One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 149 Fierce Battle (Subscription For The Fifth Update)

Chapter 149 Fierce battle (subscription for the fifth update)

Looking at the chaotic goblins rushing forward after the siege tower and battering ram, and the orcs and gnolls behind the goblins carrying long ladders.

Count Weeks Targett, standing on the city wall, was visibly relieved.

Because he knew that if it was just these guys, it would be a daydream if they wanted to capture the strong and steep city walls.

With the command of professional soldiers and officers, even temporarily recruited civilians can easily kill a few or even a dozen goblins.

If it is combined with shields, long spears, javelins, crossbows, falling rocks, kerosene and other things, it is not difficult to kill the orcs and gnolls who rushed up in the first few batches.

As long as those ogres, half-titans, and trolls are not involved in the attack, the pressure on the defense should not be too great.

The only thing that worried the lord was the giant red dragon that hovered above his head but never lowered his altitude.

He is like the "Sword of Damocles" hanging over everyone's heads. Once he swoops down, he is bound to cause unimaginable damage and casualties.

An officer next to him seemed to have noticed his lord's worries, and immediately lowered his voice to comfort him: "Don't worry too much, Lord Earl. I just told the people on the arrow towers on the left and right who are in charge of operating the dragon hunting crossbow that as long as the dragon dares to dive Come down and attack the city wall, we will definitely give him some color."

"Dragon hunting crossbow", as the name suggests, is a large special bed crossbow specially used to target and hunt giant dragons.

It is usually made by dwarves or mages, and it has many powerful enchantments on it.

The effective shooting distance can reach two hundred meters to three hundred meters.

Even the cheapest "Dragon Hunting Crossbow" is worth about 15,000 to 20,000 gold coins, and each arrow is a special enchanted arrow, which costs 500 to 600 gold coins.

Although expensive, almost all cities or fortresses in Faerun will buy a few for emergencies.

After all, the threat of dragons is real here.

No ruler dares to take it lightly.

But the problem is that Earl Wicks Targett knows that although the "Dragon Hunting Crossbow" has the ability to injure and even kill giant dragons, it is not easy to hit a flying dragon at high speed.

In many cases, the giant dragons only need to make a sharp turn, or suddenly lower or climb heights, and they can easily miss the enchanted arrows shot by the "Dragon Hunting Crossbow".

However, he did not speak out what was in his heart, but nodded his head pretending to be calm.

Because what is most needed right now is to stabilize people's hearts and calm down those civilians who feel panic and fear and prepare for battle.

Exaggerating the deterrent power of the "Dragon Hunting Crossbow" is undoubtedly a good way to stabilize people's hearts.

Just like that, along with the roars of the veterans and officers on the city wall, the crossbowmen began to untie their bowstrings one after another, aiming at the enemies who came into range to cover and shoot.

In the blink of an eye, patches of goblins fell down like wheat harvested by a scythe.

Although they hold simple shields made of door panels and wooden boards in their hands, they can effectively resist slashing weapons such as swords in melee attacks.

But in the face of extremely penetrating bows and crossbows, it basically blocked loneliness.

Most of the sharp arrows directly penetrated the wooden boards, causing amazing damage to the goblins hiding behind.

Only the lucky ones who hid behind siege towers and battering rams managed to escape.

Normally speaking, after suffering such a huge casualty all of a sudden, with the nature of the goblins, they would probably turn around and run away in a swarm.

But this time, just when they were about to escape, the orc and wolf man supervisor team behind them mercilessly hacked and killed them.

After another two or three hundred casualties, the stupid goblin finally realized that this group of "big men" was not just insulting, beating and intimidating, but was going to kill all the guys who dared to escape.

In desperation, they could only bear back the fear of death in their hearts, and continued to rush forward under the rain of arrows.

After paying considerable casualties, they finally succeeded in pushing several huge siege towers to the front of the city wall.

But before the raft used to shield the arrows was put down, a fireball shining orange-red light exploded on the top of the siege tower.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by the dazzling flames and the oncoming heat wave, the dozen or so gnolls who were about to charge were burned to charred corpses on the spot.

At the same time, the huge siege equipment that was completely spliced ​​together with wood was immediately ignited, like a huge torch that began to burn blazingly.

No need to ask, it must have been Alena's doing.

Only she can release spells so impatiently, and hit the enemy head-on with scalding flames.

The Pyromancer knew very well that what he saw at a glance was basically the list of spells for the fire magic of the evocation system, which would be useless against red dragons that were immune to fire damage.

So there is no need to hold back at all, just bombard these siege monsters indiscriminately.

Not long after, the five siege towers on the side of the monster army were all ignited by the flames soaring into the sky, making it impossible to approach them at all.

In contrast, quite a few goblins, orcs, jackals, and goblin bears climbed up the ladder and began to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the guards on the city wall.

At this time, the half-orc Twitter finally had room to play, and turned on the heavy two-handed axe, looking for those who were more difficult to deal with.

The paladin Eroline, together with the priests and warriors of the church, would rush to "fight the fire" whenever there was a crisis.

This temporarily formed team is basically a believer in Irmat, the god of suffering, Heim, the god of protection, and Tom, the body of justice and courage.

Since the ideas of each other are relatively close, the temples often cooperate with each other on weekdays and can trust each other.

The priests of Tempus, the God of War, and the Red Knight, the Goddess of Strategy, prefer to stand with the soldiers, providing them with various healing and strengthening magic-like spells, while using maces and flails to smash the enemy's spiritual caps.

In the eyes of these lunatics who love fighting, war and strategy, the current war is simply the best gift for the gods they serve.

You must know that the priests of Faerun are not those auxiliary professions in many games who wear light and sexy robes and can only hide behind their teammates to heal.

Just the opposite.

When they put on solid armor, take up weapons and shields and step into the battlefield, they will make most warriors feel ashamed.

Especially those priests who are also trained in warrior skills and specialties, after blessing themselves with a lot of enhancement spells, they can directly rush into the middle of monsters and open Wushuang.

The most ferocious priests of Tempus even teamed up to clear a section of the city wall that had just been occupied by monsters that surged up.

On the scarred armor and weapons, dark red blood was densely covered, as well as white brain flowers and small pieces of pink intestines.

But they didn't care. Instead, they grinned and showed a "nuclear" smile, obviously enjoying the process of fighting and killing.

"Master, it seems a little dangerous here. I suggest you step back a little bit. Otherwise, it's easy to be hit by those flying stones."

The soldier blocked an arrow shot from a distance with the shield in his hand, and suggested with a vigilant expression.

Although those stupid and ignorant monsters don't know how to measure distance at all.

But with more and more operations, I gradually mastered a little trick.

And under their control, the stones thrown by those catapults are comparable to the "Braun sports bombs" of a large country in South Asia.

No one knew exactly where it would fly or what it would hit.

It is this serious uncertainty that fills the soldiers with worry.

(end of this chapter)

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