One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 244 The First Meeting With Voldemort

Chapter 244 The First Meeting with Voldemort

As the current top class in the British magic world, the Malfoy family undoubtedly has a very strong influence.

Lucius not only bought many officials of the Ministry of Magic with his family's huge wealth, but also invested heavily in influential media such as the Daily Prophet and Wizard Weekly, in order to indirectly manipulate public opinion.

Not to mention that he himself was a member of the Hogwarts school board.

It can even semi-force other board members to sign outrageous orders like Dumbledore's suspension.

Even if he is kicked out of the board of directors after failing, he can still exert influence through various means, among which the execution of the Hippogriff Buckbeak is the most typical example.

In addition, through the acquisition and operation of projects such as dragon farms and magic herbal plantations, the Malfoy family also has amazing magic resources and channels.

Some of them are legal and some are not.

It can be said that if Lucius and the family under his leadership were placed in the Muggle world, 80% of them would eventually grow into a huge monopoly capital interest group, and even further affect national policies.

But unfortunately, this is the world of magic, and it is also the world of wizards.

For wizards, the most important thing is never wealth, but knowledge and strong personal strength.

So no matter how the Malfoy family develops and grows, as soon as Voldemort returns, it will immediately reveal its true colors.

Because this guy will not tell you any rules and laws, he will only raise his wand to shoot a green light that symbolizes death, or say the phrase "Crucio" that scares countless wizards in a cruel voice.

In fact, the attitude of most pure-blood families towards Voldemort is very complicated.

He wants to use it to achieve the goal of suppressing and eradicating mixed-blood and Muggle wizards, and continue to maintain the absolute control of the pure-blood family over the magic world, but he is also afraid of his moody and murderous personality.

Even among the Death Eaters, a very large number of members obeyed Voldemort out of fear rather than worship.

Maybe they used to worship, but in the end they found that their idol was an extremely chaotic and evil madman.

Except those psychos with crazy brains, like Barty Crouch Jr., Bellatrix Lestrange.

The rest of the people are just using the chaos created by Voldemort to vent their dissatisfaction with the status quo of the wizarding world, or to seek more benefits.

As for the lineage theory, it is just a fig leaf for power, wealth and resources.

Zuo Si has never had the slightest liking for the pure-blood families in this world, and does not intend to have anything to do with them.

So he chose to make a deal with Lucius Malfoy alone, in exchange for ensuring Dellako's safety, so that the Malfoy family could come forward to help him get some things that were not convenient for Dumbledore to know.

For example, a few fire dragon eggs that are strictly prohibited by the Ministry of Magic of various countries, and magical creatures such as thunderbirds, unicorns, and winged demons that can be used as raw materials for summoning creatures and making various magic items.

In addition, Lucius also helped matchmaking and bought a house that was protected by magic in the deep mountains and old forests and would not be discovered by any outsiders except the "Secret Keeper".

This house originally belonged to an ancient pure-blood family, but they all died in the last wizarding war, and are currently in a state of no owner without an heir.

Zuo Si only spent a few thousand galleons to successfully obtain the title deed including the house and the surrounding large forest.

Of course, the legality of this title deed was only recognized by the magic community.

As for the governments of the Muggle world, they had no idea that there was a house and a large area of ​​woodland around it that belonged to a family.

Their rangers can't even get close to places blessed with the expulsion spell.

But the price is that Zuo Si has to deal with the protective magic that is blessed inside and outside the house, and there are two house-elves who will madly attack all intruders.

Undoubtedly, for most ordinary wizards, this is simply an impossible task, that's why the price of the land deed is so cheap.

But these are obviously not too big a problem for Zuo Si.

As long as the semester is over and he spends a little time in the summer vacation, he can easily handle the two house elves, and at the same time take the entire house and the surrounding land under his control, and start to build an absolutely safe base and shelter .

It is the so-called "three caves for cunning rabbits".

As a planeswalker who will travel through various dangerous worlds in the future, Zuo Si feels that it is necessary to prepare a few more safe houses to ensure that he can immediately carry out strategic retreat and transfer when encountering danger.

Especially Zendikar, which seals the Eldrazi titan, is far more dangerous than most people and even gods imagine.

Even the top and most powerful planeswalkers have nothing to do with them.

Because according to the research and speculation of a senior planeswalker, these distorted creatures whose power is so powerful that mortals and even gods feel hopeless are actually just the consciousness projections of some terrifying existences from the depths of the dark void. A "horizontal plane hypothesis".

The simple explanation is that the three Eldrazi titans who are constantly devouring energy in various worlds of the multiverse are actually like people inserting their hands into the water.

What underwater creatures can see is only one or a few fingers.

The underwater creatures here refer to the native inhabitants of the world of Zendikar, as well as the planeswalkers who came to this world accidentally.

And the fingers were, of course, the Eldrazi titans themselves.

Due to the obstruction of the dark void, no one can really figure out how terrible the truth is hidden behind these terrifying creatures that cannot be correctly recognized and understood.

Considering that cutting off these "fingers" deep under the water surface hastily, it may cause the owner to make some unpredictable and violent reactions.

So several powerful planeswalkers teamed up, using Zendikar, a world full of amazing energy, as bait, and successfully sealed it.

In fact, Zuo Si wanted to see what the world of "Energy Overflow" looked like and what kind of powerful land card he could make when he got the card of Directed Teleportation - Zendikar.

Plus, it's amazing how top-notch creatures can be born into this energy- and mana-rich world.

After seeing the powerful melee combat ability of "Olan Lido-headed Dragon", he himself is full of expectations for the creatures that can be made into cards in Zendikar.

Once the preliminary preparations are completed, they will try to explore this extremely dangerous world.

But before that, Zuo Si still has a "little trouble" to solve, that is the remnant soul of Voldemort attached to Quirrell.

Since the end of several open classes, this guy has been visiting more and more frequently, and his words are full of all kinds of temptations and hints.

Although Voldemort himself did not show up for the time being out of caution, he could already feel a sense of impatience.

no doubt!

Staying under Dumbledore's nose all day put him under unimaginable pressure.

In addition, Quirinus Quirrell is not the kind of strong-willed person who can do big things, so Voldemort needs to find a helper now more than ever.

This helper must not only be capable, but also young enough to be dominated by a self who is too weak to show his face.

Obviously, Zuo Si, a first-year student at Hogwarts, happened to be the most suitable candidate.

Especially after listening to several public lectures, Voldemort became more and more convinced that this genius from Slytherin House was the subordinate he really needed.

I don't know how many times stronger than those Death Eaters who were either arrogant, stupid, or both ends.

In order to achieve his goal, he spared no expense to take out some advanced black art knowledge that he had never taught anyone as bait.

Even Quirrell couldn't help but start feeling envious and jealous after seeing it.

After several months passed and the weather began to warm up, he finally couldn't help reminding: "Master, I think the time is almost ripe, and it's time to close the net."

"Oh? Are you sure you can handle South?" Voldemort asked meaningfully.

"Of course! Anyway, he is only a first-year student. I just need to threaten him a little, and he will obediently steal the Philosopher's Stone for you soon." Quirrell promised confidently.

"Since this is the case, then go and try it. But remember, if you fail again this time, then be prepared to bear the consequences."

After saying this warning word, Voldemort quickly fell into a terrible silence.

Obviously, he deliberately used Quirrell as a pawn to test Zuo Si's reaction.

If the latter succeeds, then Voldemort can naturally continue to hide in the dark and plan his resurrection and return.

But if the former fails, he can stand up and sacrifice this pawn that has little use value in exchange for the allegiance of a more capable and promising newcomer.

It is this kind of ruthless personality and behavior that determines that not many of his Death Eaters are destined to be loyal.

There are not many fools and psychopaths who will truly be loyal to a master who may abandon him at any time.

Especially this "master" is also moody, the whole organization doesn't even have a decent reward and punishment system, it all depends on a certain person's mood.

It can be predicted that even if Voldemort really succeeded in defeating Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix, and succeeded in ruling the entire magical world in Britain and even Europe, he would eventually end up betraying his relatives.

Because whether it is the Muggle world or the wizarding world, what is needed is to maintain an order in which most people can live normally.

And all he brought was chaos, killing, and insecurity.

When those pure-blood families got what they wanted and consolidated their rights, they would definitely try their best to kill Voldemort.

It's a pity that he didn't understand this truth until the moment he died.

In this way, with the mission of the master, Quirinus Chirlot found Zuo Si at a time when the curfew was about to come, and said in his ear with a polar voice: "Come with me, I have some things to follow alone You talk."

"at this time?"

Zuo Si raised his head and looked into each other's eyes.

Quirrell nodded meaningfully: "That's right. That adult is ready to see you."

Hearing this sentence, Zuo Si instantly realized that Voldemort was going to showdown with him, so he immediately stood up and followed him into the empty corridor.

Since most of the students had returned to their dormitories to rest at this moment, no one noticed their unusual behavior.

It was not long before they left the castle walls and went out into the Forbidden Forest.

Quirinus Quirrell was obviously very familiar with Hagrid's patrol route at night, so he cleverly avoided the half-titan gamekeeper, and led Zuo Si to an open grassland.

After he stopped, he immediately turned around and said in a slightly jealous tone: "You know? I actually envy you very much. Because you got everything I dreamed of at a young age, whether it's talent, fame, or that In the eyes of an adult."

"What exactly are you trying to convey, Professor?"

Zuo Si looked straight into the opponent's eyes without hesitation, and the hand hidden in the sleeve of the large robe was already holding the wand and ready to fight.

"What I mean is, it's time for you to make a choice. I believe that with your intelligence, you should understand who the knowledge of black magic comes from, isn't it?"

When speaking these words, Quirrell obviously took a threatening tone, and at the same time leaned forward slightly to show an aggressive posture.

He felt that although he failed to satisfy the Dark Lord several times, he still had no problem dealing with a first-year student.

It's a pity that Zuo Si is obviously not an ordinary Hogwarts first-year student, and he was not intimidated by this low-level threat, so he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly: "So? If my answer is no, why don't you still Are you going to report to Headmaster Dumbledore or the Ministry of Magic that I study the Dark Arts?

Don't forget, those things are all given to me by you.

Even if you want to be held accountable, I'm afraid you will be the first to be imprisoned in Azkaban.

And with my current age and my reputation in the magic world, when the time comes, I just need to take the initiative to admit my mistakes, and then claim that everything was deliberately set up by you to lure me.

Guess, will the Ministry of Magic trust me, a promising star, or you, a lackey possessed by the Dark Lord? "

With the last word blurted out, Quirinus Quirrell's face changed instantly.

He never dreamed that the biggest secret in his heart would be discovered so easily.

" did you know?" Quirrell backed away in panic.

"Dear professor, I knew it from the very beginning. I just thought it would be more beneficial to cooperate with you in acting, that's all. What's really ridiculous is that you have been played by your master as a clown from the beginning to the end. You Do you think I'm right, Lord Dark Lord?"

Zuo Si directly set his sights on the crippled soul hidden in Quirrell's body.

"Hahahaha! You are as smart as expected, Sous."

Voldemort let out a creepy laugh.


Even Quirrell, as stupid as he is, realizes that something is not quite right.

It's a pity that Voldemort didn't intend to explain, but directly took control of his body, took off the wide scarf used to cover it, and a blurry human face slowly emerged from the back of his head.

"Tell me, how did you become aware of my existence?"

"It's very simple. Knowledge does not lie. Although Professor Quirrell's magic level is considered excellent among most adult wizards, he is still far from being able to write those notes." Zuo Si did not rush gave the answer.

"That's right! Knowledge doesn't lie." There was an approving expression on Voldemort's face. "I'm glad you saw through these little tricks. After all, I've given you so many hints that it would be a disappointment not to even do that."

"No, it should be said that I am the one who is disappointed. Because your current state is really not worthy of the title of Dark Lord who makes the entire British magic world fearful." Zuo Si commented unceremoniously.

Maybe other people in this world don't have a good way to deal with a half-dead soul like Voldemort.

But for him, who is a dual elector, a priest and a mage, it is easier to completely destroy a remnant soul without any magical power protection than to crush an ant.

Therefore, Voldemort in front of him could not pose even the slightest threat to him.

If someone else said that, Voldemort might have been furious or turned his face on the spot, and uttered the spell of Avada Kedavra to kill him.

But today, for some reason, he was very rarely angry. Instead, he looked down at the body of Qi Luo he controlled, and sighed slightly: "Yeah! I have never hated my weakness and powerlessness as much as I do now. But It doesn't matter, I still have a chance to make a comeback. As long as you are willing to be loyal to me, I promise to give you unimaginable power, status and more black magic knowledge after resurrection."

"Power? Status?"

Zuo Si smiled disdainfully.

"Sorry, but I don't think it's worth pursuing the so-called power and status with such a poor population in the British magic world.

As for the knowledge of black magic, more than 80% of the notes you gave me are worthless garbage content, which makes people not even have the slightest interest in in-depth research.

If it weren't for your high expectations in the black arts, I wouldn't bother cooperating with Professor Quirrell to carry out this play until now.

Finally about allegiance...

I'm sorry, but I don't think a moody psycho with a brain problem is worth taking refuge in.

So please trouble to throw away that unrealistic delusion. "

"What did you say?!!"

Voldemort was obviously enraged, with a strong killing intent exuding from his whole body.

"I'm saying that you are a moody psycho with a problem head. What, is my English enunciation not clear enough? It doesn't matter, I can repeat it to you in French and Latin."

Facing the Dark Lord who made the British magic world fearful, Zuo Si didn't show the slightest fear at all, and didn't even take the madness and destruction revealed in the opponent's eyes as one thing at all.

And this kind of naked and undisguised contempt undoubtedly made Voldemort feel an unprecedented offense, and immediately raised his wand and said with a grim face: "It seems that I need to let you understand your situation first."

"Is it just based on your current appearance? You should be the one who really doesn't understand your situation."

Zuo Si looked each other up and down with slightly playful eyes.


Voldemort was obviously not the kind of person with high tolerance, so he immediately chose to use the Cruciatus Curse to teach the arrogant student in front of him a lesson.

It's a pity that Zuo Si was clearly prepared. With an agility attribute as high as 18 points, he easily avoided the beam shot from the front of the opponent's magic wand.

Since most of the magic in this world is released in the form of long-range ray contact, as long as the reaction is fast enough and the action is fast enough, there is a high probability that it can be avoided.

This is completely different from Faerun's directional magic, which can only rely on its own vitality and resistance once it is locked.

Moreover, Zuo Si has been wearing magic boots that can increase the speed of movement on his feet, and activated [Mirror Art] and [Mirror Image Art] immediately after being attacked, the whole person looks like several blurred and connected ones Unreal image.

Let alone aiming and hitting, even if you watch for a long time, your eyes will experience double vision, trance and other visual fatigue.

Voldemort apparently never encountered anything like it.

After failing to hit the target several times in a row, he immediately stopped attacking, frowned and asked in a slightly puzzled tone: "What kind of magic is this? Why have I never seen it or heard of it?"

Zuo Si responded with a half-smile: "It's just a very low-level, very common illusion. Why, the Dark Lord, who is so frightening that he can't even mention his name, can't even do this little trick?"

"Are you provoking me on purpose?"

Voldemort was obviously not a fool, and after a brief rage, he quickly came back to it.

Although he didn't understand why the other party did this, he quickly became vigilant.

After all, he is just a remnant soul now, and he does not have the ability to cast spells. Instead, he needs to use Quirrell's body to release spells, which is far less powerful than when he was alive.

"It seems that as I expected, you can't control your emotions very well, especially negative emotions. If you don't mind, can you tell me whether this is the side effect of making Horcruxes to tear your soul repeatedly, or long-term use like Killing Curse, Imperius Curse, and Cruciatus Curse, which require strong negative emotions to strengthen their power?"

An interested expression appeared on Zuo Si's face.

As a very curious person, he has long wanted to find a living sample to find out the impact of long-term use of black magic on people's personality and way of thinking.

And Voldemort, who has three unforgivable curses when he makes a move, is undoubtedly the best object of observation.

Because no one in this world uses malicious black magic so frequently except this guy.

Undoubtedly, Voldemort felt very uncomfortable with Zuo Si's eyes looking at "little white mice", and immediately raised his wand and threatened: "You think you can escape my spell with these illusions? Now, I will Let me show you what real black magic is."

With the last word blurted out, he suddenly shot a ball of red flame with a terrible curse from the tip of his wand.

In less than a few seconds, the latter quickly devoured all the flammable things around it and strengthened itself, turning into a giant fire snake tens of meters long.

Seeing this, Zuo Si waved his magic wand without showing any sign of weakness, and summoned another blue dragon in the form of Fiendfire.

In the blink of an eye, the two Fiendfires rushed together and tried to strangle each other.

The dazzling flames and the splattering flames even lit up the black night sky, and the surrounding forests and trees also disappeared in pieces under the burning of the flames.

On the contrary, Fiendfire became bigger and bigger because it devoured more flammable substances.

Standing at the feet of two giant beasts made entirely of magic flames, feeling the heat wave rushing toward us, Zuo Si asked with a smile on his face, "You don't think you're the only one who knows how to fire Diemfire, do you?"

"Where did you learn to summon Fiercefire? I don't remember Hogwarts teaching first-year students these things." Voldemort narrowed his eyes tentatively.

Through the Fiendfire in the form of a giant dragon, he has already realized that the growth rate of the young man in front of him has far exceeded his expectations.

It may be very difficult to take it down with the magic power of Quirrell's body alone.

"Quite simply, all this knowledge can be found in the restricted section of the library, and there are no guards there.

As long as you sneak in at night, you can easily learn all kinds of powerful spells and magic.

You can have today's achievements, isn't it because you have absorbed enough knowledge from those books?

Even the method of making Horcruxes was learned from one of the books.

I'm curious, what gave you the confidence to think that those so-called black arts knowledge could seduce me?

Those notes you gave me are nothing compared to the rich collection in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts Library.

Today, let me broaden your horizons and thinking a little bit. "

After saying this, Zuo Si waved his wand lightly and pointed at the Fiercefire he had summoned.


The Fierce Flame, which was exuding an astonishing heat wave just a second ago, suddenly transformed into biting ice.

It took less than a second for the Fiendfire summoned by Voldemort to freeze, and then shattered countless crystal clear tiny particles of the city with a bang.

Needless to ask, this ingenious spell was inspired by the archmage's higher arcane ability - mastery of the elements.

By changing the nature of the elements, Zuo Si can effortlessly transform Fiendfire into energy forms such as acid, lightning, ice, and sonic.

Such an astonishing scene instantly made Voldemort look extremely surprised.

Before he could react to what happened, Fiercefire in the form of ice turned into crackling thunder and lightning again, suddenly throwing a dazzling silver-white beam of electricity.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by a deafening bang, the electric light smashed a scorched black pit on the ground.

If it wasn't for the fact that this place had left the area of ​​influence of Hogwarts' protective magic, and Voldemort's reaction was fast enough to cast Apparation and escape immediately, it would probably have turned into a pile of unrecognizable carbides now.

"You actually changed Fiendfire's elemental form?!"

Voldemort looked at where he was standing just now, his face changed drastically.

Because he can be sure that there is absolutely no book in the restricted section of the Hogwarts library that records similar spells and magic techniques.

"That's right, I changed Fiendfire's elemental form." Zuo Si acknowledged with a generous nod.

Although doing so will cause Fiendfire to lose its characteristic of being able to devour surrounding materials infinitely and strengthen itself, it can play an unexpected role at critical moments.

After all, he noticed a long time ago that the elemental damage of a single attribute is very easy to be restrained by enemies with corresponding immunity.

So after learning this spell, I immediately thought of using the high-level arcane ability of the archmage to transform it into elemental attributes.

But for the wizards in this world, transforming the elemental properties of magic spells, especially the spells that have been released, is almost unheard of.

Just as incredible as magic scrolls and other spell storage items.

Looking at Voldemort's reaction at the moment, one can see how shocked he was by this move.

After a full minute, the Dark Lord finally regained his composure, and praised without hesitation: "It's incredible creativity. Sous, you are ten times better than I imagined."

"Thank you for the compliment." Zuo Si bowed gracefully with one hand on her chest. "However, I stayed up late at night to see you, not to listen to these boring words, but to see what kind of tricks the Dark Lord, who can be feared by Principal Dumbledore, has."

"So... your purpose is to take advantage of my weakness and want to learn more spells and black magic by engaging in a spell duel with me?"

Obviously, when he was not furious or losing his mind, Voldemort's brain was quite clever, and he guessed Zuo Si's intention at once.

Through the short fight just now, he has realized that it is almost impossible to defeat the little monster in front of him just by controlling the waste-like Quirrell.

Especially Fiendfire just now, which consumed almost one-fifth of the magic power in Quirrell's body.

Such a high-intensity spell confrontation will completely destroy this body in just a few times.

"Otherwise? When a person's life is in danger, he often shows the most cards. I sincerely suggest that you better get serious, otherwise you will really die. Note that the death I mean here is not just Professor Quirrell, and you as a remnant soul. I happen to know a few spells for souls, so please satisfy my curiosity."

After all, Zuo Si took the lead in attacking with his wand.

Under his control, Fiendfire, which was no longer in the form of a lightning element, immediately turned into a flash of lightning and rushed over.

"You're fine! Really very fine!" Voldemort's seven orifices smoked.

Since his debut as the Dark Lord, he has always been the only one who threatened others, and when he was threatened by others.

So under the domination of strong anger, this guy lost his mind again. He didn't care about the life and death of Quirrell who was possessed by him, and desperately squeezed all the potential of this body.

I saw Voldemort raised his wand and shouted "Avada eats a big melon", and a dazzling green light shot out from the front end.

His crazy eyes and terrifying killing intent directly raised the power of this death curse, which had no bright spots, to the limit.

Just for an instant!

The lightning in the form of a giant dragon was instantly crushed, and dazzling white lightning scattered in all directions.

It doesn't take much to ask that the Killing Curse in Voldemort's hands and the Killing Curse cast by other wizards are like two completely different kinds of magic.

In this area, not even Dumbledore can match it.

Because although Dumbledore knew a lot of black magic, even far surpassing Voldemort, he lacked the madness and unscrupulousness.

Especially when dealing with enemies, he seldom used spells to directly kill his opponents. Instead, he defeated them and handed them over to the Ministry of Magic for trial, imprisonment and execution.

"Strong will... Break through the moral bottom line... Treat the life of the target as an insignificant ant. The Killing Curse is indeed a spell that needs to be used and killed continuously to become more and more powerful."

Zuo Si was actively analyzing while engaging in a spell confrontation with Voldemort.

Obviously, the Killing Curse is a very special spell, distinct from the other two of the three Unforgivable Curses.

If a wizard uses this spell to continuously kill people to strengthen his killing emotions and will, then the power of the killing spell will become stronger and stronger.

As for where the upper limit is, he still doesn't know for the time being.

After all, no matter how powerful Voldemort is in the British wizarding world, the number of murders is unlikely to exceed three digits, and it is even less than a fraction of Zuo Si's killing of humanoid creatures.

So after several collisions, Voldemort was shocked to find that he lost the power of the Killing Curse to a Hogwarts first-year student who had just entered school.

The latter's Death Curse took less than three to five minutes from being very unfamiliar at the beginning to being proficient, and then surpassing oneself.

Especially the green light emitted at the end directly swept out a passage more than ten meters long in the woods.

No matter the trees or stones along the way, they were instantly torn to pieces by the amazing magical energy.

Based on Voldemort's understanding of the Killing Curse, let alone a person, even a fire dragon with amazing magic resistance and vitality, he might be killed in one blow.

What puzzled him even more was how it was done.

If it was born like this, then Zuo Si should have been born to be a black magic genius who went to Azkaban to study.

It's a pity that Voldemort didn't dare to ask distractedly as the magic duel entered a fever pitch.

Right now, as long as he is a little distracted or negligent, he may be immediately confused by those unheard and unseen magics.

Although neither of them used the astonishingly powerful magic like Fiendfyre anymore, the danger of confrontation has not decreased, but has become higher and higher.

Even the part of chanting the spell was omitted in the end, only colorful magic rays, apparition and very subtle surprise attacks.

The conversion speed of offense and defense has reached the level of seconds.

Anyone who slows down on either side may be hit by a spell shot by the wand within minutes.

You must know that after almost a year of accumulation, Zuo Si had raised her wizarding profession to a very high level early on, so the power of spells was no longer the same as when she first entered school, which could only be used to bully "children".

In order to counterattack, Voldemort didn't care about hiding his secrets at this moment, and released the various complex spells he had mastered one by one, without even noticing that Quirrell's body was on the verge of collapse. Constantly oozing blood.

Just when the two were concentrating on it, they were far away at the top of a tower in Hogwarts Castle.

Headmaster Dumbledore was condescendingly overlooking the direction of the Forbidden Forest, looking at the magic light that flashed from time to time, and asked in an uncertain tone: "How long have they been out?"

"At least fifteen minutes."

Snape who followed behind immediately gave an accurate number.

Because he has been staring at Quirrell, he knows very well when the two left the castle.

"Fifteen minutes? Has it been that long? It seems that it should be over soon." Dumbledore said meaningfully.

"It's over? Why do you think so?" Snape asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

Dumbledore replied with a smile: "Because with the level of magic power in Quirrell's body, it is quite rare to be able to persist for so long and let him do whatever he wants."

"Are you sure you really don't need me to help you?" Snape was obviously worried about Zuo Si's safety.

After all, no matter what, he was also the Dark Lord who terrified the British magic world.

He had personally witnessed the astonishing power of the killing spell cast by the other party. Even with Quirrell's body, the power of the spell would be strengthened to a very terrifying level by the strong will and killing intent.

"No, no need. Believe me, Sous is not as weak as you imagined. On the contrary, his spell level is quite high, and he also masters the method of making magic scrolls and other magic storage devices. So you have no You need to worry about him." Dumbledore explained casually.

Just when Snape was about to say something, he suddenly found that the magic confrontation in the distant Forbidden Forest seemed to have stopped.

In order to confirm this, he immediately picked up the magic telescope in his hand and looked into the distance, only to find that the two had stopped all actions at some point.

Especially Quirrell, who was controlled by Voldemort, his nose was bleeding, his eyes were even bloodshot, and his face was as pale as a vampire.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the result of forcibly squeezing and overdrawing magic power.

Feeling the threat of death, Quirrell couldn't help trying to seize control of his body.

"Looks like it's over for today."

Zuo Si regretfully put away his wand and stopped all attacks on his own initiative.

Through the fight just now, he successfully learned several very practical black magic spells from the other party, and at the same time thoroughly figured out the close connection between emotion, will and magic power.

It can be said that the experience gained from this spell duel is far more important than simply reading books.

But for Voldemort, the duel was nothing short of naked and unabashed humiliation.

From the beginning to the end, he couldn't really find a chance to kill Zuo Si. Instead, he was forced to use several powerful spells as his hole cards.

The Dark Lord couldn't even dream that he would one day be manipulated by a mere Hogwarts freshman.

Suppressing the boiling anger in his heart, Voldemort held the wand tightly in his hand and asked, "Why did you stop? Why didn't you kill me?"

"Kill you? Does that do me any good?

No, I will not do such useless work.

Because I know that you made several Horcruxes to avoid death.

It doesn't make sense to kill you until these Horcruxes are destroyed.

Besides, I'm not interested in getting involved in your grievances with Dumbledore and Harry Potter, and I won't report you when I'm full.

Farewell, Lord Dark Lord. I hope that when we meet next time, you can really stand in front of me instead of manipulating other people's bodies.

I am very much looking forward to a spell duel with you in your heyday. "

After saying this, Zuo Si bowed gracefully again, then turned and walked towards the castle.

When his figure was completely swallowed by the darkness, Quirrell finally regained control of his body, lay on the ground with a plop, vomiting blood non-stop, and begged weakly: "Master! I feel like I'm going to die! Help me!" ! Please!"

"Idiot! Go kill a unicorn in the Forbidden Forest immediately! The blood of this creature can save us from death for a while."

Although Voldemort was in a terrible mood at the moment, he still pointed out a clear way for his subordinates.

He didn't want to hide in the forest and possess those rats, snakes and other animals with no intelligence.

"Understood! Unicorns... unicorns..."

Quirrell struggled to get up from the ground, and began to look for the unicorn in the perilous Forbidden Forest.

As a graduate of La Wen Keluo College, it is naturally impossible for him not to know the consequences of drinking unicorn blood.

But in order to survive, I can't care so much at this time.

Soon, Quirrell found a single unicorn in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and knocked it down without hesitation, then cut a hole and greedily sucked the silver blood.

After a while, the body that was on the verge of collapse gradually recovered.

But at the same time, his life was completely branded with a curse more terrible than death.

(end of this chapter)

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