One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 168 Killing The Berserker Demon

Chapter 168 Killing the Berserker Demon

There is no doubt that the berserker with its huge body, hard scales, and body exuding a pungent stench is definitely the nightmare of all melee professions.

Because these guys not only have extremely high defense and vitality, but also have astonishing strength comparable to a young dragon.

Even the ogre, who is so powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, can only be pressed to the ground and trampled on the ground in front of the Berserk Demon.

Especially the pair of thick arms, and the fists at the end of the arms that are harder than rocks, are almost enough to crush all enemies.

Zuo Si was obviously very aware of the power of the Berserker, so he took out four cards without saying a word, and directly activated the three-ring [Slow Technique] stored inside.


These gigantic demons who were rampaging like rhinos one second slowed down in the next second, as if caught in slow motion.

"Get rid of these Berserkers first!"

Zuo Si did not hesitate to issue an attack order to his teammates, summoned creatures and followers.

The dragon-born knight Davidian was the first to charge. With the additional four strength attributes blessed by [Bull Power], he forcibly knocked over a Berserker with the shield in his hand.

And taking advantage of the moment when the demon lost his balance, he stabbed the +2 flame sword deeply into the opponent's abdomen.

Obviously, this means that after obtaining the blood of the red dragon, his minimum strength attribute has reached an astonishing twenty-four points.

Only in this way, plus the additional four points provided by [Bull Power], can it be raised to more than twenty-eight.

Thereby suppressing the power attribute of the Berserker Demon up to 27 points.

However, the Berserker was obviously not a vegetarian, so he immediately raised his fist like a battering ram, and slammed it on the dragon scale shield with a bang, knocking David back a few steps.

Fortunately, the other three Berserkers all got the [Slow Technique].

Otherwise, they would definitely not be able to hold on to the dragon-born knights.

At the same time, Rhett, who had been empowered with [Bull Power], also launched a fierce attack on another Berserker.

Despite purely competing for strength, half-orcs may be a little worse than dragonborn knights.

However, with the additional four points of strength brought by [Rage], he still managed to suppress a Berserk Demon.

The +3 Frost Mithril Tomahawk fell like a storm in Rhett's hands!

In the blink of an eye, the opponent was cut and bruised all over.

The two extremely thick arms were crippled by the forcible chopping, and there was no way to lift them up.

"Hahahaha! Go to hell! Devil!"

Rhett raised the blood-stained weapon high up, laughing maniacally and preparing to split the head of the berserker in front of him.

But in the next second...

He suddenly found that his magic battle ax had passed through the opponent's body.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the demon turned into a cloud of mist.

【Gasification Form】

Undoubtedly, after realizing that he might be killed by the berserk half-orc barbarian in front of him, the Berserker directly activated another spell-like ability.

In this state, it will be immune to all forms of physical attack.

This is also one of the reasons why Berserker is called a melee professional nightmare.

But the half-orc Rhett couldn't do anything about this cloud, it didn't mean that the spellcasters present couldn't do anything about it.

Alena and Zuo Si started chanting spells almost at the same time, followed by shooting two scorching fireballs at the Berserker in gaseous form.

boom! boom!

Accompanied by the violent explosion and the flames soaring into the sky, the berserk demon died suddenly on the spot, and rolled back to his hometown in the abyss before he even had time to scream.

Rhett, who was also affected by the fireball, only burned off a little beard and hair.

He himself just cursed a few words in annoyance, and then rushed over to help Eloline who was struggling with another Berserker.

At this moment, the amazing fire protection ability produced by the superposition of [Red Dragon Armor] and [Ring of Fire Resistance] is fully reflected.

In contrast, Davidian, who was wearing the [Ring of Free Action], also successfully beheaded his opponent with the cooperation of [Greasy Art] and [Spider Web Art].

But he didn't choose to help Eloline, instead he took the initiative to confront the last Berserk and saved Jaheira and Khalid who were in a panic.

This couple, who will adventure with the Son of Baal in the Sword Coast in the future, is too immature in terms of combat experience and professional level at the moment, and they are not opponents of terrifying alien creatures like Berserkers at all.

The wolf that Jaheira finally summoned through the [Level 1 Natural Ally] didn't even survive for three seconds before being hammered into meat paste by the berserker demon's fist.

In fact, if it wasn't for Huntington holding the [Strong Arm Bow] who had been shooting arrows in the back to support them, with the fighting power of the two of them and Miss Paladin, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to last even a minute.

Especially Eloline tried to launch [Evil Breaking Slash] twice, but was easily blocked by the Berserker Demon.

But as Rhett and Davidian joined the fight, the situation was suddenly reversed.

After a while, the four Berserkers who used [Advanced Teleportation] to break in were all killed.

But their counterattacks have not been useless.

At least the people from Cyric Church on the opposite side used this short time to recover from the chaos of being suddenly washed away by the fireball.

Although the loss was heavy, at least the woman who was the leader, several high-level priests, assassins, mages, as well as the baubers and two ogre mages managed to survive.

And he quickly recovered from his injuries with magic spells and potions.

Whether it was an ogre mage or an evil priest who believed in Cyric, they did not hesitate to use the corpses of their companions who were still intact around them, and directly used necromantic magic to pull them up as cannon fodder.

Anyway, there are so many priests who can [Rebuke Undead], there is no need to worry about losing control.

Zuo Si was also afraid of the ability of these priests [Rebuke the Undead], so he didn't dare to let the Shadow Legion attack easily.

"Demons! Undead creatures! These scoundrels from the Church of Dark Cyric really make me sick!"

The jealous Eloline expressed her truest feelings with a look of disgust.

Because believers of evil gods, demons and undead creatures, no matter which one is the sworn enemy of a paladin, let alone the combination of the three.

Jaheira, who had confronted the Church of Cyric more than once, immediately nodded in agreement: "That's right! Ever since the King of Lies stepped on the bodies of the three death gods to become a god, almost half of Faerun's land is full of disputes, turmoil and conflicts." The riots are more or less related to his church. So no matter what today, they must not be allowed to get that box from South."

"Don't worry, the woman in the lead seems to want to negotiate. Let's see what she wants to say first."

Zuo Si raised her hand to signal everyone to be calm.

After all, the advantage of surprise attack has been lost now.

The other party also blessed himself with many magic spells and magic to protect against energy damage.

If he attacked by force, not only would he have to show a few hole cards, but he might also have to pay a certain degree of death or injury as a price.

Considering that there is still a cavalry of unknown origin in the north, Zuo Si thinks that he may be able to play a hand in "diverting disasters to the east".

In this way, the two sides who were fighting to death in the last second stopped fighting at the same time in the next second.

The woman headed by Cyric Church and Zuo Si left the team and walked straight to the open space in front of them in a very tacit understanding.

After walking about fifty meters, the two stopped immediately and stared at each other from a distance of less than ten meters.

After a full minute, the woman took the lead and asked, "That box is in your hands, right?"


Zuo Si gave a succinct and affirmative answer.

Because he knew that since the other party dared to organize so many people to chase and kill them, they must have had real evidence, and lying and denying them were useless.

What's more, the psychopaths of the Church of Cyric are not reasonable paladins.

If they think you did it, that's what you did.

Not too!

At least before torture, torture and memory detection, these lunatics will never change their minds easily.

(end of this chapter)

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