One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 142 The Adventurer Of Justice (Subscribe For The Third Update)

Chapter 142 The Adventurer of Justice (Subscribe for the third update)

Because the entire monster army is under the control of the red dragon and strange things.

Therefore, in the next hour or so, Zuo Si continued to trick those monsters with strong individuals or professional levels into them and made them into biological cards that could be used as cannon fodder.

Creatures such as orcs, half-orcs, hobgoblins, and gnolls were directly infected with the curse of lycanthropy and transformed into werewolves, and then made into group summoning cards in a small team.

Creatures such as trolls, ogres, half-titans, and snake mages are kept in their original form and made into independent cards one by one.

In order to make up for the huge mana consumption, Zuo Si even directly drained many magical weapons, equipment, potions, scrolls, items and wands that were temporarily unusable.

If it's not enough, take the Shadow Legion and sneak into the monster's camp, quietly hunting down those unlucky ones who are sleeping soundly.

Especially those goblins who are so messy that they don't even know how many people they have.

Their status in this army of monsters is simply cannon fodder, coolies, and food reserves for extraordinary times.

Even if they were all dead, no one would care.

As for the orcs and gnolls who mastered divine spells, Zuo Si wasn't sure if the gods or demon lords would continue to grant them magical spells or be aware of their actions if they were sealed into cards.

So out of caution, I didn't move for the time being.

After such a toss, the quality of the monster army that was originally "full of talents" dropped several grades immediately.

Especially after the loss of many hobgoblin officers responsible for maintaining order and coordinating conflicts between different monsters, the internal instability factors began to increase rapidly.

In less than an hour, several small-scale conflicts and brawls broke out.

Of course, this is also related to the large-scale hunting before the Shadow Legion.

Although it was finally suppressed by strange things with psychic abilities, it was only a matter of time before it collapsed.

After all, these monsters were forcibly integrated together.

Just like the ancient nomads.

Although they are nominally subordinate to a leader called "Khan", they are still composed of countless small tribes in essence.

Maybe one is more brave than the other when fighting with the wind.

But once you encounter setbacks or failures, the speed of collapse will be faster than when the snowballs accumulate.

There is simply no comparison to those real armies that have undergone rigorous training and discipline.

But this is also the result of Zuo Si's deliberate effort.

Watching Wilmes's huge body soar into the sky and disappear into the night sky, he said to himself: "I hope this red dragon named Bell Torgas will be attracted by the possibility of capturing the wealth that may be obtained from the capture of Myratma. Otherwise If not, I'm afraid I will have to slightly modify the existing plan."

"Master, what are we going to do now?" the werewolf girl Fangles asked in a low voice.

Shock, doubt and bewilderment were evident in her eyes.

I don't understand why all those guys who were transformed into werewolves disappeared inexplicably.

"Next? Of course, the next step is to be a righteous adventurer and rescue all the captive humans here. You and the manticore go to the woods over there to hide."

With that said, Zuo Si turned around and glanced at Jaheira and Khalid who were still standing stupidly not far away.

Without any hesitation!

He directly used [Release Magic Wand] on these two people.

With the power of the three-ring arcane—dispelling magic—beginning to take effect, they quickly regained consciousness from the controlled state.

Especially Jaheira, who was naked and naked, was suddenly awakened by the cool night wind.

She glanced down first, then subconsciously covered the important parts with her arms, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Damn! Where is this? Where are my clothes?"

"Ja... Jaheira! Are you all right?"

Khalid also got up from the ground and asked with concern.

"I'm fine! It's just that my memory is a bit confused, and I can't remember what happened before." Jaheira pressed his temple hard.

It's clear that Stranger's psionic powers are taxing her brain to some degree.

Fortunately, it doesn't seem like a big problem, but a small part of memory is temporarily missing.

After confirming that these two people didn't know what happened just now, Zuo Si immediately picked up the clothes, leather armor and weapons that belonged to Jaheira on the ground, walked up to him and handed them over.


The half-elves were taken aback by the sudden appearance.

Khalid even blocked Jaheira behind him, stammering and asking sharply, "You... who are you?"

Zuo Si put on a harmless look and shrugged: "Don't be nervous, I'm not hostile, I just want to send the clothes to the lady behind you.

Also, do you guys really not remember what happened before?

Like being captured by a mighty red dragon? "

"Red Dragon?

what! I remembered!

We wanted to get closer to scouting this monster camp before, but we were caught by patrolling gnolls.

Then it was brought to an evil and tyrannical red dragon.

This is the last picture I saw when I lost consciousness. "

Jaheira suddenly recalled the lost memory, and couldn't help shivering all over, his eyes filled with deep fear.

Similarly, under the reminder of the former, Khalid also recalled that horrible scene, his lips trembling slightly uncontrollably.

After several minutes, the two of them slowly recovered from the despair.

In the end, Jaheira was the first to stand up, took the clothes and leather armor from Zuo Si, and bowed solemnly: "Thank you! Thank you for saving our lives! Although I don't know exactly how you did it Arrived. But without you, we should be killed by now."

"You're welcome. I saw the red dragon flying away before I dared to approach and use [Disarm Magic] to help you recover." Zuo Si raised the [Disarm Wand] in his hand and shook it.

" away? Where did that red dragon fly to?" Khaled stammered and asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's hunting, or maybe it's just wandering around. I think we should take advantage of this time to rescue those humans who were captured by monsters." Zuo Si took the initiative to send out an invitation.

Obviously, he was deliberately trying to get close to the two members of the Harper Alliance, so that he could get more useful information from each other in the future.

Jaheira put on his clothes and leather armor very quickly, and echoed with a serious expression: "You are right! We should give priority to rescuing those innocent civilians and prisoners. But you are sure that the three of us can do it." Up to this point?"

"Of course! I'm a very powerful mage, and I can easily handle those half-orcs who guard the prisoners.

All you have to do is organize these people and escape as quickly as possible before the monster finds out.

Don't panic if you are accidentally exposed, just run in the direction of the walls of Meratma.

I'll be in charge of the break. "

Zuo Si deliberately put on a confident look to take care of everything.

But Jaheira, who had a cautious personality, obviously didn't believe it, and even showed suspicion without concealing it.

In her opinion, the human being in front of her is too young to be a qualified mage at all.

But I don't know how to refute it.

After all, Zuo Si really saved her and Khaled from the terrible red dragon just now.

Especially the "magic wand", which can only be used by those who have received magical training.

Standing where he was and weighed the pros and cons, Jaheira decided to give it a try.

Anyway, there is no way to count on Melatma, and it is better to save one by one now than to let the monster be enslaved to death.

In this way, the three quickly reached an agreement and sneaked towards the place where the human captives were held.

After they were completely submerged in the darkness, the werewolf girl slowly came out of the woods where she was hiding, and asked with a puzzled look on her face, "What exactly is the master doing?"

"Don't think too much. With your small brain, it is impossible to figure out what the master is thinking. All we have to do is to obey the order honestly. Let's go, I will take you back to the caravan camp now." Scorpion The tail lion urged impatiently by flapping its wings vigorously.

Fang Gesi nodded thoughtfully, quickly climbed onto the manticore's back and grasped the thick mane on the manticore's neck, and quickly soared into the air, turning into an inconspicuous black dot in the night sky.

(end of this chapter)

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