs and goblins have their own gods.

Most of the gnolls believe in the demon lord on the 422nd floor of the bottomless abyss—the king of gnolls, Yeenoghu.

Snake people and lizard people still retain their ancient traditions, and regard "Seth (Mersok)" and "Semu Anya" split from "Universal Serpent" as their only beliefs.

In Faerun Continent, the battles and conflicts between different races are always inseparable from the gods who support them.

After figuring out the situation, Zuo Si took off his hood and revealed his immature face. He stroked his chest with one hand and bowed slightly to the local lord: "Good evening, dear Earl. We are following a caravan from Karin in the south. A traveler departing from Port of Amn and planning to go north to Askatra, the capital of Amn. You can call me South."

"Are you the team leader?"

A look of astonishment crept across Weeks Targett's weary face.

Without him!

It's just that Zuo Si's age seems too young, too young to be a qualified adventurer.

In contrast, the soldiers behind him, the half-orc Reiter, the pyromancer Alena, and the paladin Eloline seemed a little more reliable.

Zuo Si saw through the other party's thoughts at a glance, and nodded with a smile on his face: "That's right! I am the team leader. As far as I know, Myratma now needs someone to help solve the current crisis, doesn't it?"

"You have a way?"

Wicks Targett looked suspiciously in his eyes.

"Of course! Otherwise, why would we take a huge risk to come to the city?" Zuo Si shrugged helplessly.

no way!

Who made his appearance age look so young, and his charisma attribute is still so low.

The reason why they were able to do well in Calimport before was mainly due to the blessing of the merchant Bernard and the captive Harlett, the "Blood Hand" captain.

As soon as he came ashore, Epke, the leader of the Thieves Guild, preconceived that he was a powerful necromancer who possessed a young body through evil magic.

Later, he got acquainted with Aisha, a magic item merchant, and established a cooperative relationship through the creator's special ability.

But now, suddenly in a completely unfamiliar environment, the disadvantages suddenly became apparent.


At this moment, Eloline took the initiative to stand up and promised: "Lord Earl! I swear by the glory of the God of Suffering and the Paladin.

South is definitely a qualified leader and powerful spellcaster, and the only one who can solve the crisis.

Just this afternoon.

He had just wiped out a marauding team composed of orcs, gnolls, wargs, and goblins on the south bank of the Yi Si River, the number numbering in the thousands. "

"What? Really? How did you do it?"

"Those monsters have already started crossing the river?!"

"Damn! What do they want to do? Do they want to bypass the front wall to launch a sneak attack?"


All of a sudden, many people present became extremely nervous after hearing the news.

They were not sure if this was a conspiracy by the red dragon and the monster army.

Because Myratma is a city built at the mouth of a great river.

Therefore, the west is boundless sea, and the south is backed by the Yi Si River.

Usually only the north and east sides need to be protected from enemies from land.

This also means that the city wall near the river in the south is relatively low, and the entire pier area in the west is completely exposed outside the protection range of the city wall.

If the enemy bypasses the front and launches an attack from these two places, the consequences will definitely be disastrous.

Although Zuo Si wiped out an army of thousands of monsters on the south bank of the river sounds a little outrageous.

But no one doubts that the words uttered by a paladin are lies.

With Errolyn's guarantee, Earl Weeks Targett's attitude suddenly took a 180-degree turn, and he managed to squeeze out a smile and tentatively said: "If you don't mind, can you tell me about your situation?" How do you plan to deal with the army of monsters outside the city, and their master, a powerful and evil red dragon?"

"It depends on what kind of price you can offer to hire us." Zuo Si responded meaningfully.


Count Weeks Target was visibly taken aback.

Because he saw a paladin in the team, he subconsciously believed that the other party had come to fight against the expansion of evil forces out of some kind of "good" or "just" purpose.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

At least as a paladin, Elroline doesn't seem to have much say in this strange team.

"Yes, hire."

Zuo Si nodded seriously.

"After all, to eliminate so many monsters outside the city, and a red dragon stalking it, not only need to take huge risks, but also consume a lot of potions, scrolls and magic items.

Regardless of whether it is emotional or reasonable, you, as the lord, should give us compensation and rewards, right?

And I won't ask you to pay immediately, but after completing the task.

That way, you don't have to worry about being scammed. "

"You are right, and I have no reason to refuse. If you and your companions can eliminate the monster army outside the city, or weaken them to the point where they cannot break through Myratma, I am willing to give five Ten thousand gold coins and two magic items as rewards."

Earl Wicks Targett heard that he was paid only after completing the task, and immediately made a promise without hesitation.

Even taking out 50,000 gold coins and two magic items at one time is still a big burden for his family.

But it is still a hundred times better than being attacked by an army of monsters, and finally losing the territory and becoming nothing.

"I also need to borrow the local mage tower to make some necessary props."

Zuo Si made another additional request.

No need to ask, he knew that he wanted to prostitute the stored energy of the local mage tower again.

"No problem! My mage tower is willing to open the gate for your use."

The old mage agreed without even thinking about it.

For him, once monsters occupy the city, with his spellcasting ability, it is basically impossible to close the entrance and hide in the mage tower to resist the opponent's attack by storing energy.

Simply let Zuo Si try it.

Anyway, even if it fails, there is no additional loss.

But if it succeeds, it will be able to keep the mage tower that was built with a lot of money, and continue to enjoy the benefits of monopolizing the city's magic resources.

In this way, after reaching a simple verbal agreement, Zuo Si immediately took people and followed the old mage to the only magic tower located in the center of the city.

He has only one goal, and that is to extract energy crazily, and make all the magic he has learned into cards as much as possible.

(end of this chapter)

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