One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 259: Irenicus' Secret Base

Chapter 259: Irenicus' Secret Base

There is no doubt that the death of a large number of demons forced the demons to give up their original plan to occupy the entire sewer first, and then use it as a base to attack the ground city.

Because no matter at any time, cowards are always the most important part of the demon army.

Even a lord who has very high requirements for the army will ensure that his subordinates have at least two-thirds of the total number of cowardly demon cannon fodder to consume the stamina and spell-like abilities of the opponent's high-level demons.

Of course, as long as the cowards can survive the continuous battle and get the blessing of the bottomless abyss, then they have the opportunity to evolve into a more advanced form.

Although this kind of lucky person who has the opportunity to evolve may not even reach one in a thousand or one in ten thousand, it is the only way for low-level demons to climb up.

It is said that Orcus, one of the three giants of the abyss, slowly evolved from a lowly worm to the apex of all demons.

This is completely different from most other demon lords who have been very powerful and advanced demons since their birth.

The process of his rise can be regarded as an inspirational model in the abyss, inspiring generation after generation of demons to climb up desperately.

But it is a pity that the cowards who invaded the sewers of Askatra were not lucky this time, and they encountered Zuo Si, the chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease.

As a result, not to mention the chance to evolve into a higher form, not even one survived by chance.

As the terrible plague spread and spread crazily along the stinky underground pipes, in just a few hours or so, the entire sewer was completely turned into a forbidden place for all living things.

Whether it was the thieves who escaped from the demon massacre, the black market peddlers selling stolen goods, or the ubiquitous rats and bugs, they all died under this round of indiscriminate attacks.

In order to prevent the plague from spreading to the surface, Yvette, the highest person in charge of the Talona Church in Amn, personally led the priests to cast the magic spell unique to the goddess of poison and disease at each exit.

When Sean VII led the members of the Masked Mage Guild to put down the magical eyes for observation and detection one by one, including the six-member council in charge of the highest authority in Amn, the major temples and churches, and the fiery heart The leaders of the knights, shadow thieves and other forces have clearly seen what happened in the sewer.

Whether it is the "Holy Ball of Physics" raging in the narrow passage like a meat grinder, or the bloody picture formed after being crushed by it, many people feel strong discomfort.

Some women with poor psychological endurance even vomited out on the spot.

Already used to all kinds of torture and interrogation processes, Alan Linville couldn't help but whistled, and joked in a half-joking tone: "Don't you think this thing is very exciting? Its flying speed is even faster than riding The horse runs much faster. If you encounter it in battle, I think the best result should be to commit suicide quickly, so that at least you can die more quickly.”

"Those flying and self-rotating iron balls are the result of some kind of magical effect?" A member of the Council of Six narrowed his eyes and asked.

Sean VII touched his chin and replied with great interest: "I think it should be the effect of magic.

However, there is obviously no record of this in the library of the Masked Mage Guild.

I think either he's using some kind of original spell that's never been seen before, or he's invented a new enchantment technique.

I have to say that this kind of thought and creative start is really eye-catching.

Especially in large-scale wars, it can definitely inflict unimaginable heavy damage on the enemy.

Not even demons can do anything about it, let alone an army of mortals.

It is estimated that seeing this thing rushing into the phalanx on the battlefield to kill and kill, the enemy will collapse across the board within a few minutes. "

"Can the Masked Mage Guild make such a magic weapon?"

An army commander in full body armor was visibly moved.

Because he knows too well what it will be like when these powerful iron balls are raging on the battlefield.

Especially the impact on the morale and psychological defense of the enemy soldiers is far stronger than that of fireball, lightning or even death cloud.

Sean VII shook his head slightly: "No. As I said just now, these iron balls contain many original spells and magic item production techniques.

Unless South is willing to tell us the answer, even if we get a sample or two, we won't be able to study anything.

What's more, compared to these purely physical damage iron balls, the plague that filled the sewers was the scariest.

Are you not surprised why so many cowards disappeared out of thin air? "

"You mean... those demons all died of the terrible plague, and then returned to their hometown in the abyss to be reborn?"

Witheran, the Grand Leader of the Blazing Heart Knights, suddenly had a serious expression on his face.

This is true for demons with strong immunity and adaptability, but what if it is used in other densely populated areas of Faerun Continent?

In fact, not only he was thinking this way, but many people around him also realized the seriousness of the problem.

"That's right! According to my calculations, for the demons to occupy the entire intricate sewer network of Askatra, at least 50,000 cowards and thousands of mid-level and high-level demons are needed.

But now, except for the temple area where a large number of demons are still active, there are only some remnants of the shopping mall area, and the sewers in the other urban areas have been cleaned up.

In other words, Sous killed at least 50,000 cowards and hundreds of high-level demons with just one person.

His title of the son of the plague and the man who destroyed the world is indeed well-deserved. "

Sean VII gave the answer meaningfully.

In his opinion, Zuo Si is simply an extremely terrifying humanoid strategic deterrent weapon.

Coupled with its powerful ability to cast arcane and divine spells, as long as he is willing to help him deal with "Ivy Kelasagran "Sharp Teeth", this ancient blue dragon king will definitely die in his hands.

But it doesn't matter, as a demilich, Sean VII has almost unlimited time to wait and look for opportunities to persuade the other party to join this feast of revenge.

As the eyes of magic spread throughout the sewer, these people present quickly saw the serious consequences of the raging plague.

Those rats that were supposed to be the carriers of the plague are now dying in patches under the terrible plague.

Especially the farther away from the exit, the higher the density of their corpses.

In certain shadowy nests, the remains of thousands of rats, cockroaches and other unknown gnats are packed together in a thick, scalp-numbing black covering.

Many women who had just vomited once saw this scene, and immediately ran to the corner and continued to vomit yellow-green gall water.

It wasn't until the Eye of Magic searched the entire Askatla sewer area at a fast speed that a high-level masked mage couldn't help but exclaimed: "It seems that Lord Sous has successfully cleaned up all the sewer areas except the temple area. Some of the demons have been cleaned up. It's unimaginable speed and efficiency."

"Does that mean we can go in and close the portal to the bottomless abyss?" Grandmaster Wetherland asked impatiently.

"Yes, yes, but what about the plague that pervades the sewers? I can't guarantee that you paladins will be immune to the power given to your chosen by Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, just like other diseases." There was strong uncertainty in the masked mage's tone.

As we all know, paladins have the special ability of "God's Blessing".

Whether it is an ordinary disease or a supernatural magical disease like lycanthropy and rotting corpse disease, it cannot affect it even a little bit.

But what if plagues and diseases also originated from God?

The head of Witherland suddenly fell into a dilemma.

On the one hand, he wants to lead the Knights to rush in, and drive all these demons who threaten the safety of the city and the lives of innocent residents back to their hometown in the abyss.

On the other hand, he also needs to ensure the continuation of the Knights, so that the paladins cannot suffer too many casualties all of a sudden, causing them to fall into a period of weakness for a long time in the future, unable to fulfill their own mission of punishing evil and promoting good, and upholding the law and justice. duty.

Many times, these two goals are in conflict.

Just when the head of Witherand was hesitating, Yvette, the supreme leader of the Talona Church, finally stood up and said in a slightly smug tone: "Please don't worry about this. The great goddess has given The new magic can make someone immune to the plague and toxins for up to two hours. With the number of our priests, we can almost maintain an elite team of no more than a hundred people to enter the sewer."



Two members of the council of six stood up excitedly from their chairs.

Yvette nodded without thinking: "Of course! So the top priority now is to mobilize and organize an elite team to enter the sewers of the temple area and join Lord Sous who is cleaning up the demons."

"Close the portal requires a mage, so I will bring fifteen mages with a certain level of spellcasting with me."

Sean VII was the first to stand up and make a clear statement.

Although according to his original idea, he hoped to send other high-level members of the Masked Mage Guild to die.

However, considering that this is an opportunity to get closer to Zuo Si, and by the way, to experience the strength and ability of Zuo Si up close, he decisively chose to join.

Immediately following the Knights of the Burning Heart, the major temples, and the city guards also sent their strongest combat forces, and even the Shadow Thieves Guild invited the legendary assassin Arkanis Gass to join them.

Of course, as for whether this Arcanis Gass is real or one of his substitutes, only the upper echelon of the Shadow Thief knows.

After all, Arcanis Gass was an out-and-out legend in Amn.

A long time ago, stories about him and those poor people who offended the shadow thieves and died of assassination were inexplicably circulated in the streets and alleys here.

If you carefully trace the source of the rumors, you will find that after the Shadow Thief was banned by Waterdeep City and expelled to Askatla to develop, the story of Arcanis Gas began to spread everywhere.

Calculating the time, his age has already exceeded the upper limit of human life span.

Although the shadow thieves have been publicizing that Arcanis Gass is the chosen one of the god of thieves, so he has obtained a nearly infinite lifespan, and will not age or die naturally at all.

But anyone with a little common sense would know that the name Akanis Gass was not on the list of the god of thieves' electors.

Therefore, the greatest possibility is that Arcanis Gass does not refer to a single person, but represents the member with the strongest assassination ability among the shadow thieves.

If the previous generation of Akanis Gass died, another person would be elected to succeed him immediately.

In addition, in order to increase the sense of mystery and deterrence, there are several substitutes for each Arcanis Gass.

When it is necessary to confuse the enemy or perform a death mission, the top shadow thief will send a substitute.

It's just that this double doesn't know that he is a counterfeit, so even if he is caught or captured, he doesn't have to worry about leaking important information and intelligence.

In this way, an elite team composed of thieves, warriors, paladins, mages, priests and other professions got into the sewer through one of the entrances after being blessed with divine magic.

At the same time, under the mage tower on the other side, Wilmes also assembled an army composed of dead-eyed tyrants, mummy warriors, orcs and goblin werewolf zombies, various golems, and others like Korgan, Rhett, Zebraman, Alena, Sun Elf Archer and other powerful subordinates, as well as the recently completed Death Slayer.

Looking at this unprecedentedly powerful army both in terms of size and quality, the Red Dragon couldn't help but spit out a lot of golden sparks from its nose excitedly, grinning and muttering in a voice only he could hear: "If this army really It's fine if it belongs to me..."

"Don't dream! Even you belong to the master."

The strange object unceremoniously interrupted Wilmes' beautiful fantasy.

Since the addition of the mind flayer and the new mastermind, it has learned a lot of psionic knowledge and skills from each other, so it is no longer the novice who used psionic power roughly like before.

Now this red dragon is completely under the control of the strange object, whether it is the change of thought or emotion. The former has no privacy or secrets about it at all, and even the occasional physical desire will be clearly perceived.

"Damn it! Are you going to deprive me of my right to fantasize?" Wilmes cursed angrily in a low voice.

"No! I'm just reminding you that it's best to accept your identity and position as soon as possible. Otherwise, the master's patience is not infinite. Don't forget the fate of the same kind that you imprisoned in the prison."

When he said this, there was no emotion in Qiwu's tone.

But because of this, the red dragon was particularly afraid.

As Zuo Si's power increased at an unimaginable and unreasonable rate, Wilmes came to realize that he was not irreplaceable.

Her only advantage is that she knew Zuo Si earlier, and she can barely be regarded as a "friend in need".

And with the passage of time, more and more benefits were obtained from the other party. In fact, Wilmes had long since lost the strong resistance at the beginning, and gradually accepted his current identity.

It's just that Red Dragon's arrogance and arrogance make her unwilling to admit the cruel fact that she has actually become Zuo Si's subordinate and pet.

To put it bluntly, he is a dead duck with a stubborn mouth, and he refuses to admit it verbally, but his body is still very honest.

Soon, under the leadership of Wilmes, this large army divided into two groups, one way was mighty and mighty towards the temple area, while the other way went straight to the secret base located underground in Woking mall area.

From Irenicas's "good sister" Badi, Zuo Si has already obtained the complete structural map of this place, as well as the locations of a large number of organs and traps, and intends to wipe out all the valuable things there.

Especially the results obtained by Irenicus in studying the gods and saints for more than a year, one of which is backed up in the dark compartment of the bedroom.

In fact, in order to keep the secret from the guys on the ground, Zuo Si deliberately stayed away from the mall area.

Moreover, the secret base of Irenicus has many protections, and it is difficult for ordinary magic eyes to find the hidden entrance.

After the confirmed team had already started fighting the demons entrenched in the temple area, Zuo Si cast teleportation magic and appeared beside the red dragon in an instant.

Looking at the fierce fighting scene ahead, he immediately asked, "How's the situation inside?"

"At least fifty lizards, more than twice as many glabras, and a large number of berserkers, flos, and cowards. Obviously, the things in this secret base have attracted the attention of the demons .They blocked the plague's attack through some kind of spell, so the resistance was very fierce. At this rate, the low-level undead will be consumed in another ten minutes."

Wilmes stated directly what he had observed.

Since high-level demons possessed very powerful power, she didn't dare to rush up and breathe dragon's breath and fight close to her like other enemies.

If you do this, within a few minutes, you may be torn to pieces by the six-armed snake demon and the berserker demon rushing up.

"In this case, let the undead withdraw, and we will launch a general attack directly."

With that said, Zuo Si bluntly activated the card in his hand.


Several of the most powerful summoned creatures at hand, including Cursed Blackguard Warren, Dragonborn Knight Davidian, and Eye of the Elder, appeared out of thin air.

Undoubtedly, Wilmes sensed the dangerous aura emanating from these people and monsters, and immediately subconsciously took two steps back, asking in an uncertain tone, "Are you planning to attack?"

"That's right. I don't want anyone to know I've been here, so it has to be fast."

After all, Zuo Si made an offensive gesture to his summoned creatures.

In just a second, Warren the Cursed Black Guard rushed out like a mad dog letting go of the rein at lightning speed, turned on the cursed sword of purgatory in his hand, and began to slash and kill the demons .

Since its power comes from the devils in Baator Hell, it exerted 200% of its combat effectiveness when dealing with the deadly enemy demons.

Especially the powerful cleave, when dealing with those low-level cowards, it can often kill all the targets within the reach of the surrounding two-handed giant sword in an instant.

Even if it collides head-on with high-level demons like Berserker and Glauber, it will not be at a disadvantage in the slightest.

Similarly, the Eye of the Elder also began to exert the power of its long-range turret, constantly pouring deadly magic rays on the demon, and occasionally using the high-level spells it mastered.

In just a few minutes, the demon guarding the door was forced back.

"Master, I want to quickly deal with these difficult enemies first, and it is best to attack front and rear. Do you know of any other entrances to this base?" Davian asked in a low voice.

Due to repeated blood enhancements using the red dragon's corpse, his eyes shone like a red dragon's orange-red light like flowing magma, and at the same time, traces of scales could be faintly seen under the skin on the surface of his body.

As long as Zuo Si gives an order, this loyal warrior will immediately transform into a strong and fearless red dragon, or a half-human half-dragon form.

The most important thing is that David will inherit all the fighting skills of being a knight after transformation, and use the dragon's body to display them.

So if he were to fight an ancient dragon with no professional level, the latter would definitely die.

"I just happened to know that there is one, which is specially for Badi to enter and exit freely. And the purpose of the frontal attack is just to attract the demon's attention, so that we can sneak in later." The corners of Zuo Si's mouth rose slightly, showing playfulness expression.

Obviously, controlling the Vampire Queen allowed him to obtain many of Irenicus' secrets.

Even how often the other party solves their physical needs, whether the target is a dryad, a water goblin, a succubus, a erinia, or a copy of the elf queen Alison, they all know it clearly.

In this secret base, Irenicus, relying on his powerful spellcasting ability, has built a huge harem that is enough to make countless men feel envious, jealous, and hate, to vent his twisted desires in his heart.

You don't need to ask to know that this is a rather fatal weakness.

As a mage, you can be cruel, evil, cruel, do whatever you want, and kill anyone who dares to offend you, but you just cannot control your subconscious desires.

Otherwise, once someone takes advantage of this, they can be easily killed.

Zuo Si once read in some books in Candlekeep that there was once a powerful mage who always liked to go to some shops that provided special services at night to "rescue" women who had stumbled.

His enemy discovered this, so he transformed himself into a blond girl who best suits the opponent's taste through transfiguration magic, and then decisively stuck a poisoned dagger into the eye when the fierce hand-to-hand combat between the two reached its peak inside.

Therefore, it is not casual to say that a knife on the head of the character is in Faerun.

Especially all kinds of transformation magic that can easily change the appearance and even the gender, it is definitely the nightmare of old perverts.

Because you never know, whether the opposite sex that makes you feel excited is a big man with scratching feet, or a bad old man with gray hair and beard, or it is not a human being at all, but something like a deformed monster .

Under the leadership of Zuo Si, an elite team quickly bypassed the front entrance, used a teleportation rune that originally belonged to Badi, and entered the interior of the base from the secret portal on the other side.

As a result, just after the teleportation was completed, he saw a group of dryads and water elves with only a few pieces of cloth covering their important parts, shivering in a completely enclosed room, obviously frightened by the large-scale invasion of other demons.

There is not much furniture in this room, only a large bed and various creative toys on the bedside.

Some of them even Zuo Si, who comes from the modern society of the earth, couldn't help sighing "really good at playing".

Obviously, this is where Irenicus vented his desire.

Based on this alone, it is not difficult to see that he really gave 100% trust to his good sister Badi, and even allowed her to directly enter and exit such a hidden and private place.

"You... who are you?"

A water goblin suddenly stood up, releasing an astonishing charm that cannot be described in words.

If it was an ordinary person or an adventurer with a weak will, I am afraid that he would be charmed in minutes, and then fall madly in love with her and would do anything for her.

But unfortunately, there was no ordinary person sent in this time.

There is more than one strand of divine power in Zuo Si's body, so this kind of low-level charm won't have even the slightest effect. Instead, he uses this opportunity to look up and down at the opponent's golden ratio figure, and that photo that is said to be able to blind people's beauty Exquisite face.

Dragonborn knights who have obtained the power of the powerful red dragon blood have extremely high magic resistance, so it is naturally impossible to be disturbed by the mere water goblin's charm ability.

As for the others sent in together, they are basically either the Death-Eyed Tyrant or the Death Slayer. As undead, they are immune to all forms of charm and control.

In the end, the poor water goblin found that his ability was useless in front of these terrible intruders, and immediately curled up in a corner with other dryads and water goblins and began to cry, as if waiting for a terrible fate to come.

"Master, what should we do with them?" Davian couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Well—it's definitely not okay to leave it alone. Because they saw us, they will definitely be exposed when Irenicus comes back. But killing these beautiful natural creations is a bit too cruel, so you know..."

Zuo Si gave the summoned creature that had followed him for the longest time a wink.

The latter immediately understood, walked straight to the tree spirit and the water goblin, punched them one by one, and knocked them all unconscious without mercy.

Zuo Si instantly activated the planeswalker's ability to make these concubines of Irenicus into biological cards and take them away.

After finishing all this, he gave the order to the Death Slayer to walk at the forefront of the team.

According to the base plan given by Badi, this place is no longer simply the sewer of Askatra, but has formed multiple small and independent demiplanes under the transformation of Irenicus.

Link each other through specific portals.

This also means that even those demons can't expect to get close to the core areas before getting the portal rune stone.

And Zuo Si's current location happened to be the place where Irenicus rested, entertained and relaxed. As long as he was careful not to touch those magic traps, he would not encounter too much danger.

Passing through several rooms decorated in an elf style, and a small garden full of trees and various plants, the team soon came to the huge circular portal.

"Ready to fight!"

Zuo reminded without looking back, and then activated the portal rune stone.

next second...

Amazing energy quickly entered the metal door frame made of Mithril along the magic lines on both sides.

Not long after, the passage between the two portals was opened.

Through the hazy image, it can be vaguely seen that there are more than a dozen high-level demons gathered on the opposite side to study how to activate the portal.

As a result, when the portal opened, they all froze for a moment.

Taking advantage of his opponent's stupefied effort, the death slayer rushed over, grabbed the nearest elite succubus, opened his mouth full of fangs and bit down fiercely.


"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!!"

Accompanied by a scream that could pierce the eardrum, the succubus was easily killed and swallowed directly.

The six-armed snake demon on the side reacted quickly, and immediately launched an attack wielding six weapons, trying to kill this terrifying monster.

But unfortunately, perhaps in the eyes of mortals, the lizard is a very powerful demon, but in front of this terrifying undead creature made from the heart of Baal, the god of murder, her combat skills and spell-like abilities are simply not up to par. what effect.

Especially the 【Sword Blade Barrier】 that surrounds the body can't even pierce the hard cuticle on the surface of the Death Slayer's body.

Even if the six weapons in his hand occasionally cut a hole or two by chance, they will repair themselves in a very short time.

On the contrary, every time the death slayer attacks, it can tear off a large piece of flesh and blood from the snake demon's body.

By the time other demons joined the siege, she was already dying and lost her ability to move. Her snake-like lower body was torn and dripping with blood, and even some internal organs and bones were exposed.

"Go! Kill them all! Don't let the portal close!"

A six-armed snake demon with the highest status and the largest body size gave orders to other demons in Abyssal language.

"What a coincidence, we actually thought of going together." Zuo Si also responded in Abyssal language.

Almost at the same time, the dragonborn knight Davidian directly jumped over the portal to the other side, raised his shield and knocked down a soul demon that looked like a wild boar walking upright,

Immediately afterwards, the body and the armor expanded rapidly, and in less than a second, it transformed into a huge red dragon.

Just as the demons were stunned, he first slapped all the demons close to him several meters away with his dragon wings, and then opened his bloody mouth and let out a deadly breath of flames.

boom! ! ! ! !

Bright and dazzling white flames instantly enveloped the entire not-so-spacious passage.

Most of the demons didn't even have the chance to cast teleportation magic and were swallowed by raging flames.

Due to the very high combat professional level, Davidian's breath power and duration are far more terrifying than other red dragons.

It didn't stop until there was a large area of ​​melting on the ground, walls and ceiling.

As for those unlucky ones within the range of the dragon's breath, they were either sent back to their hometown in the abyss, or most of their bodies showed signs of black carbonization, and they were only one step away from being repatriated.

However, the six-armed snake demon who was suspected to have the highest status sensed the danger in advance, and successfully ran away using advanced teleportation.

Zuo Si obviously didn't care about this, and was very interested in picking and choosing among those demons who were still alive for the time being.

After a while, a few more creature cards appeared in his hand.

Thanks for the gift from the abyss!

Obviously, Zuo Si can be said to be the most direct beneficiary of the big movement made by Ba Di this time.

Whether it is the mana brought by a large number of slaughtered demons, or the various high-level demons that can be made into cards, he has benefited a lot.

Not to mention being able to raid this secret base and take away all valuable things here.

In only ten minutes or so, Zuo Si wiped out all the magic items, materials, scrolls, and weapons that Irenicas had stored in the warehouse Curry.

If it wasn't for things like the portal that couldn't be disassembled, he might not even let the portal go.

By the time he got all the way into the most private room of Irenicus himself, the value of the loot had far exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

You must know that when they were exiled, Irenicas and Badi basically had nothing on them.

However, after coming to Askatla, the former, relying on his powerful spellcasting ability, accumulated such an astonishing wealth from scratch in less than two years, which is enough to prove how terrifying the legendary mage's wealth acquisition speed is.

However, how much of this wealth was obtained through legal transactions, and how much was obtained through extortion, it is not known.

"This room... looks really creepy."

Seeing the furnishings in Irenicus' room, Davidian couldn't help but give his own evaluation immediately.

The reason why he said this was because the room was densely hung with various body parts.

Among them, there are two embalmed arms and hands placed on the head of the bed, and two slender legs that have been cut off are placed under the bed.

As for the body without limbs and head, it lies in the middle like a doll.

The head is suspended from the ceiling above the head, and the two eyes have been given some kind of necromantic magic, which can turn back and forth like a living person.

"Please... Please! Kill me! Don't let me suffer this endless torture again."

The lips on the head suddenly began to move and speak.

"Do you know who you are?"

Since the appearance is quite well preserved, almost the same as when she was alive, Zuo Si can easily recognize that this is a copy of the elf queen Alison, which is no different from the ones packed in glass jars outside.

"I... I don't know! Master... Terrible master! Cruel master! Just because I said one wrong word, he turned me into what I am now. Please, give me a good time, I really don't want to live this way."

The duplicate struggled violently like crazy.

And her struggle would twitch her separated body, arms and legs.

"If you tell me where Irenicus hides his most precious notes, I'll help you get free." Zuo Si offered the conditions calmly.

As a person who has studied necromancy magic very well, he is very clear that the clone in front of him is actually dead long ago.

However, Irenicus cruelly maintained it with necromancy magic and ensured that its sensory system could function normally, so as to torture the opponent and make the opponent feel the pain of life rather than death.

This is one of the reasons why necromancers are so notorious in Faerun.

If it falls into their hands, even if it's just a corpse, it can make you experience a torture that is a hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times more terrible than death.

What's more, Irenicus is not a mage specializing in necromancy.

"Behind the wall! But the master has set up a powerful protective magic on it, and only he himself can pass through."

The clone who was eager to ask for Si didn't hide anything at all, and gave the answer directly.


Zuo Si cast her eyes on the place where the clone was looking at, and subconsciously stretched out her finger to touch it lightly.


An astonishing negative energy spewed out from inside.

If it wasn't for the elector's ability to have a resident [Death Barrier], it would probably take some damage.

"Traps and magical barriers unique to elves? A secret door that can't even be detected by magic vision and true seeing? It's interesting."

Zuo Si obviously became interested, and began to try to use the knowledge he had acquired to crack it.

After about half an hour, he finally completely broke the barrier that was as complicated as a small mystical lock.

After the illusion and power wall blessed on the wall disappeared, a small space inside that was only big enough for one person to stand was finally revealed.

Among them, the basic notes on the table are undoubtedly the most precious wealth of Irenicus.

Without further ado, Zuo Si immediately picked up the topmost book and flipped through it, only to find that it happened to record the content of the study on the sage.

In his notes, Irenicus elaborated on his understanding of the divine spark and power.

And he also made it clear that he had peeped into the biggest secret of becoming a god from a mortal.

But the problem is that the saint of Amana Tower is too weak to support it to complete the next series of experiments.

So he desperately needed a new experimental subject, a healthy, powerful divine creature capable of enduring cruel torture.

It's a pity that because Irenicus lived in an isolated forest for a long time, he didn't know much about the outside world and had no clue, so he finally approached Zuo Si for a second transaction.

Undoubtedly, this note is still very superficial for the study of creatures like gods, but it gave Zuo Si a lot of ideas for dealing with the incarnation of gods.

As he guessed before, gods are 100% pure spiritual beings, so if you want to really kill a god, you must have equivalent spiritual power.

To put it in an easy-to-understand way, we must reach the same height as God in terms of thought and philosophy.

Generally speaking, only fellow gods can do this.

However, the Abyss, which represents the chaotic evil of the multiverse, and the Baator Hell, which represents lawful evil, seem to have similar abilities. The abyss lords and devil dukes with the title of killing gods are the best examples.

Fortunately, defeating an avatar or saint is much easier than killing the god itself.

As long as it can counteract the divine power to a certain extent, the battle with the incarnation of the god is essentially no different from the battle with other powerful alien creatures.

It all boils down to a confrontation between energy and energy.

Whoever has more powerful energy will win the battle.

The reason why the founder of the Dragon Worship Cult was able to make Losander, the Lord of Dawn, bleed was that he used the remaining silver fire in his body.

In the same way, the reason why the opponent was instantly seconds is that he is just a mortal in the final analysis.

It is difficult to pose any threat to the battle avatar that contains amazing divine power by relying on ordinary one to nine-ring magic alone.

And Lathander would not give him the chance to cast more powerful legendary magic.

In addition, the Lord of Dawn also has a part of the sun priesthood, and he is born to be very restrained against undead creatures such as lich and dracolich.

It's no surprise that it eventually died.

But Zuo Si is different.

Not only does he have abundant divine power in his body, but he can also use the ability of the planeswalker to continuously draw energy from the magic net and the leylines.

Coupled with the astonishingly powerful divine impact scepter, it should not be difficult to kill an incarnation of a god.

(end of this chapter)

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