One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 287 Visiting The Burrow

Chapter 287 Visiting The Burrow

Undoubtedly, when Zuo Si disguises himself as a brilliant young man who is wise, sensible, intelligent, humble, polite, and has a pleasing way of speaking and diction, it is almost difficult for anyone not to like him.

As a housewife, Molly was amused by a few words, especially a few exaggerated but appropriate compliments, which made her feel very useful.

No way, who made the magic item worn by Zuo Si easily perceive the thinking of all creatures within a radius of ten meters.

Especially without using Occlumency, as long as he wants, he can say what everyone around him most wants to hear at any time.

Obviously, Molly didn't use Occlumency in her own home without any precautions, so she was naturally elated by the praise.

Ron on the side was completely dumbfounded!

He stared dumbfounded at his mother being coaxed around by sweet words.

You must know that Zuo Si has always maintained a rather "cold" attitude when she was in school, she hardly had much contact with other students, and often did not bother to say hello.

But now, his performance has completely overturned all of Ron's previous perceptions.

Of course, the twin brothers also felt quite incredible.

But considering that the better Zuo Si performed, the higher the chances of getting back his pocket money, so he was more happy.

Finally, after some explanations, Molly finally understood how the large sum of money in the hands of George and Fred came about.

"So the money in George and Fred's hands is really what you paid them? Not that they earned it by crooked means?"

"That's right, ma'am. The money is their labor income, a legal income earned from magical knowledge, technology and craftsmanship, so please don't worry." Zuo Si gave an affirmative answer with a smile on her face.

"Okay. I can return the money to you. But! In order to prevent you from developing the habit of spending money indiscriminately, every expenditure must be recorded, and I will check it at any time." Molly stared at her two most capable The troubled son said in a serious tone.

"No problem, Mom."

George hurriedly nodded vigorously, not daring to bargain at all.

Fred even vowed: "We will definitely make the accounts beautiful, so that you can see where the money was spent at a glance."

Obviously, the twins are very aware of their mother's character, and understand that the best response at this time is to be honest and obedient, and agree to all the conditions that the mother puts forward.

It's one of the reasons why the twin brothers, who were constantly causing trouble at school, never got a yelling letter the way Ron did.

Smart, they have already figured out the psychology and temper of their parents.

A look of satisfaction appeared on Molly's face: "Very good. After dinner, I will return the money bag full of Galleons to you."

"Long live! Mom, I love you!"

When he heard that he would get his money back immediately, George jumped up and gave his mother a warm hug.

Fred followed with a hard kiss on the cheek of his mother, and danced around the living room.

"What two rascals..."

Molly smiled and shook her head, her eyes vaguely revealing a trace of pride and pride.

But soon, she picked up the huge cake and returned to the kitchen, and continued busy preparing a sumptuous dinner.

Because if you leave the cake in the living room, it is very likely that these greedy little things will eat it up before the meal.

Sweets, especially in this part of the UK, have an extraordinary appeal to teenagers.

Molly didn't want her children to eat too many sweets and end up unable to eat her carefully prepared beef patties.

As soon as her front feet left, George and Fred on the back feet reached Zuo Si's sides from left to right, and said with a playful smile, "Thanks, brother. We owe you a big favor."

"That's right, we made a lot of interesting new inventions during the summer vacation, do you want to try?"

Seeing the hostile expression of this pair of living treasures, Zuo Si immediately complained: "So the way you express your gratitude is to use me as an experiment? No, thank you, I don't want to grow some bird feathers on my face inexplicably."

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, these bird feathers are not permanent, and they will fall off by themselves after a while." George plucked the bird feathers on his face again and laughed.

Fred also explained: "We originally planned to make a prank biscuit that can be eaten by people and turn into a super-sized canary. However, due to the problem of the formula, we can only grow some birds at this stage. Mao. But it's also interesting, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's fun to see other people like this, but it's not so fun to be yourself. Why don't you hire Ron as a tester for new products?" Zuo Si bluntly gave the twin brothers a bad idea.

Ron, who was sitting on the sidelines eating melons and watching the show, was stunned for a moment, and at the same time, there was a trace of tension in his eyes.

In my heart, I was screaming "None of my business".

Because of the insane things the twin brothers did to him, it was almost becoming a childhood shadow.

Especially turning a toy into a big jumping spider in an instant, causing poor Ron to suffer from severe arachnophobia.

In addition, the two have also done things including but not limited to trying to get the young Ron to sign an "unbreakable oath" with powerful magic binding, and let him drink some messy potions that have no effect...

Thinking about it, it's a miracle that Ron managed to survive in this family until now.

"My dear brother, I believe you will not refuse the invitation from big brother, right?" George's eyes flickered with frightening light.

Ron stood up from the chair instantly in fright, and shook his head desperately while stepping back: "No! Don't even think about it! I have sworn that I will never touch anything you two handed me again in this life, especially the one that was put in Food in your mouth."

"Hey! Don't be so absolute. Have you forgotten that we have a lot of money on hand now. If you are willing to be a tester for new products, we can pay you some salary."

Fred even took out the few silver Sickles left on his body directly from his pocket and said in an enticing manner.

Because he knows that Ron, who can only use second-hand goods for everything, is eager to get an extra pocket money.

What's more, the two of them will get back a bag full of Galleons immediately, so there is no need to care about such a small amount of money.

But for Ron, these little silvery coins were exactly what he dreamed of.

As for Gallon...

Sorry, he hasn't seen this currency with the highest denomination several times since he was a child.

After hesitating for a long time with his head down, Ron finally couldn't help asking: "How do you calculate the salary of a tester?"

"Five silver Sickles for each test you take, and the more you take, the more you get. How about it, is it fair?"

As he spoke, Fred made a deliberate clink of coins in his hand.

Soon, the poor Ron agreed to become the so-called "product tester" under the flickering of the two big brothers.

He hadn't realized how dangerous the twins' inventions were.

You must know that the vast majority of Hogwarts first-year students have difficulty turning a match into a needle.

But what about the Weasley twins?

They can turn a teddy bear into a big fluffy spider at the age of five!

When he was seven years old, he almost succeeded in making the "Unbreakable Vow" that even many adult wizards could not do!

It can be said that in terms of talent, George and Fred are definitely the top group of wizards.

It's a pity that they didn't use this talent in a serious way, otherwise they would definitely be able to enter Hogwarts and become a respected professor in the future.

It is also because of this that those magical products that are jokes and pranks are actually not low in technical content and risk factor.

When Zuo Si was in school, she had witnessed the spectacle of the two blowing up the potion pot in the laboratory.

For this reason, they lay in the hospital for a full week.

Just watching the children of the Weasley family playing and talking about some interesting things that happened during the holiday, time came to dinner time unknowingly.

When Arthur, who was exhausted after a busy day at the Ministry of Magic, came back, he immediately noticed Zuo Si who was visiting as a guest.

To be precise, as long as one works in the Ministry of Magic, it is almost impossible to ignore the young man in front of him who has brought great changes to the entire magic world in just one year.

Whether it is the proposal and widespread application of the technology of storing spells in scrolls, or the "rod ring" equipped to all law enforcement agencies, it can be called an epoch-making invention.

At least these things played a big role in dealing with those dark wizards who tried to resist.

In particular, Fudge, the Minister of Magic, even compared Zuo Si to a super genius who can surpass Dumbledore in the future, and praised him unabashedly.

But Arthur understood that Fudge and his henchmen touted this excellent Hogwarts student in order to suppress Dumbledore's huge influence and create a new object of worship for the public to divert their attention.

For this kind of boring political game, Arthur has never been interested in participating, and just watched with a cold eye.

But after meeting Zuo Si himself, he still couldn't help asking during the meal: "If you don't mind, can you tell me how you came up with the idea of ​​using scrolls and ink to store spells?"

"It's a book, a book stored in the restricted section of the Hogwarts library." Zuo Si replied pretending to be mysterious.

"Oh? What book?" Arthur suddenly became interested.

Like all the people who graduated from Gryffindor College, when he was in school, he did not do anything less than sleeping in the castle at night, and went to the Forbidden Forest to take risks, so he didn't feel that a freshman went to the Forbidden Books. There is something wrong with the area.

"A "Spells and Runes" compiled in 200 BC. The author Thous once explained the technique of casting spells without a wand, and mentioned that some special magic runes can produce similar spells after being arranged and combined. The effect. I conducted some in-depth research along this route, and finally found some of the laws with the help of exhaustive mathematics.”

""Spells and Runes"? I really want to have a little impression of this book." Arthur swallowed the beef patty in his mouth and showed a thoughtful expression.

Zuo Si responded bluntly: "This book is placed at the end of the second row on the third shelf on the right hand side of the restricted area.

However, since it is written in ancient Latin, most students should not be able to understand it.

Not only ancient Latin, but also a large number of works in Old English, Old German, and Old French. It is impossible for modern students to accurately understand the meanings expressed in them with the reading level of modern students.

I think Hogwarts should offer some language courses, otherwise these precious books will be forgotten in an obscure corner sooner or later. "

"You know all these languages ​​and words?" Arthur raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Of course. As long as I have a dictionary and comparison, I can learn a completely unfamiliar language and characters, and it only takes about seven days at most." Zuo Si spread her hands pretending to be relaxed.

To be precise, with the help of the Eye of Knowledge, no matter what kind of obscure, jerky, and difficult words and symbols, they will eventually be transformed into something he can understand.

"What an enviable talent. It seems that those guys are right. You are indeed a rare genius. No wonder you can come up with so many creative inventions. Maybe in the near future, you can really bring something to the magic world. Positive impact and change." Arthur couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"Dad, Sous has already done this. Didn't you read the recent Daily Prophet? There are already many magic schools that will teach scroll-making courses in the next semester, and maybe they will join the O.W.L. exam in a few years ’ George interrupted suddenly.

"What? Create a new course? Also join the O.W.L. exam!"

Ron, who was still bowing his head while cooking, suddenly raised his head.

To know that this is not good news for him.

After all, one more class means more academic pressure.

And for reasons that cannot be explained, he resisted in his bones to learn these things that were invented and created by Zuo Si.

"Here, this is a newspaper, take it and read it yourself."

As he said that, George handed a newly released copy of the Daily Prophet to his younger brother who was covered in foolishness.

After the latter saw that the news was revealed by an official of the Ministry of Magic, he suddenly showed a look of lovelessness, and even the beef patties on the plate were not delicious.

However, as the "little transparent" in the family, Ron's downcast did not attract the attention of others.

No way, who made his presence so low.

Molly took the opportunity to ask her husband: "How is your work at the Ministry of Magic recently? I heard that you are conducting a large-scale search of those pure-blood families recently?"

Arthur replied with a wry smile: "The effect is not very good. Obviously, someone from the Ministry of Magic secretly tipped them off, so this surprise inspection basically found no evidence. Especially that bastard Lucius, he basically didn't show his feet. "

"Don't be discouraged. We all know that Lucius and his allies were Death Eaters around the mysterious man. Sooner or later, they will pay for the crimes they committed." Molly comforted softly.

"Maybe. If the magic world continues to maintain the current peace, I think it is unlikely that they can be sent to Azkaban."

After this surprise inspection, Arthur had clearly seen something, and was completely hopeless about it.

In particular, the current Minister of Magic, Fudge, is completely peaceful and doesn't want to make any big disturbances during his term of office.

He even hopes that everyone can coexist peacefully under his mediation and no one will make troubles, so as to maintain the prosperous and prosperous British magic scene.

Of course, from the perspective of most wizards, Fudge's actions cannot be regarded as wrong, at least he maintained a superficial peace.

Most of the Weasleys were clearly not interested in the conversation between their parents.

Fred even privately poked Ron with the handle of his fork and asked in a low voice, "Have you written to Harry lately?"

"Of course I did. But for some reason, he just won't write me back." Ron rolled his eyes angrily.

"No reply yet? That's not right! He's not South, he'll shut himself up in the house all day for experiments. If I remember correctly, he should be living at the house of his Muggle aunt, and he can't use any spells at all." .” There was strong suspicion in George’s tone.

Ron nodded hastily: "It's indeed quite worrying. Hermione and Hagrid also wrote to say that they haven't gotten a single reply to Harry's letter, which is quite abnormal."

"It's nothing more than two possibilities. One is that all the letters have been intercepted by some guy with ulterior motives, and the other is that Harry's Muggle relatives have forbidden him to write back. I believe you should know that his aunt and uncle have knowledge about magic." How repulsive and disgusting." Zuo Si reminded quietly.

"Damn! You forgot if you didn't tell me! Harry said before that he was often abused by the Dursleys since he was a child." Ron exclaimed suddenly.

"What? Abuse? Who dares to abuse the savior of the British wizarding world!"

Ginny, who had never said a word, was instantly angry.

"According to Harry, the Dursleys often lock him up and don't feed him. No way! We'll have to check."

Ron had completely lost his appetite at the moment, and stood up from his chair suddenly.

But before he could take any action, Molly immediately glared at her and snapped, "Sit down and eat! It's not your turn to intervene in this kind of thing."


Ron, who was like an angry lion cub a second ago, shrank immediately under the threatening eyes of his mother, and obediently made a mouthful of beef pie on the plate, with an expression of lovelessness.

After all, biological mothers are naturally a powerful deterrent to children.

After dinner was over, Fred secretly gestured with a very subtle gesture.

But before they returned to the upstairs room, Arthur, who was helping to clean up the dishes, complained in a low voice: "Damn it! It's an emergency! Harry Potter just used a hover spell in his residence. According to one Article 3 of the "Reasonable Restraining of Minor Wizards Act" promulgated in 1857, and Article 13 of the "International Confederation of Wizards' Secrecy Act", I am afraid that he will receive a very severe warning this time. a class."

"Go ahead. I believe Harry is a good boy, there must be some misunderstanding." Molly hurriedly put her husband's coat on.

The latter waved his wand lightly, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

"I don't think Harry's situation is very good, what do you think?" George asked Zuo Si in an uncertain tone.

The latter shrugged his shoulders and replied: "It's obvious. But I'm afraid I can't help you in this matter. Because if I get involved, it will definitely be on the front page tomorrow, and I will be criticized by some people." Guys with ulterior motives take advantage of it."

"You don't need your help, we two brothers are more than enough to deal with two Muggles. But mother will definitely be watching closely tonight, and we have to find another chance to act in two days."

After saying this, Fred winked at George.

The latter immediately understood, sneaked down and began to rummage in those drawers and cabinets.

After a while, a car key was stolen.

Zuo Si didn't interfere with the twin brothers' rescue of Harry Potter, but got up to leave soon after dinner.

When he returned to the refuge, he immediately received information from Rita Skeeter.

The content is also very simple, that is, information about Professor Crocker's family members and friends.

Unlike most wizards who have intricate family backgrounds, relatives and friends, this professor who is obsessed with time magic has a very simple social network.

He has a wife, two sons and four grandchildren.

On weekdays, he doesn't like to drink, nor is he interested in participating in various parties. He basically spends time at the Department of Mysteries and at home.

One of the sons was engaged in the excavation of magical monuments, and he was basically away from home all year round, and there was no sign of his participation in the study of time magic.

Although the other son had worked with Professor Crocker as an assistant for about two years, he obviously didn't have much talent in this area, so he quickly changed his job to study magic plants.

In other words, Professor Crocker's two sons should not have the ability to cast the time reversal spell.

On the contrary, one of the four grandsons was named Kerwin, who showed amazing talent in school, and was later recruited into the Department of Mysteries.

As for the Time Converter, so far there are special personnel in charge of guarding it, and there has never been a lost record.

"Well, it seems that there are only these two suspects that can be locked down at present."

Without further ado, Zuo Si directly summoned two succubi captured not long ago through the planeswalker's card, and gave them orders to approach Professor Crocker and his grandson, and then set out some secrets through temptation and other means .

If you can, it's best to get both the time reversal spell and the full technology to make a time-turner.

After accepting the task, the two succubi immediately transformed into charming human female images, turned around and disappeared into the vast night.

After about two or three hours, they all locked on the target by coincidence and created an unexpected encounter.

Among them, Kerwin, who was relatively young and was at an impulsive age, was completely attracted by the amorous feelings displayed by the succubus in less than two hours, and became a captive of the other party unconsciously.

It is estimated that it will not take long for the succubus to squeeze out all the secrets in his mind.

In contrast, Professor Crocker's progress is relatively slow.

Although the succubus managed to attract his attention, his long-term cautious character, as well as his loyalty to his wife and family, allowed him to successfully resist that powerful temptation for the time being.

However, a failure did not make the succubus feel any frustration, but planned to put a long line to catch big fish.

After all, it's not like they haven't seen a mortal with a strong will. As long as they are willing to spend time, even those paladins who symbolize order and kindness will be corrupted bit by bit.

When the owl sent the letter from Hogwarts and the list of books to be prepared for the next semester, Zuo Si was surprised to find that her own book was also included in the list, and there was also an elective magic scroll in the class schedule make.

Along with these two things came a letter from Headmaster Dumbledore.

The content naturally invited him to take an open class every week similar to that of last semester, teaching Hogwarts students how to make magic scrolls.

In return, Zuo Si can not only get an extra salary, but also enjoy some benefits and privileges only available to professors.

Of course, if refused, then the class would be replaced by Snape.

After a few minutes of deliberation, he quickly wrote back agreeing to the offer.

No way, who made the next semester's Defense Against the Dark Arts class be Gilderoy Lockhart.

Zuo Si doesn't want to be entangled with this annoying guy who likes to be famous, so it is very necessary to get himself a professor.

As for things like "Break with a Banshee", "Running with Ghouls", "Holidays with Hags", "Walking with Trolls", "Traveling with Vampires", "Wandering with Werewolves", " He is not even going to buy any of the books "A Year with the Snowman".

"North! Get ready and go to Diagon Alley with me." Zuo Si told the house-elf.

The latter immediately bent down and bowed deeply: "As you wish."

Then the little thing walked to the owner's side, raised its slender and skinny hand and snapped its fingers lightly.


Accompanied by the crisp ringing, the two arrived at the main entrance of the Leaky Cauldron from a distant mountain in an instant.

Although according to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, underage wizards are not allowed to use magic without authorization, Zuo Si made a loophole and let the house-elf take him to teleport.

It has to be said that his appearance immediately attracted the attention of many people in the bar.

Because house elves are magical creatures that only those ancient pure-blood noble families, or Hogwarts schools of magic that have been passed down for thousands of years, can afford to raise.

When he walked into the bar, the boss Tom instantly recognized Zuo Si's identity, and immediately greeted Zuo Si in a half-joking tone: "Look who is here! The rising star of the British magic world! The master of magic scrolls and spell storage technology The creator, the genius who is destined to surpass Dumbledore to become the greatest wizard - South! You know? When you walked in with Snape last year, I knew you were destined to be extraordinary."

"Forget your clichés, and save it for the savior Harry Potter, I don't want yours." Zuo Si also responded in a half-joking tone.

Because he knew that this was just the other party's way of expressing intimacy and kindness, without any sarcasm.

However, what Old Tom said immediately made many guests in the tavern realize who this young man with a house elf was, and they all cast curious, greedy, or surprised glances.

After all, Zuo Si's photo has been published in newspapers more than once, and even the chocolate frog manufacturer is planning to make his name and deeds into a card to attract more children to buy.

"Hahahaha! What do you want to drink?" Old Tom asked with a big laugh.

Zuo Si took a look at the dirty cups that hadn't been scrubbed for a long time, and those guests with big yellow teeth, and immediately shook his head and refused, "Forget it, the drinks here are not suitable for me."

"That's really a pity." Old Tom shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Just when he was about to say something, an old woman who looked to be in her sixties or seventies slowly stood up from her seat, walked straight to Zuo Si and bowed in a very clumsy gesture. , said in an indistinct voice: "Thank you for your invention, Lord South. It has given me a new way to make money."

"Could you please sign it for me?"

Another middle-aged man took out a copy of "Teaching You to Store Spells - Volume 1" from his backpack.

"And I!"

"Please sign me too!"


All of a sudden, many guests in the hall gathered together.

Obviously, they were all beneficiaries of the first wave of scroll crafting.

Some even earn a pretty good income just by selling their best magic scrolls, so they are very grateful to the inventor who disclosed this technology.

After all, it can be seen from the lack of clothing on their bodies that these people used to be marginal groups in the magic world, and there might be hidden werewolves who were discriminated against, and they couldn't find any decent jobs at all.

Zuo Si did not refuse, but waved his magic wand and signed his initials on the front page of each book handed over.

When he was about to turn around and go to Diagon Alley after finishing all this, he suddenly saw a familiar petite figure walking in with two adults.

The two adults are obviously Muggles who don't understand magic, and they have been looking around this ancient bar with a history of at least hundreds of years with curious eyes.

As for the girl in the front wearing a dark blue dress, black stockings and brown leather shoes, it was Hermione Granger herself.

Like Zuo Si, who is growing her body like crazy, she seems to have grown a lot in just one vacation, with long brown and wavy hair casually draped over her shoulders, and even light makeup and smudges on her face lip gloss.


The girl's voice was full of undisguised surprise, and she immediately ran up to offer a warm hug, and at the same time asked very quickly: "What are you busy with this holiday? I reply?"

Feeling the scent of the girl's light perfume, Zuo Si couldn't help explaining with a smile: "I'm so busy during this holiday, I don't have time to read the letters sent by those owls."

"Like?" Hermione looked up into Zuo Si's eyes.

"Let's say I managed to make this..."

With that said, Zuo Si took out the enhanced version of the Philosopher's Stone that he made from his pocket.

At first, Hermione didn't recognize what it was.

After all, the only existing Philosopher's Stone was made by Nicole Flamel, and it presents an irregular crystal like a pomegranate or ruby.

The one in front of him was a cloudy black.

Only in the crevices of those lines can one vaguely see the flowing magic mercury.

But soon, by feeling the powerful magic power and life energy emanating from it, the girl noticed that the small cut on her hand a few days ago had healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, without even leaving a scar .

"Ma... Sorcerer's Stone? You successfully made the second Sorcerer's Stone!"

Hermione subconsciously covered her mouth, her face full of shock and disbelief.

Although she knew for a long time that Zuo Si would try to make her own Philosopher's Stone sooner or later, she never thought that day would come so soon.

And the successful manufacture of the Philosopher's Stone also means that its alchemy level has reached the top level in the world.

"That's right. Have you seen those silver liquids flowing in the middle of this magic stone? They have the ability to change the properties of matter, and even mix with healing potions to revive people who died unnaturally." Zuo Si posted on the girl whispered softly in his ear.

I don't know whether it was the stimulation caused by the heat when I spoke, or the strong impact brought by the word "resurrecting the dead", in short, Hermione shivered uncontrollably in an instant.

After about three to five seconds, she finally came back to her senses, and exclaimed in a slightly trembling voice: "My God! If... If this is true, then the entire wizarding world will go crazy over it."

"So remember to keep it a secret for me. Because you are the second person who knows its true purpose so far." Zuo Si said meaningfully.

"Thank you for telling me this, and I swear to keep it a secret from you."

The girl's eyes revealed the touch of being trusted, so that she completely forgot the idea of ​​"invoking the teacher to ask the crime" about not replying in time when she wanted to.

Just when she was about to ask about the making process of the Philosopher's Stone and what other functions it has, Mr. Granger, who stood by and watched his daughter kissing a strange boy, finally couldn't bear it anymore. Coughed.



Only then did Hermione realize that the two of them had maintained this ambiguous intimacy for a long time, a faint blush appeared on her fair face, she quickly let go of her arms to try to calm down, turned around and introduced to her parents: "Dad, Mom , This is the South that I often mention to you. South, these are my parents."

"It's a great honor to meet you, Mr. Granger and Madam." Zuo Si bowed without panic.

"We are delighted to meet you too, young man."

Mrs. Granger was obviously very satisfied with Zuo Si's politeness and maturity at the moment, and the corners of her mouth even showed an obvious upturn.

Because Zuo Si's charm attribute is as high as 18 points, coupled with the great influence of divine power on mortals, and the superior temperament he has cultivated for a long time, he will have a strong attraction that cannot be described in words.

From a woman's point of view, this is the standard "high-quality stock".

What's more, Mrs. Granger also learned from her daughter that the young man in front of her is a veritable millionaire in the wizarding world, and her wealth will continue to increase as time goes by.

In contrast, although Mr. Granger was unhappy that his daughter might be snatched away by the other party in the future, he had to admit that his daughter had a good vision.

At least it's better than the neighbor's daughter who spends all day with a bunch of punks, smoking and drinking or getting some ugly tattoos on her body.

In this way, under the influence of Zuo Si's deliberate pandering and conversation skills, Hermione's parents opened up the conversation in less than ten minutes.

Especially Mrs. Granger, even despite her daughter's strong protest, told some interesting things that happened to her when she was a child, it seemed like a family.

In the end, Zuo Si persuaded the two parents to stay in the Leaky Cauldron, and he took Hermione into Diagon Alley to start purchasing books and various tools and materials that might be used.

Since Hermione made a lot of money last term, there was no need to go to Gringotts to exchange gold coins.

When she reached the door of the pet shop, Zuo Si took out the small feline statue and handed it to the girl.

"What is this? Some kind of craft?" Hermione asked in an uncertain tone.

"No, it is a civet. It can see things that ordinary people cannot see, and it can also assist its owner in fighting. The most important thing is that it is different from ordinary pets. You don't need to feed it, and you don't have to worry about it. died of old age."

Zuo Si briefly introduced the purpose of this magic statue.

Although in terms of function, the giant tarantula statue in his hand is obviously more powerful.

But the thing is, when it comes to gifting girls, functionality and practical use are never the most important thing.

Many straight men of steel have problems in this aspect, which is why there are often situations where spending money is not thankful.

Zuo Si, who claims to be smart, would not make such a mistake.

What's more, after experiencing Talona's love and Isadora's self-replicating madness, he finally realized how precious Hermione's "normal" and "sane" are.

"Then how can I summon it?"

The girl was obviously moved by the lifelike and lovely appearance of the statue, so she took it and put it in her hand to check it over and over again.

"Just one spell. Say it with me—Ashra!"


Accompanied by the complete recitation of the clearly pronounced mantra, the statue instantly emitted a green light.

Immediately afterwards, the whole statue came alive in an instant, from a lifelike wood carving to a feline covered with dark blue hair, which looked somewhat similar to lynx and lynx, leaping lightly from the owner's arms Jump to the ground.

In terms of size, it is undoubtedly much larger than the average house cat.

Especially those dark eyes, obviously exuding the power of magic.

"My God! It''s so beautiful!"

Hermione bent down and tried to stroke the civet's head.

The latter obviously knew that the girl in front of him was his new master, so not only did he not resist, but he took the initiative to come up and let out a coquettish meowing sound.

After teasing for a while, the girl stood up and said with emotion: "Thank you! This is definitely the best gift I have ever received in my life. By the way, what's its name?"

"I don't know. Maybe you can make one for yourself." Zuo Si spread her hands indifferently.

He has never been very keen on things like naming pets, and he is also not good at it.

In fact, when he was raising a dog, he was too lazy to name it, so he always used "Hello" to refer to it.

As a result, after the dog grew up a little bit, he always thought that his name was "Hey".

When walking on the street, as long as someone yells "Hello", it will immediately run over on conditioned reflex, which makes a lot of jokes.

"Really? Can I name it?" Hermione's eyes lit up instantly.

"Of course. It's yours now, of course you have the right to name it." Zuo Si immediately gave an affirmative answer.

Because creatures like this that are made into summoned statues, except for a very few, often don't have their own names.

In other words, in the eyes of the creator and the owner, they are just tools for delaying time and chasing down the enemy, and they have no value of naming at all.

But Hermione, who regarded the civet as a pet, was different. She even came up with several names in less than a minute, and then began to struggle with which one to use.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zuo Si went into the pet store and bought the cute and ugly Crookshanks...

(end of this chapter)

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