One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 269 Storm Queen Simbu

Chapter 269 Storm Queen Simbu

"Sous, are you alright?"

Kelben had apparently noticed that Zuo Si was in Silverfire Burst mode, a mode Elminster usually only uses when in danger.

"It's okay, I'm fine, thank you for your concern. But what the hell is going on? I don't remember sending a distress signal to anyone."

Zuo Si was a little surprised by the sudden arrival of these magic goddess voters.

Because he may have had relatively friendly and pleasant exchanges with Kelben and Elastret, but for other members of the Seven Northland Sisters such as Storm Silverhand, Dove Eaglehand, Simbu, etc., he almost never saw each other. I have never seen it.

But now, these people have rushed over, and it seems that they should come to help.

"It was my subordinates who found out that Manson of the Zhentarim Society and several red-robed chiefs joined forces to plot against you, so they prepared to thwart their plot. But now, it seems that you have handled it well by yourself."

With that said, Elastre cast his gaze on the corpse that belonged to Manson not far away.

Although he has been completely changed by the lightning energy released by the silver fire, his identity can still be identified just by the remaining part of the mask on his face and the throat guard around his neck.

After all, there are not many mages who like to wear masks and throat guards at the same time these days, and Mansong is undoubtedly the most famous one.

It may be that the throats of many hostile spellcasters were cut behind the back, so he himself paid great attention to the protection of his neck. It is said that he would not take it off even when he was sleeping.

"A member of the Harpers?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Zuo Si's eyes, and he instantly realized how powerful the Zhentarim and the Harper League were infiltrating each other.

No wonder it's always been said that when the Zhentarim gets a piece of important information, the Harpers get one right away, and vice versa.

Even the actions that Manson personally planned and participated in would be quickly known by the Supreme Mage of Silvermoon City, Alustriel, which shows how superb the camouflage and professional level of Harper's spies are.

Moreover, Zuo Si seriously suspects that in the Harper and Zhentarim intelligence organizations, there should be many profit-seeking double-faced agents, or other unknown forces stirring up the muddy water.

Otherwise, such important information should never have been leaked.

Just when Alastriol was about to respond, Simbu, the Queen of Storms, suddenly interrupted: "Okay, let's talk about it later when we're done. Right now is not the time to talk about these things. You know Counting Sazastan, there are already five red-robed chiefs here, if they are all killed, Searle should not have the courage and ability to cause trouble for a long time."

While saying these words, Simbu's eyes began to sparkle with silver fire, and at the same time, surging magical energy began to gather in her body.

As the hottest, craziest, and most awe-inspiring member of all the magic voters, the Queen of Aglaron has always had only one attitude towards the red-robed wizards, and that is to ruthlessly kill them all.

Because the red robe wizard is always planning to invade and annex her country, slaughter and enslave the people she rules.

It is said that in his youth Simbu was known for a long time as a "wild barbarian with magic".

Unlike other arcane spellcasters who are always cautious and careful, she has always been a faithful believer in the "Doctrine of Superiority in Firepower", and tends to pour countless spells on the opponent in a short period of time until they are completely drowned.

At the same time, when fighting, she would often go crazy because of her emotional excitement, and she didn't even take her own life seriously.

In the end, under the birth of this extreme character and fighting style, the famous "sequencer" magic was invented.

Through these pre-prepared "sequencers", Simbu can instantly release several spells in one breath through a certain trigger gesture or syllable, instantly killing a large number of red-robed wizards.

Although the Storm Queen was not as violent and irritable as she was young as she grew older, her hatred for the red-robed wizard never dissipated.

Especially Sazastan, who has been fighting with each other for hundreds of years, has always been one of the targets she desires to kill.

"Calm down, Ella Silan (Ximbu's real name). Even if you want to do something, you must at least figure out Sazastan's intentions first."

Kelben speaks quickly to stop his sometimes more dangerous companion than his enemy.

"Hmph! None of these evil red-robed wizards is a good thing, and they are always secretly plotting ulterior motives. Especially Sazastan, how many small tricks have been carried out against us over the years, and how many times have they planned?" A plan to invade Aglaron again?"

As he said that, Simbu's eyes began to become more dangerous, and all the red-robed wizards present began to frantically bless themselves with protective magic.

Because the latter is very clear that once this Storm Queen starts to attack, she will definitely not stop easily.

At that time, whoever has the most protective spells is likely to survive the stormy spell bombardment.

There is no doubt that this powerful deterrence and awe from the enemy is definitely the result of her tireless slaughter of every red-robed wizard she encountered for decades or even hundreds of years.

In other words, Simbu is one of the electors of the Goddess of Magic who are least willing to provoke among the many evil forces in Faerun Continent.

Unlike other voters who are relatively talkative, reasonable, and will not take the initiative to take action easily, she often only does one thing after encountering a red-robed wizard or a member of the Zhentarim, and that is to kill them without any nonsense.

It is precisely because of this attitude of not caring about killing that the red-robed wizard often says that if I break the oath, he will let me go out and meet the Queen of Storms when he swears.

It can be seen from this that in the eyes of the red-robed wizards, meeting Simbu has already been equated with meeting Death.

Of course, the side effect is that Simbu's image in many places and folk rumors are not very good.

Some thought she was moody, a dangerous madman;

Others think that when she is angry, she will turn the unlucky person closest to her into a frog or squirrel, and then trample to death.

However, most of the negative rumors about Simbu were deliberately fabricated by the enemy to discredit him.

But one thing is true, and that is the madness in Simbu's bones.

You must know that before the second-generation Goddess of Magic was killed, there was a missionary mage who annoyed Simbu.

Normally, the preaching mage is also a follower of the goddess of magic, and can even be regarded as a member of the elect.

The first preaching mage was the famous Azuth, the god of mages.

So unless the other party loses the position of preaching mage, Simbu can't take action against him.

Because this kind of cannibalism was strictly prohibited by the goddess of magic from the very beginning.

How did Kexinbu do it?

Frenzied, she immediately started to train an apprentice, and asked the apprentice to challenge the current preaching mage according to the rules after reaching a certain level, and then killed him in the spell duel and replaced him.

Yes, she circumvented the rules in an indirect way, and then killed the opponent openly.

And this kind of behavior is like slapping the face of one's own goddess, which is an out-and-out death.

The goddess of magic was instantly furious, and even once wanted to take back Simbu's silver fire and all the abilities of the voters as punishment.

But in the end, under the persuasion of other voters, she said, "Don't make an example" and let it go.

From this incident, it is not difficult to see that Simbu is actually a lunatic who doesn't care about the consequences of doing things. As long as his temper comes up, it is not impossible to raze a city to the ground.

"Are you sure you really want to fight here? The magic net around here has already been drawn too much energy in the previous battle, if it continues to fight, it will inevitably cause a terrible chaotic energy storm. What's more, I am not here to find Trouble, but to bring back these guys who bypassed the Chief Council and acted without authorization."

Seeing that his old opponent really wanted to kill him here, Sarzastan immediately made his position clear, literally writing the word "counseling" on his face.

As a typical chief red-robed wizard, he undoubtedly prefers to hide in the dark and engage in intrigues, sneak attacks and assassinations when the enemy is not prepared.

As for the stupid thing like the current confrontation with several magic goddess voters, only an idiot would do it.

"So, did you participate in this conspiracy?" Kelben narrowed his eyes and asked.

Sarzastan responded without thinking: "That's right. Because the concessions and strongholds on the west coast of Ferenc have not been under my control, but under the control of Aznar Srull. Knowing that Sousse explained the damage caused by the plague to the orcs in the north, he wanted to obtain this kind of power as a weapon. It happened that Mansong also had a very strong interest in Silver Fire, so he naturally chose to join forces. Unfortunately, they all underestimated this The power and influence of a young man."

Speaking of this, the powerful legendary lich deliberately paused, and then glanced at the giant dragons, titans, mind flayers, beholders, and many other monsters on the island with a slightly playful look.

Obviously, with these evil creatures in the eyes of most people in Faerûn, he was keenly aware of the difference in thinking and consciousness between Zuo Si and other Chosen.

Even without using any evil detection spells, Sazastan dared to conclude that this young man's camp is definitely not good, but neutral or evil.

"So... you're here to bring some red-robed wizards back?" Zuo Si tentatively narrowed her eyes.

"That's right. More importantly, I want to confirm with my own eyes the power you possess. After all, in Faerun, being a voter of the goddess of magic is not an easy task. There are countless people who will do everything possible to snatch or steal from you. It's stealing silver fire." Sazastan hinted meaningfully.

"Including you too?" Zuo Si asked bluntly.

Sazastan couldn't help but shook his head with a smile when he heard this sentence: "No, of course not. Because I know better than anyone what the fate of offending and angering the goddess of magic is, so you can rest assured that I am not you At least not yet. Compared to this, I am very interested in the special magic methods you used before. If you are willing to communicate in magic, you can come to Searle to find me at any time."

"Simanmeng said similar things to me before, but Mansong chose to be my enemy without hesitation when he thought he could succeed. In addition, you think that your face is so big that you can do it without paying anything. At the price, take these red-robed wizards away?"

While saying these words, Zuo Si's tone and eyes became extremely dangerous, as if she was ready to strike at any time.

After all, he now has several voters of the Goddess of Magic to help him, and even Simbu, the Storm Queen, who has had decades or even hundreds of years of grievances with the red-robed wizard.

If you don't suppress the opponent severely at this time, how can you be worthy of such a good opportunity.

"What do you want?"

Sarzastan clearly did not want to engage in pointless battles.

Because even if he teamed up with the other chiefs, he might not be able to deal with so many magic goddess voters at the same time.

What's more, Zuo Si also successfully killed Mansong, the leader of the Zhentalin Society, and seriously injured Aznar Srull at the same time.

Just looking at this record, you can tell that he is a difficult and ruthless character.

Especially after the "Silver Fire Burst" mode has been maintained for such a long time, there is still no sign of fatigue or weakening.

This also means that in terms of manipulating the Silver Fire, Zuo Si has surpassed Elminster to become the most terrifying person among all the voters.

"My condition is very simple. You can take away these red-robed wizards, but all concessions on the west coast of Faerun, including Calimshan, must be surrendered. From now on, don't let me see you, or I will Seeing one kills one, seeing two kills a double."

Zuo Si spoke the most murderous words in a very calm tone.

Completely drive out Searle's forces, and then fill in the gaps with his own organization. This is what he wants to do most at this stage.

"No! Impossible! You are dreaming!"

Aznar Srull struggled to get up from the ground and growled sharply.

If he really lost these concessions, his loss would be great.

Maybe there will be a large number of Tour de France instructors who choose to quit and join Szastan because they can't get enough funds.

Zuo Si sneered and sarcastically said: "Do you think I'm negotiating or discussing with you? No! I'm just notifying you. Regardless of whether you agree or not, any red-robed mage who hasn't left within three days will be hunted down." Kill. Of course, you can draw more men from Searle to fight a protracted war with me, let us see who can't hold on first. And as a price, your captured men will all die."

With the last word blurted out, Zuo Si winked at the liches behind him.

Vanessa understood it, and with lightning speed, she used a dagger containing a terrible curse to directly plunge into the heart of a Ring Mage instructor.

next second...

puff! ! ! ! !

Under the latter's shocked and unbelievable reaction, dark red blood spurted out, turning from a living person into a cold corpse in just a few seconds.

But that's not all.

The curse on the dagger broke out quickly, forming dense black symbols like spots on the broken heart.

In about ten seconds or so, the dead ring magic teacher suddenly raised his head and twitched violently. His two eyes changed from black to white, and at the same time emitted amazing negative energy.

In the end, under the influence of the curse, the mage became a low-level undead spellcaster without sanity, but retained his previous occupation level and spellcasting ability.

The reason why it is said to be low-level does not mean that its ability to cast spells is weak.

But because there is no sanity, it is very easy to be taken away by priests of the evil camp and other spells that control the undead.

"What happened to that dagger?!"

Aznar Srull obviously noticed the terrible curse carried on the dagger, and his face instantly became ugly.

He suddenly realized that using clones to revive might not be as safe as he thought.

Because if the soul is cursed and the corpse retains all the occupational levels it had in life as an undead creature, then even if it is successfully resurrected, it will lose most of its power, at least it is impossible to recover in a short period of time.

This is simply a fatal weakness within the red-robed wizard whose internal struggle is becoming increasingly fierce.

"You want to know? Why don't you come and let me poke it?" Vanessa grinned dangerously.

Just like Zuo Si will make some magic items and artifacts to strengthen his own strength after gaining more powerful power, he also made a very powerful cursed dagger through necromancy magic.

As long as a six-ring spell slot is paid, the lich can kill the target with a dagger and transform it into a zombie that retains its previous professional level and abilities.

Of course, except for special professions like paladins who can't coexist with undead creatures, and priests who rely entirely on the power given by the gods.

If the killed target prepared a clone for himself in advance, since the occupational level and abilities were stripped and stored on the corpse, even if it was successfully revived, there was no way to restore it, and it had to start all over again.

Although the knowledge and experience in the memory will not disappear, it is still a time-consuming and labor-intensive task for the body to re-accumulate magic power and deeply feel the existence of the magic net.

Unless someone is willing to use wish and miracle to help, otherwise you have to start over from LV1.

Through the special ability of this dagger, Vanessa has successfully transformed several high-level fighters, mages and warlocks, and even plans to use the enlightenment of the undead to give them wisdom when needed, and form a vanguard who obeys her orders .

"Enough! I accept your terms, let's end this farce together."

Sarzastan obviously didn't want to procrastinate any longer, and decisively made the final decision on behalf of the red-robed wizard.

Although the red-robed chiefs headed by Aznar Srull were quite dissatisfied with this, their eyes revealed naked and undisguised resentment.

But as losers, they have lost the right to speak at this moment.

In other words, they should start to worry about what kind of means the necromancer chief will use to suppress him and force him to hand over more power after returning.

"You really want to make peace with the red robe wizard?"

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in Simbu's tone.

In the opinion of this hot-tempered Queen of Storms, in such a situation where her own side has an advantage, it is reasonable to choose to do it directly.

"No, it's not peace, but a temporary truce." Zuo Si explained with a smile.

He understood that Searle's red-robed wizard was not something Mansong could compare with.

The latter not only has the enemy of the Harper Alliance, but also has to deal with the Church of Cyric, which may make a comeback at any time.

If you add yourself, it should be the Zhentarim Society and Zhentil Castle who should feel the pressure.

Apart from Simbu, Kessel's red-robed wizards hardly have too many external enemies, and there is no force around them that can threaten their rule over the entire country.

The failure of launching several foreign aggressive wars was mainly due to fierce internal fighting.

Therefore, rather than being an enemy of the red-robed wizard, Zuo Si would rather sit on the sidelines and enjoy the life-and-death struggle among them.

"You're smiling treacherously. You must be playing some bad idea. But I like it."

Although Simbu has a hot temper, he is not stupid. He immediately realized the importance of letting Aznar Srull go and let him continue to contain Sarzastan, preventing the latter from completely controlling the supreme power of Searle.

After all, the power erupted by a Searle who is severely divided internally and hinders each other is completely different from that of a Searle who is united by a strong leader.

Even she couldn't guarantee that Aglaron would not be swallowed by the other party after the red-robed wizard mobilized all of them.

"It is an honor to receive your compliment."

Zuo Si leaned towards the Queen of Storms with one hand on her chest, and bowed slightly, while a desire for sequencer magic flashed in her eyes.

You must know that in this real world, sequencer magic is not like in games, where you can learn it by just buying a scroll.

Just the opposite!

Sequencer magic is Simbu's exclusive spell, and its power is extremely amazing.

According to the information learned from Kelben and Eraszhuo, Zuo Si currently knows that there are three versions of the Sequencer spell.

Among them, the low-level version is called Simbu Spell Sequencing, which can instantly trigger three spells from one to four rings;

And the intermediate version is called Simbu Trigger, which allows Simbu to connect up to four spells from the first to the seventh ring;

As for the highest-level Simbu spell chain, it can even put the most advanced nine-ring arcane spells such as time stop and big rift into it.

When casting sequencer magic, Queen of Storms doesn't need to chant spells cumbersomely, she can release it all at once with very simple movements.

Therefore, in a battle, even if the opponent has all kinds of protection, they may be stripped off in an instant, or penetrated by a powerful chain spell.

Including many legendary mages, almost no one can guarantee that they can block the terrifying power produced by the three sequencer magics triggered in an instant.

Obviously, Zuo Si is not the first person to be interested and eager for sequencer magic, so Simbu has long been familiar with it, and even showed a joking expression, raised his chin slightly and said in a seductive voice: "If you are willing to share secrets about those interesting cards, I am also willing to share secrets about sequencer magic."

"Then it's settled. After I've dealt with all the troublesome things, I'll go to you to exchange my magic experience alone."

Zuo Si immediately agreed without hesitation.

Because with the strength he possesses now, he no longer needs to conceal his identity as a planeswalker.

Planeswalker at LV10, Creator at LV15, Archmage at LV2, Priest and Mage at LV5, Mystic at LV10, plus the power possessed by the dual electors, as well as massive hole cards including divine power and impact scepter, Definitely enough for most crises.

It can even be said that they are standing in the top first echelon of the entire Faerun continent.

Perhaps there is still a certain gap with the top spellcasters such as demigod Iolum and Earth Prophet Acindor, but even if they can't fight and escape, there is still no problem.

Especially after the planeswalker career reaches LV10, Zuo Si actually has the ability to enter the dark void at any time, and can stay under the protection of sparks for a period of time.

It's just that he himself is full of vigilance against the chaotic and disordered energy and matter of the dark void, so he has no plans to go and explore in a short time.

As Zuo Si reached a verbal agreement with Sarzastan, the captured red-robed wizards were quickly released.

Of course, all the magical items that had not been destroyed by the Great Crack were stripped away before they were released. Some mages even had only a pair of shorts left on their bodies, and returned to Searle through the portal in the most humiliating way.

If the feeling of losing all magic items and returning to pre-liberation overnight is heartbreaking, then the unlucky man with a magic tattoo destroyed by the Rupture is downright hopeless.

You must know that one of these tattoos counts as one, and they are all equivalent to semi-permanent magic items, which can provide red-robed mages with one or two additional spell-like abilities.

Under normal circumstances, this spell is a trump card used to save life at critical moments, and it will occupy a large area of ​​skin.

This is why most red-robed wizards are bald, even women who love beauty.

Because the bald head can increase the area of ​​​​the tattoo, so as to obtain more and more powerful spell-like abilities.

And once engraved, it can no longer be replaced.

Even if the skin is peeled off, regeneration with the help of magic or healing potions is no exception.

If the magic tattoo is destroyed, it is equivalent to having one less card than the enemy that can reverse the situation and save life at a critical moment.

In the evenly matched struggle among the red-robed wizards, it might become the most fatal weakness.

I believe that through this battle, Zuo Si will surpass Simbu, the Queen of Storms, and become the enemy that all the red-robed wizards are least willing to face and provoke in a short time.

Because Simbu is terrible at best, but Zuo Si can make them taste the taste of life.

Especially the unscrupulous use of the Great Crack is simply a nightmare for all spellcasters.

When the last red-robed mage passed through the portal, Sazastan smiled and said: "Goodbye, young voters. Although some idiots' unauthorized actions have caused some unpleasantness between us, I believe we We will not become enemies. Maybe we can become allies when we meet again next time."

"Ally? Forget it, I don't want an ally who can stab me in the back at any time." Zuo Si bluntly expressed his disdain.

He might make deals with the red wizards, but he would never consider them allies.

Because before Sazastan succeeded in unifying Cyre, if you became an ally with the chief of one of the factions, you would definitely become enemies with the chiefs of the other factions, and then you would be forced into endless infighting.

"Hehe, it seems that you have a deep misunderstanding of us. But it doesn't matter, time will tell everything."

After all, Sazastan stepped through the portal and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The moment after he left, the surviving tower masters and high-ranking mages of Erinia and the Arcane Brotherhood all activated teleportation magic to escape.

These people knew very well that with the withdrawal of the Zhentarim Society and the red-robed mage, they and others were equivalent to being abandoned as pawns.

If you don't run away quickly, what awaits you next will be a consequence more terrible than death.

But unfortunately, before the teleportation spell took effect, the anti-magic force field of the Elder's Eye covered Akram Grace and Erinyes.

Several other guys also failed to escape under the cover of [Space Lock].

"Want to run? Have you asked me?"

Zuo Si raised the artifact in his hand and directly bounced back the [Dissociation Technique] shot by one of the guys.

next second...

The guy who was trying to make a final resistance was disintegrated into a pile of worthless green powder by his spell.

Seeing this, Erima threw down all the weapons he was carrying, and raised his hands obediently.

"I surrender! You win."

"Oh? Why surrender? As a devil, even if you are killed in the material plane, you will only return to your hometown in hell to be reborn."

Zuo Si watched this fallen angel exuding amazing charm with great interest.

Erinite smiled and replied: "One hundred years is too long, I don't want to leave the interesting material world too early. And I suddenly feel that it seems a good choice to betray Grand Duke Disbate and join you. At least that little thing is under your command Seems to be doing pretty well.”

Hearing this sentence, the little devil who is a familiar pet immediately felt threatened and screamed piercingly: "No! Great master! Don't believe this bitch's lies! She must be trying to lurk in the Secretly collect information from your side, and then pass it back to hell."

"Are you afraid that I will take your place?" Eriny looked at the little devil with contempt.

"I'm just performing my duty, reminding Master to be careful of your schemes." The little devil retorted through gritted teeth.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is afraid of being replaced by Eriny.

After all, no matter in terms of ability or level in hell, erinyao is many grades higher than little devils.

Coupled with its glamorous appearance, it is naturally in line with most human beings' pursuit of beauty and desire, so once it is accepted to replace the latter, it is simply a breeze.

"It's ugly jealousy. But unfortunately, the final decision is not yours, is it?"

After all, Eriny spread its black wings to show off its proud figure and its magical power.

There is no doubt that she is a warlock, and her level is at least LV14 or higher.

"Very well, I accept your surrender. But before that, there is a small problem that needs to be resolved, and that is about your loyalty."

Zuo Sichong winked at Davidian, a dragon-born knight who had just recovered his human form, standing aside.

It was not the first time for the latter to do this kind of thing, so he immediately understood it, and swung up the shield violently and smashed it down from the back.

Erinia's perception attribute is very high, usually at least 18 points, so he noticed it immediately and turned around to fight back.

But the moment she raised her arm to engage in close combat, she suddenly felt a huge force directly overwhelming herself, and hit her head hard.


The head of this beautiful and evil creature flew out in the opposite direction directly under the slap of the shield, spit out a mouthful of blood and several teeth from its mouth, and questioned at the last moment of losing consciousness why the opponent's strength attribute was so much higher than his own .

You must know that Erinia is a fallen angel born for battle. Even if the profession is a warlock, he has almost 20 points of strength, and his agility and physique are as high as 23 points and 21 points.

Even melee combat is enough to crush most fighters below LV10, which belongs to the real dual cultivation of magic and martial arts.

However, Erinyao, who was knocked out, didn't know that the strength attribute of Dragonborn Knight Davidian had already reached an astonishing 40 points.

Not to mention a small erinyao, even the most advanced deep-hell fiend came, and would be suppressed by its astonishing power.

Without any hesitation!

Zuo Si directly made the erinia, which had lost the ability to resist, into a LV6 creature card.

As expected, this guy not only has a Warlock level of LV14, but also a Warrior level of LV4. He definitely belongs to the second-tier lord of Hell, the right-hand man of Grand Duke Disbate.

Moreover, the statement just now was probably just hypocrisy, just like what the little devil said, he was here to collect information.

But none of that matters now.

Because from the moment she was made into a biological card, she was doomed to serve the planeswalker loyally whether she wanted to or not.

In addition, Zuo Si also found a small box emitting necromancy arcane light from Erinia's belongings.

"A phylactery? It seems that my luck is really good, what do you think? Dear Aklum Grace..."


The mage, who had just transformed into a lich, showed a pleading and desperate expression, and knelt down with a faceless plop: "Please! Don't destroy it! I swear that I will serve you as a servant from now on." , obey every order you give."

"Damn it! This scene really makes me sick." Storm Silverhand sarcastically said.

As a member of the high-level Harper, she has dealt with the Arcane Brotherhood a lot in the Northland these years, and she understands what Akram Grace is.

It just made her never expect that when his life was threatened, this old guy really didn't even want a bit of face.

"Sous, what do you plan to do with the remnants of the Arcane Brotherhood?" Alastriol asked with great concern.

"It's very simple. It would be too wasteful to kill them all. It's better to turn them all into summoned creatures that cannot defy my orders."

With the last word blurted out, Zuo Si stretched out his hand and pressed Aklum Grace's head, warning in a cold and emotionless tone: "Don't have any sense of resistance, otherwise I will It will destroy your phylactery without mercy."

"Please rest assured, as long as I can survive, I am willing to pay no matter what the price is."

Akram Grace has fully developed the word "dog" to the extreme.

Because in his philosophy of life, only living is the foundation of everything.

As long as he can survive, he will be able to find a way to get out of control in the future, and even succeed in counter-killing.

But what he didn't know was that after becoming a planeswalker's summoned creature, even thoughts and consciousness would be modified without leaving a trace, and there would be no chance at all.

When the power of the spark is activated, the Lich and his phylactery quickly become a card in Zuo Si's hand.

When the voters of the Goddess of Magic saw this scene, they showed expressions of shock.

Because they all knew a little about the secrets of the card, they immediately showed a strong interest in it.

Alaszhuo, who had "meet each other frankly" with Zuo Si in the bathroom, stepped forward quickly, bent down to let his long silver hair hang down, and stared at the card on the card against Zuo Si's cheek. A series of symbols and words that had never been seen before asked in a low voice: "What is written on it?"

Because it was very close, the hot air from the hopeful lady's mouth just hit Zuo Si's ears, which made him shrink back a little. At the same time, he also had some physical reactions, so he hurriedly explained helplessly. : "This is all the detailed information of Aklum Grace, including his spellcasting level, race, various abilities and spells he has mastered, etc., as well as the price that needs to be paid when summoning. In addition, you can Would you please step back a little?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot that your body has developed to the point where you can feel the opposite sex." Alaszhuo snickered while covering his mouth.

Judging from her reaction, although it may not be intentional, she definitely didn't mean to apologize at all, and she even enjoyed the feeling of molesting Zuo Si.

Seeing that Alastriol's old problem was about to happen again, Kelben quickly stood up and interrupted: "So, you have the ability to make other humans or monsters into summoned creature cards? This ability can ensure that summoned creatures Never betray or get out of control?"

"That's right. I summoned 90% of all the monster army you see now." Zuo Si admitted generously.

"What about the restrictions? What are the restrictions?"

Simbu also leaned over and asked excitedly.

Through this ability, she seemed to see the dawn of a permanent solution to the threat of Sel and the red-robed wizard.

Because as long as the energy continues to turn the captive red-robed wizards into summoned creatures, and then turns around and let them deal with their own people, the energy will continue to consume their vitality.

In the end, under this ebb and flow, the current ruling structure of Searle is completely destroyed, and then the slaves and civilians enslaved by the red robe wizards are liberated.

Zuo Si guessed the storm queen's thoughts at a glance, shook her head lightly and responded: "If you intend to use this method to disintegrate the entire red-robed wizard, you should give up.

Because making creature cards has two huge limitations.

First, there can only be four cards of the same type at most.

In other words, if I made four human mage cards, I couldn't make a fifth.

Second, although biological cards can be plural, for example, I can turn a group of goblins or orcs into a biological card, but it cannot exceed the highest level limit that I can master.

So unless you can capture dozens or even hundreds of red-robed wizards alive at once, it doesn't make much sense.

Of course, if only a few spies were planted inside them, that would be fine. "

"I see. But it seems good to be able to check a hidden spy inside the red robe wizard. At least we can know in advance when they are planning a conspiracy."

Simbu touched his chin and began to think about the feasibility and specific operations.

Not only her, but several other Goddess of Magic's voters also realized how amazing Zuo Si's abilities can be in fighting evil organizations.

While Kelben, Elastra, Simbu, Storm Silverhand, Dove Eaglehand and others were discussing in low voices, Zuo Si unceremoniously knocked out all the remaining members of the Arcane Brotherhood, and made Become a LV8 group summoning creature card.

After finishing all this, Zuo Si began to order the fleet to land in an orderly manner, and began to take over the streets of Luskan.

Any lawbreakers who took advantage of the chaos to loot houses and shops would be executed immediately in front of the local residents without any trial at all.

Those gangs of thieves and the remaining pirate forces that wanted to control more streets collapsed quickly under the merciless massacre.

As for the Ratmen living in the sewer, they were quickly killed and injured under the siege of the undead army, and they did not cause any disturbance at all...

(end of this chapter)

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