One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 184: Mage Tower Launched

Chapter 184: Mage Tower Launched

"Your Excellency South, your order includes ten large mage tower energy storage element pools, two sets of advanced alchemy equipment, a full set of tools for a large workshop, and a space stabilization device for building a permanent portal. Coating materials for ring magic destructive power, high-quality humus soil and some magic plant seeds used in arcane gardens, a set of secret door locks, observation eyes, anti-invisibility and alarm systems, and finally four small element slots The surface interface has been installed according to your requirements..."

At around eight o'clock the next morning, the masked mage under Zeranola brought people to the door to deliver all the things, and asked his men to complete the installation and debugging in the shortest possible time.

With these things, the entire mage tower can really work.

Although this mage is very strange, why would Zuo Si order ten large mage tower energy storage element pools in one go.

You must know that if you want to fill up such an element pool, at least you need to continuously absorb energy from the surrounding environment and the magic net, and store the energy for two or three months without using it at all.

Generally speaking, one such element pool is enough to maintain the daily use of a dozen or twenty mages plus a hundred apprentices.

Even in a place like the headquarters of the Masked Mage Guild, there are only two large elemental pools installed.

Anything more is a complete waste.

Of course, the masked mage didn't know that the inner wall of the tower built by Zuo Si was full of "energy-absorbing magic circles" from another world.

The speed at which it absorbs energy is several times or even ten times that of ordinary mage towers, and the envelope directly covers the entire Askatra.

Draw arcane energy from the leyline;

Water elemental energy can be drawn from rivers and oceans;

The energy of the earth element can be absorbed from the ground under the feet;

The energy of the wind element can be drawn from the sky above the head;

Positive energy can be drawn from sunlight exposure;

Negative energy can be absorbed from the cemetery area not far away;

Finally, open a permanent portal leading to the dragon's lair, absorb the energy of the fire element from the hot magma, and then absorb the natural energy from the surrounding forest, and the entire mage tower can obtain all the energy attributes.

This is very important for Zuo Si who is a planeswalker.

And he also intends to use his creator's ability to directly awaken the mage tower into a thinking intelligent tower.

Then centering on the mage tower, it continued to expand deep underground with the help of sewers extending in all directions.

It's a pity that the masked mage in front of him didn't know about these plans, and beckoned to his subordinates behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a young man dressed as an apprentice pulled aside the black cloth covering the carriage, revealing several huge cages in an instant.

Some of the cages contained more than a dozen cubs of wargs and winter wolves, and they were screaming;

Some of them were filled with small burrowers that hadn't fully grown up yet, and looked extremely ferocious;

Some pretend to transform themselves into various forms from time to time, and the main body looks like a young deformed cat pet of a black cat.

Some are filled with mephits of different attributes from the elemental planes, and they huddle together to keep arguing and fighting;

Even in the last cage, there is a dryad with a beautiful appearance and a big tree closely connected with her life.

Apparently, the poor creature was captured by masked mages.

She couldn't even escape because of the tree.

Because once the dryad leaves the tree closely connected with his own life, he will soon become weak and eventually die.

Seeing such a battle, Zuo Si, who hadn't closed his eyes all night, rubbed his dry eyes, and immediately asked in an uncertain tone: "This is..."

"This is a small gift that Ms. Zeranola asked me to pass on to you in private. She hopes to establish a good personal friendship with you." The mage replied with a smile on his face.

"It is an honor to have the friendship of Ms. Zeranora. Thank her for me, and congratulate her on her official promotion to the top rank of Masked Mage."

For the olive branch thrown by the moon elf mage, Zuo Si chose to accept it without thinking.

After all, the Masked Mage Guild is not a shadow thief. It is basically some typical "selfish" arcane spellcasters. Although it cannot be said that there is no belief in God, it can barely achieve that the soul will not be used to paste the wall after death. Degree.

It is very difficult for a mage to become a qualified believer, which is common sense throughout Faerun.

Therefore, there was no conflict of interest between the two parties from the outset.

Building a good relationship with a high-ranking masked mage who has power and resources is definitely a surefire thing.

"I will help you bring the message. I believe Zeranora will be very happy to hear it. If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

After saying this, the confidant of Zelanora saluted with one hand on his chest, then left the carriage and the magical creatures in the cage where they were, and turned around and left with his men.

After the other party walked away completely, Alena walked to the side of the cage, stretched out a finger and poked the dryad's forehead lightly and asked, "How do you plan to deal with these magical creatures?"

"It's very simple. The cubs of winter wolves and wargs are handed over to the wolf cubs to raise them, and the burrowers are thrown to the bottom of the mage tower to dig tunnels. The shape-shifting pet cats and mephits have high intelligence and are free-range in the mage tower As for the dryad lady, let her take care of the plants in the Arcane Park."

After thinking for a moment, Zuo Si quickly made a decision.

Upon hearing that the cubs were going to be taken care of by her own clansmen, the werewolf girl Fan Gesi immediately promised excitedly: "Master, don't worry, we will definitely be able to cultivate and train a powerful wolf pack for you."

You must know that the warg and the winter wolf are all magical creatures, with extremely high intelligence levels that are not inferior to humans.

It can even learn several languages ​​including common language, goblin language, and titan language. It is definitely the most suitable pet and combat partner for werewolves.

Especially from the time of feeding the cubs, no matter whether the winter wolf or the warg grows up, they will regard the feeder as their relatives or the leader of the pack, and have extremely high obedience.

"No, my purpose is not for you to cultivate and train the wolves, but I hope that you can get a better experience of nature and learn how to become druids or rangers by getting along with these wolf cubs day and night."

As she spoke, Zuo Si opened the cage and took out the wolf cubs one by one, and handed them to the wolf cubs behind her.

I have to say that no matter how powerful and terrifying animals are, they often give people a very cute and cute feeling when they are young.

Even these vicious winter wolves and wargs are no exception.

And because they are still cubs, their hair is not as hard as adults, but very, very soft.

The former can also feel a little bit of coolness to the touch.

No wonder a complete winter wolf fur can fetch a high price of 500 to 1,000 gold coins in the market.

If it wasn't for lack of time to take care of it, Zuo Si would want to raise one herself.

After watching the wolf cubs run to the second floor of the Mage Tower to start building the wolf house, he quickly went to the cage next to the mephits and communicated with these small elemental creatures with spell-like abilities.

Although they are called "mephits", in fact, the appearance of these guys is closer to that of imps and quasses. Their bodies are composed of elements of different attributes, so they have no lifespan limit just like elemental creatures.

With their innate curiosity and somewhat mischievous nature, they would not mind being minions of arcane spellcasters.

Relying on his excellent "eloquence (fudge)", Zuo Si easily persuaded these little guys to stay in the mage's tower to serve him.

As for the reward, it is to build a comfortable dwelling for them.

For example, wind mephits like places with faster air flow, magma mephits and fire mephits like high temperature and flames, earth mephits like to stay in dark caves, ice mephits like cold places...

In short, the preferences and personalities of mephits with different element attributes are very different. Some of them have a good sense of humor, and occasionally tell some cold jokes that normal people can't understand.

The most important thing is that with these mephits, all the chores in the mage's tower can be handed over to them.

Compared with the noisy mephits, the deformed cat pet cubs that have been domesticated by spellcasters are much quieter.

After confirming that Zuo Si is their master, they quickly showed extraordinary obedience, obediently followed the instructions to the lounge on the third floor, ate some cooked meat and milk, and fell asleep on the sofa .

Don't look at these black kittens that are only the size of a house cat now, but it won't be long before they grow to the size of a leopard.

Its innate shape-shifting ability is almost exactly the same as that of the little devil, and it can transform into any medium-sized or small-sized creature.

As for the diggers, they were all thrown into the place where the bottom of the mage tower was connected to the sewer, and they were controlled to dig tunnels through charm magic.

After arranging all these magical creatures, Zuo Si finally transferred the dryad and her tree to the arcane garden located on the fourth floor of the mage tower.

Although it is still a bare area, there is nothing but the special soil that has just been transported up.

But when the tree was planted, this natural creature with a beautiful human female appearance obviously relaxed a lot, at least it was no longer as nervous as before, and there was a trace of curiosity in the two emerald green eyes.

Suddenly, without warning, she released an innate spell-like ability [Charm Human] towards Zuo Si.

As a result, it was no surprise that it was instantly easily resisted by the strong immunity of the voters.

Just when the dryad was puzzled and tried to continue to release higher-level [Suggestion], Zuo Si turned around and interrupted: "Okay, stop, your magic is useless to me .”

"Why...why?" the Dryad asked in a slightly jerky Common Tongue.

"Because I am the chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease. The divine power she bestows on me is strong enough to resist all charms, mind control, and emotional magic. Besides, you don't have to worry about what terrible things I will do to you. Quite the contrary , I hope you can help take care of this arcane garden and ensure that those delicate magic plants can grow healthily."

After all, Zuo Si handed over all the seeds purchased from the Masked Mage Guild to the other party.

The dryad took it and carefully opened the bag.

When he saw the seeds containing the power of life, an expression of joy appeared on his face, and he immediately grabbed a handful of soil and sprinkled it around.

It didn't take a while to plant all the seeds.

With the strength bestowed upon them by Mother Nature, the dryads quickly germinated these seeds.

When the green seedlings burst out of the ground, she immediately smiled innocently like a child.

"From now on, this is your home. You can do whatever you want, and if you need anything, just tell me." Zuo Si said bluntly.

Dryads are known to be nature's best gardeners.

Taking care of plants is like an instinct engraved in their bones.

Although not all mage towers have arcane gardens, for example, Asta's necromancer tower does not, otherwise Zuo Si would not have been almost starved to death.

However, any mage tower with an arcane garden will do everything possible to get one or two dryads to help take care of the plants.

Of course, in addition to taking care of plants, the beautiful dryad can also solve some of the physiological needs of the young and energetic mage.

At least much safer than summoning a succubus.

Not to mention that when enjoying the pleasure, you have to worry about whether you will suffer from collapse and death due to too much energy being absorbed.

However, this "special function" will not be used for a while.

Confirming that the dryad accepted his new home, Zuo Si immediately activated the interfaces of the four small elemental planes

Among them, the Water Elemental Plane is the source of water for life and experiments in the entire Mage Tower;

The Fire Elemental Plane mainly provides heat for furnaces, kitchens and other places that need fire;

The power of the Earth Elemental Plane can be used to repair and strengthen the mage tower, and can also provide sufficient nutrients for the arcane garden, so that all plants can grow quickly and healthily;

On the one hand, the strong air currents and storms in the elemental plane of wind can be used to drive large-scale wind turbines, and on the other hand, it can also provide power for the magic machinery "Quarix Device".

With the connection of the four elemental planes, the mage tower not only has a stable source of energy, but also can summon elemental creatures as guards and servants.

Feeling the power of the elements began to flow in the tower, Zuo Si quickly came to the strongest core area in the middle layer of the mage tower.

This is not only the center of all "energy-absorbing circles", but also the place where the energy storage element pool is stored.

The element pools of ten large mage towers are closely arranged one after another in the middle of the circular crystal pillars.

Through arcane vision, one can clearly see the countless magic runes inside and outside the pillar, as well as energy transmission channels.

Vanessa, who had been waiting here for a long time, saw Zuo Si, and immediately asked, "Your Excellency, is it possible to activate this mage tower now?"

"let's start!"

Zuo Si simply gave an affirmative answer.

Without saying a word, he directly opened all the energy-absorbing circles to extract energy from the environment of the city under his feet.

After being guided and transmitted by Vanessa, it is continuously injected into the element pool for storage.

Because the speed was too fast and too violent, a strange energy vortex appeared in the sky of Askatla.

Not only that!

The rivers and oceans also became restless, and the waves continued to beat the embankment violently one after another.

Even the ground under my feet began to tremble slightly for unknown reasons, as if an earthquake had occurred.

The sunlight that was originally evenly sprinkled on the earth was also crazily absorbed by the crystal device on the top of the mage tower, resulting in a dusk-like scene in the morning.

The strong and active negative energy in the cemetery area was emptied most of it at once.

Some originally active undead creatures looked listless, obviously in a state of extreme weakness.

In addition, all arcane spellcasters have noticed that their connection with the magic net is weakening, and the power of the spells released has become much smaller, and some even low-level mages can't even cast any magic.

"Damn! Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"I don't know. Could it be that something terrible is about to happen?"

"It feels like the end is coming!"

"Bless you, Woking, Goddess of Wealth! Don't be such a terrible disaster!"

"Quick! Go to the temple area and ask the priests what this eerie sight means."


All of a sudden, the entire Askatra was panicked.

The council of six and the major churches had to stand up to appease the people, telling them that this was not the end of the world, nor did any terrible disaster happen.

Only the upper echelons of the Masked Mage Guild know that all this is the terrifying energy siphon effect caused by the activation of Zuo Si's Mage Tower.

Even in their dreams, they couldn't believe that a mere mage tower could extract so much energy in a short period of time.

So much so that the energy pouring in from other places is far from enough to replenish the part that has been sucked away, resulting in a constant decrease in the energy in the environment.

Looking at the unbelievably spectacular view of the sky outside the window, a senior masked mage couldn't help exclaiming: "Is this the magic skill from another world? It's simply amazing! No wonder he ordered ten large mages in one go The tower's energy storage element pool."

"Zeranora, you have the most contact with this voter. Tell me, is it possible for us to obtain this magical technology from him?"

The eyes of another high-ranking officer gleamed with undisguised greed and desire.

If he just took the titles and stories of "Son of the Plague", "Man of Disaster", and "Destroyer of the World" promoted by the Talona Church as a joke before, then now he really began to believe that Zuo Si came from another world. The world, and has a lot of powerful magical knowledge.

"I'm very sorry, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. So far, I've only negotiated on behalf of the Masked Mage and the Council of Six, and I don't know much about Sous, so I can't make any judgments." Ze Lanora responded calmly.

"Can't we force him to hand over these magical knowledge and technologies in the name of the Masked Mage Guild?" Another senior executive cautiously suggested.

But before anyone else could speak, the old woman sitting near the window sneered and sarcastically said: "Forcing the voters of the goddess of poison and plague?

Your brain must have been eaten by a mind flayer, right?

If you want to die, don't take us with you.

Leaving aside the fact that the agreement has clearly emphasized that Sous joined the Masked Mage in name only, and is actually not under the jurisdiction of anyone, nor does he assume any responsibility or obligation.

Just his terrifying plague that destroyed a world is enough to easily destroy the entire Askatra and even Amn.

What's more, you have already seen how powerful this mage tower is. Are you sure he has no other cards?

Don't forget, none of the god's chosen is easy to deal with.

Otherwise, why do you think the Council of Six is ​​trying so hard to win him over? "

"Then what do you say?"

The high-level executive who spoke just now asked back in anger.

"Actually, the method is very simple. Let Zeranora come forward to maintain a good relationship with him, and then try it out when the time is right. I believe that as long as we offer enough extra, this Lord Sous will not refuse one." trade in your favor."

The old woman unceremoniously gave her own solution.

As a typical Amnian, she believes that everything in this world has a price.

As long as you offer a price that is enough to make the other party's heart beat, you can buy what you want.

Of course, the old woman is not alone in her thinking.

Most of the high-ranking officials from Amn agreed.

If there is anything in the Masked Mage Guild that is comparable to or even surpasses other spellcasting organizations, it must be the large sum of money allocated to them by the Council of Six every year, as well as the richness brought by monopolizing the power of arcane magic in Amn. income.

To put it in a simpler way, it is to have "money money ability"!

Very very very rich!

Among other things, just equipping each official member with a set of magic robes, hoods, masks, badges, and rings that can be teleported freely within the range of Askatla is not something that ordinary organizations can do.

Looking at these stupid and short-sighted guys, Zeranora's eyes flickered with imperceptible mockery, as if a high-ranking king admired a clown who was performing a funny show in the palace.

It's a pity that none of the senior masked mages present noticed the contempt and disdain that this young "junior" inadvertently showed.


The strange conditions of the sky and sea in the capital of gold coins lasted for several hours, and it was not until the afternoon that everything finally returned to normal.

While the people were discussing fiercely, Zuo Si, who was at the core of the Mage Tower, finally let out a long breath: "Phew—it's finally done."

"Yes! It's the first time I've seen such a violent energy siphon effect in my life. The mage tower you built is really amazing." Vanessa didn't hesitate to praise her.

Although he didn't know what Zuo Si used to collect so much energy, the stronger the energy of a mage tower, the stronger the defense.

At least until these energy storages are exhausted, outsiders don't expect to be able to break in easily.

Especially this kind of large mage tower, its solid outer wall can even withstand the frontal attack of giant catapults.

But Zuo Si shook his head indifferently: "It's just the result of accumulating knowledge and wealth, it's not a big deal. Now I'm just a magic user, far from being its master."

While speaking, he directly pressed his hand on the pillar that runs through the tower, directly activating the creator's ability to wake it up.


This mage tower seemed to be infused with soul, and the energy in all the elemental pools began to boil.

Then a strong and clear consciousness quickly took over every corner, whether it was the gate at the entrance, or the secret door locks, observation eyes, anti-invisibility and alarm systems placed in inconspicuous corners.

In just a few minutes, everything was managed in an orderly manner.

Just like the strange thing when it was just awakened, this mage tower has only a very low level of intelligence for the time being, and it doesn't have the ability to think for itself at all. It just mechanically executes the orders given by its master.

Through the spiritual connection established between the two, Zuo Si can know what is happening in every corner of the tower at any time.

At the same time, you can also order it to seal the exit, block a certain corridor, or consume the stored energy to summon creatures from different planes, release large-scale killing and control magic to attack the intruders.

In short, now this high tower finally belongs to him 100%, and no one can take it away.

There will be no embarrassing situation when you come back after leaving for a while and find that your home has been stolen by thieves or adventurers.

In order to easily distinguish it from strange things, Zuo Si named the consciousness of this tower "Xiaozhi (handicap)".

Because it is really not very smart, very similar to those "artificial mentally retarded" on the earth, once the orders given are too complicated, mistakes and confusion will inevitably occur.

I can only hope that I can become smarter through learning.

But awakening the consciousness of the mage tower does not mean that all the work is completed.

Just the opposite!

With the assistance of Vanessa, Zuo Si quickly built a permanent portal leading to the Dragon's Nest on the second basement floor.

Then it was teleported to the other side, and another portal was set up not far from the furnace and magma in the Dragon's Nest.

The moment they were activated, an energy vortex quickly rotated in the door frame at high speed, and the scenery on the other side gradually emerged, but the picture looked a little blurry.

Fortunately, under the effect of the space stabilization device, it soon became clearer and clearer, until a stable passage was completely established.

When Zuo Si passed through the portal and reached the other side, the half-dragon kobold chief who had been waiting for a long time immediately bowed respectfully: "Master, your servant is waiting for your orders."

"How is the tribe recently? Nothing happened, right?" Zuo Si asked very casually.

"No. According to your order, I have been impregnating females in the tribe. At present, the number of half-dragon kobold eggs has exceeded 130. The first batch of them should not be long before hatching. Now the only The problem is, we don't have enough food reserves to raise as many cubs as we can eat."

There was a hint of worry in the tone of the half-dragon kobold chief.

After all, it is difficult to feed a large population by planting moss and mushrooms in the ground, raising some bugs and livestock adapted to the dark environment.

That's why, the kobold tribe rarely has more than one or two thousand.

"Don't worry, I will prepare enough food for you."

Zuo Si straightforwardly reassured the other party.

Not to mention that Amn's own climate conditions are very suitable for the growth of crops, and there will be a bumper harvest of grain almost every year.

The grain and the poultry and livestock that Bernard gave him from the land alone were enough to easily feed the entire kobold tribe.

Moreover, Askatla is close to the sea, and all kinds of fish and aquatic products are also quite cheap.

In addition, there is a permanent portal, which can not only feed those half-dragon kobolds, but also ensure that they are well-nourished and able to grow quickly and healthily.

"Then there's no problem. Please rest assured, I will do my best to make those half-dragon kobolds grow up quickly and become your good helpers." The chief of the half-dragon kobolds vowed.

Looking at the huge magma furnace in this secret lair, and the kobold tribe that was smelting ore in an orderly manner, Vanessa was very surprised and asked: "This is your secret base? A mine lode hidden in the deep mountains and a kobold tribe ?”

"That's right. How about it, it's not bad here."

Zuo Si glanced at the pile of more and more metal ingots in the distance with great interest, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Obviously, during the time he was away, the kobolds dug up a lot of ore and carried out preliminary smelting.

With this rough iron, whether it is used to make steel golems in the future, or to create tools for goblins and undead slaves, there is basically no need to worry.

Unknowingly, Zuo Si had established her own power in Faerun.

Although it is far from being powerful, the sparrow is small and has all internal organs.

Whether it is a stable source of funds, reliable logistical supplies, or a small group of secret spellcasters mainly composed of liches, they have all taken shape.

Vanessa casually picked up a thick iron ingot, weighed it, and commented seriously: "It's really good.

You must know that in this world, whoever controls the mineral veins and steel will control powerful force.

Combined with your previously proposed plan to raise werewolf goblins, and use the dead goblin corpses to mass-produce undead creatures, we will soon have a large and well-armed army.

After a few years for those half-dragon kobolds to grow up and awaken as sorcerers, there will still be enough spellcasters in this army. "

"You forgot about the Shadow Legion. In fact, I already have an army of my own now." Zuo Si reminded meaningfully.

"Hahahaha! That's right! I forgot about those shadows." Vanessa laughed happily.

Because he suddenly realized that although the object of his allegiance had no interest in power on the surface, he had been secretly expanding his power.

Whether it is recruiting an elderly high-level mage and helping him transform into a lich in exchange for the other party's allegiance, or this mine vein and metal smelting center hidden in the deep mountains, or the future goblin breeding plan, there is no one. The exception makes a point.

That is, Zuo Si is not complacent with the status quo, but is constantly strengthening its own strength.

Vanessa believes that when this force develops to a certain extent, sooner or later, conflicts will break out with other organizations.

At that time, regardless of whether Zuo Si is interested in power or not, he will inevitably fight back violently due to his character.

Once you successfully kill the opponent, you will naturally be able to occupy the opponent's territory and sphere of influence, and then complete the transformation bit by bit.

In this way, after a brief visit to the Kobold's lair and mine veins, the two quickly returned to the Mage Tower through the permanent portal.

Before leaving, Zuo Si also used a card to summon a team of six hobgoblins infected with lycanthropy, ordering them to go to the deep mountains to capture as many goblins as possible, and then take them to the mage tower to dig underground.

By the time everything was arranged, it was around eight o'clock in the evening.

Zuo Si, who had been busy all day, didn't even have time to finish his meal. The titular leader of the Shadow Thieves of Amn, Alan Linville, brought a few guards to the gate of the Mage Tower as agreed.

In desperation, he had no choice but to give up the tempting idea of ​​eating, and ordered "Little Zhi (handicap)" to open the door and let the other party in.

After about two or three minutes, the two finally met in the living room on the first floor.

"Good evening, respected Your Excellency South. Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with me. A small gift is not enough for a first-time visit."

With that said, Ellen Linville gently placed the box in his hand on the table, and then made a gesture of invitation with a smile on his face.

It has to be said that it is not unreasonable for this guy to become the nominal leader of the Shadow Thief.

First of all, this smoothness and eloquence are not comparable to ordinary people.

Although he is not good-looking, even a bit ugly, his words and deeds give people a kind of polite feeling.

Zuo Si opened the box and took a look, and found that it was actually a gemstone brooch. It not only keeps the [Voice Art] constant, but also allows the wearer to cast spells a little faster. It is a typical equipment for spell battles.

Among them, [Voice Art] can counter [Silence Art], effectively preventing the situation where spells cannot be recited.

Increased casting speed means your spells can be completed faster than the enemy's.

A few experienced mages can even use this advantage to quickly judge the magic that the opponent is releasing, and then complete the countermeasure in just a few seconds.

The so-called counter-magic refers to using the same magic method to interrupt the stability of the opponent's magic structure, so that it cannot be released.

For example, if one person releases [Fireball], then the other person also releases [Fireball] to counteract it.

Some special skills can also allow high-level spellcasters to counter low-level spells by consuming a higher-level spell of the same faction.

In short, counterspell is a very advanced knowledge,

Only a few "practical" mages who fight spell duels with others all day long can master it well.

Although Zuo Si has the instant card system of Planeswalker and doesn't care about silence and counterspell at all, Pyromancer Alena needs it very much.

So he immediately chose to accept the gift, and said with a smile, "A great magic item, thank you."

"As long as you like it."

Seeing the effect of the gift giving, Alan Linville's tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

"Excuse me, is there anything important that you shadow thieves are looking for me?" Zuo Si tentatively rubbed his chin meaningfully.

Alan Linville spit out two words from his mouth without even thinking: "Poison!"


Zuo Si was slightly taken aback.

If the other party's request was only to buy poison, he would be more than happy to agree.

Because making this thing is not difficult for him at all, and it takes as much as it needs.

Anyway, the money delivered to the door is not earned for nothing.

Ellen Linville nodded hurriedly: "That's right. We have already learned from Calimport that you are a master of poison making.

And is good at making more than one kind of poison.

Although we shadow thieves have also trained a few professionals, their output is too low, far from enough to supply the entire guild.

So I hope to sign a long-term agreement with you to provide sufficient poison for all the assassins and thieves in the entire guild. "

"What type of poison do you need? Neurotoxins and blood clotting toxins that can quickly attack and kill people? Or chronic toxins that accumulate in the internal organs and slowly kill people invisible? Or cause blindness, deafness, inability to speak, and immobility The paralytic toxin? What is the dose?"

Zuo Si asked several questions in one brain, which instantly confused Ellen Linville.

Although he claimed to know a little about toxins, he didn't know that there are so many types of toxins, and he immediately admired Zuo Si in his heart.

Truly worthy of being the chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, the ceiling of the entire refining and manufacturing toxin industry.

After lowering his head and pondering for a while, the nominal leader of the Shadow Thieves immediately said: "We need at least two liters of neurotoxin or blood coagulation toxin every four months, one liter of chronic toxin, and finally six and a half liters The paralyzing toxin. As a reward, the guild will pay you 70,000 gold coins at one time, as well as magic items, scrolls, and books with a total value of no less than 20,000 gold coins."

"Deal! But you have to be responsible for providing the raw materials."

Zuo Si readily agreed.

Perhaps for others, making so many poisons is definitely a rather troublesome thing.

But for him who has the LV11 creator level, it is as easy as eating and drinking.

Not to mention that it itself is a "poison source".

Because most of the people in Faerun who are engaged in making poisons mostly extract ready-made toxins from nature.

Either it is extracted from highly poisonous animals such as snake venom glands, scorpion tail needles, and spider venom sacs, or it is extracted from some highly poisonous plant fruits, leaves, and rhizomes.

They don't know exactly what is working, they just judge whether it is poisonous or not based on the reaction of the test subject when it is poisoned, and whether the toxicity is severe.

But Zuo Si can use the creator's ability to filter out all impurities and directly extract highly toxic substances with a purity of 99%.

This is why, even if the ricin he extracted was boiled in a high-temperature soup pot for half a day, it could still poison large pieces of pirates to death.

Because the dosage is simply too high.

Even if 70% to 80% of it is destroyed by high temperature, the remaining 20% ​​to 30% can still poison the opponent to death without any effort.

As the saying goes, talking about toxicity regardless of dosage is a hooligan.

And Zuo Si's poisoning has always been praised as "strengthening miracles", anyway, it's right to add death.

"No problem. Please give me a list, and I guarantee that all the ingredients will be delivered within three days at most. Besides, we Shadow Thieves very much hope to maintain a long-term and good cooperative relationship with you. You know, We have many special channels, and we can get good things that ordinary businessmen can’t get.”

When he said these words, Ellen Linville's tone was full of naked and undisguised temptation.

"Oh? What good stuff?" Zuo Si asked back calmly.

"After I get the first batch of poison, I will give you a list. Then you will understand how powerful our shadow thief is." Ellen Linville boasted proudly.

"Hehe, I hope so."

Zuo Si smiled nonchalantly.

Shadow thief is powerful?

Then we have to compare with whom!

For most ordinary people, the Shadow Thief is indeed a daunting colossus.

But to a red-robed mage like Searle, the Shadow Thief is nothing more than a low-level criminal group.

All the powerful appearances of this organization are established by threats, intimidation, kidnapping, killing and other shady means.

After a few years, when the vampire Buddy and her descendants start hunting down the shadow thieves, the world will see how fragile the mighty Shadow Thieves Guild really is.

The latter's lair in Askatra was almost uprooted by the former.

Therefore, in the face of truly powerful forces, all the thieves guilds in Faerun are nothing but a joke.

Those who can truly be called strong will always be arcane and divine spellcasters such as mages, warlocks, priests, and druids.

If an organization does not have powerful spellcasters, no matter how well developed it is and how powerful it looks, it is nothing more than a castle piled on the sand, which will collapse with a single charge.

(end of this chapter)

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