One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 166 Faith (Second Update For Subscription)

Chapter 166 Faith (Second update for subscription)

Neither Zuo Si nor Jaheira has made a statement about the discovery of the Talona Altar within the ruins of Tethyrburg.

Because rashly announcing this information without identifying the enemy will only cause unnecessary panic and riots.

After all, most ordinary people's attitude towards Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, is awe and fear.

I am afraid that her priests and believers will spread the plague around her, causing a large number of people around her to get sick, and then die in pain and despair.

But the lack of publicity does not mean that nothing happened.

Through the druid's ability, Jaheira planted a large number of birds, mice, squirrels, rabbits, snakes and other small animals around, closely monitoring everything that happened around.

And Zuo Si also ordered the Shadow Legion to use its powerful shadow hiding ability to turn the entire area within a five-kilometer radius centered on the caravan into a "restricted area."

As long as there are humanoid creatures approaching, he will know immediately.

Not only that!

Zuo Si also personally detected the water source and food to ensure that it was not poisoned.

After all, he himself is very good at doing this kind of thing, if he is poisoned by others, it will be a big joke in the world.

Under this kind of operation of tightening inside and loosening outside, night soon fell.

After dinner, the slaves who had driven all day lay down near the carriage they were responsible for, closed their eyes and began to rest.

Those who were not sleepy for the time being gathered in twos and threes by the campfire, imagining the beautiful life of regaining freedom after arriving in Amn.

To outsiders who don't know the real situation, Amn looks like a land of miracles.

Although its name is an empire, it does not have a high-ranking monarch. It is more like a country ruled by a huge business alliance.

Even the title of nobility can be purchased with money, instead of relying on ancient blood and family inheritance like other places.

Whether it is a lowly beggar or a former slave, here it is possible to cross classes, change destiny and become a master.

The most important thing is that this country is so rich that it can even be called the richest country in Faerun.

It is not uncommon to hear of a poor man who came to Amn, and soon made a fortune in trade, and rose to the top of society.

However, this group of slaves with dreams did not know that Amn was actually the country closest to the capitalist system in the entire Faerun continent.

It is true that it does not value family and blood, and anyone who can accumulate enough wealth has the opportunity to climb up.

But at the same time, there will be no mercy for those low-level people who have no use value.

This can be glimpsed from the huge slums of Askatera.

Zuo Si had already learned the truest situation of Amn from businessman Bernard.

So whenever he heard some of the slaves yelling that he must stand out, he would look at these guys with a little pity.

Because this group of illiterates who don't even know how to read words, if they honestly obey Bernard's arrangement and go to work in the manor under the Chamber of Commerce, they may still be able to spend their lives safely.

But if he is restless and saves some money for two years, quits his job and goes to Askatla to make a living, it is estimated that he will soon be reduced to the level of struggling to survive in a slum.

As for things like self-made...

I'm sorry, but those are reserved for the very few geniuses and lucky ones. Ordinary people should just wash up and sleep.

Just when Zuo Si was sipping pheasant and mushroom soup and listening to the truest thoughts of these people at the bottom of Faerun society with great interest, Eroline suddenly walked over from a distance and asked nervously: "What about the highly poisonous people?" What's your take on Tarona, the Goddess of Disease?"

"What do you think?"

Zuo Si was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the other party wanted to express at all.

Seeing another obstacle in the communication between the two, Eloline sighed helplessly and explained: "What I mean is, you hold a kind of belief in the teachings preached by this goddess and the actions of her church. What kind of attitude."

"My attitude is that it doesn't matter."

After figuring out the paladin's intentions, Zuo Si directly smiled and spread his hands.

"It doesn't matter?"

Ai Luolin obviously did not expect the other party to give such an answer, her eyes were full of doubts and incomprehension.

Zuo Si replied straightforwardly: "It doesn't matter, it can neither be approved nor denied. No matter what Talona and her followers preach, as long as you don't provoke me, I will pretend that I have not seen anything. In addition, if you are in Worrying that I will regard her as my own belief is unnecessary. I have no intention of believing in any god, nor will I become a believer in any god."

"What?! You are an unbelievers!"

Eroline opened her mouth in shock, her face full of disbelief.

"No, strictly speaking, I agree with some views and teachings of many gods.

For example, Irmat, the god of suffering, advocated helping the weak and protecting children;

Another example is Oghma, the god of knowledge, who respects and protects knowledge.

But equally, I hate the part of the former teaching about endurance and suffering, and the irresponsibility of the latter spreading dangerous knowledge anyway.

This character and way of thinking determines that I have faith, but it is almost impossible to become a believer in any god.

As for a god like Talona who gains influence by spreading fear and death, I don't think I have any similarities or commonalities with her at all. "

Zuo Si directly expressed his beliefs in terms of faith.

In Faerun Continent, belief is not like some religions on the earth. You say you have faith, and then you do a lot of immoral things that violate the teachings secretly. As a result, you only need to repent and donate some money to pay back Can continue to claim to be a pious Christian.

Just the opposite!

It first needs to recognize the teachings and ideas of a certain god from the heart, and then practice in your life to do what these gods want you to do.

Only in this way can one be called a believer. After death, the soul will be taken away by the gods of faith.

The real unbelievers often refer to lunatics whose thoughts, consciousness and values ​​are extremely confused.

In Faerun, where gods are everywhere, it is actually quite difficult to be a true unbelievers.

Arline was visibly relieved to hear that Zuo Si was not an unbelievers.

You must know that in Faerun, since there is no god to pick up the souls of unbelievers after death, they will be stuck on the "wall of unbelievers" by the god of death, and let those devils and demons plunder.

Just when the paladin was about to say something, Zuo Si suddenly put down the soup bowl in his hand and stood up abruptly from the ground.

At the same time, Jaheira, who was listening to an owl cooing not far away, also woke up Khalid with his eyes closed.

"What happened?" Arline asked nervously.

"Get ready to fight! A large number of strangers of unknown origin suddenly appeared in the forest on the left." Zuo Si immediately gave the answer.

Just as he was about to take the initiative to attack, a little werewolf ran back from the front near the Suerdas River, panting, and reported out of breath: "Master! From the direction of Zazesbo on the other side of the river to the north. There is a group of riders, about a hundred people. They are crossing the river, and if there is no accident, they will arrive in fifteen minutes."

"Two groups of people? Are they together, or..."

Jaheira looked up into Zuo Si's eyes, as if asking how to handle the situation.

"I can't control that much anymore! Let's deal with the group of people who came out of the forest on the left first."

Zuo Si made a decision immediately after thinking for a while.

He intends to take advantage of his side's advantage in magic to make a time difference, and before the second wave of riders arrives, he will get rid of the closest ones first.

But just in case, Zuo Si left Wilmes and Qiwu to guard the camp.

In this way, before the rest of the caravan realized what happened, he led the team to the left to meet the enemy at the fastest speed.

Only a group of mercenaries and Bernard, who just woke up from his sleep, were left at a loss in the night wind.

(end of this chapter)

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