Chapter 236 The real killer

After the Halloween troll invasion, the whole of Hogwarts returned to calm again.

After all, it was quite a challenge for Quirrell and Voldemort to do things under Dumbledore's nose.

And Snape had also become vigilant, not giving the latter even the slightest chance.

But for the students, entering November means that a big event will happen, that is, the Quidditch season will be held as scheduled every semester.

Zuo Si, who has always been completely interested in sports competitions, couldn't understand that kind of fanatical atmosphere.

What made him even more puzzled was that in order to argue which team was stronger, many students would bet all their pocket money for the entire semester, and even fought over it.

Anyway, as the first Quidditch match of this semester was approaching, the frictions and conflicts between the various colleges began to heat up sharply, which made the professor and the castle administrator very annoying.

Especially the students of Gryffindor College were all looking forward to the brilliant performance of the famous savior Harry Potter in the competition.

It would be best to defeat the old enemy Slytherin House and bring back both the Quidditch Trophy and the House Cup.

Of course, this expectation also caused considerable psychological pressure on Harry.

Because he has never been so valued and expected by others, he is afraid of not doing well enough to let everyone down, and his spirit is in a state of excitement and tension from morning to night every day.

In addition, as the atmosphere plummets in November, the British Isles have officially entered a cold and humid winter.

In order to keep warm, the little wizards put on thick and warm coats, and even special scarves with their respective college badges printed on them.

Whenever possible, they would sit around a fireplace or campfire to keep warm.

In the entire Hogwarts castle, the only maverick Si was not wearing any clothing with her own school colors, and still only had a pure black robe, even the symbol of Slytherin House was torn off. .

This kind of blatant contempt and contempt for this college made many Slytherin students very angry.

They couldn't even understand why the Sorting Hat would send such a different kind in.

But apart from impotent rage in their hearts, these little wizards couldn't do anything at all.

After all, in terms of strength, Zuo Si alone could overwhelm a group of them, and he was an expert at playing tricks.

A few senior girls even tried to drink and drink love potions, intending to use this way to tame Zuo Si, a rebellious genius.

But in the end, without exception, they all inexplicably drank it by themselves, and fell into crazy narcissism.

The ugliness he showed under the effect of the potion will definitely become the dark history that he is least willing to recall and face in his life.

In the end, it was the antidote concocted by the head of the school, Snape, that finally returned to normal.

Since then, drugging Zuo Si has become a taboo in Slytherin House.

Because no one could figure out how Zuo Si could detect the potion in the food and drink in advance, let alone how he made these girls drink the love potion willingly.

For the unknown, most people's subconscious first reaction is often not curiosity, but fear from the bottom of their hearts.

What's more, with the spread of Ron's big mouth, many students have heard about the fact that Zuo Si directly blew up the entire corridor and a giant monster with just one spell.

So Slytherin House grew more and more afraid of him.

Several senior students even started referring to Zuo Si as "King Cobra".

As one of the very few snakes that eat snakes, this title symbolizes their special status within the academy, and the fear of other students.

Lucius Malfoy even wrote a letter to Della himself, strictly prohibiting his son from messing with Zuo Si again.

You must know that he came from the era of Voldemort, and he understands what such a terrifying magical talent means.

In this way, in a strange balance, Zuo Si lived comfortably for a few days without any disturbance.

When the time came to the eve of the Quidditch match, George, one of the Weasley twins, suddenly asked after finishing his assistant work: "Hey, South. Are you going to watch the match tomorrow?"

"No, it won't."

Zuo Si did not hesitate to give a negative answer.

His brain is not sick.

It’s not like sitting on an outdoor high platform in such a cold and humid climate, blowing cold wind, risking being hit by Bludgers and players falling from broomsticks, watching a game that is basically nothing to watch Sexual and downright boring game.

Because the speed of the broomstick is very fast, and there is no large-screen replay of Muggle world sports games on the field, it is almost impossible to see the players who are like black spots in the distance with the naked eye.

And its rules are not fair at all.

Among them, catching the golden snitch can get one hundred and fifty points at once and end the game. Provide a little entertainment and jokes before live to prevent the audience from falling asleep because they are too bored.

In addition, what should I do if I can't catch the Golden Snitch for a long time?

Really let this group of players fly non-stop on the field for dozens of hours, dozens of hours, or even days or weeks?

In that case, the audience would have run away long ago, so what's the point of the game?

The most outrageous thing is that this extremely dangerous and brutal competition does not divide men and women at all, so it is extremely unfair to young students and female contestants.

When players ride broomsticks into each other, it doesn't take much to ask that the lighter one will suffer the most.

This has also led to the fact that among the teams of the four Hogwarts houses, Slytherins who only pursue victory are almost without exception strong boys from senior years.

Although there are girls in the other three teams, there are often only one or two of them, and most of the roles they play are substitutes or seekers, positions that do not require fierce confrontation.

In addition, in the books introducing Quidditch, there are more than 700 foul methods listed, and all of them have appeared in the World Cup...

There are so many ways to cheat, and the monitoring and response measures are so minimal, basically relying on the referee's naked eyes. Isn't this encouraging fouls in disguise?

Oh, by the way, and that iron Bludger that can kill people.


You heard that right!

This thing is iron! Do! of!

Not only is it easy to disassemble a stand, but it can also closely follow a broom that can fly at high speed like Nimbus 2000.

Just imagine an iron ball with a diameter of 25 centimeters, which is almost twice the size of the shot put used in official international competitions.

Then impact the human body at an average speed of 300 kilometers per hour, how terrifying is the kinetic energy that can be generated?

You must know that the modern M1857 field gun, also known as the Napoleon gun, which shined brilliantly in the American Civil War, is far less than one third of the size and weight of a Bludger.

It is estimated that only the 30-pound main naval gun used by the British Royal Navy can barely match it.

This also means that the players on the Quidditch field are all being chased by a shell fired by a super heavy artillery with its own tracking function.

Zuo Si was very suspicious of how Harry Potter survived being hit by the Bludger.

According to the normal mechanical category, even if only one arm is hit, the whole person will be sent flying, and then fall to the ground headfirst, the probability of breaking the neck or smashing the head is more than 50%. .

If it was a little more unlucky and the Bludger fell vertically on the spot, then the savior would have to say goodbye to his colorful life in advance.

As for that arm, it definitely shouldn't be as simple as a broken bone, but flew out of the body directly, accompanied by horrible bleeding.

Despite the current level of trauma treatment in the magic world, anyone who does not die on the spot can basically be rescued.

But what if it's a direct headshot or a heart attack?

100% will die on the spot!

There will be no suspense!

Zuo Si seriously doubts that the guy who joined the Bludger setting at the beginning probably wanted to use this method to retaliate against society.

In his opinion, compared with the Bludger, all three Unforgivable Curses are weak.

The former can even kill people reasonably and legally.

However, although Zuo Si is not very interested in the Quidditch game, he is quite interested in the production process of Bludgers. He plans to find some time to study and make a few with solid iron balls, and inlaid them with fine gold. Forged spikes or blades, and finally constant shrinking.

In this way, when encountering a large number of enemies, these "big killers" with automatic tracking functions can be released. I believe the scene will be very spectacular.

Of course, functions such as high-speed spin cutting can also be added on this basis to increase the lethality.

In short, Zuo Si is very optimistic about the weapon developed based on the Bludger.

"So you don't support the Slytherin team?" Fred's eyes lighted up slightly.

"Well. Especially the captain Marcus Flin Te, don't be polite when you can do something wrong."

When saying these words, Zuo Si's tone revealed naked and undisguised malice towards the senior senior.

He would never forget that this guy was the one who yelled the most on the night of the first day of school, and he kept trying to make trouble in private.

"OK! Received! Don't worry, we promise to get Marcus Flin Te off the broom during tomorrow's game." George vowed.

Fred agreed with a smirk on his face: "Yes. We'll swing the bat and hit the Bludger hard at Marcus Flin Te, let him taste what it feels like to fall off the broom." .”

"Hey... When we joined the team and chose to be hitters, didn't we just want to hit those annoying guys off the broom on the field?"

"That's right! It's like swat a fly, my dear brother."

George and Fred clapped each other's hands tacitly, with happy smiles on their faces.

Seeing the pair of clowns begin to display their funny talent again, Hermione couldn't help holding her forehead and asked, "If I remember correctly, being hit by a Bludger should be a very dangerous thing, right?"

"Yes, very, very dangerous. According to records, the highest death rate in Quidditch is being hit by a Bludger, and the second is accidentally falling off a broom."

Fred gave an affirmative answer without thinking.

"Then you still use it to hit people? Aren't you afraid of killing people?" Hermione's voice suddenly rose an octave.

She couldn't believe that a school would allow students to participate in such a dangerous sport with absolutely no protection.

George shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "If anyone is killed by a Bludger on the court, it can only be blamed on his bad luck, and no one else can be blamed. By the way, the person who is hit by a Bludger dies It was very fast, and there was no pain at all."

"I totally agree! I once watched a game when I was a child. There was a poor Seeker who just didn't notice the Bludger flying from the side, and the result was smashed on the spot." Fred also followed suit. Said.

From the casual attitude of the twin brothers, it can be seen that they don't really care about dying in this dangerous sport.

In other words, wizards' outlook on life and death is fundamentally different from that of Muggles.

Many wizards are not even afraid of death at all, and enjoy the tension and excitement of a brush with death.

"My God! This is so barbaric and bloody. I can't believe that the Ministry of Magic has banned a lot of dark magic, but it hasn't banned this ridiculous game that has caused countless casualties."

Hermione was clearly terrified by the tragic scene the brothers described.

After all, she has been a top student and a good baby since she was a child, and she has an instinctive fear of blood and death.

"Believe me, if the Ministry of Magic dares to ban this sport, the current Minister of Magic will be impeached and resigned in minutes. You don't understand the importance of Quidditch to wizards." George explained seriously.

Then, on the way back to the Gryffindor common room, the twin brothers told Hermione a lot about the origin of the Quidditch movement and how it gradually developed into the first national movement in the wizarding world. process.

He even listed some very famous Quidditch players in school, such as Professor McGonagall, the dean of Gryffindor.

It has to be said that this news is indeed quite shocking.

At least it was difficult for Hermione to see the shadow of a Quidditch player from Professor McGonagall, who always kept a serious look.

It is even more unimaginable for this respectable professor to wear a team uniform and ride a broom in the sky to savagely collide with his opponents in the sky when he was young, and then won one game after another.

But anyway, through George and Fred's description, the girl finally has a deep understanding of the status of Quidditch in the wizarding world.

Its importance and popularity even far surpass the status of football in the Muggle world.

Early the next morning, the lobby on the first floor was overcrowded.

Since there were no classes, students of almost all ages from the entire school gathered here, enjoying a rich and nutritious breakfast, while discussing which college team could win the championship trophy this year.

Of course, the most talked about topic was whether Harry Potter, who was exceptionally promoted, could show the ability and level that matched his fame.

And this kind of public discussion in which others pointed at him in public made poor Harry so nervous that he couldn't even eat.

"You have to eat a few mouthfuls of breakfast."

"I don't want to eat anything."

"Eat at least one slice of toast."

"I'm not hungry."

The more coaxing people around him, the worse Harry felt, and the greater the psychological pressure.

He even saw his roommate, Seamus Finnigan, smearing ketchup on the sausage on his plate, and vowed: "Eat some, man, you need to maintain sufficient strength. Because the Seeker is always The opponent's key target. If you don't eat and you don't have the strength, you might be knocked off the broom."

"There are also Bludgers! That thing is really dangerous! It's like a high-speed moving shell. If you get hit on the head or heart, you will die on the spot. You have to be extra careful." Just from the library Hermione reminded worriedly when she came back.

In order to confirm the material and weight of the Bludger, she went to check related books early in the morning.

As a result, I didn’t know if I didn’t read it, but I was shocked when I saw it.

According to the density of iron, a bludger with a diameter of 25 centimeters may actually weigh an astonishing 60 kilograms or more.

If you get hit by this thing, you can basically say goodbye to this world.

In the eyes of the girl, Quidditch, which is popular in the wizarding world, has been upgraded from "extremely dangerous" to "killing competition".

A batsman like the Weasley twins was an executioner with a legal license to kill.

The most important thing is that she couldn't figure out what kind of spells and magics were blessed with a mere stick, which could instantly stop a 64kg iron ball flying at high speed and forcibly change its flight direction.

You must know that this is equivalent to a shell fired from a heavy naval gun.

"Don't worry, the Bludgers are generally heavy, as long as the witty point is less likely to be hit. Besides, our academy batsmen George and Fred will protect Harry." Seamus Finnigan He shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"But once you get hit, the probability of dying on the spot is more than 90%. Damn it! I don't understand why you guys are so fascinated by such a dangerous sport."

Hermione rolled her eyes angrily, and turned to discuss countermeasures with Zuo Si, who was always sitting in the corner of the hall, who was always out of gregarious.

But before she got close, she suddenly saw Gemma Farley, the female prefect of Slytherin, walk over to Zuo Si, and asked with a smile, "Will you come to see today's Quidditch?" Play? Or to put it another way, would you like to support our academy team?"

"No. But if the Gryffindor batsmen could knock Marcus Flin Te's simple-minded, brawny scumbags out of the sky one by one, I'd be more than happy to go there myself. Enjoy it live. It's a pity that the professors will not allow this to happen."

When she said these words, Zuo Si showed a deep regret expression on her face, and did not lower her volume at all, intentionally letting the Slytherin players not far away who were eating could hear.

Especially when the captain Marcus Flin Te heard that he was named and also called "trash", he was immediately flushed with anger, and even crushed the boiled egg in his hand.

Several senior students who were dominated by anger even subconsciously stood up and wanted to pull out their wands.

But just a second later, all of them immediately regained their composure and sobriety.

Because the front end of the wand in Zuo Si's hand began to flash a dazzling white light at some point, and there was a smile full of expectation and danger on his face, as if a powerful spell would be shot from the front end in the next moment.

And this action reminded them instantly of the pain caused by being stuck in the stairs and being burned by flames on the first night of school.

Facts have proved that using violence to control violence is always the fastest and most effective method.

Even the laws are built on the basis of using violence to control violence.

Only when those guys who like violence taste the feeling of violence blessing on themselves, will they become a little restrained.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't intend to let the other party go just like that, but continued to taunt in front of the whole school: "See? This is the Slytherin team, a bunch of trash who can only bully the weak and fear the strong. I don't even Sure, can they still be called men. Maybe Marcus Flin Te should take the lead in going to the Muggle hospital to cut the thing down there for a sex change operation, and it's useless to keep it anyway. In this way, They can call each other sisters."

With this extremely insulting sentence blurted out, the students of the other colleges in the hall on the first floor were stunned for two or three seconds, and then they all let out deafening laughter in unison.

Especially Gryffindor College, which was about to have a match with Slytherin, stood up and applauded vigorously, while booing loudly.

After all, the style of the Slytherin Quidditch team was originally very "dirty", and they would often use various fouls while the referee was not paying attention, which made it impossible for any students except this college to like them.

So when they were in trouble, they immediately attracted a large group of gloating and onlookers.

Gemma Farley saw this and instantly realized that she had screwed up.

She originally wanted to use the Quidditch game to ease the tense relationship between Zuo Si and the college, but she never expected that it would directly intensify the conflict.

Looking at the angry eyes of the Slytherin students behind him, you can tell that they absolutely hate this alien now.

"Why do you have to do this?" Gemma Farley asked, frowning.

As a smart senior girl, she is sure that Zuo Si definitely did not want to have a good relationship with other students in the college on purpose, so she repeatedly provoked and stimulated the most sensitive roots of the "little snakes". nerve.

Otherwise, normally speaking, no matter how much you hate those pure-bloods, you shouldn't take the entire Slytherin house as the target of attack.

"When you can figure this out, come talk to me again." Zuo Si said meaningfully.

In the end, Gemma Farley could only turn away with strong doubts and puzzlement.

With her current vision, it was naturally impossible to see through Principal Dumbledore's thoughts.

Ever since he suffered from "Dark Lord Stress Syndrome", this old man, who is known as the greatest wizard of his generation, will subconsciously be alert and wary of any young wizard with a precocious personality and outstanding magical talent.

So when Zuo Si showed his talent for horror magic, he absolutely couldn't have a good relationship with the Slytherin students, let alone become their leader.

Otherwise, 100% will be regarded as a potentially huge threat.

Of course, as a white wizard, Dumbledore would definitely not make such a move to nip the threat in the bud.

But targeting and restrictions in various aspects are definitely indispensable.

This is why Zuo Si has always been a maverick in school. Not only did she intentionally have a bad relationship with the students of her own college, but she also didn't have much contact with people from other colleges.

In addition to not wanting to play house games with a group of children, it is more to make Dumbledore clearly realize that there is an essential difference between himself and Voldemort.

"What did Gemma Farley tell you?"

After the female prefect of Slytherin left, Hermione came over and asked cautiously.

Zuo Si responded with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just some silly tricks.

She tried to ease the tension between me and the other students in the academy, and then use it as a bargaining chip to gain more prestige and influence.

In Slytherin, there are countless ambitious people like this, but she is one of the few who doesn't have a grudge against me.

By the way, you dressed up like this, don't you want to watch a Quidditch match? "

Hermione glanced down at the conspicuous Gryffindor scarf and college badge on her body, and sighed slightly.

"Well—I just don't want anything to happen to Harry. You know, although his parents are wizards, he grew up in a Muggle family, and his knowledge of Quidditch is limited to the short two years after he entered school. months, and the total training time does not exceed one hundred hours.”

"Then wish you a good time. If George and Fred do knock Marcus Flin Te off the broom, remember to let me know afterward."

After saying this, Zuo Si stood up, turned and disappeared at the corner of the stairs leading to the upper floor under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes.

You must know that during this time period, almost all the students and professors in the school were attracted by the upcoming Quidditch match, so the whole castle was surprisingly quiet.

After a while, he returned to the room specially assigned to him for the experiment.

Just when Zuo Si was about to take advantage of this opportunity without anyone and try to create a big killer like a Bludger, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the corridor outside.

In about two or three seconds, the closed door opened automatically, followed by Quirinus Quirrell, who was always wearing a wide turban, walked in from the outside.

"What can you do, Professor?"

Zuo Si narrowed her eyes and instantly raised her vigilance.

Because according to the original plot, this guy should go to the field and cast a curse on Harry Potter's broom.

"Why didn't you go to the stadium to watch the Quidditch game like other students did?" Quirrell asked with great interest.

At this moment, his manner of speaking did not have the usual stammering and timid look, not only very fluent, but also a strong sense of superiority in his tone.

Zuo Si deliberately put on a look of disdain: "Because I have no interest in that boring wizarding sport that lacks viewing and fairness. If the school turns this ridiculous game into a duel, then I might take a second look."

"Oh? You like wizard duels?"

There was an imperceptible smile in Quirrell's eyes.

"No, I just hope to learn more knowledge and skills of casting spells from the demonstrations of the professors." Zuo Si explained calmly.

He could feel that the guy in front of him suddenly appeared in this room, and Voldemort must be staring at him.

It's just not sure what the other party wants to do.

Poor Quirrell still didn't know that his biggest secret had been exposed, so he still nodded and praised: "It's really worthy of being praised as a genius who can lead a new era in the future. If other people are one-tenth as smart and eager to learn as you, then There won't be that many students who can't pass the O.W.Ls (General Wizarding Levels). If nothing else, you should be able to pass the N.E.W.Ts (Ultimate Wizarding Levels) in a few years."

"Professor, what exactly do you want to express? If you have something to say, please speak up. My time is precious." Zuo Si urged impatiently.

"Hehe, don't worry, dear Sous. In fact, I am here today mainly to send out an invitation. I wonder if you are interested in joining a great wizard like me?"

After going around in circles for a long time, Quirrell finally showed his true colors.

In his opinion, no matter what kind of genius it is, it is inevitable to have a strong interest in magical powers, especially black magic, which is strictly prohibited by the Ministry of Magic.

So as long as I throw some black magic spells and knowledge, I can lure Zuo Si step by step to become Voldemort's servant.

By the time the other party realizes, there is already no turning back.

In fact, quite a few young wizards were seduced this way and ended up becoming one of the Death Eaters.

"A great wizard?" A very strange expression appeared on Zuo Si's face.

Because he really didn't think Voldemort had even the slightest connection with the word great.

Perhaps this guy is indeed a very powerful master of black magic, and his unscrupulous killings have made the entire British wizarding world terrified of him, but after all, he is just a second-rate who can't stand on the stage.

Quirrell nodded seriously: "That's right. It's just that it's not convenient for me to reveal his name now. Here is a notebook about spells that will never be taught in school. I believe you will understand after reading it. "

After all, Quirrell took out a rather old-looking notebook from his arms, placed it lightly on the table, and then left a meaningful smile and quickly turned away.

After the guy was completely gone, Zuo Si picked it up and flipped through it, and found that all the records in it were black magic that was banned by the Ministry of Magic.

Most of them, he has seen in the restricted section of the library, but there are still a small number of spells that Voldemort found or invented after graduation, but there are no three unforgivable curses.

"Interesting, is that noseless guy trying to lure me into the gang?" Zuo Si rubbed his chin with a playful expression.

There is no doubt that if this notebook is handed over to other young wizards at Hogwarts, they will probably be attracted by the vicious spells with curse-like effects in it, and then they will sink deeper and deeper unconsciously.

But in his eyes, such magic spells are too low-level.

Except for a very few spells that have some reference value, most of them don't even arouse people's interest in learning.

So after simply flipping through it, Zuo Si threw this notebook on the table at any time, and concentrated on practicing his previous ideas.

I saw that he first fused a bunch of iron products he found from the abandoned warehouse Curry directly together to form a super large iron ball with a diameter of two meters.

In order to increase the lethality, countless protruding steel needles were molded on the surface of the iron ball, each of which was about as long as two fingers.

Sharp blades with a length of seventy centimeters extended from both sides.

For the next hour or so, Zuo Si cast various spells on this "big killer" one by one according to the method of making Bludgers recorded in the book.

After a series of enchantments are completed, it floats in the air out of thin air, spinning like a top at a speed that cannot be discerned by the naked eye.

It is estimated that if someone accidentally approaches at this time, they will be cut into minced meat or minced meat in minutes.

It can be predicted that when this thing starts to hit a certain target at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, the scene will definitely be very bloody and brutal, and not even a complete corpse will be left behind.

Because at the moment of approaching, first of all, the high-speed rotating blade will cut a person alive into countless small pieces.

Immediately after, those steel needles will grind the chopped small pieces of meat into minced meat.

Finally, it was hit by an iron ball weighing dozens of tons and completely wiped out.

Not to mention human beings, it is estimated that even a fire dragon would die tragically on the spot, and there is no possibility of surviving at all.

The reality once again proves that the most powerful magic in this world has never been the Unforgivable Curse, nor is it a high-level spell with shocking visual effects such as Fiercefire and Water Prison, but the wandering method invented in Quidditch. ball.

As long as you throw this thing to a sufficient height, and then use your own flying ability and acceleration of gravity to directly hit the designated target, basically you will die if you hit it, without even a little suspense.

Unless the opponent can detect the danger within two or three seconds in advance at the last moment, and cast a phantom to escape.

Otherwise, regardless of whether you are Dumbledore or Voldemort, if you get hit by the "Holy Ball of Physics", you will die on the spot.

"Well, it seems to be pretty good. But where can I find something to test the power?" Zuo Si obviously had some difficulties.

He can guarantee that if he takes this thing outside the school, he will be caught by the professors in minutes, and then confiscated directly.

After hesitating again and again, Zuo Si finally fixed a shrinking technique, shrinking it to only one sixteenth of the original size, and then stuffed it into the satchel to carry with him.

When we return to Faerûn for the Christmas break, there are plenty of things to experiment with.

If it works well, he plans to make dozens of them, store them in a separate container, and release them all at once when needed, bringing them back to their normal size.

Thinking of dozens of high-speed rotating iron balls that can tear flesh and blood into pieces in an instant, killing all directions on the battlefield, and the terrified expressions on the faces of the enemies, Zuo Si was full of anticipation in his heart.

Most importantly, this thing is not only amazingly lethal, but also very cheap to make.

Now only one land card is missing, and he can use it in any world at will.

Of course, another option is to make it into a treasure card.

However, it costs more mana that way, which is not in line with the original design concept, so it was eliminated directly.

Just when Zuo Si was thinking about what opportunity he should find to make a Hogwarts land card, the twin brothers of the Weasley family suddenly rushed in from the door.

Among them, George raised his hands excitedly and shouted: "We won! We won! Harry did not disappoint us! He successfully caught the golden snitch in the first match!"

"Not only that! We also took Marcus Flin Te off the broom. He broke at least two legs and six ribs, and half of his arm was thrown directly by the Bludger, and the blood was in the air. The scene flying in the air is simply spectacular. It is estimated that this poor creature will lie in Madam Pomfrey's place for at least a week." Fred quickly added gloating.

"Great job! As a reward for your outstanding performance, I will make a flying broom for each of you later, which is guaranteed to be ten times better than the latest model Nimbus 2000." Zuo Si promised with a smile.

Because he knew that the reason why the two brothers were willing to do this was entirely to appreciate the high bonus he had paid during this time.

For those who know how to reciprocate, Zuo Si always doesn't mind giving them extra favors.

"You can also make flying brooms?!" George was stunned for a moment.

Zuo Si nodded lightly: "Of course. The flying broom is not a secret technology, many wizards know it.

It's just that there are too many constant magic spells that need to be used in the production process, so that it is impossible to be good at all of them.

Therefore, the craft of making brooms was gradually monopolized by some large workshops as technology was upgraded and eliminated.

But as it happens, I have learned all of these spells, and I plan to add some more cool effects to them.

How, are you interested in being a tester? "

"Hahahaha! This is our honor! Please be sure to make the coolest broom, we were thinking about saving more money to buy a Nimbus 2000 like Harry's." Fred laughed happily .

George also grinned and echoed: "That's right! We have long wanted to send the sweeping five-stars to the museum. Because they are too old and can no longer keep up with the latest models of brooms."

Obviously, the twins of the Weasley family have experienced the joy of "free whoring" without a teacher.

Although they don't yet know how well the performance of the two new brooms can be achieved, free is undoubtedly the best.

"Give me some time. If there is no accident, you should be able to receive this gift at Christmas. In addition, it is best to be mentally prepared. I am not the kind of person who follows the rules and makes brooms in the traditional way." Zuo Si stroked his chin and reminded with interest.

"Ha! It's okay, I like things that are different. Oh, by the way, this is the swelling potion we concocted in potions class a while ago. Last time you said you wanted to get some for experimenting, we took the time Helped out a bit."

As he spoke, Fred quickly took out seven or eight solutions in glass bottles from his pocket, and threw them on the table.

"Thanks, this saved me a lot of effort."

Zuo Si immediately waved his wand and placed all the potions in order in the cabinet in the corner.

If there is anything about the magic system in this world that makes him most satisfied, it is undoubtedly the application of magic in daily life.

Whether it is the Floo powder that can be transmitted over a long distance through the fireplace, or the automatic washing, cooking, tea making, cleaning, repairing and other chores that can be done by waving a magic wand, they have successfully freed wizards from heavy physical labor. come out.

To some extent, this is what a peaceful and healthy magical society should look like.

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of raising your hands. Hey... Is this book on the table yours?"

George suddenly discovered the notes left by Quirrell, and was attracted by the black magic recorded in it on the spot.

"Take it back and read it if you like it. But promise me, don't lend it to anyone else. You know, it's all spells that are strictly prohibited by the Ministry of Magic, and unless you want to go to Azkaban, you should never be in school Use." Zuo Si solemnly issued a warning.

He has always held a fairly tolerant attitude towards the so-called "black magic".

Reason and simplicity.

The "malicious" magic known as the Three Unforgivable Curses in this world is nothing in the eyes of Faerun spellcasters.

Open the list of spells and take a look at the necromancy system. There are almost countless spells more vicious than Avada Kedavra.

As for the Imperius Curse...

Sorry, at first glance, almost half of the enchantment system is spells to charm and control others.

And the Cruciatus Curse, which claims to be able to torture people crazy, is nothing more than pure physical pain, and it cannot be compared with the pain and despair caused by imprisoning and torturing the soul.

(end of this chapter)

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