One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 254 Is This Bath Serious?

Chapter 254 Is this Bath Serious?

"This is Silvermoon City?"

Standing in front of the tall city gate, looking at the invisible bridge built entirely by magic, the werewolf girl showed a shocked expression.

Because this is the first time she has seen a city so luxurious that it will use rare, precious and expensive magic for this kind of bridge for ordinary people to come and go.

To be precise, the entire Silvermoon City is like a fairytale country.

There are various magical spiers that can't be seen at the end, as well as gardens, various fountains and sculptures built in mid-air.

From time to time elves and half-elves on flying horses would fly across the sky, offering help to anyone in need.

There are even some magical instruments that are played day and night and stand in the streets and alleys.

Even the guards guarding the gate are so polite, and even the farmers who go to the city to sell grain, meat, fruits and vegetables will send a word of blessing with a smile on their faces.

All the greed, selfishness, jealousy, and arrogance in human nature seem to disappear here, leaving only the best side.

Even the old dwarf Korgan, who was bloodthirsty and greedy for money, inadvertently put away his usual arrogant and unreasonable appearance at this moment.

There is no doubt that all of this is the impact of the good environment created by Silvermoon City.

Because most ordinary people have a herd mentality, when other people and the environment around them tend to be orderly and kind, then they will be willing to show their friendliest side.

But once the surrounding environment is chaotic and villains are everywhere, even in order to survive without being bullied, people will scramble to be the most powerful, evil, and most daunting villain.

Although Zuo Si doesn't know whether Alustri created such a social environment in Silvermoon City intentionally or unintentionally, it depends on the other party's ability to create such a paradise in the Northland where dangers, orcs, dragons and dangerous monsters are everywhere. , is worthy of the title of "Ms. Hope".

She has indeed brought hope to all the people in this city and even the entire Northland who yearn for order and kindness.

Without the suppression of Silvermoon City, Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood would have begun to expand unscrupulously, establishing a slavery empire similar to Searle in the north.

And there are also rumors that Alastriol has made a covenant with several ancient golden and silver dragons.

In addition to a large number of high-level mages, there are also Losander, the Lord of the Dawn, Heim, the God of Guardians, Melika, the Goddess of the Forest, Midnight, the Goddess of Magic, Suna, the God of Love and Beauty, Su Lun, the Goddess of the Moon, and the God of Nature. God Sivanus and other temples that tend to be good or neutral.

So don't look at the number of soldiers in Silvermoon City is always small, none of them exceeds a thousand, but its powerful background is definitely not caused by third-rate forces like Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood who don't even have a backstage. comparable.

This point can be glimpsed from the fact that tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of orcs march south, but they have never approached Silvermoon City.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si immediately said to the werewolf girl with great interest: "Yes, this is Silvermoon City, isn't it spectacular?

In fact, it developed gradually from several small farms that were originally established on the land.

In the era of local residents, they enshrined the forest goddess Melika and her mount, the unicorn goddess Larue.

Later, it gradually developed into a small town, and it was not officially named Silver Moon City until 637DR.

Later, mages who believed in the goddess of magic came here to build the first library and impart knowledge and magic skills to the locals.

It didn't take long for this place to become a well-known magical holy place.

The Supreme Mage is the nominal supreme leader and ruler of the city.

Later, a series of internal struggles broke out in Silvermoon City, and even mutual vendettas broke out around ambition and power struggles.

In the end, Alustriel won the title of High Sorcerer in the vote of all citizens, and began her rule that lasted more than a century.

It was also under her rule that the city became so rich, prosperous and powerful. "

"It sounds like this Ms. Elastre is a very powerful person?" Fangers revealed a trace of curiosity in his eyes.

"Yeah, whether it's political skills, diplomatic skills, or the three-figure children, the countless lovers, and the status of the legendary mage and the goddess of magic, all of them have proved Alastriel's status. Ability and strength. The most important thing is that she has a good reputation, except for a slightly chaotic private life, there is almost nothing to blame."

When Zuo Si said these words, there was obviously a hint of playfulness in Zuo Si's tone.

Because calculating the date of birth of this Ms. Hope, it is basically certain that she is almost 600 years old now, but she can still pursue freshness and excitement after busy work with great energy.

I don't know how her children will feel when they learn that their "mother" has found a lover who is younger than her great-grandson.

In fact, except for Kuilu who is a dark elf among the "Seven Sisters of the Northland", although the other six are all claimed to be human, they all have elf blood without exception.

Especially those children of Alustriar whose father is also an elf tend to have a very long life span.

"Really? I don't believe it!"

Alena couldn't help but interjected.

For her capricious and chaotic camp, not to mention not making mistakes for a lifetime, even for a few days is very difficult.

However, based on the principle of not making big mistakes and making small mistakes, this fun man has learned to control the harm within a certain range without a teacher, and try not to make his master angry.

"Believe it or not. Well, don't talk nonsense, let's go in."

After all, Zuo Si took the lead to walk up to the invisible moon bridge completely composed of magic force field.

Thanks to arcane vision, true seeing and the eye of knowledge, he can clearly see the force field forms shaped by the energy drawn from the magic net.

But for those who walk on this magic bridge for the first time, it is a little frightening.

It's like the transparent glass bridges that tourist attractions set up for gimmicks. Tourists know that these special glass are even harder than steel. Even if a big stone falls, it may not be smashed, but their legs will still be weak.

Especially the old dwarf Korgan, who was a little afraid of heights, he had to tap the front with an ax every time he took a step, and only took a step forward after confirming that he would not fall.

Of course, he was not the only one who did this, the half-orc Rhett, who had always been ignorant of magic power, and those outsiders who came to Silvermoon City for the first time were also like this.

In this regard, the guards at the door have long been familiar with it.

When the team finally crossed the moon bridge and arrived at the gate of the city, the guards began to perform their duties, looking up and down at this group of adventurers or mercenaries.

Zuo Si, who looks very young and is human, obviously has no problems, and fully meets the criteria for entering Silvermoon City.

Similarly, Alaina, the dwarf Korgan, the werewolf girl Vangers, and the elf archer who are suspected of having the blood of the fire element are also within this range.

But the half-orc Rhett obviously made it difficult for the guards.

Because the half-orcs in the wild north are completely different from the half-orcs in the south who have integrated into civilized society.

They are closer to orcs than to humans.

Therefore, they often plunder with the orc tribe, which is an out-and-out disaster.

And the tabby people on the Maztec continent were also intelligent creatures that these guards had never seen before, so they couldn't make a decision for a while.

At this moment, a woman wearing a light-colored robe and a crown, with long hair shining like a waterfall of silver light, appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

She looks as beautiful as a twenty-year-old young girl, but her temperament and eyes reveal the wisdom and maturity that have accumulated over time.

Especially the shining silver fire in the body, in Zuo Si's eyes, it was as bright and dazzling as a torch in the night sky.

"Her Majesty!"

The guards in charge of guarding the city gate hurriedly knelt down on one knee to express their respect to this wise and wise ruler.

Erastriol waved his hand to signal these loyal guards to stand up, and he focused all his attention on Zuo Si.

After a full minute, she smiled and said with emotion: "It's really not easy. I finally saw you in person today. Welcome to Silvermoon City, Sous."

"It's my honor."

Zuo Si bowed slightly as she stroked her chest with one hand very politely.

"Hehe, don't be so cautious. After all, we are all the voters of the goddess of magic now, and you helped solve the orc invasion half a year ago. I still owe you a favor." Alas Zhuo blinked very playfully blink.

It can be seen that she is in a good mood, even acting like a young girl, not a "grandmother" who is close to six hundred years old.

Zuo Si couldn't understand that a person who had lived for more than 600 years could still maintain such a mentality, so he could only follow the other person and say: "About this matter, it's not just as simple as human feelings.

Because just two days ago, I just experienced an attack. There were about 30 cyclops warriors with an average level of LV14, and seven or eight priests participated in it.

In addition, there are two electors of the orc gods who are also legendary fighters and legendary priests.

In the end, the incarnation of the suspected god also came, but for some reason, he did not show up in the end. "


Alaszhuo's face changed drastically when he heard the news, and he instantly changed from the appearance of a girl in love to the wise and decisive lord of Silvermoon City.

"Yes, you heard that right. Because of what I did last time, I was targeted by the orc gods." Zuo Si gave a straightforward answer in the affirmative.

"Why are they targeting you? There are so many kings and dragons slaughtering orcs, they have no reason to do so."

Elastra frowned subconsciously, obviously unable to understand why the orc gods were so aggressive.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and replied: "At this point, motives and reasons don't matter anymore.

The important thing is that their actions angered me, so I plan to kill all the orcs in the Northland as revenge.

Congratulations, Ms. Elastre.

From now on, whether it is Silvermoon City or the Silvermoon Federation you are actively promoting to form, you no longer have to worry about being invaded and plundered by orcs every autumn and winter. "

Although Zuo Si kept a "refined and easy-going" smile when she said these words, but in the eyes of others, this smile is ten thousand times more terrifying than the demon from the bottomless abyss.

Because that was the death of millions of orcs!

Just thinking about so many dead bodies piled up makes one's scalp tingle.

At this moment, Alustri finally realized why Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, wanted Zuo Si to be her voter anyway.

It is foreseeable that if this thing really happens, many people will choose to believe in Talona in order to pursue the powerful and extremely destructive and destructive plague power.

In addition, she also understood what Elminster meant by "having a strong sense of revenge".

Just when Alaszhuo was shocked by Zuo Si's cruelty and cruelty to the enemy, he was in the rolling mountains farther north of Silvermoon City, near the "Spine of the World".

A large orc tribe with a scale of tens of thousands of people is facing a catastrophe.

Since a falcon flew over the tribe a few hours ago and dropped a puddle of gray-white sticky feces, the whole tribe, whether it is a strong warrior or a woman who is responsible for washing, cooking and giving birth, has no one. Exceptions start getting sick.

At first, they just coughed, sneezed, and shed tears slightly.

But soon these symptoms began to deteriorate rapidly, until high fever, confusion, lethargy, difficulty breathing and so on.

What's even more frightening is that this unknown disease or plague is still spreading at an extremely fast speed, and the herbal medicines made by witch doctors and shamans are useless at this time.

More than 70% of the first group of people who developed the disease have now turned into corpses, and the remaining 30% have not improved at all. Death is only a matter of time.

"Chief! You must make a decision, otherwise our tribe will die without a single one left." A priest serving the orc gods reminded nervously.

The reason why he was nervous was because he had just used the three-ring magic [remove disease] on a very powerful fighter.

Although the soldier regained consciousness immediately and got up from the bed.

But after a while, the other party was infected again.

This also means that there is no "immunity" to this terrible plague.

Unless you prepare enough disease-removing potions, let all infected people drink it, and then burn all the beds, tents, simple wooden furniture, etc. that may be contaminated with unclean things.

Otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Just relying on the number of priests in the tribe, let alone saving people, it is even a question of whether they can save their own lives.

"Bastard! Are you asking me to give up the whole tribe?" The tall and strong orc chief stood up and growled sharply.

"But if you don't leave, all of us will die, no one can be an exception. You will die, he will die, and I will die too." The pastor warned without backing down.

"Damn! Can't even bring those who are not sick?"

The orc chief was obviously not reconciled to giving up his position and power that he had finally gained.

Because once there are no followers, he is just a slightly higher-level barbarian warrior, and there is no way to give orders like he is now.

The pastor sternly refused without thinking: "No! Absolutely not! Don't look at them asymptomatic now, but no one can guarantee whether they have been infected by the plague, so we can't take risks. Otherwise, everything we do will be in vain. become meaningless."

"How many people can I take with me at most?"

The orc chief was panting heavily, obviously extremely angry.

He still can't believe that the enemy's revenge will come so fast and so desperate.

You must know that this is a large orc tribe with more than 10,000 people!

If a war is needed, more than 2,000 fierce and powerful fighters can be pulled up at any time.

"Twenty! Our magical spells and potions can guarantee up to twenty people to leave alive. As for the rest, let them lie here and wait to die." The priest quickly gave an exact number.

In the end, under the chief's careful selection, twenty warriors and priests quietly left the camp, drank the [Remove Disease] potion near the river, and burned the clothes they carried with them , Even the armor and weapons were thrown into the fire for high-temperature disinfection.

After finishing all this, they crossed the river and headed east, intending to see the situation of other orc tribes.

But what they don't know is that similar situations are blooming all over the Northland.

Through the spread of falcons, thousands of orcs died as a result.

Some believers knelt on the ground and prayed desperately to God, but got no response.

After all, Gruumsh had tried to kill Zuo Si before, only to be stopped by a hostile group of gods and lose two very capable Chosen.

If you dare to show your face at this time, it will be a ghost.

After the chief and the pastor walked a few kilometers, the camp was already full of corpses.

A human woman hugged her half-orc daughter tightly, without any harm at all.

Because the bacteria and viruses used by Zuo Si are only aimed at the orc race.

Orcs and humans will not feel any discomfort even if they are infected, and they will be eliminated from the body with the circulatory system inside the body in about three to five hours.

With the entire tribe of orcs dead, the human, elf, dwarf, and half-elf slaves they plundered were finally freed.

Especially the women who had been ravaged and tortured and had begun to become numb, knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

But soon these people began to gather together, knelt on the ground with fanatical faces and loudly praised Tarona, the goddess of poison and disease.

It is foreseeable that when they return to the civilized world, they will inevitably spread this news and their belief in Talona, ​​greatly increasing the number and influence of this goddess' followers.

You must know that there is no town or village in the entire Northland that has not been threatened by orcs.

No god will send down divine punishment to punish these dirty, bloodthirsty and brutal beasts, and rescue those innocent civilians who have been looted.

Zuo Si obviously didn't think that his revenge against the orcs would bring great benefits to Talona.

Prior to this, the church and priests of the Goddess of Poison and Plague had always been hated roles in the Northland.

In fact, the situation with this tribe is just the beginning of the mass extinction of the orcs in the North.

For a long time to come, from the glaciers and floating ice seas in the extreme north to the mountains on the Spine of the World, and the large tracts of primeval cold zone forest a little to the south, millions of orcs will slowly dead.

Because those viruses screened and evolved by Zuo Si will continue to spread in a wider area as those scavengers and vultures in the sky eat the corpses of dead orcs.

Although the plague can be cured by magic, the problem is that only a small part of it can be covered by magic.

As the orcs died or became too weak to move, the freed slaves immediately took up arms and took revenge.

Several women even used scissors to tie up the orc who had violated them, cut the other's lower body into sections, and listened to the other's wailing in pain and despair.

Others cut a hole with a sharp blade, pulled out the orc's skin alive and sprinkled salt on it to vent their anger.

In short, there is no bullshit idea of ​​forgiveness in Faerun, and many good-aligned Shendu support reasonable revenge.

After venting all the anger in her heart, the human woman fell to the ground with a plop, her whole body seemed to collapse, and she no longer had the strength to stand up.

A large number of whips, bites and black-purple bruises can be vaguely seen through the dirty and tattered leather clothes, which are obviously the marks left by the male orcs when they were violated.

That scrawny body had obviously reached its limit long ago.

It's just that her nature as a mother made her unable to let go of her half-orc daughter, for fear that this little guy would suffer the same fate as herself.

You must know that the extremely ignorant and barbaric orcs have no concept of family at all, and they are extremely discriminating and despising women.

In the teachings of Gruumsh, the orc god, women exist to serve warriors.

Their tasks are to give birth to offspring, cook, wash clothes, wipe armor, maintain weapons and a series of chores.

Therefore, orc women are basically not much different from slaves.

Therefore, when a man has the desire to mate, he can find a woman he likes in the tribe at will, regardless of whether the other party agrees or not.

As for the children born, they are all raised by the whole tribe.

This human woman obviously couldn't watch her daughter become a tool for the bloodthirsty beast to vent her desire, so she gritted her teeth and persisted until now.

When the threat of the orcs completely disappeared, she also lost the motivation to live, and her whole body quickly weakened and entered a dying state waiting for death to come.

"Mom! Mom, what's the matter with you?" The half-orc girl yelled in panic.

"I'm sorry, Corinna. Mom may not be able to continue to accompany you, and the future depends on you."

The woman struggled to get up and gently stroked the little guy's black hair, her eyes full of reluctance.

Although she once hated the daughter who was born after being raped, in the end, the mother's nature defeated everything.

"But...but where should I go? I can't even wear heavy armor, and I have never received weapon training like a boy." The girl was obviously full of confusion and fear about her future.

"Follow those who have regained their freedom to the south, to Silvermoon City or Neverwinter City.

Last but not least the most important thing.

Find out what happened to this sudden orc-only plague.

If it is the divine punishment from Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, then you will become her most devout believer in the future;

If someone did it, then you have to become his follower.

Because without this plague, your future fate will be extremely miserable, and you will not even have the chance to choose.

Well, go, go and set off with those who have been freed, they should take you to a safe place..."

After all, the woman drove her daughter away, and stayed alone in the stench-smelling tent to wait for death to come.

Since it was useless to pray to the god she believed in when she was robbed by orcs and became a slave, she abandoned her original belief long ago.

But at this moment, the woman began to pray again, and the object was Tarona, the goddess of poison and disease.

She doesn't expect the other party to accept her, she just wants to express her gratitude.

Just when the woman's consciousness began to blur, and she felt that her body was getting colder and stiffer, and she might swallow her last breath at any time, a light suddenly appeared in front of her out of thin air.

I saw a succubus with horns on its head, wings and tail behind it came out from the inside, and said in a very soft voice: "Thank you for the kindness of the great goddess, human beings. Talona has decided to accept your belief and allow You go to her country."

Hearing these words, the woman's dim eyes suddenly shone with excitement.

It's a pity that she couldn't speak at the moment, only a strange sound of unknown meaning came out of her throat.

Only a few seconds later, death finally came as expected.

Seeing the warm corpse lying on the ground with a smile on its face, the succubus immediately changed into another face, sneered and said sarcastically: "Mortals are so stupid that they are willing to believe such obviously deceitful nonsense. .How could the great goddess accept a soul who had just converted before death and had never done a single thing in her entire life that was in line with the teachings."

No need to ask, she is Ulrika who was sent by Talona to the material world to deal with those spies from hell.

After roughly confirming the surrounding environment and his position, this cunning succubus quickly disguised himself as one of the slaves, and followed those who had regained their freedom on the difficult journey back to the civilized world.

Traveling from the mountains of the Spine of the World to the cities of the South is no easy feat.

The first thing they have to face is all kinds of monsters and carnivorous beasts that are more ferocious than other places.

Across the river left over from the glacier, there are also large areas of perilous primeval forest.

Whether they encounter frost titans, winter wolves, white dragons, bears, tigers, gnolls, or goblin tribes along the way, they may all die in a very short time.

But Ulrika will obviously not sit back and watch these refugees who can bring great influence and believers to Talona die, but will ensure that at least one third can reach the town safely and spread their experiences.

This is also the purpose of the succubus teleporting all the way to the Spine of the World.


At the same time, far away in Silvermoon City.

Zuo Si is sitting in a gorgeous palace, enjoying local delicacies delivered by a beautiful elf.

And Erastrio was sitting opposite him, sipping a glass of Amber-colored fruit wine, a seductive blush appeared on his fair face and neck.

About a minute later, the Lord Silvermoon put down his cup and asked in a slightly playful tone: "So you have signed an alliance with Lord Nasir of Neverwinter, and you plan to deal with Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood together. Do it?"

Zuo Si nodded lightly: "That's right. Even from the perspective of Silvermoon City, if the Arcane Brotherhood is eliminated and Luskan transforms from an evil, chaotic and aggressive city-state into a neutral order, it is not Something bad, right?"

"I don't understand why you are suddenly interested in Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood? After all, compared with the richness of the Sword Sea and the south-central Sword Coast, the northern Sword Coast is so barren." Elastre continued to test road.

"You got one thing wrong, ma'am.

That is, this war was not started by me, but by the Arcane Brotherhood and the pirates who controlled Luskan.

What I'm doing now is just to strike first.

In fact, since the Neilanthel Islands forces under my control have established maritime order, they have often clashed with Luskan pirates who want to go south to plunder.

There are hundreds of sporadic battles alone.

Luskan's thriving black market is shrinking rapidly as there are not enough merchant ships and goods to plunder, and so are the pockets of the Arcane Brotherhood.

If there is no solution to their current predicament, even without me doing it, they themselves will find themselves in a violent infighting over resources and wealth.

Usually, the way to pass on an internal crisis is to launch a war abroad.

So there must be a battle between me and Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood.

This is the inevitable result of objective factors and economic laws, and cannot be avoided by relying on the will of a few people. "

Zuo Si explained in a casual tone.

He believes that with the political wisdom of the other party, he will definitely understand what he wants to express.

Facts have proved that Alastriol is indeed a very good ruler, and he nodded immediately to express his understanding: "Well, I understand. Regarding this matter, the attitude of Silvermoon City and Silvermoon Alliance is neither support nor No. You can do what you want, but you must ensure that trade resumes as soon as possible after the war is over."

"Trade route? Is there anything in Silvermoon City that must be purchased from Luskan?" Zuo Si keenly grasped the key.

He had always believed that there was no close trade relationship between Silvermoon City and Luskan.

Important daily necessities, including salt, all depart from Waterdeep City and are sent to Silvermoon City through complicated river transportation routes.

But now it seems that things are obviously not that simple.

"Yes. There are a lot of special products and magic materials from the ten towns of Icewind Dale. They need to go through Luskan as a transit to reach Silvermoon City. If this trade route is cut off, many mages will express dissatisfaction with it. When the time comes I'll have a hard time doing it too."

Alaszhuo didn't hide anything, and gave the reason openly.

After all, the mage is the most important pillar of the city.

Without their assistance, relying on that poor army alone, I am afraid that it would have been razed to the ground by the vast army of orcs, just like all the cities that were looted by orcs.

"That's it. Don't worry, this war will go fast, beyond everyone's imagination." Zuo Si assured meaningfully.

A satisfied smile appeared on Alastriol's face: "That's no problem. I hope you can completely transform Luskan after the war, making it an ally rather than an enemy of all other towns. We can join forces at that time For a prosperous, prosperous and peaceful North."

Zuo Si responded bluntly: "About the transformation, I already have a detailed plan, please don't worry.

As for a prosperous, rich and peaceful Northland, I beg to differ.

After all, all the towns and cities will unite around Silvermoon City and Neverwinter City right now because they feel the threat from Luxcan and the Arcane Brotherhood.

Under such a powerful external threat, they are naturally willing to give up part of their power and interests to ensure their survival first.

But when external threats disappear, conflicts of power and interests become more apparent.

Those seemingly unbreakable alliances may turn against each other in a very short period of time, eventually forming a new geographical pattern.

For example, several towns that are rich in ores, weapons, and armor will inevitably fight openly and secretly in order to grab market share, and if they fail, war may break out.

Perhaps you can make adjustments with your lofty prestige and superb diplomacy, but contradictions exist objectively and will not disappear because of this.

It will only continue to accumulate as time goes by, until it erupts in a more violent form.

So I suggest that you'd better not have too much hope for the future of the Northland.

Know that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. "

Undoubtedly, Zuo Si's remarks made Alustrio fall into deep thought.

She originally thought that once the Arcane Brotherhood was eradicated and Luskan returned to being a normal city, one of the greatest threats to the entire Northland would disappear.

Coupled with the fact that the orcs were killed and injured by the plague, it would be impossible for them to pose a new threat for at least a few hundred years, and future peace and prosperity can certainly be expected.

But now, Ms. Hope suddenly realizes that things are not as simple as she thought.

As she who has ruled Silvermoon City for more than a century and has been actively promoting the formation of the Silvermoon Federation in the past ten years, she is very clear that there will always be more or less friction between various towns.

Some of these are because of trade issues, others are land and mineral disputes.

Because there is a common foreign enemy that needs to be united, in most cases these disputes are mediated by Alustriel, each taking a step back.

But if there are no foreign enemies, will those towns be willing to give up the interests that should belong to them?

This is undoubtedly a big question mark.

After being silent for a long time, Alaszhuo finally raised his head and asked in a slightly anxious tone: "Since you have seen this, is there any good solution?"

Zuo Si replied without thinking: "Three options. One is to remain neutral and not help each other, and watch them fight until they are broken and bloody and can no longer continue the war before they come forward to mediate.

In this way, after learning the painful lesson, no one will try to provoke a war for at least fifty years.

The second is to support one of the towns and have them annex the other.

When one of the subjects of the contradiction disappears, the contradiction will naturally cease to exist.

As for the last one, Silvermoon City will personally launch the war, annex the surrounding towns, large and small, and establish a unified country.

Perhaps there will be a lot of bloodshed and sacrifices in the initial stage, but after reunification a stable national structure will be formed, and local forces can be suppressed with a strong central government.

Over time, when the concept of the country is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, similar situations will improve a lot. The Kingdom of Cormyr is the best example.

They have implemented the feudal system of enfeoffment for thousands of years, but there has never been an aristocratic rebellion like other countries.

The royal family has always firmly held the highest power, suppressing domestic conflicts through complex political means.

But I think with your personality, I am afraid that none of these three plans will be adopted. "

"How do you know I won't adopt it?" Alaszhuo raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked back.

"For by kindness, goodness, and justice you are loved and praised.

If one day you personally break the most perfect image in people's minds, then even the citizens of Silvermoon City will no longer support you.

What's more, you have set yourself a very high moral bottom line.

It's a noble act, but it's also a powerful bondage.

You can't let go of your hands and feet like me, and use many methods that are cruel to outsiders but very effective to deal with things quickly. "

As we all know, once such a thing is established, it cannot be easily changed.

Especially for public and political figures like Elastra, if the hard-won establishment collapses, the result will be disastrous.

What's more, her nature is like this. Whenever she does something that violates her conscience, she will feel a strong sense of guilt and guilt.

That's why Zuo Si directly stated the solution to the real conflict in the North.

Because he knew that even if he said it, the other party would not accept it.

As for the Silver Moon Alliance formed through diplomatic means, it is essentially a loose alliance.

Dwarves, elves, humans, and halflings have established large and small strongholds and cities here on a racial basis.

Each town has almost 100% independence and autonomy, which is maintained by the personal charm and prestige of Elastre.

If one day she dies or leaves office, the entire alliance may be disbanded at any time.

So Zuo Si is not optimistic about the future of the Silver Moon Alliance at all.

Erastriol sighed with a very free and easy smile: "Yes, you are right, I can't take any of the above three solutions. But it doesn't matter, I believe that everyone has kindness in their hearts. On the one hand, as long as the correct guidance, the contradiction will always be resolved."

"The beauty of fairy tales is that they are unreal. I can only respect your ideas, but I will never agree with them. So the future Luskan will be a neutral city and a city of trade." Zuo Si Very clearly guaranteed.

"I'm relieved to hear you say that. Well, after talking about so many serious things, it's time to relax a bit. Let's go, let's take a bath together and relax a bit."

Alustri stood up and extended an invitation to Zuo Si, who was a full head shorter than himself.

Because she was very tall (more than 1.8 meters), and she was wearing a pair of high-heeled women's shoes, so even the heavily armed knights at the gate of the palace seemed not so tall in front of her.

Of course, compared to Alustri's height, what Zuo Si wants to complain about most now is this bath, is it serious?

Although he had heard it before, if Alustri was interested in someone, or wanted to be friends with him, he would invite him to take a bath with him.

Because only when they take off their clothes and meet each other frankly, people will subconsciously let go of their guard and show the truest side of their hearts.

If it was a year ago, Zuo Si would definitely agree without hesitation.

Because at that time his body hadn't started to develop, he was able to keep 100% calm.

But now if they really meet each other honestly in the bathroom, God knows if the little brother will suddenly stand up and salute.

"Hehe, relax, just take a bath, don't be so nervous."

Alaszhuo thought that Zuo Si was shy, and immediately covered his mouth and snickered.

Because since they met, she discovered for the first time that this young man who has always shown maturity, calmness and rationality is also at a loss in some aspects.

"Well, it's just a bath anyway."

Zuo Si sighed helplessly, and followed the other party into the gorgeous bathroom in the palace.

After a while, there was the sound of rushing water and Eraszhuo's hearty laughter.

(end of this chapter)

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