One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 250 The Deadliest Dagger Always Comes From Behind

Chapter 250 The Deadliest Dagger Always Comes from Behind

Taking advantage of the thinking time of the mind-destroying leader, Zuo Si completed the nine-ring protection system magic——Magic Duncan's Great Cracking in a very concealed way.

However, his target was not the conch shell ship of the mind flayer, but two brass dragons enslaved by psychic powers.

I saw a dazzling and bright arcane light flashing, and the two brass dragons who were "loyal" one second, instantly regained consciousness the next second, turned around and rushed towards the conch shell ship with overwhelming anger, and sprayed A scorching flame ray shot out.

Since brass dragons are also dragons with fire attributes, their main breath weapon is also high-temperature flames.

But unlike the red dragon, which is spread out in a cone shape and a fan surface, it is a relatively wide straight line, and its temperature and lethality are far inferior to the former.

If need be, the flame breath can also be converted into a sleeping gas, which is only used when you don't want to hurt people.

But now, the brass dragon who has been enslaved for a long time is obviously extremely angry, so it breathes out dragon's breath frantically around the conch shell ship, trying to force out the leader of the mind-destroying demon inside.

Obviously, under the effect of the Great Crack, the mind control that was originally blessed on the giant dragon was completely lifted in just an instant.

There are actually two ways to use this famous magic.

One is for a single target, maybe a person, maybe a magic item, in short, it will not spread to the surroundings.

But there is another one that centers on the locked target and magically disintegrates everything within a radius of about twelve or three meters, whether it is a magic effect or a magic item.

Among them, as long as the permanent magic items are within this range, 100% will instantly become ordinary items.

The only difference is that some may only be temporarily disabled, while others may be directly destroyed.

Needless to ask, Zuo Si chose the latter just now and successfully turned the two metal dragons of the good camp from enemies to allies.

"You will regret your choice!"

Realizing that he had been tricked, Mind Destroyer immediately uttered a harsh word through telepathy, and then tried to bring the two brass dragons back under his control through the advanced psionic technology in the conch ship.

But it is a pity that the two dragons have also developed a certain resistance while being enslaved for a long time.

After several consecutive failures of mind invasions, the Mind Destroyer decisively controlled the gigantic tentacles of the conch shell ship, trying to capture the crazily attacking dragon.

But how could Zuo Si let the other party get his wish, immediately shaped the silver fire into an arrow shape, and hit those super giant tentacles that were so big that they could easily destroy a building.

The more he knew about the Silver Fire bestowed upon the Chosen by the Goddess of Magic, the more he liked to use it in battle.

Without him!

It is so convenient to use, and the power is quite amazing.

Being part of the Goddess of Magic's divine nature, it ignores many spell resistances and saving throws, dealing damage to enemies in pure energy.

As for what form to shape and what energy to express, it all depends on the voter's own understanding of this primitive, manic and uncontrollable energy.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si, as a planeswalker, has a natural advantage over others in understanding, controlling and transforming energy.

So the Silver Fire in his hands is far more powerful than in the hands of the other voters.

Moreover, Silver Fire can be used on any occasion, so there is no need to worry about any irreparable and serious consequences.

This point has a much wider scope of application than the chosen ability bestowed by Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, and at the same time, it will not accidentally injure one's own people or innocent people.

As the silver rockets hit the giant tentacles of the conch shell ship one after another, one of the frontmost thick tentacles finally suffered damage beyond the limit, and broke with a bang, and the front half fell from the height to the ground, shocking Large swaths of water and gravel.

You must know that the four super-giant tentacles at the front of the conch shell ship are each more than 50 meters long, and even an adult dragon may not be able to bear it.

"Nice job! Chosen! Keep it up! Don't stop!" one of the brass dragons yelled in Common.

He knew without asking, that he recognized the Silver Fire, which was famous throughout Faerûn.

And as metal dragons of the good alignment, brass dragons are often allies or potential allies with the chosen ones and harpists of the Goddess of Magic.

So based on this alone, the two dragons regard Zuo Si as a trustworthy object.

Zuo Si did not let the two allies down either. Taking advantage of the time when Mind Destroyer controlled the conch shell ship to deal with the brass dragon and had no time to take care of himself, Zuo Si completed the nine-ring magic [Cracking Technique] as quickly as possible.

As you can tell from the name, this is a powerful evocation spell.

It can cause amazing damage to the target and everything within a radius of six meters.

The conch shell ship, which had been baked by the dragon flame for a long time just now, was just a little bit black, and a hole was split under the effect of the spell in an instant, revealing the structure like the abdominal cavity and intestinal tract of a living creature inside.

Especially the dark red tissue wriggling on the floor, walls and ceiling made people feel their scalps tingling.

Inside these cell tissues, a large number of pipes and lines used to transmit psychic energy can be vaguely distinguished.

The whole shape looks like a psychic spaceship with a huge conch-shell octopus on its back, and it operates by these things that outsiders can't understand at all.

The mind flayers sensed that the outer walls of the spaceship had been breached, and immediately flocked to try to repair it.

But the brass dragon was obviously one step faster, rolling and diving down from a high place, withstood the mind blast thrown by the mind flayer with its strong spell resistance, and opened its mouth to aim at the crack and spit out scorching dragon breath.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Bright flames flooded into the tunnel instantly like a tide, burning the mind flayer inside to charcoal in less than a second.

Although the brass dragon is far inferior to the red dragon, blue dragon, gold dragon and silver dragon in one-on-one battles, it is still much stronger than these ordinary octopus heads.

Moreover, the damage caused by the flame breath to the interior of the conch ship caused the interruption of part of the energy transmission.

In the blink of an eye, this huge psionic spaceship began to shake violently from side to side.

The leader of the Mind Destroyer realized that the conch ship would not last long if it continued like this, so he frantically manipulated those thick and powerful tentacles, trying to knock the two dragons down from the sky.

It's a pity that before those cumbersome tentacles caught any of the two dragons, he saw huge and high-speed rotating iron balls flying from a distance at an extremely fast speed.

next second...

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The five iron balls flying at the front directly crashed into the relatively fragile side of the conch ship, and killed a lot in the narrow passage.

Whether you encounter mind flayers along the way, or those muscle tissues that block their progress, they will be smashed into bloody residues in just a few seconds.

By the time the Mind Destroyer leader reacted and activated the force field protection, it was already too late.

Although the iron balls that flew over were firmly blocked outside, there was nothing they could do about the five that flew in. They could only rely on ordinary mind flayers' psychic powers to barely delay their destruction.

"Go to hell! Despicable and dirty bastards! I will purify your body and soul with flames!"

Roaring, the brass dragon continuously used its breath weapon to destroy the force wall on the surface of the conch ship, opening one channel after another for the iron balls flying around.

In less than six or seven minutes, the conch ship had to fall from midair to the ground due to serious damage.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

After the deafening sound, the conch-shell ship hit the ground firmly at zero distance, throwing two or three mind flayers out of it on the spot, and fell dizzy.

Taking advantage of the opponent's complete lack of defense, Zuo Si turned [Talona's Favor] to knock them out one by one with a hammer and make them into biological cards.

You must know that capturing these octopus heads is not an easy task.

Due to the strong idealistic color of psionic power, creatures who master this kind of ability often have a very firm will.

Unless it is completely unconscious, it will definitely resist fiercely during the sealing process, which will eventually lead to the failure of card production.

After the mind flayers were dealt with, Zuo Si stepped to the vicinity of the conch shell ship, and waved the magic wand in his hand to stop the iron balls from continuing to destroy the interior of the ship.

Because in his opinion, this conch ship is already his property and spoils of war, and if it is really scrapped completely, it will not be worth the loss.

However, the two brass dragons didn't think so, they still stayed in the mid-air more than 30 meters above the ground, staring at the conch shell ship on the ground vigilantly.

They knew very well that ordinary mind flayers were no match for them.

What was really dangerous and frightening was the leader of the other party, the Mind Destroyer called Iss Emmett.

As long as this guy walks out of it, the brass dragon will immediately swoop down and use its flame breath and sharp claws to settle accounts with the other party for being enslaved all these years.

After all, whether it is a metal dragon of the good camp or a color dragon of the evil camp, the skill of "holding vengeance" is full of points in their bones.

The only difference is that the metal dragon is reasonable, but the color dragon doesn't even make sense.

Perhaps because he realized that the conch shell ship could no longer provide him with any protection, the mind destroyer Ess Amiton quickly walked out of it with the last few living mind flayers.

Behind them, there are more than thirty slaves dressed like elite adventurers.

After all, it is basically impossible for someone who can enter the seventeenth floor of the Lost Land Leyline City to be weak.

Korgan, Reiter, Abala, Azasla, Alena and others were also among them.

You don't need to ask, they are all controlled by the charm of psychic power at this moment, and the psychic protection necklace worn on their necks has long since disappeared.

"Let me go, I will give you a quicker death."

Zuo Si gave the ultimatum straightforwardly, without any nervousness, hesitation and hesitation in the hands of the hostages.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill them?"

The Mind Destroyer Is Emiton pulled Alena from the side and threatened fiercely.

If he had chosen someone else, Zuo Si might have thought about it a little bit.

But the Pyromancer is a summoned creature, and he will not die in the true sense at all, so Zuo Si nonchalantly made a gesture of please.

"You can try to pry open her head and eat the brain in front of me, to see if I will be moved a little bit. By the way, if you really do this, the consequences will be very serious."

no doubt!

Zuo Si's words made it impossible for Esther Emmeton to be corrected in an instant.

He originally thought that even if the other party refused to agree to his conditions, he would at least try to use disarming spells to bring these captives back to their senses, just like releasing the two enslaved brass dragons before.

But Zuo Si was fine, and directly put on a posture that he didn't care about his companion's life or death.

The two just stared at each other in silence for a long time, and finally Mind Destroyer chose to take a step back, and asked through telepathy: "What do you really want? Wealth? Fame? Power? All kinds of magic items? As long as we Yes, everything can be given to you. There is only one condition, and that is to end the dispute and leave this layer."

"Sorry, I'm a very greedy person, so I want everything, even the broken conch shell ship behind you. So save the boring nonsense, let's use the simplest and most direct way to decide , who can survive and get everything from the other party.”

As soon as he spoke, Zuo Si directly activated a creature card hidden in his sleeve.

In the blink of an eye, four dead-eyed tyrants appeared out of thin air, and immediately opened their main eyes to shoot out a cone-shaped anti-magic force field.

Although psionic energy is very different from magic and divine arts, it is still a kind of energy in the final analysis, which will be suppressed by anti-magic force fields.

And mind flayers are notoriously poor in hand-to-hand combat.

However, Esther Emmett, who is a Mind Destroyer, is obviously not like his low-level counterparts, who will lose all their abilities under the cover of the anti-magic force field.

On the contrary, he broke free from the shackles of the anti-magic force field by virtue of his powerful spell resistance, and quickly transformed the psychic energy into a high-frequency shock wave, which slammed directly into Zuo Si's position.

At the same time, this guy has not forgotten to give attack orders to all enslaved creatures through telepathic connection.

I saw more than 30 controlled adventurers without hesitation for even a second, casting spells that should be cast, charging that should charge, and shooting arrows that should be shot.

Even the two brass dragons that swooped down to attack were seriously injured by the ice storm released by a mage standing outside the anti-magic field.

In addition, an elf suspected of being a magic archer also shot an arrow containing amazing necromantic energy, which happened to hit the chest of one of the brass dragons.

The arrows not only tore through the sturdy dragon scales, but also penetrated deep into the muscles, causing terrible damage to the heart, one of the most important organs.

It caused the entire dragon to fall to the ground, frantically gushing blood from the wound.

Although with the vitality of the giant dragon, it won't die for a while, but if it doesn't get timely treatment, it's only a matter of time.

Judging from the arrow's power and enchantment level, this is probably the most powerful skill of the magic archer - death arrow.

Any creature that is pierced by this kind of arrow and whose constitution and fortitude immunity are not high enough will almost die suddenly on the spot, even the giant dragon is no exception.

Seeing this, the other one didn't dare to approach these adventurers with high professional levels at all, and hurriedly raised the height and retreated back.

But unfortunately, in such a generally low underground depth, it is simply impossible to escape by flying.

In addition, the dragon itself is a very huge target that is easy to lock and aim at. Before running far, it was shot in the eye by a second arrow. It screamed and fell from a high place, and was besieged by several melee adventurers , It didn't take a while to be scarred.

"You made a mistake! Humans! That is, we shouldn't be enemies. Don't worry, I won't kill you, but I will pick one of the strongest hatchlings to implant in your brain and transform you into one of us. One of the best."

Essie Emmeton obviously hated Zuo Si very much, exuding a terrifying evil spirit all over his body.

Because Zuo Si not only killed the secret weapon used to deal with the githyanki - the giant mind flayer, but also killed a large number of newborn mind flayers that had just transformed, so the "soldiers" he had finally added were just like this It was consumed for no reason.

You must know that it is not an easy task to successfully transform a mind flayer.

First, there is the question of the larvae—the tadpoles.

These gadgets take at least ten years to grow, and most of them don't survive to the end (the survival rate is 1 in 1,000 or lower).

If juvenile larvae are used without authorization, the failure rate of transformation will be greatly increased.

And the conversion process lasted for a week.

This also means that unless there are sufficient reserves of adult tadpoles and a sufficient number of slaves, it is impossible for mind flayers to explode their population in a short period of time.

Eth Emmeton had lost a considerable number of men to the githyanki's reprisals.

Therefore, many mind flayers on the seventeenth floor are newcomers who have just completed their transformation, and their control over psychic powers is far inferior to those mind flayers who have lived for more than fifty years.

After Zuo Si made such a fuss, the seventeenth floor is basically in a state of defenselessness.

If the githyanki on the upper level discovered this and mobilized their forces to launch a fierce attack, then Ice Emmeton would have no other choice but to abandon everything and run away.

In the same way, this will lead to the failure of the plan he has spent countless thoughts and energy on.

"Hmph, wishful thinking.

Didn't you realize it through the lessons of the githyanki and githzerai?

In fact, you mind flayers have a very huge flaw, that is, you rely too much on slaves.

Especially for a leader like you, one person often has to control dozens or even hundreds of slaves, so he even has to create an illusion to accommodate the consciousness of those slaves.

In other words, as long as they kill you or make you unconscious, these enslaved adventurers will regain consciousness in an instant. "

As Zuo Si spoke, he activated several magic cards to isolate those adventurers who wanted to besiege him.

"Kill me? Can you do it alone? I deeply doubt it." There was a hint of mockery in Esther Emmeton's tone.

In the eyes of this mind-destroying demon, with so many enslaved adventurers around him, even if the other party throws another big rift, at best, three or five people will regain their sobriety, which will not have a decisive impact on the current overall situation.

"Hehe, when did I say that I was alone? Besides, haven't you heard that the strongest fortress is always breached from within, and the deadliest dagger is always from behind?"

Speaking of this, Zuo Si suddenly paused, and then bluntly shouted: "What are you waiting for? Do it!"

With the last word blurted out, a mind flayer standing less than half a meter behind Iss Emmeton suddenly pulled out a sharp dagger, stabbing him in the back of the heart with lightning speed.

Mind Destroyer didn't expect his subordinates to betray him at all. He turned around and his eyes burst out with shock and anger that couldn't be concealed.

Needless to ask, he knew that this mind flayer was summoned by Zuo Si through a creature card before.

Since he was originally a member of this mind flayer community and was just captured by the githyanki, he sneaked in and lurked almost effortlessly.

It wasn't until the master gave the order that he tore off the disguise and revealed his true colors.

It has to be said that the timing of this backstab is just right.

And when Esther Emmett pulled out the dagger from behind, he found that it was smeared with neurotoxins. Not only did the wound not feel pain, but it was sore and numb.

What's more, in less than a few seconds, half of his body lost consciousness, and his consciousness became more and more blurred, and he couldn't enter the state of concentrating on casting spells at all.

Several times I tried to use psychic powers to transform the form to avoid being affected by the poison, but in the end, without exception, I failed.

Because the toxin smeared on that dagger is known for its quick effect and violent toxicity.

It didn't take long for Esther Emmeton to start fighting with his upper and lower eyelids, and then slowly lost his perception and awareness of the surrounding environment.

As soon as he passed out, the adventurers who were trapped in the illusion woke up from the gentleness, and immediately turned their spears to attack the last few remaining mind flayers.

When the battle was over, the few remaining mind flayers were basically either chopped into flesh, or they voluntarily surrendered and became prisoners.


The mind flayers surrendered.

After all, they are just newcomers who have just completed their transformation, and they have not yet developed a strong sense of belonging to the mind flayer community and the leader of the mind flayer, Iss Emmeton.

Coupled with the generally rational and prudent way of thinking, it is only natural to choose to surrender.

Two mind flayers who were suspected of being technicians even took the initiative to act as a "leading party" and began to take Zuo Si to visit the interior of the conch ship and answer various questions he raised.

But unfortunately, after they told all they knew, Zuo Si killed them unceremoniously, pried open the skull and took out the brain that was protected by layers of protection.

Of course, not only these two mind flayers, but also the rest of them are treated in the same way, either making biological cards or killing and taking out their brains, even Esther Emmeton is no exception.

Although Zuo Si would love to include this psionic master in his collection.

But considering that the benefits of taking another method are greater, he decisively chose the latter.

Throwing the collected brains into a special magic solution to ensure that the cells would not die quickly, he turned his attention to the two dying brass dragons.

Due to the excessive blood loss, the two dragons have fallen into a deep coma, and their breathing is extremely weak, as if they may die at any time.

In particular, the arrow inserted into the chest cavity, wrapped in amazing necromantic magic energy, has begun to erode the heart continuously, and even the surrounding muscles and blood have taken on an appalling dark brown color, which is obviously not something that can be cured by ordinary low-level divine arts.

It is necessary to use some high-level magic that consumes valuable and rare and precious magic materials, or directly use the nine-ring wishing technique.

If it is "one of my own", Zuo Si certainly won't mind paying this price.

But the problem is, he has no friendship with these two brass dragons at all, and he doesn't even know each other's name, they are just temporary allies to fight against mind flayers.

"Well—what should I do with you?

How about this, let me ask for your opinion first.

If you are willing to die in obscurity like this, then speak up;

If you are not willing to survive, please keep silent, I will make you a planeswalker card to live forever in another way.

Of course, the price is a small change in memory.

How about your answer? "

Zuo Si asked pretentiously.

But all fools understand that these two dying brass dragons can't make any sound at all, let alone answer.

So after waiting for a few seconds, Zuo Si smiled and said: "Since you are silent, I will take it as your acquiescence. Don't worry, I won't modify too much, I just want to make sure your loyalty."

As soon as the words fell, he activated the power of the planeswalker spark, turning the two dragons into cards in his hand.

At the same time, those adventurers who just got rid of mind control and slavery have become a mess at this moment.

Because they come from different adventure teams, and a small part has been in this ghost place for more than ten years.

Thinking that he has been controlled by the mind flayer for more than ten years, and that he may become the other party's food at any time, the adventurer couldn't help shivering, shaking uncontrollably all over his body.

It was a little too spooky and scary.

Some people in the good camp realized how many insane things they had done during the period of being controlled, and squatted on the ground showing expressions of annoyance and remorse, and thought that their hands were stained with the blood of innocent people, and they were out-and-out sinners.

Some have been controlled for too long, and their memory and personality have undergone tremendous changes, and they even become a little silly, crazy, and even forget who they are.

However, Zuo Si obviously didn't have the time to pay attention to them right now. He just checked the mental state of Alanna, Rhett, Korgan and others, and after confirming that there was no big problem, he took the mind flayer he summoned and left. Entered the inside of the conch shell ship.

Different from the dark and narrow one imagined, the interior of the conch ship is not only very spacious, but also the ground and walls that have not been damaged show very exquisite textures and patterns, and from time to time you can see the ghostly light emitted by the surge of spiritual energy. The light is like a fine work of art.

Plus, the thing seems to be alive, trying to slowly repair itself even after being so badly damaged.

Especially when an intruder is detected, they immediately try to awaken those defensive forces, such as some thick tentacles, or psionic devices.

But all this was stopped by the mind flayers following behind.

Since he was originally a member of this group, he was very familiar with the internal structure and manipulation of the conch shell ship.

After a while, he took his master to the command room and control room.

Different from the general magic ship control room, there are no operation buttons and levers that many people imagine, but only some soft tentacles of different lengths and thicknesses.

Each tentacle represents a different psionic energy, which can only be manipulated by mind flayers who have mastered psionic powers.

When the conch-hull ship is required to jump between planes or travel between planes, the person in charge of driving the ship will connect the two corresponding tentacles together, and then activate psionic energy to activate it.

In the middle of the control room, there is also a huge seat specially prepared for the leader or captain, which looks very comfortable.

After walking in and observing carefully, Zuo Si was surprised to find that this thing is all made of the skulls of various intelligent creatures. It is an out-and-out evil spiritual item, which can strengthen sitting Go up to the mind flayer's psychic abilities.

I saw the summoned mind flayer fiddled with the control room for a while, and immediately bowed deeply with one hand on his chest, and reported through the telepathic link: "Master, I have urgently sealed all the entrances and activated the corresponding defense mechanism, the ship is now yours."

Hearing this, Zuo Si immediately nodded in satisfaction: "Good job. How long will it take to completely repair it?"

The mind flayer replied without thinking: "If the energy generated near the dam can be sent over, it can be repaired in a few weeks to a month or two. But compared to this method, I have a better one." proposal."

"Oh? Tell me and listen."

Zuo Si seemed to have anticipated something, and immediately set his sights on the brain dug out from the skull of Eth Emmeton in his hands.

Although this thing has completely lost its perception of the outside world, it still continues to release amazing spiritual energy around it, and it has tried to escape from the container more than once.

Unfortunately, the transparent container in his hand is not ordinary fragile glass, but industrially produced super toughened bulletproof glass.

Not to mention a few psionic shocks, even if it is used to resist bullets, grenades, bombs and RPG rocket launchers, it is no problem.

"In fact, on this spaceship, our leader Ice Emmeton specially built a brain pool for himself.

He wanted to transform himself into a mastermind, and then take all the mind flayers to escape from the underground labyrinth controlled by the mad mage Helast Blackcloak, and go to the city on the surface to establish a secret stronghold.

Then take this stronghold as the center, slowly expand and infiltrate around, until the entire city is under our control.

For this reason, a virtual illusion that can accommodate the consciousness of thousands of people has been specially invented - a replica of Deep Water City.

After controlling the city, we can use its abundant population and resources to launch wars, until we conquer the whole world and turn the planet under our feet into our colonies.

According to Eth Emmett's description, similar situations have been successful on many planes throughout the multiverse.

Most importantly, if the spaceship has a main brain, it is equivalent to having a core that can continuously provide power, and as long as the main brain is not destroyed, it can repair itself infinitely.

There are already enough mind flayer brains stored on this ship.

So I sincerely suggest that you use the brain of Esther Emmett to complete the Mastermind Transformation Ritual. "

The mind flayer bluntly told all the secrets he knew.

It has to be said that it is not for nothing that these octopus heads are considered a huge threat in any world.

Both their consciousness and behavior patterns determine that the ultimate goal is to conquer, occupy and enslave all other intelligent creatures on the entire planet.

And there are quite a few successful examples, among them there are many worlds with gods.

When the number of mind flayers reaches a certain scale, the psychic energy released by the combination of the most powerful masterminds can even fight against and even kill gods.

"Help Iss Emmeton complete the ritual of transforming the mastermind? How can you guarantee that he will obey my orders?"

Zuo Si's eyes flashed eagerly, obviously very interested in this matter.

Because each mastermind is the core of the mind flayer community, storing a large amount of psionic knowledge.

If he can control a mastermind, it means that he can help Stranger Things and Isadora provide more psychic knowledge and skills to learn, and even go further to create psychic items and equipment.

"It's very simple, you just need to use your hands and feet in the transformation ceremony to completely erase Is Emmeton's consciousness, keep only the knowledge recorded in his brain, and then create a master brain that obeys you 100%, and when it becomes enough Transform its crafting into a card before it becomes powerful."

The mind flayer gave a solution without thinking.

It has to be said that the benefits of having an "inner ghost" are huge and unimaginable.

Zuo Si experienced it once when the upper level seized and controlled the githyanki star port.

Now he found the feeling of déjà vu again.

Especially for creatures like mind flayers, their loyalty to their own race and ethnic group is far beyond the imagination of outsiders.

Therefore, they will not be on guard and vigilant against the same kind around them.

That's why, the guy in front of him can easily attack a psychic master like Ice Emmeton with a poisoned dagger.

Zuo Si stroked his chin and considered for a moment, then quickly nodded in agreement and said, "Yes. Just follow what you said. But in advance, this mastermind must be strictly monitored, and there must be no accidents."

"Please rest assured, I will ensure that the number of mind flayers under your control will always be greater than the number it controls." The mind flayer vowed to give a guarantee.

"In that case, let's do it." Zuo Si ordered bluntly.

"First of all, I need you to summon at least six companions to assist. Secondly, you must not be disturbed by any external factors during the entire ceremony. Finally, we also need to connect the energy generated by the dam, otherwise the ship The current state of the spaceship is difficult to sustain until the end of the ceremony."

The mind flayer made three demands in one go.

Zuo Si didn't even hesitate, and immediately fulfilled all his requests.

Soon, with the assistance of the summoned creatures, a lot of preparatory work began to proceed in an orderly manner.

However, it is obviously not an easy task to take over the energy from the dam, and it will take at least a few hours.

As for the adventurers who were originally controlled and enslaved outside, most of them immediately set foot on the road back to the surface in groups after figuring out the situation.

There are only a few who have completely lost their memory, can't remember who they are, and have those relatives and friends to turn to, and they still stay where they are, with a dazed face.

Of course, compared to those guys who are completely crazy and don't even have reason, they are still lucky.

Zuo Si saw with his own eyes a few lunatics rushing directly towards the entrance to the next floor, and estimated that the possibility of surviving was definitely less than one percent, but it did not prevent this from happening.

In his opinion, it is better to die early and get relief than to live in such a muddle.

When Zuo Si was standing in the open space outside the conch ship to monitor the progress of the project, the elf archer who almost killed two brass dragons with the terrifying [Death Arrow] suddenly came over from a distance, and shot A very shy voice said: "Well... thank you for freeing me from the slavery of mind flayers."

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of convenience. After all, I don't want to face the terrible arrows you shoot." Zuo Si responded in a half-joking tone.

A downcast expression appeared on the face of this ageless male elf, he quickly bent down and bowed deeply: "I'm really sorry. By the way, where did the two brass dragons go? They're still alive ?"

"Don't worry, they are still alive despite being seriously injured." Zuo Si comforted casually.

However, upon hearing this sentence, the elf demon archer's dim eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked excitedly, "Really? Are they still alive? I shot a death arrow!"

"Of course. They are giant dragons, and their vitality is much stronger than that of ordinary humanoid races. I'm curious, who are you that can shoot such powerful enchanted arrows?" Zuo Si looked at each other with great interest.

Exquisite and luxurious advanced enchanted chain mail...

Dragon boots made of adult dragon hide and magical power...

A super agility belt that can increase the agility attribute by twelve points in one go...

Gloves that can greatly increase the accuracy and critical strike rate of the wearer's long-range weapons...

Finally, there is a legendary compound bow with arcane aura enough to blind people...

All of this is enough to prove that the identity of the elf in front of him is definitely not simple.

And judging from the skin color and appearance, this is a sun elf that is even rarer than the moon elf, and it can also be called a gold elf.

He has bronze-colored skin, golden-yellow hair, and even the color of his pupils is golden, so he got his name.

In Faerun Continent, most of the Sun Elves have gone to the Isle of Eternal Gathering in the outer sea, so they rarely appear in the sight of humans.

Even if it appears occasionally, it often means shouldering some important responsibility and mission.

Unlike the looseness of other elf branches and subraces, sun elves practice a rigid elitism and hierarchy.

Every person in it determines its future development path from the moment of birth.

The aristocratic families who are the upper rulers, without exception, can be traced back to the First Crown War 10,000 years ago.

They are the most arrogant elves, but also the most powerful elves, with more than three digits of high-ranking wizards.

You must know that the high-level mages of the elves are not modern mages who rely heavily on the magic net, but are strong enough to use ancient magic rituals to tear the entire continent apart and create magical wonders such as magic locks.

This is also the reason why human beings have clearly become the undisputed overlord of Faerun, but they still maintain a considerable degree of respect for elves.

No individual or force has ever dared to approach their last paradise - Yongju Island easily.

Of course, except for the Spider Goddess and the dark elves under her control.

After all, this is a contradiction within the elf race.

Many sun elves firmly believe that they are the only guardian and heir of Corellon's legacy on the material plane, the main god of elves.

As for other elves, they should obey their leaders unconditionally.

"I...I can't think of anything now."

Elf Demon Archer showed a wry smile that was uglier than crying.

At this moment, he looked so dazed and helpless. He was so strong that he could shoot a giant dragon at the top of the food chain with one arrow, but he didn't even know who he was or why he appeared here. .

Most importantly, he doesn't wear any family crest that symbolizes his identity, which is definitely abnormal among sun elves.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it was worn before, but was lost during the battle or was taken away by the mind flayer and thrown into an unknown corner.

(end of this chapter)

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