One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 204 The Oldest Creature In Faerun

Chapter 204 The Oldest Creature in Faerun

"An abandoned temple of Moradin, father of the dwarves? In Leyline Lost City!"

Looking at the four-meter-high rock statue standing in the cave, Zuo Si showed a very surprised expression.

Because he really couldn't think of who would build a temple in such a place.

With the character of the mad mage Helast Black Robe, it is 100% impossible to build anything like a temple.

In other words, as a remnant of the Imaskar Empire, he was born to be the same as the great arcanists of Netheril, and he didn't have a good impression of creatures like gods.

What's more, Moradin is still the main god of dwarves, and has nothing to do with humans.

"This was originally the residence of an ancient dwarf tribe. But before the mad mage arrived, they didn't know whether they migrated to other places, or they all died under the siege of dark elves and gray dwarves. The temple in front of us, It should be what they built and left behind. In short, with the blessing of the father of the dwarves, this is one of the few places where you can rest safely in the entire Leyline Lost City."

While talking, Luge knelt on one knee and expressed his respect to the main god of the dwarf pantheon, and then took out the bedroll from the backpack behind him and spread it on the ground.

The other two did the same thing, and they seemed to be quite skilled adventurers.

For most adventurers, it is quite common to often eat and sleep in the wilderness and even underground caves.

In order to keep warm and make themselves sleep more comfortably, they usually pack a sleeping bag, blanket or bedroll in their large backpacks.

At that time, just like now, find a relatively flat ground, simply clean up the stones, and go directly to the top to sleep.

But the careful halfling thief Cora noticed that Zuosi and Davidian didn't have these things.

Just when she was about to show off her style and give up her bedding, she turned around and saw a scene that left her dumbstruck and unbelievable.

At some point, the Dragonborn Knight took out a large number of iron frames, leather, cloth and other things from the huge pocket on his back, and then assembled them together with extremely skilled movements.

In the end, a gorgeous tent covering almost half of the temple was erected in this way.

Not just tents!

There are actually simple wooden beds, tables, chairs and bedding inside, as well as a stove for cooking.

Beside the stove is full of charcoal and a lot of fresh meat, vegetables, melons and fruits.

"You... are you here on vacation?"

Cora watched for a long time and couldn't help raising her voice and asked a question.

She couldn't believe it at all, the two guys in front of her actually used expensive large dimensional bags to not only pack a large tent, but also packed countless daily necessities.

It has nothing to do with the traditional life of adventure.

"Vacation? No, of course not. This is how we camp in the wild on weekdays. After all, whether it is fighting or traveling, it is a very physical and energy-consuming thing. Only by eating and sleeping well can we recover quickly."

While talking, Zuo Si poured some water into the pot, and then threw the chopped chicken, mushrooms and potatoes into the pot to stew.

Since [Magic Trick] can slightly adjust the taste of food, such tasks as stewing soup and cooking are usually done by him himself.

After all, all arcane spellcasters are born cooks.

As long as they want, they can cook a pot of delicious soup or delicious dishes at any time.

"But this is too exaggerated!"

The poet Kers also noticed the tent that suddenly appeared out of thin air, and immediately complained with twitching corners of his mouth.

In contrast, the dwarf Luge has a very high tolerance for this. He sat down at the dining table, picked up the glass, filled himself with wine, raised his head and drank it, smacked his lips and said with a smile: "I think It's not bad. There are hot meals, who wants to eat those hard bread, biscuits, jerky and beans. By the way! Cora, you go outside and take care of the food, so that the goblins, dark elves and other monsters don't smell the food The smell comes in."

"No need. I have already set a magic trap at the door. If an enemy approaches, it will immediately make a shrill sound as an alarm."

Zuo Si stopped the halfling thief who got up and was about to go out.

Because this hidden temple has only one entrance, and it is very, very narrow.

Unless the creatures that come in are earth element creatures with the ability to travel freely in the strata, it is basically impossible to make a surprise attack.

What's more, the Shadow Legion has been lurking in the invisible darkness around them, and Zuo Si will get the news immediately if there is any trouble within a few kilometers.

"Sounds like I'm finally getting a good night's sleep."

Cora yawned lazily at first, then stretched her arms up, her eyes fixed on the food in the pot.

Like all halflings, she is also a "lazy" and "greedy" at heart.

If you are not still young and still yearn for adventure and fortune in your heart, it is estimated that in a few years, your body will be out of shape due to gluttony and lack of exercise, and you will become a little boy like Askatera's chef Welby. Chubby.

As for the dwarf and the poet, taking advantage of the time before the meal, they quickly finished off a whole bottle of "spirited wine" with an alcohol content of about 30 degrees.

Especially the former, after drinking so much wine on an empty stomach, he wasn't even the slightest bit drunk, instead he looked around to see if there was a second bottle.

We all know that almost every adventurer is an alcoholic in order to relieve the fatigue and stress of the journey.

And the dwarf race as a whole is also addicted to alcohol.

Many dwarf tribes living in caves and mines trade with outside human towns to buy three things that are the most, nothing more than food, salt and wine.

So when a dwarf becomes an adventurer, it is completely a mobile barrel.

They will drink to their heart's content wherever they get the chance, until their bellies are so full that they can't drink any more.

But Zuo Si obviously wouldn't give a dwarf unlimited alcohol in Leyline Lost City.

When Luge searched for two rounds but failed to find the wine bottle, he quickly gave up searching and lay down at the table patiently waiting for the meal to be served.

After a while, as the soup in the pot began to roll, the rich aroma began to emanate.

A simple sprinkling of salt and condiments, and then a [magic trick] added a little spiciness, and a dish made of chicken, mushrooms and potatoes was served on the table.

Zuo Si also sprinkled a lot of chopped scallions very carefully before serving the pot. The rich fragrance of scallions made people waiting for the meal involuntarily start to inhale with their noses.

Always obsessed with cleanliness, he served himself a portion first, and then threw the whole pot of dishes to others to mess with.

As expected, these seasoned adventurers eat like they are grabbing food, and use no utensils at all, just stuffing their mouths with cooking spoons.

One person fills his own mouth before passing it to the next person.

Impatient dwarves will even grab it with their hands.

If you eat in the same pot with these guys who don't talk about hygiene at all, Zuo will probably explode in place.

The meal finally came to an end after a pot full of dishes was eaten up, and each person ate an average of two or three pieces of bread.

The halfling Cora took the endless kettle and took the initiative to do the work of washing dishes and pots.

After eating, Davidan lay down on the hard plank bed and fell asleep groggyly.

He was too tired to keep watch as usual.

Zuo Si, as usual, took out a spell book before going to bed and began to learn the spells copied from it.

Although he has learned a lot along the way, compared to the huge and astonishing number of types of arcane magic, these may not even reach one third.

And with the in-depth understanding of super magic skills, "magic power" and "magic power" can finally be used in actual combat.

Among them, the function of "strong effect" is to increase the maximum damage limit of a spell by 50%, and "extreme effect" is to ensure that the spell can reach the maximum theoretical damage limit after it is released.

Due to Zuo Si's current spellcasting level, the highest is only five-ring spell slots and divine spell slots.

Therefore, powerful spells are obviously more cost-effective than extreme spells.

So he resolutely decided to memorize a powerful fireball technique to try its power after he fell asleep.

After about an hour or so, Zuo Si, who had learned a new spell, finally closed the book and began to rest.

It may be because the location of this dwarf temple is too remote, or it may be that the goblins, dark elves, and monsters were all killed by the shadow army ambushing at the door.

Anyway, during the time when the team members were sleeping, they didn't suffer any disturbance.

The people who woke up had a simple breakfast on the spot, and waited for the two spellcasters in the team to prepare their spells before packing up their things and continuing to go deeper into the Lost City of Earth Leylines.

After killing a tribe of hobgoblins blocking the entrance to the lower level, the third level finally appeared in front of them.

It is different from the dry environment where the first two floors are either caves or mazes.

This broken place is full of puddles and even pools of different depths.

And it's not fresh water, but sea water full of fishy smell and salty taste.

There are also sea hags and sea trolls hiding under some pools, waiting for a sneak attack.

Because the former has many powerful spell-like abilities, if one is accidentally stared into by those eyes full of evil power, he will fall into a trance in minutes, and see a tragic future picture, or a doomsday-like scene. He fell into a deep coma and even died on the spot.

The dwarf, who always liked to walk in the forefront to scout the way for his teammates, was caught and glared at by the sea hag just now, but was rescued by Zuo Si's magic.

Otherwise, he would probably sink to the bottom and be drowned alive.

"Damn it! I hate water! I hate sea water even more!" Ruger gritted his teeth and complained in a low voice.

Because the dwarf's legs are relatively short, he is often soaked in water from the neck down. Whether it is pants, clothes or shoes, they become wet and feel extremely uncomfortable.

In addition, he almost had zero-distance contact with an extremely ugly sea hag just now, which made him feel extremely bad.

Seeing that the dwarf was deflated, the poet immediately took the opportunity to laugh and said, "It's not because you eat too much and you are seriously overweight. Otherwise, you can sit directly on Davidian's shoulders like Cora."

"Shut up! If I hear half a word from your mouth again, I will use an ax to pry your teeth out one by one." Luge threatened viciously.

"Come on. If you really hate the sea water, why don't you go to Skull Harbor? From there, you can even quickly pass through the third and fourth floors by boat, and directly reach the fifth floor." Kers rolled his eyes angrily.

"I know the answer to that!"

Cora, who was sitting on Davidian's shoulder, suppressed a smile and interjected.

"Bastard! You promised me to keep it a secret!"

Seeing this, the dwarf immediately became impatient, and jumped up desperately, trying to pull the halfling thief down, and then gagged the opponent's mouth.

Unfortunately, compared with the dexterous Cora, his movements are really too slow.

The halfling simply jumped from the dragonborn knight's left shoulder to the right shoulder, easily dodged the dwarf, and then announced bluntly: "Do you know? The reason Luger never goes to Skull Harbor is actually because he is more afraid of taking a boat.

When he was young, he once took a merchant ship from Waterdeep to Baldur's Gate.

As a result, he encountered a storm halfway and fell into the sea from the deck, and drifted for seven or eight days with a wooden barrel in his arms.

Since then, he has vowed never to set foot in any boat again. "

"Pfft hahahaha! My God! So that's why you never go to Skull Harbor?" The poet burst into laughter.

"Ahh! Cora! I'm going to kill you!"

The dwarf who was "committed to death" in public after being dug out of the black history was instantly furious.

I have to say that having a few friendly teammates around me can really make the boring journey much more interesting.

Because of the [Water Surface Walking] ability of voters, Zuo Si always stepped on the water surface, watching the good show that was going on with great interest.

And the shadow army under him has already spread out, and they have clearly detected the dangers around them.

Some of the communities with relatively large numbers were even slaughtered mercilessly.

After a little more than two floors, the number of Shadow Legion has expanded again.

I don't know if the mad mage will come to cause trouble when he learns that the monster he finally acquired has been killed.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't care about this, harvesting a lot of mana unscrupulously.

And use these overflowing mana to continuously produce various arcane and divine cards.

After more than seven hours of difficult marching, the team finally reached the fourth floor of the Leyline Lost City through a cave completely submerged in seawater.

But just after getting out of the water, before they had time to catch their breath, everyone saw a group of Kou Tao murlocs standing on the shore and staring at them.

The two sides stared at each other like this for ten seconds, and the Kou Tao murloc reacted immediately, raised the fork and javelin and threw them over.

"Hey! Dive and hide!"

The dwarf couldn't help but swear, and then dived into the water again.

Because of the huge buoyancy of the sea water, those thrown forks and javelins would not be able to penetrate a few meters, and they would completely lose their lethality.

However, Zuo Si and Davidian did not dive.

Just the opposite!

Zuo Si directly used the card to give the Dragonborn Knight a three-ring spell [Walk on Water].

The two of them stood like this on the sea water.

Davidian raised his shield in front of his master, blocking all the forks and javelins that fell from the sky.

Zuo Si, on the other hand, entered the state of casting spells without distraction.

In the blink of an eye, a fireball with a super-magic skill—a powerful spell, flew straight to the place where the kuo-tao murlocs were densest on the shore.

next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by the eerie explosion and white flames, all the murlocs within a radius of six meters were vaporized in an instant.

When the flames dissipated, there were only a few burnt black ashes left on the ground.

Such a terrifying scene directly caused the Kou Tao murlocs, who were aggressively attacking one second, to fall into stunned silence the next.

Because they are not the low-intelligence murlocs in the world of Azeroth who can only snarl and rush up, but a very ancient aquatic intelligent race.

Long before the rise of human civilization, the Kou-tao fish people worshiped the demon lord of the eighty-ninth floor of the bottomless abyss—the "king of the deep sea" Dagon, and built one underwater city after another.

It's just that with the rise of the shark murlocs, they were slowly slaughtered bit by bit.

The only way to find new habitats is to come to shallow seas or even coastal lands.

Among the Kou Tao Yuren who were killed by the fireball just now, there were two priests and tribal leaders, causing the entire tribe to lose its leader.

However, Zuo Si obviously did not intend to let go of this group of "walking mana", and quickly completed the next spell with extremely fast movements.

I saw him raise his hand and lightly point to the location of the Kou Tao fishmen tribe in front of him.


A large cloud of highly poisonous mist spread violently.

Almost all the unlucky ones who accidentally inhaled a mouthful died suddenly on the spot with bleeding from their mouths and noses in less than a second.

And those who were lucky enough not to be affected, turned around and wanted to escape without saying a word.

Obviously, this is the famous [Dead Cloud Technique].

Seeing that the Kou Tao murlocs started to run away like crazy, Zuo Si directly ordered the Shadow Army to kill them all.

Soon, in every corner deep in the cave, they were chased and intercepted by countless shadows.

In the end, they were all killed without exception, and then transformed into new shadows.

As the mana pool began to overflow again, Zuo Si immediately took the opportunity to upgrade the four [Fireball] cards by one level, turning them into [Empowered Fireball].

Needless to ask, he knew that he was quite satisfied with the power of the fireball that had been enhanced with powerful spells.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Leyline Lost City, which is full of dangers and dangers everywhere, is like a huge treasure to the planeswalker.

Whether it is the monsters that can be turned into mana or cards that the "crazy mage" Helast Black Robe caught from somewhere, or the unknown magic net node in the lower area that can be made into land cards, all It is what Zuo Si, a "novice stage" planeswalker, needs most.

As the saying goes, "cannibals have short mouths and short hands to grab people".

Zuo Si felt that when he became stronger in the future, he might think of a way to help Helast Heipao cure his madness, which would be regarded as repaying the "selfless" help provided by the other party.

Just as he was putting away the upgraded card, the other three people who got into the water to avoid the attack finally couldn't hold their breath and got out one after another.

When he saw the corpses of Kou Tao murlocs strewn about on the shore, Kers, the only poet who knew arcane magic, immediately opened his mouth wide and exclaimed, "Dead...dead cloud technique! You used five-ring magic?"

You must know that a mage who can cast five-ring spells must have at least a spellcasting level of LV9.

And at this level, half a foot has stepped into the ranks of high-level spellcasters.

Such mages are definitely rare among adventurers.

Given Zuo Si's still immature appearance, becoming an archmage in the future is almost a certainty.

What's more, he himself is a priest.

"That's right! There are too many of these annoying guys, and they are very scattered. It is difficult for low-level spells to cover such a large area. Death cloud spell is the best choice." Zuo Si responded casually.

After all, poisonous gas magic such as dead cloud and stinking cloud in reality is not like in the game, which only stays in one area.

Just the opposite!

It will spread around with the flow of air.

If I had done a [Wind Brewing Technique] just now to blow the poisonous gas of the dead cloud into the cave, then more than half of the escaped Kou Tao fishmen would be caught up by the poisonous cloud, and then they would bleed to death from their seven orifices.

But considering that the shadow army is responsible for hunting down and killing them, and at the same time transforming new shadows, naturally there is no need for that.

In fact, in order not to arouse the suspicion of the three temporary teammates, Zuo Si has always been very restrained.

Except for using some hole cards when dealing with Warren, he basically didn't use the ability of the voters much, and rarely used the cards of the planeswalker.

"Good kill! These nasty kuo-tao murlocs are followers of the demon lord, and they kill many adventurers who enter the Lost Leyline City every year, and all of them deserve to die."

The dwarf obviously hated the Kuu Tao murlocs very much, and spat hard at the corpse on the ground.

But immediately after, he squatted down and started rummaging through the dead body for valuables.

Especially all kinds of pearls.

Finally put it all into the backpack, and then moved on with satisfaction.

Compared with the third floor, the fourth floor has obviously more places soaked in seawater, and it is often the case that several passages are completely filled with seawater.

If someone does not know the way, it is almost impossible to find the right direction in the intricate underwater caves.

No wonder the poet would say that you can reach the fifth floor faster by rowing a boat directly from Skull Harbor.

Zuo Si couldn't imagine how much time and energy the "mad mage" spent on building the Leyline Lost City.

This is no longer a huge project that can be completed in just a few hundred years, but has been started before the establishment of Waterdeep City, and has been continuously developed and constructed for more than a thousand years.

Just as everyone was holding their breath and swimming forward along the underwater cave, a huge black shadow with a length of six to seven meters suddenly flashed across the slightly turbid sea water in the distance.

The poet was taken aback immediately, and kept gushing out bubbles from his mouth.

But unfortunately, he can't speak in the water, so others don't understand what he wants to express at all.

Only a second later, the swimming dwarf stopped all his movements suddenly, then turned around without warning, and slashed at the halfling thief fiercely with his axe.

Cora didn't have time to react, so she could only kick her short legs desperately to escape the opponent's attack range.

Just at this critical moment!

Davidian rushed forward, and with the advantage of his longer arm, grabbed Ruger's wrist, trying to forcefully control it.

But it's a pity that before the dwarf could be restrained, the bard next to him also became very strange, and rushed towards Zuo Si brandishing his long sword.

But underwater, Zuo Si is not as weak as others.

Before the other party approached, he directly used the magic card - [Bigby Body Protection Palm].


An invisible big hand appeared out of thin air, directly blocking Kers a few meters away, no matter how he attacked, he couldn't get any closer.

In less than a few seconds after the appearance of the huge black shadow, two people in the team suddenly attacked their companions like crazy, but anyone who is not a fool knows that there is a problem.

So the other three didn't even hesitate, and immediately began to float up quickly.

At the moment when it was about to surface, the black shadow that had just disappeared reappeared again, and passed over the head at an extremely fast speed, forcing everyone back under the water with its huge size.

But this time, Zuo Si saw the true face of the shadow.

It was a giant fish creature with a body length of more than six or seven meters and a weight of more than three tons.

However, it is different from ordinary fish in that it looks very ugly and weird, with a large pink abdomen, three eyes on the head, and several strong and powerful tentacles extending around the body.

When this guy swims by, the smell of sea water suddenly becomes very foul.

no doubt!

This is a terrifying aboleth!

An aquatic intelligent creature as old as even this world, and one of the most fearsome of all enemies to encounter in water.

According to legend, they were born from the seeds sprinkled by the ancient evil Pai Skyssis, also known as the "Blood Queen" and "Mother of Monsters", at the beginning of the birth of this world.

Moreover, every aboleth will automatically acquire the memories of their parents and even all their ancestors after they are born, knowing how their race was born, and how the world evolved into what it is today through disaster after disaster.

It can even be said that the aboleth is the living history recorder of the entire planet Toril.

Its huge amount of memory is simply not comparable to that of any other race, not even the Legendary Dragon and the Mind Flayer Mastermind.

They are truly immortal, living in the depths of the sea long before most gods were born.

These powerful creatures can not only easily control other creatures within a certain range around them, but also possess psychic powers similar to mind flayers.

After realizing what the attacker was, Zuo Si's expression immediately became serious, and without a word, he took out two [Remove Curse] cards to liberate the two enslaved people.

Immediately afterwards, he took out another [Level 5 Monster Summoning] card, and chose to summon a [Super Large Purgatory Shark] without hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, a fierce underwater beast from Baator Hell emerged from the magic circle, and according to the summoner's will, directly attacked the aboleth.

When the aboleths discovered this, they immediately began using psionic powers, creating phantoms and hallucinations to deceive the infernal sharks.

In just a dozen seconds, the mentally retarded Purgatory Shark was manipulated by the opponent.

But Zuo Si didn't expect that a mere creature summoned by five-ring magic could pose any threat to an aboleth, it was just used to buy a little time.

Taking advantage of this moment of effort, the other four people in the team have already surfaced and struggled to climb to the shore to escape the danger.

When the aboleth finished cleaning up the purgatory shark, he suddenly found that Zuo Si was the only one left, and immediately asked with a slightly curious tone through telekinesis, "Why didn't you escape?"

"Escape? Why should I escape?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully through the telepathic connection.

Since the chosen ability has underwater breathing, he doesn't need to float up to take a breath every once in a while like a normal person.

"Because if you don't escape, you will become my slave, or your skull will be pried open to read the memories in your brain."

The aboleth did not hide anything, and directly stated his plan.

They have no concept of "equality" and "harmonious coexistence".

In the eyes of all aboleths, this world should belong to them.

All the other intelligent life that was born later are all pests that must be eliminated, or objects to be enslaved.

If caught by an aboleth, the best outcome would be to be killed on the spot.

Otherwise, whether it is being pried open the skull to read the memory in the brain, or being turned into a controlled slave by the magic-like ability, life is definitely worse than death.

"Hmph! You and your race are still as arrogant as the rumors say, and you don't even realize that the world has been permanently reshaped. Now, I give you two choices. One is to obediently become mine pet, the other is to become a dead fish."

With the last word blurted out, Zuo Si instantly released the divine power in his body, filling the waters with deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins.

In less than half a minute, all fish, shellfish, shrimp, crabs, algae, etc. within a radius of one or two kilometers were all dead.

The fish carcasses floating densely on the surface of the water almost make people feel scalp numb after looking at them.

Similarly, the aboleth also felt the terrible change in the water quality, and rotten sores began to grow all over its body.

The intense pain and discomfort made it try to invade Zuo Si's brain first, but it was blocked by divine power as expected, and finally couldn't help asking: "What did you do?"

"Simple! I flooded the waters with viruses, bacteria, and the fastest-acting toxins in the world.

Like I said, right now your body is dying at breakneck speed.

If you don't want to die, then don't fight to be my pet honestly.

Otherwise, no matter whether you choose to flee or fight, there is only one final result, that is to die painfully under the torment of disease and poison.

In addition, I advise you not to try to control me anymore, because your abilities don't work on me. "

After all, Zuo Si took out a blank card.

You must know that he is very interested in the ability of aboleths to stack infinitely and pass on memories to future generations.

Because apart from the aboleth, no other race on Faerun has similar abilities.

"I choose to surrender! From now on, you are my master."

Realizing that he might really be killed by diseases and toxins, the aboleth resolutely admitted his cowardice.

After all, this kind of creature is very life-saving.

Almost no aboleth would give up their lives easily.

And in their concept, being defeated and captured as a slave is simply a matter of course.

"Very good! You have made a wise choice. Don't resist now, I will seal you up so that you can be taken away." Zuo Si deliberately deceived the other party with words.

Because of the barrier formed by divine power, he didn't worry that his true thoughts would be detected by the other party.

In this way, without any resistance from the aboleth, Zuo Si successfully made it into a creature card.

[Creature Card: Strange - Aboleth Demon Fish]

[LV3 blue card (upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Rare]

[Effect: Summon an aboleth to serve the planeswalker.

The creature possesses numerous spell-like abilities and psionic powers.

Enslavement: Three times a day, you can control any creature within ten meters, the effect is equivalent to [dominate human beings]. When the distance between the two parties exceeds one and a half kilometers, the enslaved will break free.

Psionic powers at will: hypnotic pattern, wall, mirage, resident phantom, preset phantom, projection, veil.

Skin softening: The skin of any creature hit by an aboleth's tentacles may gradually become transparent and secrete mucus like an amphibian. Living things in this state must keep their skin moist, otherwise they will suffer great pain because they cannot maintain their body temperature until they die.

Mucus Cloud: Aboleths secrete a mucus that wraps around their bodies. Any living thing that inadvertently inhales will cause its respiratory system to lose the ability to breathe in the air for the next three hours. Once out of the water will suffocate to death.

In addition, aboleth also has a huge memory that has been passed down from ancient times, which can help planeswalkers better understand the secrets hidden behind this world.

The aboleth will obey all your commands until it is completely destroyed]

[To use this card, you need to pay five points of blue mana, or five points of general mana]

[When the aboleth dies, the card will automatically enter the cemetery and wait for rebirth for three days]

There is no doubt that although this biological card is only a mere LV3, the value contained in it is probably the one with the highest value among all the cards today.

Among other things, the memories of the aboleths passed down from generation to generation and their knowledge of this world from the birth of the entire race to the present may be worth several Candlekeep libraries.

At least in the Candlekeep library there will never be records about the birth of this world before most of the gods came.

And after making it into a card, Zuo Si can safely and boldly conduct repeated dissections on this aboleth to study its physiological structure, especially the structure of the brain.

After recovering the viruses, bacteria and toxins scattered in the surrounding waters, he floated up from the water.

"Master! Are you okay?" Davian asked with concern.

Zuo Si wiped the water off her face, and shook her head slightly: "It's fine. But I never expected to meet an aboleth in this kind of place."

"What? Aboleth!"

The halfling Cora suddenly jumped up from the ground and let out an exclamation.

The poet next to him also shivered, cursing in a low voice: "Damn it! I said why it was suddenly under control. It turns out that the huge black shadow under the water is actually a terrifying monster like the aboleth .”

Even the always bold dwarf said with lingering fear: "If we can go back alive this time, we will have something to brag about. After all, there are not many people who can survive the encounter with the aboleth."

"Yes! But the feeling of being controlled by the charm spell is terrible. I am still dizzy and feel nauseated." The poet slapped his chest with a pale face.

"Me too. Looks like we'll have to rest here for a while."

The dwarf lifted the 【Endless Jug】and poured two sips of water into his mouth, barely suppressing the strong feeling of nausea.

Needless to ask, I know that the discomfort of these two people is a typical sequelae of being hit by enchantment (confusion) magic.


The effects of this type of magic are not limited to immediate effects such as charm, hypnosis, immobilization, and emotional manipulation.

And after the magic fails, it will be accompanied by strong physical discomfort.

Among them, dizziness, vertigo, and nausea are relatively safe and low-level conditions.

Severe cases may even permanently damage the brain and memory, and then the whole person becomes crazy and unreasonable.

After more than an hour of trimming, the discomfort of the dwarf and the poet finally subsided a little.

At least you don't have to worry about suddenly starting to throw up while diving.

Ever since, the team set off again, plunged into the water, and shuttled along the intricate caves.

I don't know how long it has been.

Anyway, when the halfling thief Korra was feeling exhausted, the group finally left the fourth floor, which was full of water, and formally entered a large underground forest full of various plants.

Seeing the light source like a small sun created by magic above his head, as well as the surrounding towering trees, shrubs and weeds that are growing gratifyingly, Zuo Si's madness of Helast Black Robe for the first time has increased a clear perception.

You must know that this is an endless primeval forest built from scratch in the underground world!

Its difficulty is so high that ordinary spellcasters can't imagine it at all.

As for the eternal light source above the head like the sun, if nothing else, it must be the effect of legendary magic.

And these forests probably existed for at least four or five hundred years, forming a stable ecological circle long ago.

Occasionally, small animals such as rabbits, foxes, and squirrels can be seen running past, and various birds stand on the branches and chirp.

If it wasn't for the lack of sky and clouds above his head, he might have forgotten that he was in a city of leylines that was full of dangers.

"This forest is simply a miracle!" Zuo Si sighed slightly.

The poet immediately echoed: "Yes. The fifth underground floor is a relatively safe place in the entire Leyline Lost City. This forest is managed by a female moon elf archdruid named Yue Luo. Generally speaking, as long as you don't With another green dragon, we're basically safe."

"Green dragon? Is there a dragon on this floor?" Zuo Si's eyes shone slightly.

Because in his opinion, most of the dragons who are not strong enough just give themselves money, equipment, and summoned creature cards.

"Hahahaha! I know what you're thinking. But that green dragon was captured by a mad mage, so there isn't much treasure in his lair, so let's give it up as soon as possible."

The dwarf clearly saw Zuo Si's intention and couldn't help laughing.

To be precise, compared with the giant dragons outside, the dragons in the entire Lost Leyline City are generally poorer because they have no one to snatch.

Even if you rely on your own efforts to snatch enough treasures from other monsters or similar ones, you will be transported directly to other levels because you accidentally encounter a passing mad mage.

When they rushed back after all the hard work, they found that their lair had been looted long ago.

It is this strong uncertainty that makes many dragons give up their hobby of collecting treasures and start to find ways to escape instead.

Some guys even go so far as to turn into humanoids and join a passing adventure party to get them to take them out of this damn place.

(end of this chapter)

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