One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 215 As A Voter, One More Priest Field Is Not Too Much, Right? (Wan Zi Da Zhang Asks For Subs

Chapter 215 As a voter, one more priest field is not too much, right? (Wan Zi Da Zhang asks for subscription)

Late at night, at the door of a private house in the Askatla Bridge area.

Lei Yin was carefully observing the magical auras that ordinary people could not see through [Secret Sight].

After repeatedly confirming which places are safe and which places are covered with extremely terrifying lethal launch spells, he lightly clicked on the hidden runes near the door lock a few times.


The closed door opened automatically with a click.

Without any hesitation!

She directly took out a valuable "thief's stone" from her pocket and approached the dark door.

Immediately afterwards, the hidden teleportation spell was triggered immediately, enveloping his entire body.

Due to the relationship of magic shading, the energy fluctuations emitted by the teleportation did not disturb the induction barrier set up by the Masked Mage Guild in this city at all.

In the blink of an eye, Lei Yin returned from Askatra to the stronghold under Calimshan.

To be precise, it is the old lair of the Lord of Talismans, Shangra.

At this moment, this powerful legendary lich was sitting in front of a table, looking at the information just sent by his subordinates with great interest.

After a full minute, he asked without looking back: "You specially used the secret portal to come here, do you have any important progress to report to me?"

"Yes, mentor. I have successfully controlled the Emerald Association and successfully concluded a covenant with Sous. This is some knowledge of another world I obtained from him through an exchange not long ago."

With that said, Lei Yin took out the notebook from her pocket and offered it with both hands.

No need to ask, she knew that she had already used these few days to read all the contents inside, and even wanted to learn and try the skills of making strange objects and magic items.

But unfortunately, as a summoned creature, she has lost the ability to improve her professional level and various magical skills. She can no longer learn various knowledge to make herself stronger. She can only wait for the Zuo Si upgrade card as the master. card rank.

This is also the reason why the "follower" card with the ability to learn independently and level up is higher than other summoned creatures.

It's a pity that Zuo Si, who has an LV8 planeswalker level, has not yet learned the ability to make follower cards.

In other words, his "spark" is not strong enough.

"A notebook?"

As expected, Shangla became very excited, obviously very interested in the things recorded in it.

He didn't hesitate for a second after taking it, and immediately opened it and read it carefully word by word.

Relying on the powerful intelligence attribute and the rich magical knowledge accumulated over hundreds of years, the lich quickly read all the contents in the notes, and at the same time, his mind was running rapidly to understand those techniques he had never heard of.

About half an hour or so, Shangla finally burst out laughing without warning: "Hahahaha! Interesting! It's so interesting!

It turns out that Sous's powerful ability to create magic items originated from a special profession called "creator" in another world.

This profession can not only extract and shape various substances and energies, and then perform semi-permanent enchantment, it can even endow magic items with wisdom and soul.

Sure enough, just like the name, he is a real creator.

Unfortunately, most of the magical energy in this world is supervised by the magic net woven by the goddess of magic, and it is not easy to extract pure raw energy.

But it doesn't matter, I can create an independent demiplane through magic..."

Seeing Shang Gela's slightly excited mental state, Lei Yin knew that her master's insidious plan had succeeded.

Because she knows too well that her mentor is essentially a guy who likes to pursue excitement and novelty, which is completely different from most gloomy and indifferent liches.

So after getting that knowledge, I will try desperately.

If he failed to stop the car at a critical moment and accidentally obtained a creator level, this powerful master of symbols would instantly lose all spellcasting ability and become a pitiful creature on the cutting board to be slaughtered.

Of course, if Shang Ge shared this knowledge with other rune masters, causing other rune masters to lose their ability to cast spells, then things would become more interesting.

You must know that from the establishment of the Entangling Talisman to the present, except for the accidental death of the first generation leader which caused a short period of chaos, only the Talisman Lords have been plotting against other people, and no one else has ever successfully assassinated the Talisman Master.

but now……

Zuo Si did just that.

Not long after, Lei Yin took the reward given to her by her mentor, a book that recorded the legendary magic [Mummy Dust], and returned to Askatra by touching the portal rune.

This spell is a relatively simple entry-level spell among many legendary spells.

Any arcane and divine spellcasting profession with a spellcasting level of LV21 can easily learn and use it, as long as they don't regard undead as an opposing faction.

As for the effect of [Mummy Dust], it is also very simple. It is to permanently create one or two large mummy warriors whose strength is close to that of legendary creatures, but the premise is that it cannot exceed the upper limit of undead creatures that the caster's own casting level can control.

And you can also equip the mummy warrior with some magical weapons and armors to turn it into a loyal bodyguard, guard and thug.

You don’t need to ask to know that the reason why Shang Gela gave such a book to his most trusted disciple is to prepare him for taking the last step.

It's a pity that he didn't know that Lei Yin had lost the possibility of taking the last step.

Unless Zuo Si is willing to spend a lot of mana to upgrade the card, he will always be stuck in the finishing touch stage.


At the same time, far away in the "deep sea" on the seventeenth floor underground of the city of deep water, Erron was leading a troop that arrived on an astral spaceship and was launching a fierce attack on the stronghold established by the "mortal enemy" the mind flayer.

Countless slaves were burned to charred corpses under the flames of the red dragon!

Those mind flayers who controlled them were also cut to pieces by the knight's silver sword, one after another, they were chopped into pieces, and finally turned into lifeless corpses that fell on the ground.

no doubt!

This is a revenge action specially organized by the githyanki to retaliate against the mind flayers for destroying their parenting base in the star port.

It's a pity that no one knows that the so-called mind flayer's destruction of the Xinggang base is just a lie carefully fabricated by Erron.

And the real "culprit" Zuo Si had already left Waterdeep City and returned to Amn.

When all living creatures in the entire stronghold were slaughtered, the githyanki immediately began to search around, as if looking for something.

After about ten minutes, a leading senior red dragon knight cursed in a low voice with a gloomy expression: "Damn! The lost silver sword is not here! It must have been taken to a deeper place by those mind flayers."

"What should we do? Should we continue to chase? With our strength, if we want to capture a large mind flayer city controlled by the mastermind, the success rate may not be too high."

Another relatively young knight asked in an uncertain tone.

The leading senior knight thought for a moment, then quickly shook his head: "We can't continue to chase. Our goal is to regain control of the star port and the sixteenth floor, and now we have overfulfilled the task, and the rest will be handed over to you." Let the professional silver sword recovery team deal with it."


The young knight turned immediately, giving orders to the other warriors, psions, and other arcane spellcasters to retreat.

It didn't take long for them to retreat back to the star port through the portal in an orderly manner.

Before boarding the magic ship and sailing to the astral world, the senior knights did not forget to leave behind two knights and their red dragon, twenty warriors and psychic warriors, and four spellcasters as temporary guards.

As for Erron, who is the inner ghost, he was promoted to be the supreme commander of Xinggang without accident.

Then, in the next few days, the githyanki base camp in the astral world quickly sent a batch of eggs from other bases in the material world.

Since it will take several years from incubation to growth, there are no corresponding instructors for the time being.

Seeing the re-operation of the Starport, and the male adult red dragon assigned to protect the security of the base, a meaningful smile appeared on Erron's face, and he quickly cast [SMS] to report everything that happened here to him. Report to Zuo Si.

Not only that!

He also took advantage of his position to secretly build two two-way portals and hide one of them in his room.

And the other one, without asking, is specially prepared for Zuo Si.

When the latter comes to Leyline Lost City next time, he can bring this portal back to the Mage Tower and realize barrier-free teleportation between the two places.

In addition, Erron also took the opportunity to get close to those knights, psychic warriors, and spellcasters with relatively high professional levels, so that they could lower their vigilance and prepare for future poisoning.

If there is no accident, the star port base used by the githyanki to incubate and cultivate their offspring will soon become someone's property.

Similarly, after receiving the message, Zuo Si, who was far away in the Mage Tower of Askatra, touched his chin and showed a playful smile, and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Has the star port resumed operation yet?" ? The githyanki are really fast enough. It seems that I have to take some time to go to the sixteenth floor of the Leyline Lost City."

"Master, the young woman you brought back woke up a few minutes ago and is trying to break the door right now."

The consciousness of the mage tower suddenly reminded him through a spiritual connection.

"Finally woke up. The fainting effect and duration of this alchemy poison are really long enough." Zuo Si whispered.

I don't know who made the alchemical poison that Farthington Law Noel injected into this wild elf. There are obviously problems with the dosage and effect, which is simply too amateurish.

As a result, the latter remained in a coma for several days, just like a puppet at the mercy of others.

At the beginning, Zuo Si planned to use the ability of the chosen to absorb the toxin to wake it up, but before it could be put into practice, it was interrupted by Isadora who rushed over to ask about magic. Taking care of the little werewolves, I completely forgot about this.

Because in the past two days, he just used the rewards obtained from the Netheril scroll to successfully upgrade to a first-level archmage, and by permanently sacrificing a six-ring arcane slot, he obtained a high-level arcane ability-[Form Control].

This ability grants the caster a powerful ability to control the form and area of ​​effect of the spell.

It can even create a completely unaffected area at the moment of releasing the spell as needed, so as to ensure that the large-scale destructive magic will not accidentally injure teammates.

Take the simplest example.

In the past, the release of the three-ring [Fireball] directly covered a circular area with a radius of six meters, and there was no control or choice at all.

However, with the high-level arcane ability of the archmage - [Form Control], Zuo Si can change the fireball into cone, fan, column, diffuse, spread, burst and other forms at will.

If there are teammates or summoned creatures within the range of the fireball, he can also use form control to keep this small area free of flames.

And this ability can be applied to all arcane magic made into Planeswalker cards.

no doubt!

【Form Control】It is widely used in actual combat.

Especially in a narrow space, it is often possible to inflict unimaginable damage to the enemy to the greatest extent while avoiding harming one's own people.

It was precisely because of his obsession with testing the limits of [Form Control] that Zuo Si ignored the wild elf who was still in the mage tower.

But now that he has woken up, he just wants to talk to the other party about "revenge".

You must know that the values ​​and tendencies of good and evil of the wild elves are basically not much different from those of the barbarian tribes. They all advocate the primitive practice of an eye for an eye and an eye for an eye.

As for the laws made by cities and countries, they are usually completely ignored.

Following the spiral staircase in the mage tower, Zuo Si quickly came to the lower area from the upper floor.

Before he got close, he saw Fanges and a group of werewolves gathered at the door, staring at the door that was constantly making loud noises and vibrations.

It's a pity that all the doors in the mage tower are sandwiched by a layer of iron plates, and they are stuck in the groove from top to bottom. Only with the help of the tower's own independent consciousness can it be opened or closed.

If you want to break through, unless you have the power of a titan, otherwise, it is basically impossible to break through with brute force.

"Master, do you need our help?" Fangers asked eagerly.

It can be seen that she has learned a lot of fighting skills recently, and now she is looking for an opponent to test her strength.

But Zuo Si smiled and shook her head: "Forget it. This elf lady is not our enemy, so you and your companions should do what you want. Don't forget, in two days, every Exams are held once a month. If anyone fails, there will be a week of compulsory tutoring without any entertainment."

"Ah? Damn it! If you don't mention it, I'll forget it!"

The werewolf girl's face changed drastically in an instant, and she quickly ran towards her room without caring about anything else.

The reactions of the other little werewolves were similar to hers, with the frightened expression on their faces as if the end of the world was coming.

Of course, for these "elementary school scumbags", the exam is indeed no different from the end of the world.

The reading and writing of the common language is not bad, at least there is a language environment around them, and they are not very old, so it is not very difficult to learn.

But the arithmetic performance is a complete disaster.

Except for a very few smart little guys, the rest count as one, and they can barely get by when learning addition and subtraction, but when it comes to multiplication and division, they are instantly confused.

People like Fanges who focus their talents on combat, and every time they do a slightly more complicated calculation, they have to scratch their fingers, wishing to take off their shoes and socks and use their toes.

As for geography, flora and fauna knowledge, it is taught by a hired ranger teacher.

Since it is not as abstract as mathematics, it is not bad on the whole.

The so-called examination is a comprehensive assessment arranged by Zuo Si, which includes both written examination and practice.

Those who study best will be rewarded with money, magic items, weapons, equipment, etc., while those who fail and rank last will be severely punished.

As an earthling who has experienced terrible introversion, Zuo Si directly copied the set of his student days to the continent of Faerun, and used it to teach these little werewolves.

If you don't "roll" hard now while you are still underage, how can you gain a firm foothold and become a strong person in this crisis-ridden world in the future?

Although the process of forced learning is painful, he believes that one day in the future, these little guys will thank him.

Because knowledge is such a thing, no matter how much you learn, you can never have too much, and you may use it at any time.

Watching the little wolves run back to their room one after another to prepare for the exam two days later, Zuo Si couldn't help showing nostalgic and gratified smiles on her face, and then rushed inside through the door and shouted: "Stop!" Come on! Don't hit it! This kind of door can't be opened. And I'm not your enemy. Why don't you save your energy, and then we can talk face to face."

The banging on the door that was still banging a second ago suddenly stopped, and everything seemed to be calm again.

Seeing that the wild elves accepted his proposal, Zuo Si immediately gave the order to the consciousness of the mage tower to open the door.


The closed door quickly rose slowly under the action of magic power.

When driving halfway, a two-meter-tall black bear suddenly rushed out of the car and swooped towards Zuo Si.

No need to ask, this black bear must have been transformed by that wild elf.

All Druids will gain a special ability called [Natural Transformation] when they reach LV5, which can turn them into various small and medium-sized animals.

Unfortunately, she obviously didn't know that the location she was in was a mage tower.

And attacking an arcane spellcaster in the mage tower is undoubtedly the most reckless and stupid behavior.

What's more, Zuo Si's tower is still a smart tower with independent consciousness and thinking ability.

The moment the black bear was about to cross the threshold, a big hand made of energy appeared out of thin air and slapped the black bear hard on the head.



Accompanied by the crisp sound and violent impact, the black bear flew upside down several meters away, and finally hit a solid wall.

The whole bear sat on the ground for a long time as if it had been beaten stupidly, but failed to recover.

You don't need to ask to know that the mage tower just cast the six-ring magic [Bigby Flying High Five].

Since the spellcasting problem of the smart tower was considered during the design, Zuo Si used the ability of the creator to describe a large number of runes of advanced magic in the core area of ​​the mage tower.

So when the mage tower confirms that a target is a threat, it will immediately draw energy and choose the most suitable spell to release.


【Bigby Flying High Five】Strictly speaking, it is not a harmful spell.

Therefore, the elf druid who turned into a black bear didn't suffer too much damage, but just got a little dizzy from bumping and falling.

After a while, she recovered from the strong dizziness, and stared at the little human who walked in from the door with two pale yellow eyes.

"Okay, relax. Didn't you just say that I'm not your enemy. Besides, if I really wanted to do something to you, I would have done it while you were in a coma."

While talking, Zuo Si found a chair and sat down.

Although in the eyes of many people, a two-meter-tall black bear is already quite a menacing beast.

But in the eyes of "Furui Kong", this is just an enlarged version of the black hamster.

He even reached out to help "Xiao Xiongxiong" rub the back of the head that was hit just now.

Maybe it's feeling goodwill, or maybe it's because the black bear I turned into can't do anything to the other party.

In short, the wild elf druid finally let go of his vigilance, quickly canceled his natural transformation, and returned to the appearance of a small and exquisite girl. He carefully asked in a slightly blunt common language: "Where is this place? Who are you? Why did I fall into your trap?" hand?"

"My name is South. If you see a mage, this is my mage tower. As for why you are here, the answer is actually very simple. Farthington Law Noel gave you to me as a gift .”

Zuo Si didn't hide anything, and told all the truth openly.

Through the pre-blessed second-ring magic [Detect Thoughts], he could clearly feel how nervous, fearful and helpless the elf girl in front of him was at the moment.

The black bear attack just now was actually a stress response under extreme fear.

"What? Are you with that vile and shameless human being?"

The elf girl instantly became extremely angry, with naked and undisguised hatred bursting out of her eyes.

Zuo Si quickly waved his hand and explained: "No, I think you misunderstood. Giving you as a gift to me was just a personal act of Farthington Noel, and he tried to please me in this way. Before that , I don't even know him."

"Then you will let me go, right?" the elf girl tentatively asked in an uncertain tone.

"Of course. You are free and can choose to leave at any time.

But before that, I want to ask, don't you just want to go straight to the door and seek revenge on Farthington Law Noel?

If you do that, it's basically no different from sending yourself to death.

Although you have a certain druid level, you can even summon some animals and beasts to help.

But it is almost impossible to kill him who is protected by many guards. "

Zuo Si simply and neatly exposed the other party's petty thoughts.

Since he didn't have any scheming, he read the thoughts of the wild elf in front of him and the so-called "revenge plan" without any effort.

"How did you know I was going to assassinate Farthington Law Noel? Damn it! You're reading my mind!"

The elf girl woke up suddenly, with a frightened expression on her face.

But Zuo Si shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "Relax, I have no ill intentions towards you, I just simply want to provide some help. After all, in my opinion, a person like Farthington Noel who is full of evil, You don't deserve to live in this world at all. But in return, I hope you will be hired to work for me after completing your revenge."

"What kind of help can you provide? What is the so-called job?" The elf girl asked very vigilantly.

After being brutally captured, she was obviously full of distrust for creatures like humans.

Because Farthington Law Noel's subordinates pretended to be injured adventurers to seek help from the wild elf tribe, and then retaliated after receiving treatment, secretly adding a large amount of poison that could cause fainting to food and drinking water.

As a result, when they woke up, the entire tribe became slaves locked in cages.

"I can provide some poison enough to bring down everyone in the Noel family castle. All you have to do is find a way to throw it into the water source. In addition, the content of the job is very simple. It is to teach some people infected with lycanthropy We will select talented children from among them and train them to become Druid apprentices. How about it, isn’t this a good deal?”

As he spoke, Zuo Si took out a bottle of powerful neurotoxin extracted from his own body from his pocket.

Unlike most of its fast-acting toxins, this particular toxin is slow to act.

It will lie dormant in the body for at least an hour or two before attacking, and only affects the brain as the nerve center.

And at the beginning of the attack, the only symptom was drowsiness.

But soon, this drowsiness will become very strong and unbearable, and eventually he falls to the ground uncontrollably and falls into a deep sleep.

If the antidote is not taken in time, or magic techniques such as removing toxins are used, the brain cells of the poisoned person will soon begin to die in batches.

In the end, even if he is barely rescued, he will become an idiot and mentally handicapped.

In fact, Zuo Si's knowledge of poisons and plagues became more and more profound the longer she became a chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease.

Because he himself is a huge research material library.

If placed on Earth, it is guaranteed to send microbiologists and doctors into ecstasy.

The elf girl stared at the bottle in Zuo Si's hand, and quickly cast a zero-ring spell [detect toxin].


She immediately felt the terrifying toxicity contained in the colorless transparent liquid in the bottle, and her two emerald green eyes immediately began to light up, and she responded without hesitation: "Deal! Just give me this bottle of poison, and wait for me to finish it." Revenge and save the rest of the tribe and come back to work for you."

"Then it's settled."

Zuo Si casually handed the whole bottle of poison to the other party.

The elf girl immediately hugged it tightly in her arms as if she had found a treasure, because this was the only hope of successfully avenging Farthington Law Noel.

Just as she was about to leave the mage's tower and go to the castle of the Noel family, her stomach suddenly let out a rumbling sound.

Immediately afterwards, a strong sense of hunger that cannot be described in words swept through the whole body.

All of a sudden, symptoms such as weakness, weak legs, and sweating emerged.

Don't ask, it's totally hungry.

After all, he was in a coma for several days, and he basically didn't eat anything except a small amount of honey water with the help of the little werewolf.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the elf girl leaning on the wall and shaking slightly, Zuo Si couldn't help but shook her head with a smile, and directly cast the six-ring magic spell [Hero Banquet] to summon a large table of rich food and wine, and then made a treat gesture.

"Eat something before you leave. Otherwise, with your current physical condition, you may faint from hunger after walking too far. Also, this is Askatla, the capital of Amn. If you don't want to cause trouble, you'd better go to Take a shower and change your clothes. You must know that in this city, there are many extreme racists who are full of malice and hatred towards elves."

"Ying... hero banquet?!!"

Looking at a large table of food and drinks that suddenly appeared out of thin air, the elf girl was shocked from ear to ear.

You must know that druids are also magic users. Although the list of spells is slightly different from that of priests, they still have some understanding of the magic of each level.

Especially the spell [Hero Feast] is really famous.

So much so that almost everyone wants to see and taste it for themselves.

But what the elf girl never expected was that she had such an opportunity.

Just when she was about to say thank you, she suddenly realized that [Hero Feast] was a magic spell with a height of six rings, and Zuo Si just said that she was a mage.

How can a mage cast such a high level of magic? !

Unfortunately, this girl has already missed the best time to ask a question.

After performing the Hero Banquet, Zuo Si turned and returned to his own space on the upper floor of the mage tower, and continued to learn the magic of the seven rings.

At the same time, there is a plan to start reading the content of the second Netheril scroll, and intends to use the rewards after reading the scroll to continue to upgrade the [Archmage] level.

After all, although the profession of [Mystery Master] is good, it can only be promoted to LV10 in the end.

In other words, after the "Sinnoh Dual Cultivation" has reached the eighth ring, it is necessary to start reconsidering the next advanced career planning.

And the LV5 archmage profession can help Zuo Si raise the arcane spellcasting level to the level where he can cast nine-ring magic.

As for whether to continue to improve the mage profession or find another advanced profession in the future, let's talk about it later.

According to his own wishes, it is ideal to use [True Necromancer] as a replacement for [Mystic].

After all, both are typical "Sinneau Dual Cultivation", and the former can also gain some additional magic power related to the necromancy system.

It's a pity that Talona doesn't have [Death Domain] to choose from.

Just when Zuo Si was full of resentment towards the optional domain of the Goddess of Poison and Disease, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly thought that Talona did not have a [Death Domain], but the late God of Murder Baal did!

If he helps Talona seize Baal's priesthood and throne, then wouldn't he have [Death Realm] to choose from?

As a "child of the plague" and a voter, it's not too much to add an optional priest field, right?

"Looks like I need to find a chance to have a good talk with Talona..."

Zuo Si rubbed her chin and whispered.

Just as he turned his attention to the seven-ring magic [Simulation] recorded in the spell book, he suddenly received a short message in his mind.

The sender was none other than Simamon who disappeared after reaching the agreement at Candlekeep.

The content is also very simple, just a simple time and place.

Without further ado, Zuo Si immediately asked the little devil to perform the [Spiritual Ability].

After confirming that it was not an ambush against him, he quietly left from the secret door under the Mage Tower, followed the sewers extending in all directions in Askatla to an inconspicuous house in the dock area.

Before knocking on the door, the originally closed door opened by itself, and a familiar female figure in a blue mage robe walked out from inside.


Zuo Si immediately called out the other party's name accurately.

As a person who, like the giant dragon, also has the "revenge" and "retaliation" attributes full, he will never forget that this woman in front of him teamed up with the Dragon Worship Cult to ambush him once.

Although in the end it seemed that the Zhentarim Society and Manson gave each other a slack, but this did not prevent him from keeping this matter in the "small notebook" in his heart.

"Hello, Your Excellency South. Please come in, I have been waiting for a long time."

Clarice turned her body sideways to make a way in, while looking around very vigilantly.

It can be seen that her nerves are very tense now, and she is always paying attention to any suspicious signs.

no way!

Because the Harper spies operating in the Amn area happened to be the most extreme faction in the entire organization, and various methods of assassination and poisoning emerged in an endless stream.

The number of men lost here alone accounts for one-tenth of the Zhentarim's death list every year.

If you're not careful, you won't even know how you died.

When the two walked into the house, Clarice immediately relaxed a lot, first gestured to the thief who was lying in the peephole to observe the movement outside, then forced a smile and asked, "Are you leaving now?" , or wait until after nightfall? We have prepared the directional portal magic for you, and it can come to those Cyric Church believers at any time."

"I need to look at their profile first."

Zuo Si made the request calmly.

"Of course! The list is here."

Without saying a word, Clarice handed over a "Death Note" that was as thick as two fingers.

Zuo Si just touched the cover, and [Scholar's Touch] was activated immediately, and the detailed information about the massacre list instantly appeared in his mind.

As agreed at the beginning, these guys are all followers of Cyric's psychopath without exception.

And the craziest, most evil, most chaotic bunch.

Their unscrupulous expansion and seizure of power in Zhentil Castle angered the supreme leader Mansong, so they were deliberately sent out to deal with it secretly.

In the past, this kind of work was usually done by the elect of the goddess of magic such as Elminster.

Because Mansong will deliberately design a seemingly foolproof ambush plan, promise various benefits after a successful return, and then encourage these guys to launch a moth-flaming assassination.

At that time, I can use Elminster and other voters to deal with all these internal unrest factors.

Of course, it would be even better if one or two lucky ones succeeded.

However, with the rise of Cyric, this method is obviously outdated.

After all, there are too many followers of him, even the most stupid idiot will feel a little wary when he sees waves of people going to die.

In contrast, Zuo Si, a Talonian voter hiding in the shadows, was the perfect candidate.

After all, because the goddess of poison and disease served Baal in the past, Cyric, who seized all the priesthood of the "Three Gods of Death" in the turbulent years, is an out-and-out mortal enemy.

Moreover, Zuo Si himself has a very bad feeling for the Church of Cyric.

Coupled with the fact that the two sides have already formed a deadly feud, there is no need to worry that they will secretly join forces for a "backstab".

After sorting out the noteworthy people on the list, Zuo Si immediately said: "I'm ready, let's start teleporting."

"Teleport? Now? Are you sure?" Clarice was visibly taken aback by the decision.

As a mage with a high level, in her impression, spellcasters often release a large amount of prophecy magic for detection before taking action, making sure to dig out the opponent's old background, and then choose to use it at the right time hands on.

But Zuo Si just touched the list just now, and didn't even look at the contents inside.

Normally, this kind of reckless behavior should never appear on an insidious and cunning person who can be called a "dangerous person" by Mansong and Ximenmeng.

"Well! I'm very sure. Don't dawdle, hurry up, I'm in a hurry." Zuo Si urged impatiently.

"No problem! Please wait!"

Clarice didn't dare to ask any more questions, and immediately joined forces with the other mages stationed here to release spells on a ring-shaped arch engraved with magic symbols.

In the blink of an eye, a huge energy vortex appeared out of thin air at the center of the door.

When the form was completely stabilized, Zuo Si stepped over without hesitation.

In less than a second, he left Amn's capital, Askatra, and appeared in a wild forest.

A group of about dozens of Cyric believers wearing the holy emblem of "Dark Sun" are gathering together to hang a few freshly killed fresh corpses on wooden racks. The ground is painted with blood full of evil and filth. pattern.

It is not difficult to judge from the strong abyssal breath that they are trying to summon a powerful demon.

The moment they saw the portal, these guys were all stunned.

Before he had time to react, Zuo Si used the power of the chosen without hesitation, mixed the divine power with deadly viruses, bacteria, and toxins, and released it to the surroundings.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

I saw that the black energy flame instantly swept across the range of dozens of meters around.

All the Cyric believers present, as well as several low-level demons who had just been summoned, fell to the ground without exception, howling in pain, and their bodies decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, eventually turning into balls of energy Reabsorbed into Zuo Si's body.

It only took five seconds from the shot to the end, and these guys with the levels of fighters, thieves, mages, and priests disappeared from the world forever.

Only the weapons and equipment scattered on the ground prove that they did exist.

Just when Zuo Si was about to go back directly before the portal was closed, a surge of energy suddenly came from more than ten meters away.

next second...

Simamon, wearing a black velvet robe, appeared out of nowhere.

He first glanced at the weird situation on the scene, and immediately asked in surprise: "It's all done? So fast?"

"if not?"

Zuo Si quickly absorbed the surrounding mana, and asked calmly.

"You are indeed the chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease. It seems that cooperating with you is indeed the most correct choice. Here, this is the reward for this operation. I hope you will be satisfied."

Xi Manmeng meaningfully handed over a magic mask in his hand.

Obviously, he originally planned to take this opportunity to observe Zuo Si's fighting style and the ability of the voters at close range, and then go back and make an overall assessment with his teacher Mansong.

But who would have thought that in just a few seconds, dozens of followers of Cyric were all dead, leaving no corpses or any wreckage for research.

It seems that the only way to know what happened is to try to summon the souls of these dead people after returning home.

(end of this chapter)

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