One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 144 Deterrence (The Fifth Watch Please Subscribe)

Chapter 144 Deterrence (the fifth watch please subscribe)

"Damn it! We're exposed!"

"Quick! Run! Don't stop!"

"Yes! Run as far as you can before those monsters catch up."

"Warrior! All fighters move closer to me!"

"Don't be a fool! It's too late! We don't have time to organize the scattered people!"


With nervous shouts, all the fleeing prisoners became terrified.

They managed to escape, and they didn't want to go back to that terrible hell no matter what.

Coupled with the extremely low visibility of the surrounding environment, the originally orderly crowd immediately fell into chaos.

Some people stepped forward and wanted to use their prestige and bravery to gather those capable of fighting and buy time for the old, weak, women and children in the team to flee to Melatma;

Some people just wanted to escape by themselves, leaving behind the large army, and ran towards the gate of the city frantically with their legs open;

There are also "little smart ghosts" who feel that it is too conspicuous to follow everyone, and the monsters who are easy to catch up will catch up with them, so they secretly turn around and plan to hide in the woods first, or jump directly into the river to swim to the other side go.

In short, under the crisis, the various states of life are fully reflected.

Seeing such a scene, Jaheira and Khaled were already dumbfounded.

They don't know how to deal with this completely out of control situation, they can only watch everyone run around in a swarm.

Fortunately, countless torches were lit on the city wall of Melatma, otherwise countless people would definitely get lost and run away.

"I... what should we do now?" Khaled asked in an uncertain tone.

Jaheira shook her head with a wry smile, "Don't ask me, I don't know either. But what we can do now is to buy them some time."

The voice has not yet fallen!

There was a sudden slight tremor on the ground.

Not long after, a group of orcs on horseback rushed out of the camp.

Know without asking!

These guys formed a cavalry army with the stolen horses.

If they were allowed to rush over, the fleeing captives would be massacred.

And Melatma will not allow the closed city gates to be opened under such dangerous circumstances.

How to do?

Khalid, Jaheira, and the fighters who stood up from among the captives were all stunned.

Because in this completely open terrain, no infantry can withstand the impact of these heavy horses, which are special products of the Kingdom of Tethyr.

In fact, powerful horses and knights are the cornerstone of maintaining the feudal rule of the country under his feet.

But now, after these heavy war horses were snatched by the orcs, they became the deadliest threat in turn.

Although the number is not large, maybe only two or three hundred horses, it is definitely not something that a group of rabble can bear.

What's more, behind the orc cavalry, there are countless gnolls, goblins, trolls, half titans, snake people and lizard people.

Just at this critical moment!

The short figure of Zuo Si suddenly appeared on the path of the orc cavalry charge.

Before anyone else could react, he activated the [Grease], [Spider Web] and [Smelly Cloud] stored in the magic storage ring in his hand.


A large area of ​​oil stains mixed with sticky and tough spider webs, as well as clouds and mist exuding a pungent stench, directly covered a large area in front of it.

The orc cavalry rushing to the front had no time to slow down and take a detour, so they just plunged in.

Due to the influence of the greasy technique, the friction between the horse's hooves and the ground is seriously insufficient, so all the unlucky ones who rushed in were without exception because of the slippery feet of their mounts, and they fell heavily on the ground together with the horse, entangled with those sticky spider webs .

Immediately afterwards, the pungent yellow-green foul gas directly entered the body along the respiratory tract, making all the people and horses who smelled it start to vomit.

In severe cases, they even fainted on the spot, and were trampled and hit to death by other cavalry rushing in from behind.

The originally menacing and thundering cavalry charge turned into a disaster.

Of course, this is not the worst.

With the cover of [Stinky Cloud Technique], the Shadow Legion made another move, launching a merciless massacre of those orcs who had almost lost their ability to resist.

After the magic effect dissipated, the Shadow Legion had disappeared into the shadows.

Jaheira, Khalid and the others only saw corpses scattered all over the place, as well as heavy war horses with broken legs that kept screaming.

Some of them rushed more fiercely, and they were less than five meters away from where Zuo Si was standing.

But he didn't show the slightest bit of nervousness or panic, as if he didn't pay attention to these charging orc cavalry at all.

And with the lessons learned from the corpses on the ground, the monsters following behind also became hesitant, not daring to approach easily.

Because in the face of powerful magic power, these wild tribes living in the mountains, forests and swamps are actually full of fear of the unknown and death just like humans living in the countryside.

Of course, this does not include those snake people created by the ancient "creator race" Wu Na.

It's just that the few arcane spellcasters in this group of snake people have already been made into creature cards by Zuo Si, and most of the remaining ones are priests and fighters.

In addition, Wilmes, the supreme commander of the monster army, flew to find the "blame man", so for a while, there was a strange scene of a large group of monsters being intimidated by a ten-year-old boy.

"Who is that? Your companion?"

A man with a broadsword asked Khalid beside him.

The latter shook his head first, then nodded again, and stammered an explanation: "Mian... barely. In fact, we were rescued by him just like you before."

"Oh? So he should be a very powerful mage!" The man's eyes shone slightly.

Zuo Si's sudden intervention directly interrupted the monsters' pursuit and bought the most precious time for the escape of more than 2,000 captives.

If the current confrontation can last for more than ten minutes, then everyone can escape safely through the city gate and into Myratma.

"Don't be stupid! He is only about ten years old, and he is still a child. Even if he is a mage, his spellcasting level is definitely not too high. Those spells just now should have activated a powerful magic item. No! We have to help him .”

As a druid, Jaheira clearly knew more about magic than these warriors.

I understand that Zuo Si neither chanted a spell nor made any spell-casting actions just now.

It must be because of the use of magic items.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the three spells to take effect at the same time, but there will be a certain interval.

Just as the few people were talking, there was finally movement from the monster's side.

A hundred or so goblins were beaten and kicked out by the vicious jackals, and rushed forward in a swarm.

You don't need to ask, they are thrown out on purpose to test whether the short human mage in front of you is still capable of casting powerful spells.

But only a second later, Zuo Si raised the [Fireball Wand] in his hand, aimed at the charging goblin and shot out a small orange fireball.

follow closely……

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The dazzling flames and explosion directly blasted a large number of goblins into charred corpses on the spot.

The rest of them also scrambled and ran back amidst desperate screams, almost twice as fast as when they charged just now.

After all, goblins are originally timid and cowardly creatures.

It is better to expect old sows to be able to climb trees than to expect them to be able to carry the astonishingly lethal evocation magic attack of [Fireball].

At least the latter still has room for maneuver.

But unless the former is charmed, controlled, and brainwashed by powerful magic power, as long as the death rate exceeds one-tenth, a good show of collapse and escape will be staged in minutes.

It's useless even if there is a group of brutal supervisors behind him.

(end of this chapter)

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