Chapter 238 Huge Benefits

"Is there anything you can do, Dellako?"

Zuo Si looked up with interest at this guy who has been avoiding her since the beginning of school.

Because the crushing battle in the Slytherin common room completely left a big shadow in Malfoy's heart, so much so that he would subconsciously turn around and run away whenever they met each other on weekdays.

He was very curious about what this guy wanted to say when he suddenly mustered up the courage to run up to him today.

"I want to talk to you, alone." Malfoy said solemnly, glancing at Hermione.

"I'm going outside to get some air."

Without saying a word, the girl stood up and walked out of the carriage to avoid it.

In her opinion, this should be a conversation within the Slytherin house, so she, a member of the Gryffindor house, should not get involved.

After Hermione left completely, Malfoy gestured to the two attendants to stand guard at the door, while he walked in like a little adult, took out an envelope from his pocket and placed it on the table.

"What is this?" Zuo Si asked calmly.

"My father, Lucius Malfoy, asked me to pass it on to you. He said that you will understand after reading it." Malfoy replied very cautiously.

It can be seen that this young master who was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child actually doesn't want to get close to this "dangerous person" in front of him, but he doesn't dare to violate the task entrusted by his father, so his mental state is very nervous and fearful.

Now this pretended calmness is completely fake.

Realizing that Dellake was just a messenger, Zuo Si immediately turned his attention to the envelope on the table, picked it up, opened it, glanced at it, and suddenly showed a playful smile on his face, and asked meaningfully: "Do you know this envelope?" The content of the letter?"

"I don't know." Malfoy shook his head slightly.

"It's best not to know. Because the content of this letter will subvert your perception of your own father. If there is nothing else, you can leave with the two followers outside."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Si stuffed the letter back into the envelope and made a gesture of chasing people away.

Because the current Dellako is still a child who doesn't understand anything, all he can think about is how to get revenge on Harry Potter for making himself embarrassing in public.

It takes four or five years for the two to fall in love and kill each other before they truly realize how naive and ridiculous their previous behavior was.

No way, whoever made this is the stage that human beings must go through in growth, and no one can escape.

"What did my father tell you in the letter?" Malfoy asked very curiously.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and replied: "It's nothing special, it's just the survival method of some pure-blood families. Believe me, these things are still a little too early for you. You should go on looking for Harry. Potter release the twisted and sick love in your heart. Don't worry, I won't discriminate against you. After all, in England, this kind of thing has long been commonplace."

"You... what nonsense are you talking about! I... Potter and I don't have the relationship you said." Malfoy blushed instantly in surprise and anger.

He couldn't imagine how bad his reputation at school would be if these words got out.

"Okay, okay, whatever you say is what you say, anyway, you can deceive others but not your own heart."

The corners of Zuo Si's mouth were slightly upturned, admiring the other party's out of breath.

"you do this delibrately?!"

Malfoy seemed to realize something, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

At this moment, for the first time, he regretted his impulsive behavior at the beginning of school.

At the same time, he finally understood that this peer who seemed to be about the same age as him was simply a living devil who played tricks on people's hearts.

"Hehe, what do you guess?"

Zuo Si deliberately cast his eyes on the door of the carriage.

It was only at this time that Malfoy realized that Crabbe and Goyle were staring at him with terrified eyes, obviously hearing the content of the conversation just now.

"Damn it!"

He couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and didn't care about arguing with Zuo Si, he went out and disappeared into the carriage at the end of the corridor outside with his two followers.

If there is no accident, there is basically no need to do anything else along the way, and I am afraid that the time will be wasted in explaining the "innocence" between myself and Harry Potter.

A few minutes after the three of them left, Hermione leisurely returned the same way, and forced a smile to ask, "What did you say to Malfoy just now? He seems to be in a bit of a mood."

"It's nothing, it's just a little mention of the bad relationship between him and Harry." Zuo Si joked in a half-joking tone.

"Nie Yuan?!"

Hermione's eyes lit up slightly when she heard this word, and the fire of gossip was burning in her heart.

Zuo Si explained with a half-smile: "That's right. This is a story of love and hatred, but also a story of an extremely twisted and sick heart. Guess why Malfoy always likes to trouble Harry?"

"Uh... because of the confrontation at the gate on the first night of school?" Hermione asked in an uncertain tone.

"Yes, and no. I believe that with your intelligence, you should be able to see that Malfoy wanted to make friends with Harry, right?" Zuo Si induced step by step.

Hermione lowered her head and thought about it for a moment, then nodded quickly: "Well, yes. But is there any inevitable connection between Malfoy and Harry's trouble later on?"

"Of course it does! Have you ever heard the term love-hate?

In fact, our proud young master Malfoy has always loved Harry deeply in his heart.

It's just that when he was rejected in public for the first time, he felt ashamed, so he frantically used trouble-making methods to attract Harry's attention.

Also, Malfoy was jealous of Ron's overly close relationship with Harry.

So under the influence of various negative emotions, this kind of love is gradually distorted and finally becomes what we see. "

Zuo analyzed the whole thing seriously.

Although he knew that he was just spoofing while idle, the girl's young mind was greatly stimulated, and her pupils dilated, shrank, and re-enlarged uncontrollably to show the master's violent mood swings.

About two or three minutes later, Hermione suddenly came back to her senses, covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Oh my God! This... this is unbelievable! No wonder I always feel that Malfoy always looks at Harry and Ron's eyes are always weird. But I heard that the wizarding world is not very conservative? Why... how could there be such a strange person as Malfoy?"

"Conservative?" Zuo Si scoffed at this. "Believe me, the wizarding world is far more open in this respect than you can imagine. Do you know that our headmaster, Dumbledore, always likes to wear a conspicuous witch's hat? Do you know why he is so old and neither married?" Don't you have any children?"


Hermione's curiosity was fully mobilized.

"Because Dumbledore's lover is the dark wizard who was defeated by him - Gellert Grindelwald. They met and fell in love when they were very young, and even made a blood alliance that would never hurt each other. " Zuo Si unceremoniously revealed the secret hidden in her headmaster's heart.

"Huh?! Is this true?"

Hermione's eyes widened in disbelief.

Although she has read a lot of books, none of the books will record these inside information that only the parties know.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Of course it is true. Our principal, Dumbledore, who is known as the greatest wizard of our time, is actually a very sad person.

When he was young, his biological sister was accidentally seen by several Muggle children because of using magic, and then she was abused and abused crazily, which caused his father to retaliate completely, and was finally imprisoned in Azkaban until death.

After graduating from school, he met Gellert Grindelwald.

The two hit it off, and fell in love quickly because their ideals and aspirations were very similar.

They even once wanted to overturn the secrecy law and build a world dominated by wizards.

How about it, does it sound incredible?

The great white wizard was actually an out-and-out black wizard at the beginning.

I can assure you that Voldemort, who can't even be named, is nothing compared to Dumbledore's accomplishments in the dark arts.

However, due to an accidental incident, Dumbledore and his younger brother Aberforth had a quarrel, and Grindelwald later joined in, which eventually led to a melee between the three.

I don't know who it is, suddenly released a terrible spell, accidentally hit the young sister Ariana, killing her on the spot.

From this day on, Dumbledore lost everything, whether it was family or love, he left him.

The only surviving biological brother who will never forgive him because of his sister's death.

He himself didn't know whether it was because of guilt or other reasons, he gradually embarked on a path that ran counter to Grindelwald, and thus lost his love.

So don't be fooled by the rhetoric and flattery in the books.

The real Albus Dumbledore was not great from the beginning at all, but many accidents and mistakes shaped his image in people's eyes today.

He is just a mortal, with the same joys and sorrows as you and me, has his own favorite food and drink, and most importantly, also makes mistakes. "

There is no doubt that Dumbledore's rough life experience was definitely a big shock to Hermione.

The girl even sat there with blank eyes for a long time, finally digested the information, raised her head and asked in a shocking tone: "How do you know this?"

"Don't forget, I know Nicole Flamel. As an old man over six hundred years old, he knows a lot of secrets. And I also got a thick book of alchemy notes from him." Zuo Si raised the heavy book in his hand and shook it.

This is a gift left by Nicole Flamel before leaving Hogwarts, and hopes that he can successfully create the second Philosopher's Stone, rather than let this precious skill be completely and completely lost.

"Nicole Flamel's Alchemy Notes?!"

Hermione stared at the black cover, feeling parched, and immediately realized its inestimable value.

"Yes, including the complete manufacturing process of the Sorcerer's Stone. To be honest, if you don't see it with your own eyes, outsiders will probably never know how things like the Sorcerer's Stone are made."

After all, Zuo Si closed the entire notebook casually, without any intention of showing it to the girl.

Because the content in this notebook, including many parts about making black magic items, is not suitable for an eleven or twelve-year-old girl to read.

It turns out that all wizards know a little bit of the so-called dark arts.

The older and the longer the wizard, the more in-depth research in this area.

In Nicole Flamel's notes, cutting off the hand of a hanged man is nothing to make "Hands of Glory".

There are many heavy-tasting things in it, not even much worse than Faerun's necromantic magic.

Especially for the exploration of life and death, this alchemist has gone deeper and further than most wizards.

"So... you are now the greatest alchemist Nicole Flamel's disciple?" Hermione's tone revealed strong envy.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "No, my relationship with Nicole Flamel is not what you imagined, but it is closer to exchanging experiences in alchemy and making magic items. He put this notebook Leave it to me, mainly because I don’t want my research to be lost after death. Well, don’t keep staring at this notebook, it’s not something you can touch now.”

"When can it be?" Hermione asked impatiently.

"At least the third grade or above. It depends on your growth rate. After all, alchemy is very dangerous, and learning is far more difficult than spells or potions."

Zuo Si gave a deadline after a little thought.

Because from the third grade, Hogwarts textbooks have a clear tendency to shift from elementary to advanced.

Some spells and potions that even adult wizards may not be able to master are taught at this stage.

Of course, it is not known how much one can really learn if teaching belongs to teaching.

Anyway, the results of the O.W.Ls exam will not lie.

In fact, out of a bad taste, Zuo Si even prepared to wait a year or two to sell the exercise book titled "Three-Year Owls and Five-Year Newts" to Hogwarts students, so that these little wizards could experience the The tragic introversion of students in the Muggle world.

In this relaxed chat, the Hogwarts Express arrived at its destination without knowing it.

When they came out of platform nine and three quarters, the Grangers immediately hugged their daughter to ask her how she was, and kept asking about the difference between the magic world and the world of ordinary people.

When Hermione finished answering all the questions and turned around to look for Zuo Si again, she suddenly found that the other party had already disappeared into the vast crowd.

"Hermione, what are you looking at?" Mr. Granger asked very curiously.

"I'm looking for a classmate to come back with.

His name is South, and like me, he is of Muggle origin.

But in just a few months of exposure to the magical world, he has made amazing achievements.

And also pioneered the invention of spell storage technology.

Many wizards' newspapers and media even claimed that he would be a great wizard leading an era in the future.

do you know? He can even finish a book in just a few minutes, and then recite the entire content of the book backwards..."

As soon as Zuo Si was mentioned, the girl immediately talked non-stop, and her eyes revealed undisguised admiration.

Seeing their daughter like this, Mr. Granger and Mrs. Granger immediately exchanged a look, and then burst out laughing.

Hermione asked in astonishment, "What are you laughing at?"

"No, it's nothing. We just didn't expect that you, who are always smart, proud, conceited and stubborn, would admire other people. Tell me, is this boy named South handsome?" Mrs. Granger said with a hint of With a hint of banter.

She also thought that with her daughter's personality, she might not be able to make friends if she suddenly changed her environment.

But now it seems to be completely overwhelmed.

"Oh! What are you talking about! We are just classmates and friends, not what you think. As for his appearance, here is a copy of the Daily Prophet, you will know after reading it."

With that said, Hermione blushed and quickly took out a copy of the Daily Prophet from her collection and handed it to her parents.

As out-and-out Muggles, it was obviously the first time for the Grangers to see a moving photo, and they immediately clicked their tongues in amazement.

However, in order not to attract the attention of other people around them, they quickly left the station and got into their car, and then began to read this influential newspaper in the magic world in the cab.

When he read Rita Skeeter's nasty flattering report, Mr. Granger was stunned, and immediately asked without looking back: "Hermione, can your classmate really do the same thing? Read a book in a few minutes, and then recite it word by word backwards?"

The girl responded without thinking: "Of course! I have tested it myself.

I think South would at least be a very good scientist, if not a wizard.

Because I have never seen anyone as smart as him since I was a child.

It seems that no matter what kind of knowledge, you can learn it immediately after reading it once.

He taught me half of the spells I know now.

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot what you said.

When I was in school, I earned a lot of Galleons by being Zuo Si's assistant. "

While speaking, Hermione quickly took out a homemade leather bag from the suitcase, and then threw herself on the car seat.


There is a small golden mountain piled up on this mountain.

"My God! How much... how much is this?" Mrs. Granger exclaimed suddenly.

"Maybe four thousand, maybe five thousand, I haven't counted them specifically. But it should be enough to pay for the next semester." Hermione gave an approximate figure.

Unlike the Weasleyga twin brothers who joined later, since she was helping Zuo Si from the beginning, she naturally got extra bonuses.

Especially for those ancient families from England, France, and Germany who custom-made "staff rings" with reliefs and emblems, one can often earn a profit of three or four thousand, or even five thousand galleons.

"What is the main job of the assistant?" Mr. Granger was full of doubts.

As a dentist, he was originally a high-income group in society, so he didn't understand how to earn so much money in a short period of time.

What's more, there are still two magic school students.

According to the exchange rate given by Gringotts, one galleon equals five pounds.

Five thousand Galleons equals approximately twenty-five thousand pounds.

In 1991, this was definitely a huge sum of money, even the sum of the income of many middle-class families without food or drink for a year.

Hermione obviously noticed her father's reaction, and explained with a smile: "Soth invented a device that can be put on a wand and store a spell.

And this kind of device can give wizards a certain advantage in dueling and defending against enemy attacks.

Therefore, many rich and powerful ancient European families came to him to order.

On average, South can make a huge profit for every one he makes.

My task is to help with the material, and shape those metals into patterns and shapes that the client needs through transformation magic.

Professor McGonagall also praised me, saying that my transfiguration magic is at least at the level of a fourth grader. "

"My little Hermione is awesome! Mom is so proud of you! It seems that you really made good friends at school." Mrs. Granger hugged her daughter excitedly.

Mr. Granger also nodded with a gratified smile: "This boy named South is really good. Why don't you invite him to spend Christmas together?"

"I have invited. But he has a lot of things to do during the holidays, and he has to buy a lot of things at the same time, so he has no time for Christmas." Hermione spread her hands helplessly.

"Haha! Don't be discouraged! You can also invite him to come to play at home during the holidays after the semester. I also want to see what it is like to be a peer who can convince you."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Granger glanced at the photo of Zuo Si's activities on the Daily Prophet from the corner of his eye, and then quickly started the car and drove away.

After all, the weather in London in December is wet and cold. Apart from the homeless, not many normal people would be willing to stay outdoors for too long.


Meanwhile, Zuo Si also Apparates back to the house she bought in London.

Although the Ministry of Magic monitors all underage wizards, it is easier for him to avoid them than to eat and drink.

You can use divination magic to block the tracking, or you can use a second magic wand made by yourself.


Not long after school started, Zuo Si secretly found a piece of wood that could be used to make a wand at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and made a spare wand for herself in case of emergency.

When he opened the door and walked into the living room, Yelinia, the Shadow Assassin who stayed here, appeared immediately, and bowed deeply with one hand on her chest.

"Master, you are back."

"During my absence, nothing happened?"

As Zuo Si asked, he waved his wand and cast a cleaning spell to clean the dust off the floor, table and bed.

"No, everything is very quiet. This world is very safe." Yelinia quickly gave an affirmative answer.

"In that case, let's go back."

With that said, Zuo Si took out a card from his hand that he made in the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

[Land Card: Legendary Land - Hogwarts Forbidden Forest]

[LV8 green card (upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Unique]

[Effect: When this card takes effect, it can provide 30 points of general mana and 40 points of green mana every day.

And the summoned creatures using all the green cards will have additional bonuses to their basic attributes such as strength, agility, and constitution, and will randomly obtain an additional special ability.

This ability is closely related to the creature itself, and it can only take effect within the area of ​​influence of the land card]

[Using this card does not require mana consumption]

[If the card effect is destroyed or destroyed by other magical powers, it will automatically enter the graveyard and wait for rebirth for eighty days]

There is no doubt that this LV8 land card is a typical one used to strengthen green summoned creatures.

Since the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, like the castle, has certain powerful magical powers, it is very easy to attract all kinds of magical animals to gather here.

As far as Zu Si knows, there are centaur tribes, werewolf tribes, unicorns, eight-eyed spiders, thestrals, snuffers, hippogriffs, bowtruckles, and several kinds of snakes with magical abilities And a lot of the mess that Hagrid kept in there.

In addition, there are quite a lot of rare plants used in advanced potions. There are more than a hundred trees that can be used to make flying brooms and magic wands.

According to the original plan, Zuo Si planned to make a Hogwarts land card.

It's a pity that Dumbledore never gave him such a chance, so he had to get a piece of the Forbidden Forest first to make do with it.

Without any hesitation!

Before opening the portal, Zuo Si used this land card directly, and then unleashed the power of the spark to tear the space.

In the blink of an eye, he returned from the magical earth to his own mage tower.

The tower consciousness immediately passed the news to everyone.

In less than two minutes, Isadora was the first to rush over and hug Zuo Si, greedily smelling the familiar smell on his body, and at the same time said excitedly: "You are finally back!"

"Yeah, I'm back. How's it going? Did you exercise your psychic powers and magical abilities during my absence?" Zuo Si gently stroked the girl's long hair and asked.

I don't know if it's because of the beginning of physical development, but when the two of them came into close contact, he actually started to have such an unusual feeling.

"Of course! Vanessa praised me a few days ago, saying that I am the smartest apprentice he has ever seen in his life. Look, I already have my own spell book."

Isadora patted a large book wrapped in black scales hanging on her belt.

As an expert in making magic items and strange objects, Zuo Si could tell at a glance that this item was made of black dragon skin, and its value was at least six thousand gold coins, definitely not something that ordinary apprentices could afford.

Just when he was about to say something, several other portals placed between the teleportation behind him began to flash with dazzling arcane aura.

After a while, the liches in the organization appeared one after another out of thin air.

You don't need to ask, they are here to inquire about the knowledge and skills of magic in another world.

After all, Vanessa, Jeffrey and others have been there once, and they have also played against Dumbledore. They are very interested in the technique of casting various spells just by waving a wand.

"You really don't even give me time to catch your breath." Zuo Si sighed slightly.

"You know, we are all liches and undead creatures, so we never think about panting." Jeffrey joked very humorously.

"Okay, okay, then let's hold a meeting to discuss the value of magic knowledge and technology in that world. I also want to know the current situation of the organization and what happened along the west coast of Faerun."

Seeing that all the liches were staring at him expectantly, Zuo Si had no choice but to take out a large number of notes that he usually translates into the common language from his satchel.

The former, as if they had found a treasure, took them to the underground meeting room, preparing to conduct a series of evaluations and tests on these knowledge and technologies.

Vanessa stayed and began to report to the leader of the organization.

Especially the development of the Lancer Islands, as well as the penetration and control of Baldur's Gate.

Since the signing of the defeat treaty last time, the four dukes of Baldur's Gate have completely torn their faces, and they have drawn all walks of life in the city to form two major interest groups to confront each other.

Among them, the interest group headed by the Duke of Irtan lost the support of most of the citizens and business class, but still firmly held the trump card of the Flame Fist mercenary, so that its political opponents did not dare to force them too much, for fear of this guy The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry to launch a big cleaning.

And the Duke of Silver Shield, who was responsible for the defeat, did not step down sadly as many people expected.

On the contrary, by ceding part of the port to the red-robed wizards as a concession, they obtained support from Searle, as well as a stable supply of food and low-level magic items.

Although its power is far less astonishing than that of Quanshengqi, it has successfully stabilized its position and gained a chance to make a comeback.

In contrast, the Duke of Bellett and the Grand Duchess Lila Janus won the support of most of the citizens by instigating popular sentiments. The economic lifeline of the gate.

As for those sea merchants, they all turned to the Neilanser Islands.

Because only in this way can their navigation safety be guaranteed and they can receive the same treatment as other countries and city-states.

Among them, fortresses and arrow towers have been established on several islands at the mouth of the Chongsa River. At present, a large number of catapults and ballistas have been equipped, just like strong and powerful hands, choking the only exit from Baldur's Gate to the sea. .

This also means that Baldur's Gate has completely lost its ability to compete for supremacy in the sea, and there is no other choice but to be a vassal of the Neilanthel Islands honestly in the future.

It's just that because the maritime merchants abandoned the Duke of Silver Shield, they belong to the middle in the complicated political situation at the moment, and have no intention of getting involved in the internal struggle at all.

If nothing else, this situation will continue for quite some time.

"Interesting! In other words, Baldur's Gate has now changed from a confrontation between two sides to a three-way game. We are also one of them?" Zuo Si rubbed his chin with a playful expression.

"No, we are not one of them, but closer to the referee. As long as we are off the field, we can help one faction destroy the other at any time." Vanessa corrected meaningfully.

"Then continue to maintain the current state. Don't let the situation worsen, and don't let those dukes have a chance to make peace. In addition, use the current turbulent situation at Baldur's Gate to attract as many craftsmen and technicians as possible to Nai Settle in the Lancer Islands and develop our own base." Zuo Si quickly gave instructions.

"As you wish!" Vanessa agreed without hesitation. "There is another thing that you may be more interested in."

"Oh? What is it?" Zuo Si asked with great interest.

"Not long ago, the expedition team you and Bernard jointly funded returned safely.

They not only discovered the Maztec continent across the sea, but also opened up a safe new route.

But the problem is that some of the accompanying sailors came forward to accuse the captain of the expedition, Cordell, and his gold mercenary group, under the banner of Amn and Heim, the God of Guardians, to attack the local residents after they landed. Mass killing and looting.

They even deliberately spread diseases and plagues to natives who have no resistance.

In addition, in terms of the distribution of spoils and benefits, the two sides also had very big differences, and the entire Askatra is currently in chaos because of this. "

Vanessa didn't hide anything, and straightforwardly told all the information she had collected.

Because he knows that Zuo Si himself is one of the top dignitaries in Amn, and is also one of the main sponsors, with a personal interest relationship.

"Using the banner of Amn and God of Guardian Heim to massacre and plunder the indigenous people? Is this guy named Cordell crazy? Isn't he afraid of being hunted down by the church of God of Guardian?" Zuo Si couldn't believe it raised eyebrows.

The Lich immediately shook his head and explained: "Of course Cordell is not afraid. Because he and his golden mercenary group are part of the branch of the Helm Church.

And according to him, more than half of the money is intended to be donated to the church.

Because of the continuous fermentation of this matter, many people in all surrounding countries and regions, including Amn, began to spurn the church in Heim, and a large number of believers changed their beliefs.

It is foreseeable that within a few years, the influence of the Guardian God will be greatly weakened on the west coast. "

Good guy!

Hearing this explosive news, Zuo Si felt that now the God of Guardian, Haim, would wish to lower his avatar and beat this bastard believer who ruined his reputation to death with a hammer.

Can mere money and material things in the world be compared with faith and influence?

I'm afraid there is some serious disease in this brain!

Other churches are desperately using their wealth and resources to attract believers and expand their influence in the material world.

But Cordell was fine, and did exactly the opposite.

From this point, it is not difficult to see how much a mentally retarded believer can deal a great blow to a church with gods in the world.

You must know that the residents of Faerun are not the Europeans who generally did not regard the aborigines as human beings in the age of the great exploration of the earth, but have a very high moral level.

Such an act of rushing into someone's house to burn, kill, and loot is 100% defined as an extremely evil act.

This is especially true for kind-hearted city-states and countries like Waterdeep City, Silvermoon City, Neverwinter City, and Cormyr. Even if you do this to bring great benefits to the entire country, you will be arrested and put on trial immediately.

But it is not necessarily the case in areas like Amn, Baldur's Gate, and Sembia ruled by merchants and oligarchs.

However, Zuo Si didn't care at all about the plummeting influence of the guardian god Heim, but continued to ask: "What about Bernard and his father-in-law? How did they deal with this matter?"

"They are all very smart. They didn't allow themselves to intervene directly. Instead, they invited the paladins of the Blazing Heart Knights to arbitrate. They are now arguing with each other in a lawsuit. But I think the reason why the six-member council has not made a statement , It should be because they are afraid that dealing with Cordell and his gold mercenary group may dampen the enthusiasm of the people for exploration. Of course, it may also be waiting for you to express your opinion." Vanessa guessed while rubbing her chin.

"Wait for me to express my opinion? That's the way it is. Then I will reluctantly stand up and uphold justice."

While saying these words, Zuo Si's eyes shone with a chilling light.

"Administer justice?" The Lich was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, uphold justice."

With a dangerous smile on his face, Zuo Si quickly left the mage tower and came to Bernard's family mansion.

As soon as he entered the main hall, he saw the young businessman sitting with his father-in-law, Sir Kelvin, discussing something in a low voice.

A man and a woman sat beside them.

Among them, the male knew without asking, that he was the heir of the Naxiwa family - Babette.

The woman was his sister, Edith, who had only recently become Bernard's legal wife.

As a guard, the little giant spirit Miuka stood far away, teasing a cow cat covered in black hair all over its body.

The moment he saw Zuo Si walking in from the door, the young businessman immediately stood up from the sofa and asked in a tone full of surprise: "Lord Zuo Si! Are you back? When?"

"Just now. I heard that the expedition team we sponsored encountered a little trouble, so I rushed over immediately to deal with it." Zuo Si responded with a smile.

"Great! I have a backbone when you come back. Because the benefits of discovering the New World this time are so great that I couldn't sleep for several nights."

Bernard pointed to his dark circles and began pouring out bitter water.

It can be seen that his nerves have been quite tense recently, and his whole person looks excited and anxious.

No way, who made the interests involved too amazing.

Many top families have already started eyeing each other, wanting to grab a piece of fat from them.

"Hello, Honorable Elector. It's a pleasure to be your partner." Sir Kelvin greeted politely.

Zuo Si immediately replied: "I am also very happy to cooperate with you, sir. I believe that as long as we work together, we will definitely get the biggest share from this feast."

"I've never doubted this. But the trouble now is that Cordel seems to have the support of the Church of Heim, the god of guards, so we dare not leave easily." Sir Kelvin said with some embarrassment.

But Zuo Si smiled nonchalantly: "Don't worry, just leave this matter to me to solve. I will not only make Cordell and his golden mercenary group infamous, but also change them all. Not one of the blasphemers and heinous criminals will be sent to the execution ground to be burned alive."

"Do you have any good ideas?" Bernard's eyes widened instantly.

"It's actually very simple! First cut off Cordel's connection with the Church of the Guardian God.

To be honest, it was absolutely against Heim's teachings to do something like this.

Therefore, I will launch a divine judgment to the Council of Six and the Church of the Guardian God at the same time.

I believe that Heim must also be very happy to kill this guy who ruined his reputation with his own hands, so as to wash away the sewage that was poured on him.

As for the second step, let the judge judge the members of the entire gold mercenary group according to their crimes and give them the death penalty one by one.

When all these guys disappear, all the interests of the New World are already in our hands, at least according to legal procedures.

The third step is to use these benefits to trade with the Council of Six, giving up almost 50% of the shares in exchange for their support for the establishment of ports and cities.

Above all, we must not allow this expedition to be labeled evil.

Otherwise, it is very likely to be hostile to many benevolent god churches and organizations.

In addition, all the property obtained from this expedition is given up, so as to prove to the world that we are not with Cordell. "

Zuo Si unhurriedly expressed his plan.

He didn't want Amn's overseas trade to expand and colonize, and eventually turned into massacre and plunder of the aborigines, but wanted to use a more gentle method, such as trade.

(end of this chapter)

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