Chapter 224 New World

In the private room of the headquarters of the Askatla Masked Mage Guild, Zuo Si and Sean VII were watching each other.

They have been in this weird state ever since they returned from casting teleportation magic.

After several minutes, Sean VII was the first to break the silence, and asked with a half-smile: "I think you must really want to know my real identity now, right?"

"Of course! Who wouldn't be curious about a powerful mage who can resist the combination of multiple legendary spellcasters without losing the wind?" Zuo Si admitted generously.

Because there's nothing to hide, it's only natural to be curious.

"Are you sure you are really ready for this? You have to know that once you know my true identity, then you have only two choices. One is to become my ally, and the other is to become my enemy."

While saying these words, Sean VII opened his arms suddenly, releasing all the surging and suffocating magical energy in his body.

It is different from the arcane energy controlled by ordinary arcane spellcasters.

The energy he unleashes seems to have some sort of soul-capturing power.

Due to the divine power in the body, Zuo Si is very sensitive to the magic and power related to the soul, and immediately probed: "A friend or an enemy? Why did you deliberately hide your identity and occupy Zeranora's body to lurk in the masked mage The guild, shouldn’t it be avoiding some powerful enemy?”

"Hahahaha! You are really smart, smarter than most mages I have ever seen.

I do have a very powerful enemy.

But I'm not afraid or avoiding her on purpose, but I don't want her to know that I have returned.

Now, make your choice.

Whether to continue to maintain the current state of cooperation, or to go further and become an ally or an enemy.

All these choices are in your hands. "

As the monarch of a huge empire, Sean VII is obviously very good at grasping people's hearts, and he understands that to deal with people with Zuo Si's personality, he must not use methods such as coercion and deception.

Doing that will not have any effect at all except that it will arouse the other party's resentment and hostility.

So he did the opposite and handed over the right to choose very generously.

This is a typical psychological tactic, through the way of inducing Zuo Si, driven by curiosity, to enter his preset choice.

If it were someone else, it would be difficult to escape Sean VII's calculations.

After all, there is a serious inequality between the two sides in terms of information.

But the Necromancer obviously didn't know that Zuo Si came from an era of information explosion.

All kinds of knowledge that originally needed to be exposed and learned in colleges and universities and large professional libraries, in the Internet age, are cheap like weeds on the roadside.

No matter how unpopular something is, as long as you look for it with your heart, you can always find the corresponding information.

Even the most cutting-edge scientific research papers can be found on professional websites.

So Zuo Si saw through the tricks of the other party at a glance, and immediately responded with a smile: "I choose to continue to maintain the current cooperation status. Sorry, I am suddenly not interested in your real identity again."


Sean VII's smile froze on his face.

Because he never dreamed that the young man in front of him could stop the car at such a time and forcefully suppress his curiosity.

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

However, Zuo Si had obviously noticed that the "big boss" in front of him wanted to recruit him into the gang, so he decided to stand up and leave without giving the other party a second chance to speak.

He is not a fool.

A guy who can be regarded as an enemy by a powerful legendary spellcaster must also have the same powerful or even more terrifying spellcasting level and power as the opponent.

Although Zuo Si managed to kill a legendary Lich Shangra and his lover, it was more of a victory in information warfare and intelligence warfare, and it was a typical case of being prepared and unprepared.

If you switch to face-to-face combat, unless you summon a large number of high-level creatures, it will be difficult to take advantage of spell confrontation.

Once the initial instant burst fails to kill the target in seconds, it will inevitably fall into a war of attrition and a tug-of-war.

In particular, some spellcasting levels over LV30 can even automatically cast all spells from level 0 to level 3 instantly, and their release speed and power are not much worse than the magic cards of planeswalkers.

Watching Zuo Si leave the headquarters of the Masked Mage Guild, Sean VII suddenly burst out laughing happily, and joked while laughing: "What an amazing little guy, isn't he?

He actually saw through my intentions, and then decisively walked away.

Sure enough, they are indeed the chosen ones favored by the gods. This keen perception and insight is absolutely extraordinary.

If there is such a person to assist, the speed of recasting the glory of the Xia En Dynasty should be much faster. "

"Master, I must warn you that he is a chosen one of the gods, and he is likely to receive the attention of many gods." Winter Ghost reminded through the cabinet.

"That's okay. Great talent always stands out, and that's the same at any time, in any world.

What's more, I don't need Sous's service and faith, I only need his wisdom and strength.

Forget it, it's still too early to talk about this, let's take this opportunity to figure out the sphere of influence of the entanglement symbol.

The sudden death of the two Runemasters is sure to cause some level of unrest.

Go and inform Shaud Tarovin, let him start to act immediately, and collect as much information as possible. "

Sean VII quickly made corresponding arrangements.

You don't need to ask, he also has his own power in Calimshan.


Winter Ghost bowed slightly to salute his master, and then disappeared through the portal without a trace.


On the other side, Zuo Si, who had just returned to the Mage Tower, happened to meet the wild elf druid girl and tribal elder who were sitting in the hall on the first floor waiting for her.

The two apparently stayed together for a while.

Philosil even started to tease the deformed pet cats in every corner out of boredom, as well as the winter wolves and wargs that had grown up gradually under the little werewolf's training.

Since druids all have the ability to be intimate with and understand animals, these animals did not show any hostility.

Instead, he lay down on the ground and let the elf give him a full body massage, and occasionally he would let out a comfortable moaning sound that caused infinite reverie.

Some guys with faster growth and intelligence have also learned to use the common language to communicate.

Yes, shape-shifting cat pets can talk, just like winter wolves and wargs.

In fact, most magical beasts have a very high level of intelligence, so it is not surprising to learn a "foreign language" or two.

A very few smart guys might be able to learn several languages ​​such as Common Language, Goblin Language, and Titan Language at the same time, which can be called a genius in the animal kingdom.

The more languages ​​they master, the more races they can cooperate and form alliances with in the wild, to fight against enemies that threaten their territory and survival, or to hunt together in order to better obtain food.

Like those little werewolves and the orphans in the slums, the animals are usually managed by the consciousness of the mage tower.

When the two wild elves found Zuo Si walking in from the main entrance, they immediately stood up from the sofa at the same time.

Among them, the elder took the initiative to bend down and bowed deeply: "Hello, Your Excellency Sous. First of all, please allow me to represent the entire tribe, thank you for your help in times of crisis."

"You don't have to be so polite. This is just a deal between me and her. Both parties get what they need. Of course, if your tribe needs help, you can tell me, and I will try to provide some convenience." Zuo Si faced replied with a smile.

"Really? Then can you provide us with some grain and salt?

That bastard, Farthington Law Noel, ruined the original gathering place of the entire tribe.

Although some food can still be obtained through hunting and fishing, as winter comes, the food in the forest will inevitably become less and less.

And without salt, our hunters will have no strength. "

Philosil narrated all the difficulties encountered by the tribe in one breath.

From the anxious expression on her face, it is not difficult to see that this small wild elf tribe is currently facing severe challenges to survival.

And because of their previous encounters, they generally have a strong sense of wariness and distrust of humans.

Even entering Askatra, he wore a hooded cloak to cover his signature pointed ears.

"Enough! Philosil! We are here to express our gratitude to the savior, not to trouble him."

The elder stopped the elf girl with a harsh tone.

As a relatively old-fashioned and traditional leader of the wild elf tribe, he has long been used to facing all kinds of bad situations alone, instead of asking for help from humans who are hostile to elves.

Zuo Si waved his hand nonchalantly: "It's okay. This is a trivial matter. I will write you a letter later and hand it to the steward of the lake castle. He will provide you with sufficient food and salt."

"Lake Castle?"

Philosil was obviously taken aback.

Because this place is very close to the tribe's territory, it only takes a day or two to walk there.

And this castle is quite famous, it is located next to a lake and a river, surrounded by the most fertile land, with a complete irrigation system and flood control dams.

"Yes, it's Lake Fort. It's my territory, so don't worry about safety. If you encounter any danger or difficulty, you can ask for help at any time." Zuo Si promised very generously.

In the case of not involving his own safety and core interests, he is quite friendly and helpful.

"My God! Apart from being a mage, you are also a noble lord?" Philosil opened her mouth in surprise.

Zuo Si explained with a smile: "In the country of Amn, wealth means everything.

When you have enough wealth, and at the same time have enough power to protect it, then you must become a member of the noble and ruling class.

not to mention……

Haven't you found out yet?

In Askatla, apart from the mage tower of the Masked Mage Guild, only my mage tower is left.

This in itself represents a status and a privilege. "

Needless to ask, these wild elves who have lived in the forest for a long time without contact with the outside world have no idea of ​​Zuo Si's identity at all.

I also don't know what happened in Amn and other places in Faerun Continent recently.

Compared to the scheming druid girl, the elder obviously had some knowledge, and immediately tentatively asked: "What does a big man like you want from us?"

"What I want is very simple, that is, a qualified druid mentor. You know, it is not easy to find a druid who is willing to live in the city these days. If you can provide a better one, who is it? It doesn't matter."

Zuo Si expressed his attitude directly.

He knew that the chief of the tribe came all the way here because he was actually worried about Philosil's safety, for fear that this wild elf girl who had never seen the outside world would be deceived.

"I see. From now on, Philosil will stay here to fulfill the promise I made before. She is just a child who is less than a hundred years old. If there is any trouble or chaos, please bear with me."

After finishing speaking, the elder once again bowed deeply with one hand on his chest, with a hint of sincerity in his tone.

Zuo Si assured without hesitation: "Don't worry. I still have some power in this country, and no one dares to touch my people easily. Even if they made a mistake or violated certain legal provisions."

After reassuring the tribal elders, the wild elf druid, Felosil, officially joined the Mage Tower and became the druid instructor who taught the little werewolves.

Although her level of lectures is not high, and she was often incoherent because of the tense relationship at the beginning, but fortunately she is very patient and does not reject lycanthropes.

Whenever a little werewolf asks a question, he will do his best to answer it.

Gradually, some little guys with relatively high perception attributes were gradually able to awaken and perceive the power of nature, and even learned one or two zero-ring natural magic.

In this way, Zuo Si returned to the life of an "otaku" who never left the house.

Except for a few hours of exploring other worlds throughout the day, the rest of the time is spent learning magic knowledge and conducting various experiments.

When the cooling time of Lei Yin's card is up, upgrade it as soon as possible.

Not only did the race become a lich, but the casting level was also increased from the original LV20 to LV22.

As for legendary magic, Zuo Si chose the simplest [Mummy Dust], and [Great Crash].

After all, Shangra didn't master many legendary spells, and Lei Yin's spell recognition ability was not strong enough. He couldn't learn legendary spells that were too difficult, so he could only learn two less difficult ones first.

Among them, [Mummy Dust] can create two powerful meat shields and bodyguards.

And [Great Destruction Technique] can cause quite astonishing non-attribute magic damage to the target.

Although the latter's power is not strong among many legendary spells, "no attribute" means that it has a wide range of adaptability, and it is not afraid that the opponent has certain energy immunity characteristics.

Combined with the [Improve Spell Slot] specialty, an additional ten-ring spell slot is added, and a legendary mage is freshly baked.

This feat allows the caster to obtain a spell slot that is one level higher than the existing highest level spell slot.

For example, if a mage has a nine-ring spell slot, as long as his intelligence and spellcasting level are sufficient, he can get a ten-ring spell slot.

Although under the revision of the rules of the second-generation Goddess of Magic, all spells above nine rings in the magic net have been banned.

But these high-level spell slots can also be used to memorize low-level spells that have been strengthened by super magic skills.

For example, a tenth-level spell slot can be used to remember an eighth-level powerful [Death Art], an extremely effective seventh-level [Delayed Burst Fireball], or an instant six-level [Bigbye] Flying palm], [serial lightning], [dissociation technique] and so on.

Some legendary mages with a sufficiently high level of spellcasting will even study this ability repeatedly until they get a spell slot of the sixteenth ring or higher.

At that time, in the spell confrontation, the starting hand is instant + powerful or extremely effective nine-ring [energy absorption].

Directly lower the opponent's spellcasting level by at least four levels.

Since many spell slots will disappear with the level reduction process, the same is true for the spells in memory.

So doing so can not only effectively reduce the number of spells of the opponent, but also disrupt the rhythm, making some troublesome and difficult spells scrapped on the spot.

In addition, effectively reducing the casting level can also make the spells released by the enemy easier to resist and counter.

In short, [Improve Spell Slot] is a very important ability. Any legendary spellcaster will study and choose this special session as much as possible to strengthen himself if his own conditions permit.

After upgrading this card, Zuo Si found that he spent almost one million gold coins on all kinds of gems, magic metals, and rare materials.

Especially for the two legendary magics, researching [Great Collapse] cost about 500,000 gold coins, and [Mummy Dust] was slightly cheaper, costing almost 300,000 gold coins.

No wonder some people say that the mage is a profession piled up with money.

The cost of researching and using legendary magic is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In order to buy these materials, Zuo Si even used many connections.

Including but not limited to the channels of the Shadow Thief of Amn, Aisha, the magic item merchant in Calimport, the Masked Mage Guild, the Liches of the Arcane Mystic Society, and even owed a favor from Kelben's "Black Rod".

But it's all worth the effort.

Because in the process of upgrading the cards, Zuo Si himself also learned these two legendary magics.

Although he himself does not yet have the ability to cast legendary magic, as long as he meets this prerequisite, he can immediately skip the research link and directly cast [Great Destruction] or [Mummy Dust].

With the activation of the cards in his hand, the brand new Lei Yin finally returned.

Since she had just transformed into a lich not long ago, she looked no different from before she was alive, except that she exuded a faint negative energy all over her body, and her two eyes also gave people a chilling and cold feeling.

You don't need to ask, you know, this is the Lich's [Aura of Fear], which can directly affect the mind and make people who are not determined to collapse instantly.

"How do you feel now?" Zuo Si asked with great interest.

"Not bad. Is this the power of a legendary mage? I feel that I am several times stronger than before."

Lei Yin pursed her lips, a smile of excitement and joy appeared on her face.

"Here, this is your phylactery, take it to Lagon to show your loyalty. I believe that after having this, he will give you 100% trust, just like Shangra."

When saying these words, Zuo Si did not hide her naked malice towards the entanglement symbol at all.

Obviously, for a summoned creature of the planeswalker card system, things like phylactery are basically not of much use.

Because even if it is destroyed, it is just returning to the card cemetery to wait for rebirth.

After receiving the phylactery, Lei Yin immediately responded meaningfully: "I swear, in less than ten years, the entire entanglement symbol will become the master of your palm."

Zuo Si smiled and shook her head: "There's no need to be so impatient, just take your time.

Of course, if Lagon was as stupid as Shang La, he also gained a creator class level through that notebook and lost all spellcasting abilities.

I also don't mind getting him where he needs to be sooner.

Okay, enough chatter here.

It's time for you to go to Calimshan to take over the mess left by Shangra's death and become a true master of symbols. "

"As you wish!"

Lei Yin bowed gracefully, then turned and left from the sewer of the Mage Tower.

Before going to Calimshan to report to Lagon, she still needs to deal with the Emerald Society and transfer control to the dracolich, Barisryat.

"Soth! Look! I successfully released a ring of arcane mage armor!"

Not long after Lei Yin left, Isadora rushed in from her own room downstairs.

"Oh? So fast!"

Zuo Si was obviously taken aback.

Because according to Faerun Continent, the average promotion speed from an apprentice who releases zero-ring tricks to a first-level mage is three to five years.

But the girl in front of me has only used it for a few months!

Such a fast learning speed fully proves the previous guess.

That is, Isadora is definitely a super genius born with eighteen points of intelligence.

In fact, this super-high level of intelligence is occasionally manifested in daily life.

For example, she is very fast when learning Elven language and Dragon language, and she will never forget the books and texts once she has read them.

Another example is that when fighting, one often notices subtle changes in the expression on the enemy's face, and then uses illusions and psionic energy to quickly defeat the opponent's psychological defenses, and finally achieve the purpose of controlling their thoughts and consciousness.

The girl skillfully took Zuo Si's arm, and blinked her eyes playfully: "Of course. In order to help you earlier, I only sleep up to eight hours a day, and the rest of the time is spent on exercising psychic powers and Learn magic knowledge. At this rate, I will be able to do many things for you in about two years at most."

Zuo Si shook her head slightly and said in a serious tone: "Don't push yourself too hard, the most important thing is to combine work and rest to maintain physical and mental health.

You must know that the most important point in learning magic knowledge is that you must not be impatient.

I don't want to hear a loud bang and arrive to find you've been blown to pieces and have to prepare a spell to bring you back to life. "

"Hee hee! Don't worry! I know it myself."

As she spoke, a faint blush appeared on the girl's face, and she raised her right index finger and pointed to her own cheek, the meaning behind her words was self-evident.

For her, this is the happiest and most anticipated moment of her day.

Zuo Si chuckled and shook her head, leaned down and kissed Isadora's fair cheek lightly.


The girl seemed to have been electrocuted, and her emotions suddenly became extremely excited and agitated, and her body trembled slightly uncontrollably.

After she calmed down completely, she raised her head and asked, "I heard that you may have to leave the Mage Tower in a while?"

"Well, yes. I'm going to explore a new world and get the knowledge, power and wealth I need from there."

Zuo Si didn't try to hide it, and gave a very straightforward answer in the affirmative.

"Can you take me with you?" Isadora tentatively asked with her eyes shining slightly.

"Sorry, no. Because I'm not sure whether the psychic powers and magical powers you have mastered can work normally in the new world. But I promise, after I gain a firm foothold in the new world, I will take you as soon as possible I saw it in the past." Zuo Si gently stroked the girl's hair to comfort her.

Isadora enjoyed this intimate behavior very much, squinting her eyes like a cat with an expression of enjoyment, and muttering in a low voice at the same time: "Then we have a deal, you are not allowed to lie."

"Don't worry. Even if I'm the big brother Bernard who lied to you, I won't lie to you. And I will definitely come back to see you in about half a year at most."

After all, Zuo Si sent the girl back to her own single room, and kissed her on the forehead again before leaving.

After getting rid of Isadora, who had a serious attachment to himself, he quickly came to the detection room, aimed at the world that was almost locked, and frantically urged the power of the planeswalker spark.


The phantom of a blue planet appeared in front of him.

This planet is the home of Si Sisi night - the earth.

It's just that it's not the same as the earth where he originally lived without any magical energy.

There is not only magical energy here, but also a large number of "wizards".

It is a magical earth that does not seem to have strong magic power at first glance, but actually has many unique features.

That's right!

This is the famous world of Harry Potter, and it is also the "safe world" that Zuo Si originally wanted to go to.

Because compared with Faerun, where a few gods die every now and then, and various evil organizations, undead creatures, demons, and devils are everywhere, Voldemort—the terrorist attack by Tom Riddle is really not on the table. .

And outside the circle of wizards, there are also industrial systems and global supply chains established by "Muggles".

Although considering the problems that may cause the hostility of many gods, Zuo Si basically will not bring back machines that can greatly increase the level of productivity.

But it is still possible to get some imitations and agricultural products such as spices, condiments, silk, velvet, tea, cocoa, sugar, coffee, etc. that are expensive in Faerun and return them to Bernard for dumping.

He did remember that the wizards in this world invented a spell called [Untraceable Stretching Curse], which can easily make the space in a box reach the area of ​​several or even dozens or hundreds of football fields.

At that time, I will make one myself as a carrier, and it will not be a big problem to carry a 10,000-ton cargo ship at a time.

As for the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, let me go as far as I can.

As a planeswalker, Zuo Si will not abide by the laws and rules that seem to be very idiotic.

As the connection in space became closer and closer, it finally reached the point where teleportation could be carried out after two hours.

However, Zuo Si did not rush to open the portal, but first checked the energy reserve of the mage tower.

You must know that the energy consumed to open a portal of this level is amazing.

After confirming that there was no problem, he quickly closed the teleportation room, and opened an unstable channel in the portal with the help of sparks.

Immediately afterwards, a dire wolf was summoned to cross the past to explore the way first.

Unfortunately, within a few seconds of the wolf passing through, Zuo Si on the other side of the portal heard a sound similar to gunshots and curses that sounded like English.

"Fack! How can there be wolves in the suburbs of London? And they are so big!"

"Shut up! Don't talk! Fire! Fire! Or it'll eat us all!"

"Damn! It's coming!"

"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!! It bit my leg! My leg is broken! Bleeding! Help!"

boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by terrified shouts and gunshots, two groups of gang members who were secretly conducting illegal transactions ushered in a catastrophe.

Since it happened to be night, the visibility of the surrounding environment was extremely low.

Coupled with the dense woods and grass everywhere in the suburbs, it gave the dire wolf a chance to hide and launch a surprise attack.

In just ten seconds, two or three unlucky ones were killed and maimed.

The weapons in their hands, not to mention the hit rate, even if the most powerful shotgun hits occasionally by chance, it is difficult to cause fatal injuries to a powerful creature like the dire wolf all at once.

So after a while, the entire transaction scene became extremely bloody and full of corpses.

Those white powders and blood-stained banknotes packed in travel bags that could sell for a high price were scattered everywhere in the melee.

A few minutes later, when Zuo Si walked over from the other side of the portal, there was only a fat-looking bald man sitting on the ground, trembling uncontrollably all over his body.

Only one step away from him, the dire wolf was staring at him with two green eyes emitting green light in the darkness. Not only did the mouth have sharp fangs, but it was also stained with a lot of blood. Sometimes even a strong smell of blood can be smelled.

When he saw Zuo Si coming out of the shining silver portal like a giant wolf, the bald man immediately shouted in English like crazy: "Don't... don't kill me! Let this terrible monster go away!" Stay away! I would do anything!"

"Sorry, I don't need a scum like you."

Zuo Si glanced at the white powder smashed into the plastic bag, and immediately realized what these guys were doing, and decisively gave the dire wolf a kill order.

Without saying a word, the latter opened his bloody mouth and rushed forward, biting off a person's neck in just a few seconds.

After killing the group of drug dealers and gangsters who were doing business, Zuo Si casually swept away the money in the travel bag that was not stained with blood, then canceled the call of the dire wolf, and threw a fireball backhand to destroy Dead bodies.

As for the messy guns on the ground, he didn't even have the interest to take a look at them. He quickly cast a transmutation magic on the mage robe, boots and belt on his body, making it look no different from modern people's attire.

After driving a broken car left by a gang member along a remote country road for more than 30 minutes, I saw the highway connecting the city.

Although it is close to midnight now, there are still many vehicles passing by.

Smelling the exhaust gas that spewed out from the exhaust pipe of the car, Zuo Si immediately left the blood-stained car in the inconspicuous woods, and came to the side of the road alone, with a faint expression on his face. With a smile, he whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "It feels so good to be back in modern society."

Relying on the mind control spell of [Charm Human], he was able to hitch a ride to the city center without any effort.

Since the driver is a very talkative middle-aged man, Zuo Si learned a lot of useful information along the way.

So when he got out of the car, he generously stuffed the other party with a thick stack of banknotes as a thank you.

Anyway, Zuo Si is going to go to the magic world in the future, and these "Muggle" banknotes are not very useful to him.

And if need be, just visit the active drug dealers, African tyrants, arms dealers, and more or less paper money.

The currency he really wanted now was Galleons minted at Gringotts.

Because of these currencies used in the wizarding world, you can go to Diagon Alley Street to buy books, wands, various materials and alchemy equipment.

"Where should I start..."

Zuo Si stood on the bustling streets of London, rubbing her chin and lost in thought.

Straight to the Leaky Cauldron?

But he doesn't even have a copper Knut on him now, and even if he goes there, he can't buy anything.

As for selling the magic items made by oneself, or using gold or gold coins from Faerun, the risk of exposure is too great.

After all, this is not Faerun, where travelers are everywhere.

Moreover, wizards have established the so-called Ministry of Magic to manage themselves with the country as a unit, and even carry out frequent international cooperation.

In addition, the circle is not big, and most wizards in a country know each other, so it is almost impossible to get involved.


The only chance to enter this circle through legal means is to get an acceptance letter from Hogwarts.

Only when selecting students with magical talents, they will absorb some fresh blood from those Muggle families.

And because most wizards have a sense of psychological superiority and arrogance to ordinary people, they basically don't do identity and background checks. Usually, they send letters with owls first, and then send people to visit directly to explain the situation.

This gives a lot of maneuverable space.

Of course, before that, Zuo Si also needs to obtain at least LV1 wizard level in this world through mimicry, to ensure that his name will appear in the Hogwarts admissions list.

"Oh—looks like I have to do a lot of preparation.

First choice, I need a legal ID, or simply send myself to an orphanage.

Second, I need to get at least one spell book, and a little wizard's blood.

If I remember correctly, wizards in this world seem to rely on the power of blood to cast spells.

Even those so-called Muggle-born wizards, in fact, as long as they go back up, there must be one or two ancestors who were wizards, or "squibs" from wizard families.

The last and most important point, I have to build a stable portal to ensure that I can freely travel between the two worlds. "

After figuring out what she should do, Zuo Si casually found an unremarkable small hotel and stayed overnight.

The next morning, with the help of the spell of Charm, he easily got a government official to obtain a fake identity and birth certificate for himself.

He also found a nominal guardian and bought a house with the money he got from drug dealers and gangsters.

It has to be said that mind control magic is really easy to use in modern society.

Especially in the 1990s, there was no Internet and monitoring equipment everywhere, so it was not too easy to fake it.

After all the formalities were completed, Zuo Si got into the basement of the house that belonged to her, used magic power to open up a secret space that ordinary people couldn't enter, and spent a whole week building the portal.

Not only that!

He also crafted it into a treasure card to ensure that the portal would work whether he was in this world or not.

Of course, such a teleportation across planes and even universes still requires the power of the planeswalker spark.

Even if other spellcasters successfully activate it, there is no way to span such a long distance.

After solving the problem of stable teleportation, Zuo Si began to think about where to get some wizard's blood.

You must know that wizard families and their bloodlines in this world usually have some special powers.

For example, the indissoluble bond between the Dumbledore family and the Phoenix.

So choosing a powerful wizard bloodline can definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

After much deliberation, Zuo Si made a crazy and bold decision, that is, to summon the Liches of the Arcane Society, the principal of Hogwarts, the founder of the Order of the Phoenix, the recipient of the Order of Merlin, Defeated Gellert Grindelwald's most powerful wizard - Albus Dumbledore shot.

The advantage of doing this is that on the one hand, you can test the upper limit of the magic power in this world;

On the other hand, you can also take the opportunity to obtain a little blood of the Dumbledore family during the battle to prepare for the next step of mimicry.

Just do it!

After making the decision, Zuo Si immediately opened the portal to return to his mage tower in Faerun, and quickly issued a summoning order to the entire organization's liches.

In just a few minutes, the latter appeared one after another through teleportation magic.

Vanessa, who had faintly become the second in command of the Arcane Society, asked directly: "You summoned us suddenly, do you have something important to announce?"

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "That's right. I just discovered and found an interesting new world, and I need you to do something for me."

"New world?!"

Vanessa's eyes lit up suddenly, and she became extremely excited.

Although he has mastered the nine-ring spell [Gate to Another World], he can theoretically travel between different planes in the universe.

But the problem is that finding a main material plane that can be called a "world" is not as easy as many people imagine.

Most of the main material worlds are either heavily protected by powerful forces, or completely isolated from the multiverse. It is very difficult to detect, let alone teleport across planes and crystal walls.

"Yes, a new world.

I need you now to attack one of the world's mighty spellcasters and take a little blood from him.

As for whether it is a siege, an ambush, or a traditional one-on-one magic duel, it is up to you.

remember! Don't kill him, and don't hurt him too badly.

This is just a test, get it? "

Zuo Si emphasized solemnly.

"Understood! Please rest assured, I swear that I will complete this mission excellently." Vanessa promised eagerly.

Not only him, but other members reacted similarly.

After all, liches are very interested in another world, as well as the unique magic system that exists in this world.

If you can learn new knowledge or find some inspiration from it, it will be very helpful for your own research.

This is why, many high-level mages in Faerun Continent run to the astral world or other alien planes when they have nothing to do, even if they know it is very dangerous, they have to go again and again.

Because there are too many temptations there, enough to offset the fear of death in my heart.

(end of this chapter)

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