One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 198 Goodbye! (Wan Zi Da Zhang Asks For Subscription)

Chapter 198 Goodbye! (Wan Zi Da Zhang asks for subscription)

"Who the hell can tell me where these devils come from?"

A human warrior in plate armor swung his two-handed sword and forced back two Barb Demons (Baba Demons) who rushed up and held machetes, swearing loudly through gritted teeth.

From the slightly flushed face, it is not difficult to see that he was obviously drunk and lying on the table to sleep before, but was awakened by the sound of the door breaking, and then he was involved in this inexplicable battle.

The dwarf Broto took his ax and chopped down several lemurs who rushed in at one go, and shouted without looking back: "Idiot! Don't you know that the portal under Dragonspear Castle is the gateway to Bartor's Hell?" Is it the first layer of Avernas? These demons must have come from there."

"But didn't the portal say that it was sealed by the mage of Waterdeep City?" the human warrior asked suspiciously.

"Seal? Ha! If you believe the nonsense of those mages, you are too naive. What's more, there is always a way to open the seal. Looking at the number of these devils, I dare to bet my head that they must Unknowingly opened the seal of the portal."

Broto's tone was full of irony.

Like most dwarves, this guy has a clear prejudice and distrust of the power of arcane magic.

It also doesn't have a good impression of arcane spellcasters such as mages and warlocks.

Of course, except those "clients" who made him earn a lot of gold coins.

While the two were talking, a young pastor was besieged by three or four little devils, and he was forced to retreat again and again.

Especially the highly poisonous tail thorn, if you are not careful, it may be brought down in minutes.

In desperation, he raised his shield to protect his head and neck, and shouted for help: "Damn! There are too many of these devils! It's endless! Can anyone help me?"

"Hahahaha! Poor little thing! Those guys can't even protect themselves now, how could they still have the time to save you. Accept your fate! You are going to die soon."

A man just walked in from the hotel gate. His appearance was very similar to that of the pit fiend, but obviously much smaller than the horned demon (horned demon). He grinned cruelly and cruelly.

Just when he began to chant spells and was about to release fireballs into the crowd, completely crushing the "rabble", he suddenly felt that the magic energy he had gathered suddenly dissipated for some reason.


The mid-level commander of the hell legion suddenly raised his head and noticed Zuo Si and his group standing at the stairs.

next second...

Huntington shot out the enchanted arrow strengthened by [Advanced Enchanted Weapon].

Because the original pulling force of [Strong Arm Bow] is amazing, the initial kinetic energy given to the arrow is far higher than other bows and arrows, and the distance is very short, so the horned demon had no time to dodge, and was hit in the chest by a sharp arrow on the spot .

The silver-plated layer on the arrow came into contact with the blood instantly, causing him to scream and wail in pain.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Kill him!"

The furious horned demon pulled out the arrow from his body forcefully, and issued new orders to the low-level devils under him.

But he himself carefully hid behind and chanted a spell, planning to use another fireball.

It has to be said that, unlike high-level demons who like to "recklessly" go up in person, high-level demons are more "dog" than one another.

Because those who don't know how to "dog" have basically died in the battlefield of "bloody battle".

Only those devils who are cautious enough to know how to take advantage of themselves can survive and get a chance to advance.

But unfortunately, the low-level lemurs, little devils, and barbed devils who are cannon fodder are obviously not the opponents of the dragon-born knight Davidian.

With just one face-to-face encounter, the latter used his shield to knock over six or seven guys who rushed up to launch a siege, and stabbed two or three to death with the flaming long sword.

With the attribute blessing brought by the strengthening magic, Davidian's strength is estimated to have exceeded 30 points. Even if the horned demon rushed up in person, it would not be possible to take advantage of it, not to mention the cannon fodder in the devil's army.

In the blink of an eye, all the demons that came up in the first wave were all dead.

Some of them were stabbed to death by long swords, some were decapitated by the sharp edges of shields, and some were pierced through the heads and hearts by the sharp arrows shot by Huntington.

Because the latter wears the [Shooter's Eye] amulet, he often hits the enemy's vitals unknowingly under the guidance of magical power.

As for Zuo Si himself, he played a game against spells with the horned devil hiding behind.

No matter what kind of spell-like ability the opponent uses, he will immediately activate the creator's [Spell and Barrier Destruction], directly absorb the magic energy gathered by the opponent, and then store it into his mana pool.

As a result, as soon as the Horned Demon chanted halfway through the spell, he would find that the energy he had finally gathered could not form a stable spell structure at all, and had to be interrupted in the end.

This has happened several times successively, making him completely confused about the situation.

At the very beginning, the devil also tried to trick Zuo Si into counter-magic spell slots by pretending to chant spells or using spell-like abilities that had no limit on the number of times.

But in the end, more than a dozen spells were destroyed in a row, and finally the horned devil realized that it was not a magic countermeasure at all, but another special power that he didn't understand at all.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a normal mage to have so many spell slots to continuously counter the [Advanced Teleportation] up to the seventh ring.

"Who are you?" The horned demon narrowed his eyes and asked tentatively.

"Don't you know who I am? Or, don't you know the purpose of this operation?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.


The horned demon fell silent, and its two eyes glowing with orange light, like burning flames, kept flickering.

From this reaction, it is not difficult to see that he doesn't know anything at all, and he is just carrying out the orders given by the fiend in the deep hell.

After realizing this, Zuo Si immediately showed a playful expression: "Ah! It seems that I don't know anything. If this is the case, then there is no value in staying."

The voice has not yet fallen!

A mass of black energy burning like a flame suddenly appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Before the horned demon realized what had happened, the group of energy turned into ten arrows, launching a group attack on the remaining demons in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

All the unlucky ones who were hit showed severe symptoms of poisoning and disease within a very short period of time.

And this terrifying situation made the demons who had never been sick or poisoned inevitably fall into panic.

Some of them tried to tear off the diseased part, while others stood there in a daze, watching the strange changes in their bodies.

After a while, those low-level devils collectively received a one-way ticket back to Bator's hometown in Hell.

The corpse turned into balls of energy that were absorbed by Zuo Si, turning into a "false life" that lasted for an hour.

"God...divine power! Are you a chosen one of the gods?" The horned demon's eyes widened in disbelief.

As a middle-level commander of the devil army, he is obviously not as ignorant of divine power as the lower-level devils.

Just the opposite!

Intermediate and high-level devils have a far better understanding of gods than their arch-rival devils.

"The answer is correct. It's a pity you knew it too late."

After all, Zuo Si began to try to control the divine power entering the opponent's body, and then make those viruses, bacteria and toxins more terrifying as much as possible.

After reading the research notes on the goddess of magic "Silver Fire" written by Elminster himself, he has a new understanding of the energy of divine power.

At the same time, they also began to try to develop attack methods in line with the priesthood characteristics of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, and Baal, the god of murder.

The devil in front of him just happened to be the perfect experimental subject.

Because the horned devil is not only almost incapable of getting sick, but also completely poisonous, and has a certain degree of spell resistance.

If a new ability developed works for them, other creatures must not be exempt either.


In less than two or three seconds, the horned demon's eyeballs filled with fire elements and evil energy suddenly burst without warning.

Then his nearly immortal body began to decay and deteriorate at an incredible speed, emitting a pungent stench.

Can't make any sound!

Because the entire part from the mouth to the throat was completely festered, and the muscles of the body and limbs disappeared under the high-speed decomposition of unknown bacteria.

In the end, even the outer skin and bones melted into the black energy mass little by little, leaving no trace of its existence.

"Strengthen the catabolism speed of mutant bacteria through divine power. It seems that the effect is not bad. From now on, this trick will be called [Return to Nature]."

While reminiscing about the feeling of controlling divine power just now, Zuo Si casually absorbed the last energy cluster.

At this point, the lobby on the first floor of the hotel was no longer threatened by the devil.

However, including the boss and all the adventurers, no one showed the expression of the survivors at all. Instead, they stared at the boy who looked only ten years old with even more frightened eyes.

Combined with the "chosen voters" shouted by the horned demon just now, coupled with the highly recognizable age and appearance, many people realize that Zuo Si is the goddess of poison and disease Talo who has been rumored and talked about everywhere recently. Na's voters.

Especially the method of killing the devil just now inevitably aroused the instinctive fear of plague, poison and death.

Only the dwarf Broto, who had made a deal with him, stepped up boldly, and bowed deeply with one hand on his chest like a human noble: "Your Excellency, thank you very much for your timely action. Otherwise, we people may be None survived."

"You're welcome. If the devil is allowed to occupy the hall on the first floor, I will be involved sooner or later. In terms of dealing with the devil, all of us have the same interests." Zuo Si responded calmly.

"You're right. When dealing with these damned devils, we should indeed unite to the outside world. There are a total of twenty-six adventurers left in the hotel, and we are all willing to follow your leadership."

The cunning Broto didn't hesitate at all, and directly chose to "hug the thigh".

He figured it out, if he wanted to survive the raid launched by the devil, he had to rely on someone who was strong enough.

Otherwise, wanting to fight a bloody road to escape Dragonspear Castle is basically whimsical.

And a voter of a god happens to be the most suitable "thigh hug" object.

Because all those who can be empowered by God to become the chosen people, without exception, have talents and characteristics that ordinary people can't match.

They are natural leaders and will not back down no matter how powerful their enemies and difficulties are.

As for the fact that Talona is an evil god that makes every country and city fearful, Broto doesn't care at all.

Because he himself is not a righteous man of the lawful good camp. He believes in Abbathor, the god of greed of the dwarves, and his camp is neutral evil.

Zuo Si saw through the dwarf's thoughts at a glance, and directly refused: "Sorry, I'm not interested in leading anyone. If you want to survive, you'd better stay in the hotel and don't go anywhere."

After saying this, he ignored the reactions of the adventurers and left the hotel to the chaotic streets without looking back.

Several teams of devils who were searching for survivors from house to house found humans, and immediately rushed over to plunder souls by killing them.

It is a pity that they kicked the iron plate this time.

Zuo Si directly summons the giant stone element upgraded to LV5.


There was a loud bang and the ground trembled violently.

A huge elemental creature with a height of more than ten meters, like a hill, appeared out of thin air.

On the spot, three or four lemurs and little devils who were too late to dodge were smashed to death.

Since its whole body is made of the hardest rock, it is a formidable weapon just by its own weight.

Few creatures can withstand the impact of dozens or even hundreds of tons of stones.

In just a dozen seconds, these search patrols composed of low-level devils were easily killed.

To be exact, they were all smashed into bloody mixtures such as meat paste, meat pie, and meat sauce.

The extremely violent and bloody scene made Isadora almost vomit out several times.


As a psion, her will is much firmer than that of ordinary people, and it didn't take long for her to adapt to the bloody environment around her, ready to activate her psychic powers at any time.

However, super-large elemental creatures like giant stone elementals appeared on the streets of Dragonspear Castle, and soon attracted the attention of more and more advanced devils.

After slaying several waves of groups led by Needle Demons, Bone Demons, and Horned Demons, Aegris the Pit Fiend finally emerged with a large group of minions.

The moment he saw Zuo Si, his eyes showed a strange look, and he couldn't help grinning wildly: "Hahahaha! Finally——I finally found you! Interesting mortal!"

"Find me?"

Zuo Si deliberately pretended to be puzzled.

"That's right! Whether it's your radiant soul, the strange power contained in your body, or the world where no gods were born, you are the lord of Diss on the second floor of Hell——Disbat What the Grand Duke wants.

Since the first time I used that inconceivable power to cut Rausea from hell, Grand Duke Disbate and I have noticed your existence.

Oh, I almost forgot, you didn't know that Rauseya was the name of that little devil.

Later, Your Excellency the Grand Duke ordered me to send a bone demon to respond to the call to the material world, and personally confirmed your specialness through the eyes of the latter.

So tonight's actions were not accidental, but planned after you left that catacomb.

On the west coast of Faerun, there is no better place to raise an army than Dragonspear Castle, with its permanent portal to hell.

For this reason, Grand Duke Disbat owed a lot of favor to Grand Duke Bayer, the lord of Avernas on the first floor of hell.

Come, let's sign a pact that will ensure your soul forever in Baator.

Believe me, money, power, power, beauty, no matter what you want, His Excellency Grand Duke Disbate can satisfy your wishes. "

Perhaps because he felt that he had already won, Aigris didn't mean to hide it at all, and directly took out the scroll of parchment that exuded a strong sulfur smell.

In his opinion, this tiny mortal in front of him should be moved by the "generosity" of his loyal lord, Grand Duke Dispat, and sign the contract without hesitation.

After all, not everyone can directly gain the attention of a hell-level lord when they sell their souls.

It's a pity that Zuo Si didn't intend to take it over and sign at all, but stared at the other party with a very weird look.

After more than ten seconds, he asked, "How long has it been since you updated the latest information on the west coast of Faeren?"

"What's the meaning?"

Agris frowned subconsciously.

Because the target reacted too calmly, he felt that something was wrong.

"It's very simple! I'm already a voter of the Goddess of Poison and Disease. So... if you want my soul, you and Grand Duke Disbate behind you, maybe you should first talk to Talona in person. If he If you have the guts." Zuo Si gave the answer meaningfully.

In an instant, the face of the deep hell refiner who was complacent one second became cloudy the next.

Because no god will give up his chosen people and let their souls become the property of a duke or lord of hell.

What's more, he is not sure whether his lord, Grand Duke Disbate, will fight against an evil goddess who must revenge for a soul.

Just when Aigris narrowed his eyes and thought about what to choose next, Zuo Si already had several more cards in his hand, and said in a slightly joking tone: "Actually, there is no need to be so difficult. After all, as long as I put You and your subordinates are all sent back to Baator Hell, isn’t this problem solved perfectly?”

With the last word blurted out, two white dragons suddenly appeared above the demons' heads out of nowhere, opened their mouths suddenly and let out a deadly frosty breath.

Before the other party had time to react, the hailstorm immediately swept everything within a radius of 12 meters.

Those lowest-level lemures, imps, and rebukers (fly devils) were frozen into crystal clear ice sculptures almost instantly.

Undoubtedly, for this group of devils who are completely immune to high temperature and fire magic, the four-ring magic [Ice Storm] and the white dragon's frost breath can definitely cause huge damage.

Some of them couldn't dodge in time, and their legs and feet were frozen in place on the spot, unable to move.

The few devils who were not frozen realized that they had been attacked by magic, and turned around immediately to escape the influence of the ice storm.

But after running a few steps, he found that he had bumped into an invisible force field wall.

Obviously, this is the first five-ring magic [Wall of Force] that Zuo Si has just learned.

At this moment, the deep hell fiend and his subordinates were blocked in the middle of the street.

Behind is a force field wall that is almost impossible to pass through. In front is a giant stone element that is more than ten meters tall and weighs tens or even hundreds of tons. On both sides are two-story buildings made of stone blocks. The dragon sealed the sky.

Without any hesitation!

You don't need to think too much about it!

Now that he has created the most perfect battlefield that is beneficial to him, Zuo Si immediately threw out all the crowd control magic at hand.

Under the triple effects of [Grease Art], [Spider Web Art], and [Ava Black Tentacle], most of the devils had to spend a lot of effort to get up from the ground, let alone counterattack.

Especially the [Ava black tentacles] of Sihuan, each black tentacles are as thick as an adult's waist, and they are as tough as rubber, difficult to be cut and destroyed.

If it is accidentally wrapped around the neck, there is a high probability that it will be strangled to death alive.

If it was under normal circumstances, with the astonishing power of a middle-level and high-level devil, naturally they wouldn't care about these nasty little tricks.

But the problem is, now there is a sheet of white ice under their feet, and the ice layer is covered with slippery grease, and their wings are entangled by spider webs falling from the sky, so they can't fly.

Being entangled by black tentacles at this time, the result is self-evident.

What's more, Zuo Si didn't stay idle after he finished controlling the enemy, throwing all kinds of lightning and sonic boom damage magic into it one after another.

Even Isadora held a lightning energy storage device made by himself in his hand, and fired wildly at these demons.

All of a sudden, from far away, you can see the raging lightning on the street here, and hear the deafening roar of the sonic boom magic.

It didn't take long before demons with insufficient vitality, such as barb demons, bone demons, and erinous demons, let out harsh howls of anger and unwillingness under the violent spell bombardment, and set foot on the road back to Baator Hell in pieces. Expressway.

Seeing that his subordinates were decreasing at an extremely fast rate, and he also suffered serious injuries, Agris, the fiend in deep hell, finally let go of his anger.

I saw him pass through his chest against a bolt of lightning, spit out a series of very strange language and words from his mouth, then raised his hand and pointed lightly at the position where Zuo Si was.


Zuo Si felt an indescribably shocking voice echoing in her mind, and she lost control of her body instantly.

[Law: Deterrence]!

This is an arcane magic with eight rings, as long as the vitality is not enough to ignore its influence, it will immediately fall into the dilemma of being unable to move.

However, this state only lasted for a second, and the divine power in his body began to surge, immediately allowing Zuo Si to recover from the state of awe.

Obviously, all spells of charm, mind and emotion control have very limited effects on him as a voter.

Probably it can only produce an effect for a second and a half at the moment of being hit.

But in this short period of just over a second, the deep hell refining demon has used two instant fireballs in succession to knock down the white dragon from the sky above his head.

Then he swarmed up with the remaining horned demons who were not killed by the spell, and tore them to pieces.

It has to be said that Bailong's title of "Shame of the True Dragon" may never be taken off.

Because their qualities and basic attributes rank at the bottom of all dragons.

Even for an adult white dragon, its power attribute is only a shameful twenty-five points.

An LV8 human warrior with outstanding talent can maintain a level with it after wearing some magic props that increase the attribute of strength.

The power attribute of an ordinary adult red dragon can easily reach thirty-one.

This also means that an adult red dragon can almost beat two to three adult white dragons.

However, considering that the horned devil's strength and power attributes are actually almost the same as those of adult red dragons, and the pit demon is an out-and-out legendary creature, its strength attributes may have thirty-seven or eight points, so the two summoned white dragons It is not unacceptable for a dragon to be besieged.

After all, although the white dragon is also a real dragon, it can only be used as a mount or cannon fodder like dog meat.

Count on them to reverse the situation at a critical moment?

no kidding!

In the entire Faerun continent, there are not a few white dragons who can really make a name for themselves?

Most of them nest in the big glaciers in the extreme north, living a primitive life of drinking blood.

It is estimated that even the brain has degenerated into an out-and-out beast, without much ability to analyze and think about complex problems.

Perhaps when the mana is richer in the future, you can consider upgrading the level of these two cards, and raising their age group to old age or ancient dragon, so it should not be so easy to be killed easily.

"Divine power... you are indeed the chosen one of the gods."

Agris stared at Zuo Si who recovered from the shock almost instantly, his eyes showed strong fear.

If it is in Baator Hell, he has countless ways to imprison him, and then slowly corrode his mind and soul, until he is no different from a devil.

During this process, the devils will not only provide extravagant enjoyment and sensory stimulation unimaginable to ordinary people, but also gradually imprint the mark of hell on the soul.

Not to mention human beings from the material world, even the most benevolent creatures from Heaven Mountain, there is a very high probability that they will completely degenerate under the corruption of the devil.

Those erinyes with wings stained with black are the best proof.

This evil, beautiful, and violent creature was not born in Baator.

Every erinia is a fallen from a holy angel.

Therefore, in the field of luring the good camp to fall into evil, the fiend in the deep hell is definitely an out-and-out master.

But the problem is that this is the material world, the land of Faerun full of gods, and the gods may descend and incarnate at any time.

Although Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, is only a weak divine power, she is not something that a mere pit demon can provoke.

Facts have proved that no matter in any world, there is a big gap between having no backstage and no backstage at all.

"How, are you and your master still planning to sign a contract with me? Or, are you sure that you can force me to perform it when the contract is torn up?" Zuo Si asked with a sneer.

Why is the devil so obsessed with signing contracts with creatures from all planes of the multiverse?

The answer is not that they are strong enough to make all those who want to come back pay dearly for it.

But the problem is, most of these contracts are only for mortals.

If God is involved, that's a different story.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is not the patent of the demons of the bottomless abyss, the devils are even worse in this respect.

"You will pay for your arrogance one day! I swear!"

After Aigris said a harsh word, he planned to take the rest of the devils back to the portal under Dragonspear Castle and report the situation to his loyal lord, Grand Duke Disbate.

Especially the two white dragons that were summoned out of thin air just now, even the corpses have disappeared without a trace, obviously summoned by some kind of magic ability.

He is not sure what kind of tricks Zuo Si, as a voter, is hiding.

Unfortunately, Zuo Si obviously didn't intend to let these seriously injured high-level devils leave so easily.

Just as the opponent started chanting a spell and wanted to cast [Advanced Teleportation], he suddenly absorbed the energy to maintain the stability of the spell structure without warning.

Before the other party realized what had happened, he immediately released his chosen ability, using the black energy flames containing terrible viruses, bacteria, and toxins to envelop all these devils.

At the same time, the giant stone element also took steps to charge.

Under the effect of its own weight and inertia, the hell fiend was knocked out almost instantly, knocking down several seriously injured horned demons.

However, the high-level devil is worthy of being a high-level devil, and soon came to his senses.

Half of them rushed to Zuo Si who was the summoner, and the other half rushed to the stone element, intending to kill this huge elemental creature just like tearing up the white dragon just now.

After all, the hard rock that is difficult to deal with in the eyes of mortal adventurers, under the devil's fangs, claws and enchanted weapons, is at best just rough skin and thick flesh, no big deal.

And the giant stone element has a fatal flaw, that is, it is too bulky, and its agility attribute is so low that it is unbearable to look directly at it (only eight points).

So as long as you are clever, you can do a perfect dodge.

In the blink of an eye, several very deep scratches were left on the body of the giant stone element, and broken stones of different sizes fell from a height like raindrops.

Aigris even tried to use his powerful spell-like ability to directly bind the soul of this powerful elemental creature.

But unfortunately, the spell was forcibly interrupted by the [Spell and Barrier Destruction] ability before it was half finished.

As long as the straight-line distance between the opponent's caster and Zuo Si is no more than 30 meters, unless it is an instant spell that requires no preparation at all, it is basically impossible to expect it to be successfully released.

Not only that!

Zuo Si also took out the last LV7 creature card [Olan Lido-headed Dragon] from the bottom of the box.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, a giant beast covered with Amber-colored scales, with a thick and slender neck, as many as five heads, and a terrifying aura appeared in front of everyone.

It is 30 meters long, which is equivalent to the height of a nine to ten-story building. Its thick limbs are stronger and more powerful than the ancient dragon. Even a slight flick of its tail turned a large area of ​​empty houses next to it into ruins. .

On the back and side of the head of this giant beast, there are fins erected like sails, but it has no wings, and it obviously does not have the ability to fly.

But the five heads seem to have different consciousnesses, and the eyes are frighteningly red.

The saliva in the mouth of one of the heads obviously contained strong acid energy, and when it dripped to the ground, there was a sharp chugging sound.

You don't need to ask, you know, this is the famous Olan Rido-headed dragon in the world of Zendikar, a dragon-like creature that can expand in size without limit.

Since Zuo Si currently has two lands in effect, one of the lands also produces green mana.

Therefore, this Oran Lido-headed dragon should have added three size units, with a strength attribute of up to 49 points, a magic resistance of 45 points, and a rapid regeneration ability.

In front of it, the ten-meter-high giant stone element looked like a tiny dot.

As for those devils, except for the demons in the deep hell, they are basically no different from ants.

The three horned demons who rushed forward to capture Zuo Si alive had no idea that after summoning two white dragons, the other party could actually summon such a terrifying creature.

As a result, one of them couldn't dodge in time, and was bitten by the open mouth of the Oulan Lido-headed dragon on the spot.

Among them, the unlucky one who was bitten by the head of the acid-rich saliva immediately couldn't help crying out in pain.

But just a few seconds later, he tore off the other head of the hydra and cut off the city in two.

As for the other two horned demons, their fates were similar.

With a strength close to 50 points, the horned devil's strength attribute in his early 30s is basically like a baby in the eyes of adults, even anger, anger and struggle look so "cute".

boom! boom! boom! boom!

After eliminating the threat closest to its owner, the Oulan Li multi-headed dragon dragged its huge body, actively cooperated with the giant stone element and began to attack the remaining devils.

Every time the former takes a step forward, all creatures within the entire range of Dragonspear Castle will feel obvious and violent vibrations.

When the survivors poked their heads out and witnessed this giant beast standing on the street with their own eyes, they all opened their mouths wide, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"God of love! This... what kind of monster is this?"

The young priest who believed in Suna couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Not only him, but everyone else around him reacted in the same way.

You must know that most adult dragons are only a little over ten meters long, and black dragons and white dragons may not reach ten meters.

"You ask me? How do I know! Maybe it's the ability bestowed on her chosen by Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease."

Another female dwarf next to her rolled her eyes angrily.

"It doesn't matter what it is! As long as it's killing those damn devils!"

The dwarf Broto is very open-minded.

Because he found that as the battle on Zuo Si's side became fierce, all the devils from other places ran to support.

And most of the middle and low-level devils often can't even get close to the battlefield, and they will be easily killed by a large group of shadow creatures pouring out of the darkness.

Without the command of high-level devils and the support of large-scale spell-like abilities, lemurs, imps, and barbs have no good ways to deal with hordes of shadow creatures.

The only regret is that this is not Bator Hell, there is no way to really kill a devil, let alone transform it into a shadow creature.

However, Zuo Si gained a lot from the red and general magic energy left behind after the bodies of these demons were destroyed in the material world.

While admiring the abyss demon Aigris and the last few high-level devils under him, he was in a state of embarrassment to avoid the attacks of the Oranli multi-headed dragon and the giant stone element, and at the same time he used the ability of the chosen one [curse drop] to reduce the target's agility attribute , so that the latter's nerve reflex speed and balance ability are greatly reduced, and the dodge movements also become more and more clumsy.

Coupled with the various diseases and poisoning reactions caused by being hit by the black energy flame...

In a few minutes or so, the group of devils who came to the material world from the underground portal of Dragonspear Castle were gone.

Especially the guy who was accidentally trampled to death by the Oran Rido-headed dragon, the blood plasma and internal organs would explode in an instant and make a muffled bang.

Its sputtering radius is five or six meters away.

Of course, the price was that all the houses built around the main building of Dragonspear Castle were demolished to the ground without exception.

The huge footprints can even sink the ground by about one meter.

Nothing can stand in the way of the devastating destructive power of the Oran Rido Dragon!

Wherever it went, it was as if it had been ravaged by a doomsday storm, and there was only one end for both the enemy and the house.

"Mortal! Do you really want to be an enemy of Grand Duke Dispat and Baator Hell?"

Aigris casually crushed a shadow that was trying to launch a sneak attack from behind, followed by a stern questioning.

"No, it's not that I am against you, but that you and your master thought bad things about me first, so I was just forced to fight back." Zuo Si retorted unceremoniously.

"So your counterattack is to send me and my men back to Bator Hell by killing?"

Anger's eyes gleamed with anger and hatred.

Because he knew that his mission was definitely screwed up this time.

After returning, he might be reprimanded and punished by the lord, Grand Duke Disbate, or even be demoted.

This kind of result is better than dying directly on the battlefield of a bloody battle for a deep-hell refiner standing at the apex of hell's power society.

Zuo Si nodded slightly with a dangerous smile on his face: "That's right! No matter who wants to kill me or plunder my soul, he must be mentally prepared to be killed by me.

Whether it's the various organizations on the continent of Faerun, the church of gods, you devils, or the demons of the bottomless abyss.

On this issue, I never bargain with people.

If you and your host think it's a declaration of war, so be it.

If you have the ability, send more devils into the material world, or gather those mortal believers who worship the devil, and see if I can kill them all.

Remember, don't mess with me.

If there is another time, sooner or later, I will go to hell, chop off your head, and use the skull to make a wine bowl. "

"Hahahaha! Very good! Very good! Your arrogance really opened my eyes!" Aigris laughed back angrily.

In his long life, he had seen countless daring guys, but this was the first time he had encountered a lunatic who dared to threaten to go to hell and use his own skull as a wine bowl.

Just when the hellish fiend was about to show his last hole card and fight desperately, he suddenly found that Zuo Si's lips were rising and falling in a small range, apparently secretly chanting a spell with the help of the loud noise and vibration made by the Oran Lido-headed dragon attack .

not good!

be cheated!

After Aigris realized this, he immediately dodged and spread his wings. With his superb agility attribute, he just avoided the pincer attack of the hydra and the giant stone element, and dived straight to the opponent's position.

The deep hell fiend even ignored Huntington's enchanted arrow and let it penetrate his left shoulder, only wanting to interrupt the spellcasting before the spell was completed.

Just as the distance between the two was getting closer, David had already raised his shield and was about to use his body to protect the safety of his master.

The sound of Zuo Si chanting the spell and the movement of casting the spell stopped suddenly, and he raised his head with a playful smile, and spit out two words from his mouth: "Goodbye!"


As a magic pet, the little devil suddenly appeared from his former boss, and touched Aigris' wings with his hand wrapped in black energy.

next second...

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! How dare you do that!"

The black flame directly devoured all the vitality in the body of the deep hell fiend, roaring on the spot and turning into a mass of blazing flames and crashing to the ground with a bang.

There is no doubt that this is the [Killing Art] once a day in the Chosen Ability.

Zuo Si, through the ability of the master and the familiar's [Transfer Contact], let the little devil, who has always been ignored in the invisible state, complete the close touch of this powerful spell, injecting terrible magic energy into Aigris' body.

Coupled with the injuries he had suffered before, he finally succeeded in killing the legendary creature—the Hell Demon.

(end of this chapter)

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