Chapter 279 Diary

Zuo Si is undoubtedly very interested in what is hidden in Varenna's mind.

But he was not in a hurry to conduct research, but was going to take the group of refugees who were about to starve to death to a relatively safe place for protection.

But as an outsider, it is obviously not an easy task to gain their trust.

In addition, Zuo Si was too lazy to make things too complicated, so he directly chose to cast the five-ring magic [Dominate Human Beings] on Varenna, who is the leader of the camp.

Through this spell, he directly manipulated the other side to announce to all the refugees that he was a member of the Mages Council from the Floating City of Plantia, and could provide safe shelter and enough food for all those who were still alive.

Although at the beginning, many people had strong doubts about it.

Because they are not fools, they can see how bad the situation outside is, and all kinds of undead creatures are almost everywhere in the streets and alleys of the city.

Moreover, for a long time after the outbreak of the plague, they did not hear any news about the mage council and the floating city, nor did they see any army or mages coming to save themselves.

Most importantly, the refugees are not sure whether they will be infected by the plague outside after leaving this safe place.

After more than two years of despair, all survivors lost their trust in the Mage Council and the Floating City.

If it weren't for the genuine awe of magic and mages remaining in his bones, he might have made some radical moves.

After all, in many versions of rumors, it has been mentioned that this plague is very likely to be caused by necromancers who went wrong when conducting dangerous research and experiments, and then led to such serious consequences.

But in the end, driven by hunger, the men agreed to walk out from the hidden tomb.

Under the leadership of Zuo Si, everyone took a small amount of belongings and quickly headed towards the location of the warehouse along the underground tunnel.

The tunnel, which was originally only enough for a ten-year-old boy to crawl, was quickly expanded to about two meters high and three meters wide under the effect of magic.

When they climbed out of the warehouse, these famished people rushed to the place where the food was stored, desperately stuffing bacon, jerky and hard raw grains into their mouths.

Some of them ate too fast, and almost choked themselves to death.

Fortunately, Zuo Si was beside them, helping them get out the stuff stuck in their throats and trachea, otherwise they would have suffocated to death within a few minutes.

Similarly, this also reminded Zuo Si to pay attention to the food intake of these people, so as to prevent them from accidentally stuffing themselves to death.

You must know that for a group of people who have endured hunger for a long time, it is impossible to control the instinctive and strong desire to get enough food suddenly.

Zuo Si also went hungry once. Although it was only for a few days, the unforgettable feeling will never be forgotten in her life.

After preventing these people from swallowing grains and chewing hard bacon and jerky, he decisively summoned [Hero Feast].


These two hundred refugees are boiling!

Because even before the plague broke out, none of them had eaten such a delicious thing, and more than two-thirds of them accidentally bit their tongues while chewing quickly.

Seeing the devouring faces of these refugees, Zuo Si immediately ordered to Vanessa: "Send two people to the underground area of ​​the cemetery to detect if there are other gathering places for survivors. The permanent population of Hull is about half a million. I feel that there may be similar places in other tombs inside. In addition, pay attention to sprinkle the holy water I prepared around the warehouse to ensure that these people will not be infected by the plague remaining on the undead."

"Understood, leave it to me."

The lich took the bottle filled with holy water and nodded.

After a while, he evenly sprinkled the holy water around the warehouse, and issued an order to all the controlled undead and constructs, prohibiting them from approaching these survivors who were in an extremely weak state.

In fact, for all the undead and golem structures that were brought over, Zuo Si did not intend to bring them back to Faerun or other worlds.

Because from the moment they are released, they are very likely to become carriers of the terrible plague.

Unless collective disinfection is carried out, it is basically a group of mobile natural disasters.

Relying on the powerful magic item, the Tome of Undead Control, most of the low-level undead in Hull City were captured in just a few days, while those high-level undead who were born with sanity were either captured without a trace. Destroy without mercy, or be forced to choose to surrender and become the commander in chief of the undead army.

In the end, the liches successfully replenished the city with about 80,000 to 100,000 undead cannon fodder.

In addition, the magic materials and iron ingots of Cang Curry were also made into thousands of the simplest and cheapest steel constructs.

These constructs do not have the powerful magic resistance and immunity like golems, let alone understand complex commands.

But the advantage lies in the large number, and the defense against physical attacks is amazing, and they will not be affected by mind or charm spells.

Seeing the dense army of constructs and undead in front of them, the core members of the organization present could not help but feel a surge of emotion.

"Now, we finally have enough capital to recover Plantia Floating City."

With that said, Zuo Si activated the power of the planeswalker spark, and forcibly tore open an unstable space rift again.

next second...

Countless constructs and undead creatures rushed over.

The incomparably spectacular scene even made the rescued survivors near the warehouse open their mouths in shock, speechless.

At this moment, they really believed that this group of spellcasters of unknown origin might really be able to occupy the floating city and end this desperate doomsday.

At the same time, the army passing through the crack, led by those high-level undead creatures who chose to surrender, soon began to attack using the mage tower as the forward base, and captured nearby buildings one by one along the street.

Especially those towers that can release all kinds of amazing destructive magic.

All of a sudden, the originally silent Plantia Floating City suddenly became lively.

A large number of undead who were originally hidden in inconspicuous corners rushed out to mingle with these invaders under the order of the lord.

Some relatively spacious streets, parks, and squares gathered tens of thousands of undead creatures belonging to different lords in a very short period of time, and then began to fall into endless wars of attrition and tug-of-war.

Because low-level undead have no sanity and will not feel fear, so from the moment the battle broke out, they entered a tragic state that living people could never imagine.

I saw them wearing the armor and clothes they had when they were alive, and carrying all kinds of simple weapons that they picked up randomly in the streets and alleys, huddled together like sardines.

When they reached the forefront of the battle line, they would immediately try to smash the heads of the opposite undead creatures with a very clumsy movement.

If the weapon is lost in the melee, they will grab it with their hands, bite it with their teeth, and even hit it with their heads.

The smart ones will pick up the fallen thigh bones on the ground and use them as sticks.

Almost every minute, hundreds of skeletons or zombies were dismembered and consumed. The broken bones and corpses even piled up a raised hill in the center of the battlefield.

But what's interesting is that neither the lords of undead creatures who evolved sanity nor the liches on Zuo Si's side had the slightest intention to end the game themselves, nor did they care how staggering their losses were.

Because this is the war between the undead!

A war that is a hundred times more tragic than the war in the living world!

A kind of war with only cold calculations and a life-or-death battle!

Unless the cannon fodder is exhausted, the lords will not risk being killed in person.

As for Zuo Si, it is purely because there are enough war resources and cannon fodder on hand, so there is no need to reveal his cards too early.

And he also intends to test whether there is some kind of connection between these high-level undead creatures, or whether they are jointly subordinated to a powerful undead creature king.

One must know that the concentration of negative energy in the environment of the floating city is beyond the reach of ordinary cities on the ground.

In addition, there are still many corpses left by archmages and high-level professionals after death, so it is easier to spawn powerful undead creatures. Those death knights holding cursed weapons are the best proof.

Standing on the top of the tower overlooking the advancing front, Zuo asked without looking back, "How, how many threatening undead lords have you detected?"

A female lich who is good at divination magic replied without thinking: "So far, there are fourteen observed. Seven of them are melee zombies, skeletons, and death knight lords, and two are spirit lords." The body of the banshee lord, and five ragged robes, obviously should belong to the caster. But we don't know what kind of magic and spell-like abilities these guys have. "

"Accelerate the consumption of cannon fodder as soon as possible, forcing some of these lords to join the battle." Zuo Si quickly gave instructions.

He has no time to accompany these guys to dawdle and fight for several months, but hopes to defeat them as soon as possible and complete the actual occupation of Plantia Floating City.

After all, occupation and control are only the first step, and then the entire city must be cleaned and disinfected, and some survivors must be collected to rekindle the flame of civilization.

No matter which one of these things, it takes a lot of time and energy.

"Without the use of constructs, with the current number and density of low-level undead creatures on the battlefield, we may not be able to deploy more troops." Jeffrey explained helplessly.

"According to the current consumption rate, how long can the opponent last?" Zuo Si frowned subconsciously.

Jeffrey replied without thinking: "Even if it is the fastest line, it is estimated that it will take at least two hours. You can go to rest for a while, or do other things to pass the time. Here are some We'll just keep an eye on it."

"Do you need me to keep this holy sword?"

Zuo Si grabbed the sword in its sheath and asked.

This action immediately scared all the liches present back two steps, and Vanessa shook her head desperately: "No, no need, we can control the situation. You should keep this weapon for your own use. For the time being, I don’t want to experience the feeling of being instantly blasted by positive energy.”

"That's right! I think compared to those lords, the sword in your hand is the biggest threat to us." Jeffrey also echoed.

From the reactions of the liches, it is not difficult to see how frightened they are of the holy sword after Kasumir and Daystar merged.

Because whether it is the extra magic resistance and dispelling magic effect provided by the former for the holder, or the amazing positive energy possessed by the latter, it can give any undead creature an unimaginable devastating blow at the moment of hitting.

Not to mention a lich, even if a demi-lich with more powerful power is hit, it is estimated that even if it does not die, it will be half-disabled.

Due to the weakening of the order and admiration beliefs instilled in the paladins during the transformation process, and at the same time greatly strengthening its sacred characteristics of positive energy, as a result, just pulling out this holy sword will form a positive energy area within a range of more than ten meters around .

All creatures in the area are slowly healed and boosted to its effect, while undead are continuously burned.

If the Church of the Good God and the paladins learned that such a holy sword was born, they would probably want to get it at all costs.

And this sword is the strongest trump card that Zuo Si prepares to recover the Floating Void City.

He believed that no matter what kind of undead creature it was, it would become extremely vulnerable in front of the holy sword.

However, the panicked reaction of the liches still made Zuo Si laugh, and joked while laughing: "As a lich whose soul is kept in the phylactery, you don't need to be afraid of the holy sword at all, you can even use it to fight Those difficult enemies will all die together. Anyway, in a few days at most, you will be able to respawn next to the phylactery."

"Your Excellency, please don't be joking. Undead creatures' fear of positive energy is an instinct engraved in the soul, even a lich that retains the memory and personality of its life is no exception." Jeffrey explained with a serious expression.

He was obviously taken aback by Zuo Si's wild ideas, for fear that the top leader of the organization would really let him do this.

Let the lich take a holy sword to die with other undead lords?

Just imagining this picture in my heart will produce strong discomfort and rejection.

"That's really a pity. Well, I'll leave it to you guys here. I'll go and rest for a while, and call me after the lords join the battle."

After all, Zuo Si took the holy sword and returned to the small room that once belonged to him in the mage tower.

Seeing the once extremely familiar furnishings and decorations, and the two low-level undead creatures who stomped on to generate electricity day and night, he couldn't help sighing in a low voice: "Unexpectedly, it only took more than two years for me to come back again. .It's just that this time my identity is no longer a chess piece controlled by others, but a chess player who can control my own destiny."

"Are you remembering your lost youth?"

A thick tome book hanging next to the satchel suddenly made a sound without warning.

"Youth? Hahahaha! That kind of thing has long since ceased to exist for me. This should be clearest to you, who carries my past thoughts."

Zuo Si smiled and shook her head, not at all surprised that a book spoke.

Because this book is a diary that empowers the mind with the ability of the creator.

In this way, he obtained a magical creation with a mind very similar to his own.

Unlike most other magic items that are used to obtain stronger defense or attack capabilities, this creation, which has a very similar way of thinking to its own, is used to have a dialogue with the past self and keep a clear mind at all times.

"No! This is remembering.

Although you don't want to admit it, you actually enjoyed the time you lived in the floating city.

While Ashtar is using you and forcing you to shed those values ​​and weaknesses in character that modern society has cultivated, it also gives you a lot.

Including but not limited to respected social status, the privilege of deciding the life and death of dozens or even hundreds of slaves in one sentence.

All this is something you cannot obtain in today's society.

Don't forget, I carry your past thoughts, so I know very well what you were thinking at the time.

It is the feeling of being able to control and change the fate of others at will that shapes your current character. "

The diary uses extremely sharp words to point out the subtle psychological changes that even Zuo Si has not noticed.

Of course, it will only express its own opinions and suggestions when there are no outsiders, and it is habitually silent on weekdays.

"So you think I have the same emotion towards Asta as Stockholm Synthesis?" Zuo Si asked with interest, rubbing his chin.

The diary replied in a deadpan tone: "On the contrary, your reaction was more serious and terrible.

At least I haven't heard of anyone suffering from Stockholm Syndrome who would kill the person who made him feel dependent without hesitation.

I think you suffer from another psychological problem, that is, you are always in a strong sense of anxiety and crisis.

That's why you'll take vengeance on those who threaten your life.

Any external stimulus that exceeds a certain threshold will trigger a violent reaction in you.

This is unusual and also makes you look dangerous to others. "

"So according to the diagnosis of modern medicine and psychology, I should be regarded as a patient suffering from mental illness and mental problems? And the illness is not serious?" Zuo Si couldn't help laughing at himself.

In modern society, when the police shoot and kill criminals, they have to undergo a series of psychiatric evaluations and psychological counseling, not to mention the things he has experienced.

In other words, after being forced to dismember the living and dead bodies for more than a year, he was quite lucky not to become a psychopathic lunatic.

As for other aspects, of course we can't ask too much.

What's more, Faerun is not much better, there are lunatics, paranoiacs, psychopaths, fanatics, demon worshipers and devil worshipers.

The conspirators from all walks of life also appear on the stage after you sing, and there is no stable life at all.

Under such circumstances, do you still want to be a normal person who abides by the law?

Stop dreaming!

"Modern medicine and psychology target ordinary people, and you are already different from them.

I just want to remind you, don't always maintain this high-tension state of constantly fighting with others, and you should relax a little bit occasionally.

For example, go to a relationship with those women who obviously have a crush on you.

If you like something a little more mature, I think Alustriel is good.

Her extensive experience in this area and her gentle personality can bring you unprecedented pleasure.

If you like a little more youthful, Hermione Granger is a good choice, and you can also take this opportunity to get closer and train her to become a qualified helper.

If you like to do what you want, consider Isadora. Although she has great problems in spirit and heart, she will never refuse any request you make.

As for those creatures such as dryads, water goblins, succubi, and erinia that can only be used to vent their desires and energy, forget it.

In short, what you need now is to divert your attention a little bit and let your tense nerves relax completely. "

The diary gives its advice straight to the point.

Unlike strange objects and mage towers, which are basically "mentally retarded" at the beginning of their birth, because there are a lot of thoughts recorded in the content, they have a complete and independent consciousness from the beginning of their birth.

"Unexpectedly, you still care about my love life..."

The corner of Zuo Si's mouth twitched and whispered.

"I just don't want to see my master turn into a monster who only has an endless thirst for magic and knowledge in the future. In addition, you haven't slept for almost five days, it's best to take this time to rest a bit."

After saying that, the diary fell silent and no longer made any sound.

For its reminders and suggestions, Zuo Si just shrugged his shoulders, apparently not taking it seriously.

Because after all, this thing is just a magical creation, carrying part of his own thoughts and consciousness, not necessarily all right.

In this way, after simply using a spell to clean up the dust in the room, he quickly lay down, closed his eyes and entered a dormant state.

Although a mere one or two hours is not enough to restore the spell slot and divine spell slot, it can greatly relieve mental fatigue.

Since gaining divine power, Zuo Si's sleep basically has not been normal and regular. She needs to re-prepare her magic before she chooses to rest for up to eight hours. On weekdays, it is 24 hours, 48 ​​hours, and 72 hours. and so on.

In a way, he was as crazy as Irenicus, who wanted to be one of the Elven gods.

Just as the undead war in the floating city of Plantia was in full swing, Luskan, the city of a thousand sails far north on the west coast of the Faerun continent, ushered in a group of very special visitors.

They are not humans, but dwarves from the ancient Mithril Hall.

The leader is the current king, the leader of the Dwarf Warhammer Clan, the famous adventurer who participated in the crystal shattering incident in Icewind Dale, and the friend of the dark elf ranger Drizzt, who successfully killed the shadow dragon that invaded his homeland— —Urim Glittershadow in Harlem, and Bruenor Warhammer who reforged the crown of Mithril Hall.

Because he successfully recovered the former homeland of the Warhammer clan in 1356DR, and was later attacked by the dark elves of Menzoberranzan City in the Underdark region in the turbulent years, he took in hundreds of survivors of the underground gnomes who were massacred in Brynden City. The Mithril Hall under his leadership has become one of the largest suppliers of Mithril, steel and various weapons and armor in the entire Northland.

Even because it seized too much market share, it caused hostility to Mirabar, which also relies mainly on mining and metal smelting.

Although the mediation by Alaszhuo of Silvermoon City did not break out in the end, the infighting in private has never stopped.

In order to open up the market, so that the things produced by Mithril Hall can be sold and exchanged for daily necessities such as grain, salt, wine, cloth, etc., the old dwarf had to come out from the tentacles extending southward from the Spine of the World Mountains and cross the The hidden forest full of dangers, carefully avoiding the hostile Mirabar, took a boat along the Mirar River and went straight down to Luskan.

Of course, the so-called King of Mithril Hall, counting the subterranean dwarves who have taken refuge, actually has less than a thousand subjects, and they all live in dark tunnels.

Looking at the astonishing number of stalls and bustling hawkers in Luskan Market, Bruno raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked the dwarf guide beside him: "What's going on? I don't remember that there are so many stalls in the City of Thousand Sails." merchant."

The latter explained with a smile: "Your Majesty, since the Nelanthal Islands captured Luskan, they have carried out a major cleansing of the thieves' guild, pirates, and lycanthropes in the sewers.

Several chambers of commerce that monopolized trade were also mercilessly banned and all property confiscated.

After the guys who hindered the trade disappeared, merchants from Amn, Baldur's Gate, Waterdeep and Neverwinter quickly flocked to buy various valuable goods from the Northland while selling their specialties.

Moreover, the new ruler also relocated all the residents of Mingtan Island, freed all the slaves, and gave them work and remuneration.

So the market here is showing unprecedented prosperity.

People from all towns and villages in the surrounding area are willing to trade here, without even paying a single copper to enter the city tax.

If you want to sell the weapons, armor, iron ingots and mithril we produce, this should be the ideal place.

Especially for mithril, fine gold and gemstones, the officials here offer very high prices for unlimited purchases. "

"So you mean...let us sign a long-term trade contract with each other directly?" Bruno stroked the bushy beard on his chin and fell into deep thought.

Undoubtedly, as a dwarf born and raised in Icewind Dale, he had no great sense for Luskan.

At least a few years ago, during his adventurous journey to find Mithril Hall, this city did not leave him with the slightest good impression.

Whether it was the conflict and brawl that broke out in the tavern, or the high price paid for buying news, or being followed and killed by members of the Arcane Brotherhood.

What's more, Carl Kessell, who brought the Shard of Magic Crystals to set off a bloody storm in Icewind Dale, was also an apprentice of the Luskan Arcane Brotherhood.

The dwarf guide obviously didn't know what his king was thinking, and he swore a promise: "Please believe me, there should be no second buyer in the entire Northland who is willing to pay such a high price for mithril, fine gold and gemstones." home.

And we can also buy the necessities of life we ​​need when we return.

Although I also know that Mithril Hall and Silvermoon City are allies, and the distance is closer.

But the market in Silvermoon City obviously can't eliminate all our goods, but Luskan can.

In addition, it is very close to Neverwinter, and sea transportation is very convenient. Even ordinary iron weapons and armor can be sold at a good price. "

"Okay, then listen to you and try to talk to them first."

Bruno hesitated again and again, still unable to make up his mind.

Soon, under the leadership of the guide, the group of dwarves crossed the street under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, and arrived at the city hall that was established not long ago.

After explaining the purpose of coming to the reception staff, the news was presented to Eric as quickly as possible.

Since both Zuo Si and the Liches are gone, he is temporarily left as the titular ruler to handle some diplomatic matters.

Although in the eyes of the former pirate leader, a small force like Mithril Hall with a population of less than a thousand is not worthy of negotiating conditions with him.

But for the sake of mithril, fine gold and precious stones, he still chose to meet the other party.

After all, these things are what Vanessa named, and they rank very high in various priorities, and they are real strategic materials.

Eric is very clear about his position, so he dare not neglect at all.

After about a few minutes, the two sides saw each other in the reception room.

"Hello, the ruler of Luskan and Nelanthir Islands, the supreme king of the Western Sea." Bruno resisted his tiredness and said the diplomatic rhetoric prepared for him by his advisers.

As an upright dwarf, what he hates most is this hypocritical title, and he prefers to call him by his first name in conversation.

In contrast, Eric, who had received etiquette education, was already familiar with this, and responded with a smile: "I am also very glad to meet you, the king of Mithril Hall, the famous dragon slayer."

no doubt!

Killing the black dragon Shimmer and regaining the homeland belonging to the Warhammer clan is the most proud thing in Bruno's life. A smile from the heart appeared on his originally awkward face.

"Hahahaha! Alright, we are both fighters, so let's stop bragging about each other's achievements here, let's get straight to the point."

"No problem. Sit down, please."

Eric greeted the other party very skillfully, and winked at the servants on the side.

The latter understood, and immediately took out a bottle of rum and poured a glass for everyone present.

I never knew what being polite was. When the dwarves smelled alcohol, they immediately raised their heads and drank it down. They were instantly coughed by the strong and hot taste.

You must know that these spirits, which are fermented, distilled, and finally blended with the residues in the sugar making process, are not the light beer they usually drink, and the alcohol content can even reach about 40 degrees.

However, after a brief cough, Bruno immediately returned to normal. He blushed and licked his lips and praised: "Enough! I like it! What kind of wine is this? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Rum, which is a specialty of the Narenthel Islands, is very popular with merchants and sailors, and has always been in short supply. If we can sign a large enough trade agreement, then you can get priority purchases Right." Eric unhurriedly threw out the first bait.

Everyone in the entire Faerun continent knows that almost all dwarves are addicted to alcohol due to their physique.

In addition, there is a winery in his own industry, so naturally he will not miss this good opportunity to satisfy the Lich and make money by himself.

"That depends on whether the price you offer is sincere enough. After all, from Mithril Hall to Luskan, you must pass through Mirabar. The risk we have to bear is not small." Bruno tried to bargain.

Although this is not what he is good at, he still faithfully fulfilled his duties and obligations as a king.

Eric lowered his head and thought for a moment, then quickly said: "About this, I can give you two options. One is that you will be responsible for the transportation and security along the way, and we are only responsible for the harvest payment, and the purchase price will increase by two." The other one is for us to be responsible for the section from Mirabar to Luskan, but the purchase price remains the same.”

"Are you going to be responsible for the transportation?!" Brolo was taken aback for a moment.

You must know that Mithril Hall's location is so useless. Since its establishment, no merchants have been willing to patronize it.

Otherwise, with such a large mine, they would not always have to worry about how to sell their products.

"Aren't you afraid of causing Mirabar's hostility?" Another dwarf couldn't help asking.

Hearing this question, Eric immediately showed a dismissive expression and said: "Mirabar? If they dare to do any hostile behavior to the goods shipped from Mithril Hall, I guarantee that the behind-the-scenes The chief envoy will pay ten times or even a hundred times the price.

Do you know why Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood perished?

It is because they tried to go south to plunder merchant ships in the waters under our control.

If Mirabar is not afraid of death, let them come.

I'm very much looking forward to seeing how they react to being surrounded by a huge fleet and thousands of troops. "

"Do it! Just rely on this sentence! I will make you a friend!"

Bruno stood up abruptly from his chair, and uttered a swear word without the slightest image of a king.

You don't need to ask to know that he must have been tripped up by the other party a lot during this time, and he is holding back his anger.

Just considering the need to give Alastriol face, so I had to endure it for the time being.

After all, in the process of conquering Mithril Hall, the other party helped a lot back and forth. As for the Warhammer Clan, they still owe a favor.

But Eric obviously doesn't need to take these into consideration.

He had already been instructed by Vanessa that if anyone dared to provoke him without opening his eyes, he would respond directly with practical actions.

"How many gemstones, mithril and adamantine can Mithril Hall provide each year?"

Seeing that the dwarf king was getting a little better, Eric immediately took the opportunity to ask the question he was most concerned about.

"If we go all out, we can smelt up to 30 tons of mithril, 5 tons of fine gold, 3,000 high-quality gems, and 15,000 medium-quality gems." Bruno quickly gave an exact figure .

Since dwarves and subterranean gnomes are good at digging holes to explore mineral veins, and the location of Mithril Hall also leads to the Underdark region rich in mineral deposits, the production of magic metals is not comparable to that of ordinary surface mineral veins.

As a small town of Nasikai in Amn, which started from mining, there are at least three to four thousand people engaged in mining, but the annual output of mithril is only a mere five tons, and the fine gold is so little that it is only enough to make a sword or an axe. Degree.

"We want all these things." Eric's eyes sparkled with excitement and ecstasy.

For him, as long as the deal is concluded, Vanessa can immediately be praised.

Maybe the lich would fulfill his promise and crown himself king as soon as he was happy.

Although this king is just a puppet, it is foreseeable that his descendants will not be able to escape the fate of becoming a puppet, but it is still much better than the current situation where he does not even have an official title.

"All? Do you know how much these things cost?"

Bruno was completely taken aback by the other's terrifying appetite.

He didn't think that the Nelanthal Islands and Luskan could make so much money from taxation and trade within a year.

"Don't worry, it's just a few million gold coins, we can afford it."

Eric waved his big hand to show his true nature of a local tyrant.

Maybe others don't know the astonishing financial resources that the Neilanser Islands now possess, but he can probably know something through the aggregated ledgers.

Despite the skepticism of Bruenor and the other dwarves of the Warhammer clan, an agreement was finally signed under the guarantee of all money and all deliveries.

According to the agreement, Luskan has the priority to purchase all gems and magic metals produced by Mithril Hall.

Only when the former can't eat enough can the latter sell the rest to other buyers.

In return, Luskan will provide Mithril Hall with a special ship to transport various living supplies.

Back and forth at least once a month, transporting goods to the mouth of the river that hides on the edge of the forest.

Of course, except for the winter when the road is blocked by ice and snow.

Because Milarke is frozen throughout the winter, there is no way to use the river for transportation.

After the agreement was signed, Bruno was not in a hurry to return to Mithril Hall, but walked into a tavern alone, leaving behind the guides, advisors and guards around him.

However, he did not go straight to the bar to order drinks like other dwarves living in the local area. Instead, he patrolled the hall and soon found a familiar figure hiding in an inconspicuous corner. He immediately stepped forward and snatched The wine glass placed in front of the other party raised his head and drank it down, and then he smashed his mouth and asked, "How, is your observation of the new ruler of this city over?"

"No. But some conclusions can already be drawn."

As he spoke, the man whose whole body was covered under the hood and cloak slowly raised his head, revealing the dark skin and white hair hidden inside.

There is no doubt that he is a dark elf notorious on the surface.

Combined with the relationship with Bruno, it is not difficult to guess that his true identity is the legendary ranger Drizzt Do'Urden.

The dwarf was obviously very interested in this, and immediately joked with a smile: "Then why don't you tell me? You know, I just met the famous King of the West Sea today. Although it is rumored that he was once the most vicious of Hallett's subordinates. A pirate captain, but after meeting, he feels more like a cunning nobleman and businessman."

Drizzt has long been used to this kind of ridicule from his friend, and just shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"Overall, I'm still optimistic about the changes here in recent times.

At least the slaves were free, and most commoners were able to find work, and even the disabled beggars on the road were able to eat two relief meals a day.

The price, of course, was the brutal and merciless purge.

According to my estimate, the number of the dead was at least two thousand, and almost all the corpses were turned into undead and sent to work in farms, mines, and lumberyards outside the city.

They took the place of the original slaves, working day and night.

This reminds me of some practices in my hometown, Menzoberranzan.

But compared to the lifeless undead, my bloodthirsty and brutal compatriots obviously prefer living slaves who can make melodious screams. "

A thoughtful expression appeared on Bruno's face: "So you think Luskan will be a potential friend instead of an enemy? By the way, it's broad daylight, how did you trick the guards into the city?"

Drizzt replied without hesitation: "I didn't deceive anyone, but I stated my identity openly, and then walked in through the main entrance. Although there are still many people who cast vigilant, suspicious and hostile eyes."

"What? They allowed the dark elves to enter the city!" The dwarf widened his eyes in shock.

You must know that just a few years ago, when they ventured in the North to search for clues to Mithril Hall, this legendary ranger was banned from entering by various city-states along the way more than once, even Silvermoon City was no exception, and some even threatened To kill him.

It was precisely because of this strong hostility and rejection that Drizzt was depressed for a long time, and even wondered if his choice of leaving his hometown was wrong.

"Hehe, instead of allowing all the dark elves to enter the city, only Drizzt Do'Urden is allowed to enter. It seems that the adventures of these years have not been in vain, and I finally gained some recognition and acceptance."

When talking about this matter, there was an imperceptible touch in You Xia's eyes.

But he may never know that this order was actually issued by Zuo Si himself, and it has nothing to do with any recognition or acceptance.

(end of this chapter)

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