One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 162 Bernard's Business Expansion

Chapter 162 Bernard's Business Expansion

With the crisis in Myratma completely resolved, the huge caravan that had been stranded on the other side of the Yi Si River for several days finally set off and entered this border that was not much different from Calimshan in terms of architectural style and customs. city.

As a businessman, Bernard keenly grasped the heart of the local lord, Earl Weeks Targett, who wanted to win over Zuo Si, as well as the admiration and gratitude of the local people for the "dragon slaying hero".

Directly announced that Zuo Si was the true owner of the caravan, and took advantage of the opportunity that the locals became interested in this power due to the terrifying and destructive power of the chaotic magic storm, and sold some secondary magic brought from Calimport at a high price thing.

Whether it is a necklace that shoots magic missiles, a ring that shoots scorching rays, or a wristband that can cast [Mage Armor] once a day, they are all sought after by nobles and wealthy businessmen.

no way!

Who made Miratma originally an area with extremely underdeveloped magic.

There is only one mage tower in the whole city.

It is far from Calimport, where hundreds of mage towers stand tall and small.

That's all, not counting the magic laboratories and alchemy workshops that were later transformed from ordinary houses or villas.

Before this crisis broke out, the ruling class of the border city of the Tethyr Kingdom always believed that the cavalry and knights they were proud of were the kings on the battlefield.

This ignorant and ignorant idea continued until they witnessed the super-large-scale chaotic magic storm created by Zuo Si with [Spell Disaster].

Then it suddenly dawned on me, realizing how vulnerable those knight orders that had created countless brilliant victories were in the face of truly powerful magical power.

They all turned to pursue the power of magic.

The most typical one is the old mage who received seventeen or eight letters from nobles in just a few hours.

Without exception, the contents all hope to send a clever child in his family to the mage's tower to learn magic knowledge.

Of course, Bernard did not let go of the major families and chambers of commerce that suffered heavy losses after experiencing this crisis, and took the opportunity to buy some local specialties at low prices.

For example, ambergris, which is made of exquisite furniture by top craftsmen, and whose price is more expensive than gold, and tobacco and tea, which were robbed of seeds from elves through war, and then started to be planted on a large scale...

These commodities are originally in a state of short supply, and often even if you have money, you may not be able to get them in stock.

But now, in order to raise as much money as possible to restore the villages, manors and small towns that were plundered and destroyed by the monster army, all chambers of commerce and noble families can only tearfully sell them at low prices.

In addition, Earl Wicks Targett generously exempted the caravan from the transaction tax, so Bernard can be said to have made a lot of money.

The huge profits completely stimulated his businessman's nature, and he even started lending money to some chambers of commerce and noble families who were in urgent need of working capital.

Yes, you heard that right, it is lending.

Moreover, it is a usury loan with an interest rate exceeding 10% per month.

Anyway, with the local lord Earl Weeks Target as the notary, and most borrowers have enough fixed assets as collateral, Bernard is not afraid that the other party will go bankrupt and lose the principal if they cannot pay back.

Even the earl's own family borrowed a large sum of money in private to form an army and restore agricultural production and commercial prosperity in the territory.

If all goes well, the terrifying interest of these loan sharks alone will be enough to earn hundreds of thousands of gold coins within a year.

No wonder the military strength of the Amn Empire is not very good, but its commercial influence is ubiquitous throughout Faerun.

Bernard only paid a part of the profits earned through trade, and became the creditor of the upper ruling class of the entire Myratma.

Through these debts, he can slowly infiltrate and influence one family after another.

If it is done properly, it might be able to monopolize the city's foreign trade in a few years, and even intervene in the civil war of the Kingdom of Tethyr.

Of course, while Bernard was busy with business expansion, Zuo Si was not idle either.

He directly responded to the invitation of the old mage Jeffrey and came to the opponent's magic tower.

After some haggling, the two finally struck a deal.

At this moment, in the workshop of the Mage Tower, Zuo Si, relying on the powerful ability of the [creator] profession, molded a mass of high manganese steel weighing twenty tons and blended by himself in a certain proportion into a man with strong limbs. , claws, tail and sharp teeth in the shape of a beast.

Not only that, he also used the few fine gold he had on hand, together with the power of magic, to strengthen the teeth, claws and the sharp end of the tail.

After all this was done, Zuo Si's tense nerves relaxed a bit, and he turned around to indicate that the old mage could start using the power of the tower to cast the necessary spells on this 【Steel Golem】.

Jeffrey didn't talk nonsense, and immediately chanted a spell, guiding a huge amount of magical energy into the nondescript golem in front of him.

Accompanied by the dazzling arcane aura, the fifth ring [Dead Cloud Art], the sixth ring [Instigation Art], and the seventh ring [Limited Wish] were successfully blessed on the golem one by one.

And Zuo Si didn't stay idle, and directly continued to use the professional characteristics and abilities of [Creator] to infuse a large amount of resistance potions into his steel golem, as well as various rare materials with a total value of more than 10,000 gold coins.

In order to offset the defect of not having the eight-ring spell [Transform All Things], he had to carve a large number of magic runes of the transformation system inside the steel golem to ensure that it could have a similar magical effect.

This is why the help of the old mage is needed.

It takes too many high-level spells to make an iron golem, and it also requires a fairly high caster level.

The two have been busy inside and out for two or three days, and finally got this powerful magic creation.

Obviously, it is not difficult to see from the appearance alone that Zuo Si is very aware of the disadvantages of the human-shaped steel golem in the ordinary sense, so he decisively chose another way and chose the animal form.

Because without the help of a smart enough brain, humanoid creations can easily lose their balance and fall.

And the speed of walking on two legs alone is far inferior to that of animals that can run on all fours.

In addition, the hard steel body offsets the original fragile flesh and blood body, so the killing efficiency of the magically strengthened claws and teeth can shake off the human-shaped steel golem holding a weapon by several blocks.

What's more, the Iron Golem also has a unique ability, which is to spray a deadly "poisonous cloud of death" from its mouth.

If you can bite the enemy first and then breathe out, it is obviously much more lethal than just breathing out.

Combining the above ideas, the steel golem in the shape of a beast was finally born.

Zuo dared to guarantee that if Wilmes and the freshly baked steel golem were put in a closed space for a deathmatch.

Then it must be the steel golem that can come out alive, not the arrogant, greedy, and brutal red dragon.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

The old mage Jeffrey stood in front of the huge steel golem, his tone full of envy.

In his mage tower, until now, there are only two clay golems as guards.

As for the "high-end goods" such as steel golems, on the one hand, they don't have that much money, and on the other hand, they can't be made with their own spellcasting level alone.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes! It cost me almost 100,000 gold coins to make this thing.

That's all, without counting the time, energy and spells we both put in, as well as the mithril and adamantine that were consumed.

If all of them are added together, the total cost of 250,000 gold coins may not be able to stop it.

No wonder only the wealthiest and most powerful spellcasters create golems to serve as their guardians. "

Jeffrey touched the washed beard on his chin and couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha! But you can't deny the value for money.

I'll bet if you'd tell Lord Weeks Targett you'd sell him the Iron Golem.

Even if the asking price is 300,000 or 400,000 gold coins, he will agree without hesitation, and then borrow money from other nobles and merchants.

Because there is such a powerful and loyal magical creature that obeys orders 100%.

If you encounter a situation like a city being besieged, as long as you send it out to cooperate with the army, you can easily defeat and wipe out a large number of incoming enemies.

If it is used well, it can even defeat the lords of other Tethyr kingdoms, annex their land and wealth, and finally ascend to the throne and become the monarch of the entire country..."

(end of this chapter)

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