One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 283 Love From The Goddess

Chapter 283 Love from the Goddess

Sunset Street is located on the south bank of the river that runs through the entire city.

During the time of the Arcane Brotherhood's rule, it was filled with yards where caravans gathered, as well as a large number of residential areas and shops.

Since it is very close to the port, it always seems to be so lively.

However, after the fleet of the Nelanther Islands captured Luskan, a large number of unscrupulous merchants, thieves' guilds, and pirates were uprooted, and this place fell into a short-term depression.

In the first few days, the local residents didn't even dare to go out easily, for fear of being caught by the patrol team as criminals and sent to the mines or farms outside the city to serve hard labor.

But it didn't take long, when the Amn fleet loaded with various living supplies and commodities arrived at the port, their vigilance gradually eased, and they began to accept employment from the new ruler to engage in various repair and reconstruction work.

Of course, this is actually forced.

Because after a large number of immigrants from Mingtan Island entered Luskan, the locals found that if they were not proactive, they would inevitably be replaced by the other party.

If they were expelled at that time, the whole family, old and young, might die, given the danger in the wild in the north.

Therefore, in order to survive and fight against the crowding of living space by immigrants, the local residents of Sunset Street finally chose to unite together to keep warm and prove their worth through hard work.

Looking at the widened streets and the large number of houses undergoing repairs, demolition and reconstruction on both sides, it is clear that this place will inevitably become the most prosperous neighborhood in Luskan in the future.

And Seven Sails Hostel is located in the very center of Sunset Street.

Unlike most noisy traditional pubs and hotels, which mainly make money from food and drinks, although drinks and food are served here, no one is allowed to make loud noises.

Even the lobby on the first floor, which is full of people, seems quite quiet, and the guests will try to keep the volume down as much as possible even if they want to talk to each other.

As for the reason, it is very simple.

The main service of Seven Sails Hostel is to provide a place where customers can sleep well without being influenced by the outside world.

Although it may sound ordinary at first, considering Luskan's poor law and order situation under the rule of the Arcane Brotherhood, where thieves, robbers, and spies are everywhere, it is easy to judge that the boss here is not simple.

For a long time, the Seven Sails Hostel has been the target of key surveillance.

The higher-ups of the Arcane Brotherhood believed that this place might be a stronghold of the Harper Alliance, but no evidence was found.

But now, with the fall of the Arcane Brotherhood, the place is no longer under surveillance.

Because Zuo Si doesn't care about the so-called "intelligence" collected by the Harper Alliance.

All his actions that really need to be concealed are actually done through the liches of the Arcane Society.

As for the ostensible forces like Luskan and Nelanthir Islands, they are simply used to make money and collect all kinds of precious spell-casting materials, magic metals and gems.

The main duty of the army and guards is only to maintain law and order, and they are not expected to play any role in some real battlefields.

Of course, the reason why three times as many people gathered in the lobby of the Seven Sails Hostel than usual was not because the business suddenly improved.

As long as you observe carefully, you will find that almost all the people sitting at the table are men, and many of them are locals who have houses and residences. Obviously, there is no need to spend unreasonable money to live in such expensive hotels.

But what's interesting is that they are all gathered in one place right now, drinking wine and looking at the stairs on the second floor from the corner of their eyes, as if they are waiting for something.

About three to five minutes later, a glamorous woman wearing a semi-transparent black silk dress suddenly appeared at the stairway, and slowly walked down from the second floor with a very elegant and fascinating pace.

All of a sudden, these men seemed to lose their souls, staring straight at him, swallowing saliva incessantly, even blinking their eyes, for fear of missing any moment.

Obviously, she is the source of the hot business of Seven Sails Hostel in recent days.

After all, chasing the beautiful opposite sex is an instinct engraved in a man's genes.

The strong reproductive urge and the uninterrupted estrus period of twelve months a year keep this instinct activated all the time.

The moment the woman walked down the last step, a middle-aged man dressed as a businessman sitting nearby immediately stood up and greeted him attentively: "Good day, Ms. Ulrika. Are you planning to go out? I just happen to have a luxurious carriage that can take you wherever you want..."

Before the businessman could finish speaking, a strong man dressed as an adventurer next to him pushed him aside, puffed out his chest to show off his fit and strong body, and at the same time grinned in what he thought was kind, but actually enough With a ferocious expression that scared the child to tears, he said, "Ma'am, I think what you need is a qualified guard, not this kind of glib businessman."

"Damn! How dare you do this to me?"

The businessman was obviously very angry, and immediately waved for several heavily armed bodyguards and guards.

The brawny man dressed as an adventurer did not show any weakness, and directly took down the double-edged ax that was carried behind his back.

The cold and heavy front end instantly stopped the bodyguards, who were in the upper hand, from making any further movements.

They are not fools and understand the consequences of being hit by this weapon.

Even if the helmet and armor can block the sharp blade, the bones and internal organs will be shattered under the huge impact, and then lead to fractures, internal bleeding and other serious injuries that may lead to death.

If it were an ordinary, powerless woman, she would definitely turn pale with fright when she saw this potentially bloody conflict.

But Ulrika obviously has nothing to do with the word "ordinary".

Because she is a succubus, what she likes most is to see mortals fall under her charm, and even fight each other with blood flowing into rivers.

So instead of intending to stop him at all, there was an imperceptible playful flash in his eyes, deliberately pretending to be hesitant and embarrassed.

And this kind of hesitation and embarrassment undoubtedly caused the businessman and the strong man to have a certain illusion, thinking that as long as he solved the other party by himself, he would be able to win the favor of the beauty.

As a result, the strong man couldn't bear to express himself in this state, and roared and launched the attack first.


With the loud sound of the ax hitting the shield and the flying sawdust, a battle that broke out because of jealousy finally began.

In just a few seconds, the entire hall was in chaos.

For fear of being accidentally implicated, the other guests rushed to the street as fast as they could.

As for those who couldn't get out, they flocked to the bar or the stairs leading to the second floor.

After all, this is not a bar fight that can only use fists, but a fight that uses deadly weapons.

In particular, the terrifying marks left by the ax on the shield are enough to dissuade civilians who have not received professional training from participating.

Ulrika retreated to a safe place immediately, sticking out her tongue and licking her seductive red lips, admiring with great interest the bloody conflicts that erupted for her from these stupid mortal men, using the words that only she could hear The voice murmured: "What an interesting and deja vu scene. No matter how many times I watch it, I won't get bored."

Just when she was about to take advantage of the chaos to leave quietly, she suddenly felt a familiar aura appearing behind her.

"Yelinia, is that you?" the succubus tentatively asked in an uncertain tone.


A group of black shadows appeared out of thin air, condensing into the appearance of a half-elf assassin at an extremely fast speed.

"Come with me, the master wants to see you." Yelinia directly stated her intention.

Regarding the fight that was taking place in the Seven Sails Lodge, she acted as if she hadn't noticed it at all.

Because the people of Faerun Continent were originally tough, especially in the Northland, a place on the edge of wildness and civilization, similar things could not be more common.

Even a city-state like Silvermoon City, which is ruled by Alustriol, has to deal with as few as a few cases and as many as a dozen related cases every day.

Not to mention the already chaotic Luskan.

Generally speaking, as long as no one is killed and irreparable permanent disability is not caused, under normal circumstances, they will be fined and locked up for a period of time.

"Master? So the goddess' son of the plague is back!"

Ulrika's eyes shone slightly, flickering with undisguised excitement and surprise.

But unfortunately, Yelinia didn't intend to answer this question, but just turned around and left through the back door of the hotel, into a narrow and dark alley.

Succubus followed without any hesitation.

After walking about fifty meters, the two got into Luskan's intricate sewers one after the other, and finally stopped at a secret base previously established by the Ratmen.

"Master, I brought you someone."

Yelinia put her chest with one hand and bowed deeply to Zuo Si who was standing there.

"Good job. You can go to other things now, and then I have to talk to her alone."

Zuo Si waved his hand lightly, signaling the shadow assassin who had become quite dangerous to step back.

You must know that the title "King of Shadows" does not refer to a certain kind of shadow creature, but a collective term for all shadow creatures with a certain level of strength.

In the shadow plane, there are countless shadow kings, and the strength gap between them is also huge.

Once the most powerful of them enter the material world, they can immediately set off a war that has swept across several countries, distorting the land that was originally bathed in sunlight into an environment very similar to the shadow plane.

But the weakest shadow king may only be slightly more powerful than the high-level shadow, at best affecting the surrounding environment within a few kilometers.

With Yelinia's current state, she is probably only slightly stronger than the weakest shadow kings.

Her real strength lies in the fact that she personally killed and transformed an astonishing army of shadows.

When needed, you can devour those low-level shadows at any time to recover from injuries and strengthen your talents and spell-like abilities.

Especially some skills derived from the profession of assassin in his lifetime are simply hard to guard against.

For example, if negative energy is used instead of poison to boost a sneak attack backstab on a weapon, even if no single blow hits the vital point, the creature will be eroded by negative energy, causing a series of fatal negative effects such as paralysis, immobilization, and weakness.

Another example is that within the scope of the "field" she controls, she can instantly exchange positions with any shadow.

In short, Yelinia's strength is closely related to the large-scale massacre of monsters such as orcs, goblins, and gnolls, as well as the astonishing number of Shadow Legion under her command.

Unlike Planeswalker's normal summoned creature, which has a fixed strength, she has quite amazing growth potential.

But in the same way, if one day is killed, it cannot be resurrected like other summoned creatures, but must re-use the card to transform a new shadow servant.

In addition, those transformed shadow army will also lose control in an instant.

So Zuo Si is very careful about the use of this subordinate. Most of the time, he does some tracking, monitoring and intelligence gathering work, instead of letting him try to assassinate those dangerous enemies.

Watching Yelinia's back disappear into the darkness, Zuo Si turned her attention to this succubus who claimed to be the messenger of the goddess of poison and disease.

Through the planeswalker's high sensitivity to energy and the echo of Talona's divine power in his body, he confirmed the identity of the other party with almost no effort, and asked straightforwardly: "I heard that you have been hunting in Luskan recently. A spy from Baator hell?"

"That's right. This is one of the many missions given to me by the goddess. It is a great honor to meet you, the great son of the plague."

Ulrika lifted her skirt and slightly bent her knees in a skirt-raising ceremony exclusive to noble ladies and ladies.

It has to be said that as a demon who specializes in tempting mortals to fall, she does have an indescribable beauty while maintaining her human form, and even casual movements can stimulate a person's potential desires to the greatest extent.

"So Talona already knows about the grievances between me and the Lord of the Second Floor of Hell, Grand Duke Disbate?" Zuo Si continued to probe calmly.

Ulrika smiled and nodded: "Of course. The goddess has been watching your every move, and her love for you surpasses everything in this world. After cleaning up these days, there are no devils around Luskan." I don't think they will continue to send more people in a short time."

"Sounds like good news. At least I don't have to worry too much about those devils doing things in my turf.

But aren't you afraid of being besieged by those good gods and paladins for such blatant activities?

You must know that I invited the Knights of Askatla's Burning Heart to settle in.

If they find out that you are a succubus, they will immediately choose to take the most extreme countermeasures regardless of whether you are a believer in a god. "

When Zuo Si said these words, there was a hint of threat in Zuo Si's tone.

But Ulrika shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "Let's not talk about whether those rigid paladins can do this. Even if it can be done, would you, a voter, stand by and watch? You know, I am a goddess faction It is your most steadfast and most trustworthy assistant who is here to help you."

Zuo Si responded meaningfully: "Sorry, it's hard to say.

You must know that not long ago, a guy who claimed to be a follower of the goddess came out of nowhere and spread the so-called plague and the end of the world.

As a result, he was arrested by the Knights and sentenced to death for sedition.

And I didn't intervene in any way.

Remember, being an emissary of Talona here doesn't mean you have unlimited privileges, but you must abide by the rules I set.

If the red line is crossed, there is only one result, and that is to be wiped out mercilessly.

This is my first warning to you, and it will also be my last.

If you continue to stir up riots around the city, the next time we meet, it may not be such a peaceful conversation. "

With the last word blurted out, a serious and serious expression appeared on Ulrika's originally joking face.

Although she had heard it before, the Plague Child was rather unimpressed with the Goddess' followers and church.

But he never expected that just playing with those mortals to have some fun for himself would arouse such strong resentment from the other party.

The chill revealed in those black eyes was definitely not as simple as a verbal threat.

After being silent for a long while, Ulrika finally put away her previous indifferent look, bent down and saluted with a correct attitude: "I am very sorry, the little game I used to pass the time caused some misunderstandings and troubles. But I am indeed In the name of the goddess, I will assist you in eradicating those enemies hiding in the darkness."

"Since this is the case, then you should perform your duties in a low-key manner, instead of launching attacks everywhere to make everyone known. In addition, Talona sent you to the material world, isn't it just to deal with some hell spies? Simple, right?"

Obviously, Zuo Si was very dissatisfied with the brutal killing of the succubus.

Because many of those destroyed strongholds are under the surveillance of shadow creatures, not only is it not a threat, but it can let the devil dukes in hell know something he wants them to know through this channel .

It's like in a modern country on earth, when an enemy country's intelligence agency is found in its own territory, the first reaction is often not to destroy it immediately, but to pretend to know nothing and keep a secret surveillance, and then look for opportunities to reverse it. use.

But now, after this series of massacres, all the previous work and efforts were in vain.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party did bad things with good intentions, and was also the messenger of the goddess, it would probably have been made into a card now, or fixed on the dissecting table as an experimental material for studying the physiological structure of the succubus.

"The goddess asked me to hand over this scroll to you, and also ordered you to open it only when there are no outsiders."

As she said that, Ulrika carefully took out a scroll of parchment that was emitting gray light from her close-fitting clothing.

You don't need to ask to know that those gray gloomy lights are the manifestation of divine power overflowing.


Zuo Si took it subconsciously, and immediately felt a divine power belonging to Talona.

Before he had time to check, the scroll opened without warning, releasing unimaginable and amazing energy.

And this energy enveloped the succubus' whole body in less than a second.

In the blink of an eye, Ulrika's body shape began to change drastically, and finally fixed on the appearance of a young woman who looked about 27 or 18 years old.

And this image is almost the same as the incarnation of Talona that Zuo Si saw last time.

no doubt!

With the help of that scroll, the Goddess of Poison and Disease bypassed the monitoring of those hostile gods and secretly completed her descent.

It's just that this time, what she descended on was not a battle avatar with powerful divine power, but just an ordinary avatar, without the aptitude to cast all kinds of powerful spell-like abilities and extraordinary divine power.

In other words, her current state is that of an ordinary human with a bit of strength, and apart from some immunity brought by divine power, she is not suitable for fighting at all.

"Ah! We finally meet again, South. Do you know how much I miss you during this period of isolation, longing to hug and kiss you?" Talona said in a very resentful tone.

"So Ulrika and her mission are just a bait? Your real purpose is to create an opportunity to meet me alone without the interference of other gods?"

Zuo Si obviously didn't expect the majestic goddess to put on the appearance of a boudoir resentful woman, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

Especially the other party's possessive gaze, which made all the hairs on his body stand up involuntarily.

This Nima is too creepy!

Not to mention a powerful goddess, even if she is stared at by a woman like this, there are probably not many men who can stand up to it.

At this moment, Zuo Si finally understood why Elminster said that after learning that the second-generation goddess of magic fell in love with him, there was nothing in this world that could scare him.

If being blessed by the gods is a kind of luck, then being loved by the gods can definitely be called a disaster.

This can be glimpsed from Elminster's personal experience.

You must know that when Elminster was wandering around and learning magic knowledge, he was transformed into different images by the second-generation goddess of magic more than once, and even did some indescribable things with his gender.

The number of tricks to play is simply beyond imagination.

And because he himself is a believer and voter of the goddess of magic, the goddess can enter his spiritual world anytime and anywhere, and appear by his side to seek spiritual and physical pleasure, without any privacy at all.

How many mortals can endure such a life for a long time?

No wonder Elminster didn't show any signs of rivalry or jealousy when the second-generation Goddess of Magic was looking for other voters. He probably wanted someone to share his pressure.

As long as the number of goddesses keeps increasing, the frequency of coming to find me will naturally decrease.

Talona obviously noticed Zuo Si's subconscious stress reaction, and she stepped forward with a smile, stretched out her hand, cupped his cheek and kissed him gently on the forehead, and then explained in an almost pampering tone: " It can't be regarded as bait. After all, the behavior of the devils this time really made me very angry, so it is good to teach them a lesson.

As I said, you belong to me, and no one can take you away.

Whether it's the devils who spy on your soul, or the new generation of goddesses of magic Midnight and the god of knowledge Oghma are no exception.

But the main purpose is to bypass Irmat. This damn guy is staring at me very closely. If I lower my avatar directly, I will definitely be intercepted by him.

Now, we can finally talk face to face.

First of all, I want to tell you a good news. That is, thanks to your efforts, my influence has spread all over the west coast of the Faerun continent, and I was officially promoted to medium divine power not long ago.

This means that I can grant you more and more powerful elector abilities.

How is it, is it a surprise? "

As she spoke, a smile mixed with relief and complacency appeared on the face of the goddess.

Because all of this is due to Zuo Si.

In particular, the large-scale use of the plague to genocide the orcs has allowed the northern towns plagued by these monsters to see another possibility, a means that can solve the threat from the wild world once and for all in an extremely cheap way.

Since the elect of the goddess of poison and disease can create a plague only for orcs, there should naturally be plagues for goblins, orcs, gnolls, ogres, trolls and other monsters.

Many places suddenly allowed the Church of Talona to openly preach and build temples, hoping that they could research these plagues and then release them to the monster colonies in the forest.

In this way, the safety factor of the entire northern field will inevitably rise in a straight line, which will not only protect the lives and property of the people, but also reduce transportation costs and promote trade prosperity.

Simply serve multiple purposes!

Especially the new sects of the non-evil camp will teach believers how to distinguish, extract and preserve various toxins, which are very popular among hunters and adventurers engaged in wild activities.

After all, poison is a very effective way to control the enemy, which can help these people easily defeat beasts and monsters that are much stronger than themselves.

Although the churches including Tempus, the God of Justice, Tyr, the God of Justice, and Lathander, the Lord of Dawn, preached that poison is something that despicable villains will use, and real warriors and upright people will not use it.

But it is a pity that the harsh living environment in the North has made the residents here more believe in pragmatism instead of the so-called "honor" and "nobility".

In some towns, there are even workshops and shops that specialize in purchasing raw materials and processing them into poisons.

Of course Zuo Si knew about the changes in the Northland.

But he dared to swear to God that he never wanted to help Talona expand her influence at the beginning, but just wanted to avenge the orcs' attacks on him, and everything that followed was the result of various accidental factors mixed together .

But Talona obviously didn't think so, but said to herself: "With the promotion of medium divine power, the two priesthood poison and disease potentials I have have been exhausted. If you want to get the path to powerful divine power To obtain the key, you must obtain a new priesthood that is more powerful and widely recognized. The part of the priesthood of death held by the late murder god Baal is exactly what I am eager to get."

"Poison, disease and death, you want to create a cycle from birth to death?"

Zuo Si keenly captured the thoughts of the goddess.

Because it's not hard to guess.

In the absence of the priesthood of death, whether it is poison or disease, they are just prefixes that serve the final result of death, and have inherent defects, so it is impossible to become a member of powerful divine power.

But with the priesthood of death, even if it is only a part, it is a qualitative leap for Talona.

At least she represents a pattern that exists throughout the multiverse.

And for any god with such a priesthood, as long as he worked hard to become a member of the powerful divine power, it was only a matter of time.

In fact, in Faerûn, great powers generally have two characteristics.

One of these is that their priesthood represents a universal phenomenon and rule.

For example, Sivanus, the god of nature, Tyr, the god of justice, Shuna, the god of love and beauty, Tempus, the god of war, and so on.

As for the other, it is the identity of the creator and patron saint of a specific race in the priesthood.

Moradin, the main god of dwarves, Corellon, the main god of elves, and Garl Flashgold, the main god of dwarves, all belong to this category.

Later, Rose was promoted from medium divine power to powerful divine power because she launched the Spider Queen's War and killed all her children, and finally monopolized the belief of the entire dark elf group.

Obviously, it is unrealistic to want to become the patron saint of a certain race as Talona.

Unless she creates a brand new race from now on, and then makes it multiply on the planet Toril, and wait for the race to develop and grow in the last few thousand years.

So obtaining the priesthood of death became the only option.

"As expected of the chosen one I am looking for, you are indeed very smart, and you immediately understood my intentions. That's right! I want Baal's priesthood of death to create a cycle. And I know that you are also concerned about the son of Baal's matter." very interested."

Talona didn't mean to hide it at all, and admitted it openly.

Zuo Si lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then asked in an uncertain tone: "Why did you ask me to do this? Baal has fallen, and his vacant throne is there, why not take it directly?"

Talona smiled and replied: "Because the gods are mutually restrictive. No matter how powerful they are, there will always be a god who opposes it. So if I take action, then Irmat, Cyric and many other gods will respond immediately. But if it is you, it will be different. And I promise, as long as Baal's priesthood of death, you can take away the throne and divine power left by him."


Hearing the conditions offered by the goddess, Zuo Si's eyes lit up instantly.

With the planeswalker level raised to LV10, he was wondering where to get so much mana.

Is it possible that they really want to run to participate in the bloody battle?

But if the remaining divine power in the Throne of Baal can be absorbed and transformed, then it shouldn't be a big problem to raise two levels.

What's more, getting an advanced real necromancer in the death domain is one of Zuo Si's long-awaited plans.

"Of course it is true. When did I deceive you? And after I get the priesthood of death, I will give you new domains and abilities." Talona promised without hesitation.

"Okay! Then I will join this game. I hope the sons of Baal will not be scared."

Saying that, Zuo Si released a scarlet light of divine power when he slowly raised his hand, and then burst open in the air, tearing a mouse hiding in a dark corner to pieces.

As the god of murder, the greatest feature of Baal's divine power is the control over blood and its unparalleled killing characteristics.

Once touched by this divine power, most people will not even have a chance to react, and all the blood vessels in the body and the heart will explode immediately.

In fact, the three gods of death each received a part of the priesthood of death from the ancient god of death Jaeger.

It's just that what Bane got was the death symbolizing destruction, what Melkor got was death itself, and what Barr got was the embodiment of death—killing.

Although Baal was not the most powerful of the three gods of death, the effects of his divine power were the most dangerous.

Talona undoubtedly felt the aura that belonged to Baal, and asked in a very surprised tone: "You can already control this divine power?"

"Of course! As long as it is energy, whether it is magical energy or divine power, there are no secrets in front of me. And I guarantee that you will get the priesthood of death belonging to the god of murder. In addition, please don't do it as soon as you meet Overly intimate? It bothers me a lot."

Zuo Si took a step back calmly, avoiding the goddess' intention to hug and kiss her.

But Talona didn't feel annoyed by this. Instead, she showed a smile that was not a smile and said, "Why are you confused? I'm expressing my love for you."

Just when Zuo Si was about to reject the goddess, Talona suddenly stopped some movements for some reason, turned her head as if listening to something, and soon her face changed drastically, and she immediately cursed in a low voice: "Damn it! You are so careful, but why is it still noticed by Irmat?"

After all, she didn't care about continuing to molest her voters, and immediately disappeared without a trace into a ray of light.

As for Ulrika, whose body was occupied, she returned to her original succubus form almost instantly, fell to the ground and fell into a deep coma.

Obviously, bearing divine power is not a small burden for her, and it is estimated that she will have to rest for at least a few days before waking up.

And that scroll had long been reduced to ashes by the flames.

"Your good fortune is really not shallow. You have been favored by a goddess." Diary suddenly joked.

Zuo Si wiped the lip marks left on her forehead, and rolled her eyes angrily: "Stop making sarcastic remarks there. Help me find a way to get out of this creepy situation. I don't want to be in When I was concentrating on doing experiments, or doing magic research and resting, I suddenly found that there was an extra goddess beside me."

"I'm sorry, I'm just a collection of your past memories and thoughts. If you can't even do anything, how can I know how to solve it? But there's no need to worry too much. At least I can be sure that Talona only loves you and has nothing to do with you. Hostility." The diary pretended to be relaxed and comforted.

"Don't be kidding! I would rather accept Isadora's twisted dependence and admiration than accept the favor of this goddess. Especially her eyes are as scary as if they want to eat me." Zuo Si Holding his forehead, he complained.

But the diary responded disapprovingly: "Things are far from as bad as you imagined. Don't forget, the goddess also has many enemies, so it is impossible to come to you every day. You can treat every meeting as an affair, just As a famous saying goes, if you can't resist, then enjoy it."

"Shut up!"

Zuo Si obviously didn't want to listen to the diary's nonsense, so he decisively issued a gag order.


The diary no longer made any sound, and the entire sewer was only the occasional creaking sound of a mouse crawling over it.

Zuo Si didn't stay here too long, but picked up the succubus who fell on the ground, and instantly activated the teleportation magic to return to the mage tower.

At the same time, Isadora finally cultivated the first batch of twelve copies of herself in the mage tower of Askatera, the capital of Amn.

Thanks to some advanced technology from Irenicus, these clones grow much faster than normal clones.

The girl carefully radiated the culture fluid, took out the bodies without soul and consciousness in the jar, cleaned them, and finally placed them side by side on the big bed in the room.

Looking at these cloning humans that were exactly like her, she didn't even turn her head to ask the magic pet floating behind her: "Can I start to separate the personality fragments in my mind now and implant them into their brains?"


Little Fulu spewed out a cloud of gas, and showed some pictures to his master through the telepathic connection.

"I see! I see!"

Isadora immediately realized what she should do next, quickly closed her eyes and began to search for those personality fragments that were usually used for debate in her mind.

After a while, she found one with the strongest independent consciousness, and then used psychic powers to separate it from the spiritual world, turning it into a small group of psionic fragments, and carefully put it into the brain of one of the clones. place.

For about ten seconds or so, this walking corpse, which was only maintaining mechanical breathing, suddenly began to twitch violently, and had a slight convulsion as if it had suffered an electric shock.

The sudden change startled the girl.

Fortunately, it didn't last long, and soon the clone slowly opened its eyes and woke up.

"Are you... my main character?"

The replica showed that he looked down at himself, then raised his head to stare at Isadora standing in front of him, and finally showed an expression of disbelief.

Likewise, Isadora is appalled by the creation of a duplicate of herself out of thin air.

The two looked at each other like this for a full minute, and finally burst into laughter at the same time.

"Hahahaha! It worked! We made it!"

"Yeah! It's incredible! As long as we continue to divide in this way, we can create tens of thousands of ourselves. At that time, whether you swallow me or I swallow you, we will all be together after fusion." become extremely powerful."

"That way we won't be left behind by Zuo Si and can't help much."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, come and help, let's wake up more of ourselves."


Soon two Isadoras became four, and four became eight.

In less than fifteen minutes, the first batch of twelve mature clones were all awakened.

What is even more unbelievable is that they seemed to have reached some kind of agreement tacitly. They did not kill each other as soon as they woke up like the clones cultivated by other mages. Help each other, learn the profound magic knowledge in the library, and exercise your spiritual power.

There is no doubt that several Isadoras suddenly appeared in the Mage Tower, which undoubtedly caused the little werewolf, Korgan, Rhett and others who also lived in the Mage Tower to fall into insanity.

At first, they thought it was just a false phantom created by magic.

But soon, twelve Isadoras who appeared in the restaurant at the same time completely stunned these people.

Because Magic Phantom doesn't need to eat...

"Who the hell can tell me what the hell happened?"

Old Korgan, who knew nothing about magic, couldn't help but swear first.

The half-orc Rhett shook his head blankly: "Don't ask me, I don't know either. But I can assure you that that girl must have done something shocking. When Zuo Si comes back, let him deal with it himself. Bar."

"Isadora duplicated herself with the power of magic! My God! What a madman she is!"

Compared to the two fighters, Alena undoubtedly understood magic, and she could tell the difference between the clone and the main body at a glance.

She couldn't believe that this girl who was always quiet and alone on weekdays would do such a thing quietly.

What made her even more incomprehensible was how the other party managed to make so many clones live in harmony without a life-and-death struggle breaking out?

You must know that in the continent of Faerun, the only person who can do this so far is the owner of the Lost Leyline City, the mad mage Helast Black Robe.

(end of this chapter)

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