One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 294 Department Of Mysteries

Chapter 294 Department of Mysteries

There is no doubt that Zuo Si's first class this semester left a deep impression on all the students who came.

In particular, the behavior of playing a monkey with Lockhart, a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts who has a lot of titles and reputations, completely tore off the last disguise of this liar.

So much so that even the freshmen in the first grade no longer believe that what he said in his books is what really happened.

The reason is simple, if Lockhart had half the wisdom and courage of the protagonist in the book, he wouldn't have stood naked on the podium for more than an hour like an idiot in today's class, constantly acting like a guinea pig. A test case for a rune combination, and it must be accompanied by a smiling face.

That humble and despicable appearance was in stark contrast to the self-boasting in class before, just seeing it would make people feel extremely disgusted and disgusted.

It turns out once again that fame is actually a double-edged sword.

When a person's fame matches his strength and power, he can naturally get some extra bonuses.

But if it was reversed, then when this bright and beautiful dress was pulled off, it would immediately fall from the clouds to the abyss.

Obviously, Lockhart is currently in such a state.

It was foreseeable that he would basically be unable to take Defense Against the Dark Arts class this semester.

Because the students have seen through his true face hidden behind his great fame, no one will believe what Lockhart said, and will only regard him as a clown and a laughing stock to ridicule and tease him to his heart's content.

This time last year, Quirinus Quirrell had lost the most basic respect for Quirinus Quirrell because he was deliberately acting stupid, and the Weasley twins even hit him on the back of the head with some messy things in class.

You must know that Voldemort's half-dead soul is attached to it!

With George and Fred's daring characters, it is estimated that they will continue to make troubles for the next whole year, until Lockhart has a mental breakdown and resigns and runs away.

After Ron, another person in Hogwarts ushered in the beginning of hell difficulty.

Especially in the evening when countless people crowded in the auditorium and whispered, Lockhart became extremely nervous and sensitive. He left in a hurry and hid in his office without even taking a few bites of food, not daring to show his face.

Dumbledore couldn't help but sighed slightly, and said to Zuo Si who was whispering about potions with Snape: "You have gone too far."

"Too much?" Zuo Si sneered and shook his head. "No, professor, I think my scale is just right. In particular, letting everyone recognize Lockhart's true colors can effectively prevent this guy from continuing to deceive and cause many students to waste precious time and energy on him. After all, wasting your own time is tantamount to wasting your life, and wasting someone else's time is tantamount to murder. I don't think anything can be done too badly about a murderer."

"I completely agree. Lockhart, an idiot, even took advantage of his power to make all the students buy all the books he wrote. This is simply a disgrace to the Hogwarts staff." Snape also sneered and chimed in.

"He's trying to tell me what to do with my herbal medicine class!" Sprout murmured under his breath.

As for the Charms class professor, Flitwick rolled his eyes and expressed his attitude in the simplest and rudest way.

Apparently, only a few days into the term, Lockhart had offended all the Hogwarts professors with his penchant for showing off his superiority.

Only Professor McGonagall, who never liked talking ill of people behind his back, remained silent and did not join the ranks of denouncing Lockhart.

Of course, she didn't say anything good about this guy.

After all, Defense Against the Dark Arts has always been one of the most practical and important subjects in school.

But judging from Lockhart's performance, 80% of them will be completely abandoned like last semester.

Seeing that the professors all chose to side with Zuo Si, Dumbledore immediately noticed that this situation seemed familiar.

When it was announced that the second Philosopher's Stone had the ability to resurrect the dead, it seemed that everyone around him was against him, and this situation had never been encountered before.

After all, as the greatest wizard of his time, he always believed that he was fighting to protect the interests of the majority.

But now...he actually became a minority!

The root of all this is the young man in front of him exuding a strong self-will.

Not affected by any external factors, nor will you change yourself because of other people.

On the contrary, they will use various means to influence the people around them, making them unknowingly stand on their side.

Dumbledore has lived for more than a hundred years, and this is the first time he has encountered such an alien.

After being silent for a long time, he could only slightly shake his head and give up his original plan of preaching. He picked up a piece of soft candy and put it in his mouth. All he could think about was why Zuo Si had family blood flowing through him. What was behind it? There is no ulterior conspiracy.

This situation continued until the end of the dinner time. Ron, who hadn't shown up all day, dragged his exhausted body slowly into the auditorium from outside.

At this moment, he looked as if he had just rolled in the mud. Not only was he unbearably dirty, but he also exuded a pungent sour smell. They covered their mouths and noses to make way for him.

With this appearance alone, it is estimated that if you lie down on the side of the road in London, you will get more sympathy and charity than other beggars.

You don't need to ask, Snape must have used the privilege of the professor to the maximum, and arranged a lot of hard and tiring work for Ron, so that the poor little guy didn't even have the energy to talk and take a bath, so he went directly to the grid Sitting at the table at Lanffindor Academy, he started stuffing food into his mouth frantically without saying a word.

The strong hunger and exhaustion made him have no mind to think about other things, even if the bread was stained black by his dirty hands, he didn't care.

"My God! Ron, what have you been up to today?"

As the big brother and prefect, Percy couldn't help exclaiming when he saw his younger brother's appearance as a refugee.

But Ron just ate his head and didn't intend to answer the question at all, but the tears couldn't stop streaming down his cheeks.

If you look closely, you will find that under the thick layer of black mud on his hands are countless large and small blisters, as well as the scars left after the blisters burst, and there are a lot of whipping willows on his back and arms. Red bloodstains came out.


It hurts so much!

Coupled with the strong sense of loneliness that only one person suffers, the boy's spirit and will almost collapse, and even a trace of resentment towards his friend Harry is inevitable.

After all, there were two people driving the flying car to school!

Why is it that he is the only one who is unlucky and injured?

In particular, Snape's extreme double-standard discrimination completely blew Ron's mind.

So he doesn't want to bother with anyone now, he just wants to fill his stomach quickly, and then go back to the dormitory to take a shower and lie down on a soft bed to sleep.

"Professor, what did you ask Ron to do today?" Zuo Si asked in a low voice with some curiosity.

Snape pursed his lips and replied in a slightly smug tone: "I asked him to loosen the soil around the Whooping Willow. Due to the damaged wand, he couldn't use any spells at all, he could only use one side Dodging Whomping Willows while digging with hoes and shovels."

Obviously, this kind of workload and degree of danger would be difficult even for an adult, let alone a twelve or thirteen-year-old child.

You must know that Whomping Willow is the most sensitive and aggressive type of magic plant.

Although there is no supernatural magical ability, the thick trunk alone can beat a person to death.

The thinner branches are like whips, and the skin will be torn apart.

However, Ron's condition is obviously treated, so only some red marks can be seen.

After realizing what Ron went through today, Zuo Si instantly refreshed his understanding of Snape's eccentricity, and complimented against his will: "You really broke your heart because of Harry Potter..."

"Of course! In order for this silly boy to be as good as his mother, instead of being like that arrogant, arrogant, obnoxious and arrogant father, I am willing to do anything."

When he said these words, Snape actually showed a very serious expression on his face.

You don't need to ask to know that he is absolutely serious about this matter, and he is not just trying to fool things around.

"It's so touching. If Harry Potter knows the truth one day, he will be grateful from the bottom of his heart for everything you have done for him (of course, it may be that you want to strangle him alive)."

At this moment, Zuo Si fully demonstrated her high EQ, and did not break through the beautiful fantasy woven by the other party for herself.

Because based on his understanding of the savior, the latter might accept Dumbledore's persuasive guidance, but he would never accept Snape's behavior of forcibly changing the trajectory of his life.

If there is no accident, after Lily marries Snape and forms a new family, there will be a wonderful family ethics drama.

"I don't care if Potter appreciates it, because it's all about Lily."

As soon as the name of his beloved was mentioned, Snape's eyes instantly softened.

Due to the disheartened relationship in the past, although he was a master of potions, he didn't take many jobs that entrusted him to refine high-level potions.

But now, in order to provide Lily and their future children with a better and better life, he has become a complete workaholic like many married and good family men.

Almost every time I have free time, I will take all kinds of orders and hand over any money I earn.

Zuo Si, who was sprinkled with dog food for no reason, was quite speechless, and quickly stood up to stay away from this middle-aged man who showed off his happy life every chance he got.

In this way, in the next few days, everything in Hogwarts looked very peaceful.

Of course, except that Lockhart, who was psychologically shadowed, is no longer as confident as before, he is always evasive in class, and is often teased by bold students like George and Fred. Ron who would be targeted by Snape for trouble.

However, Zuo Si noticed that Lockhart's mental state began to become strange over time, and he often appeared in a trance or briefly lost consciousness.

Needless to ask, this change must be the result of Voldemort's Horcrux drawing a large amount of vitality.

After a while, maybe his consciousness will be quietly replaced by the other party and slowly control his body.

But what he didn't understand was, how did the Horcrux, as a torn piece of soul, do this?

Also, why do you have to kill to make a Horcrux?

Could it be that the process of making a Horcrux also needs to absorb life energy from the victim?

Or do you need to seize a part of the opponent's soul to strengthen and stabilize this small piece of soul fragment?

Because Dumbledore hid the book on how to make souls in the restricted area of ​​Hogwarts, Zuo Si didn't know the specific method and principle of making Horcruxes at all, so he could only guess out of thin air.

The only good thing is that as Lockhart is getting more and more eroded, one day the student Voldemort will be completely resurrected.

At that time, he only needs to overthrow the other party, and naturally he can obtain the knowledge he wants through interrogation and torture, and by the way, he can use waste to do some interesting experiments.

In Zuo Si's eyes, Voldemort in his student days was simply an excellent experimental subject, from soul to body.

But before that, he still has one very important thing to do, which is to go to the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic to reach some cooperation agreements with the current Minister of Magic, Fudge, and the ambitious Umbridge.

Since Hogwarts is a typical full-time boarding school, whenever there are no classes on Saturdays and Sundays, whether it is the corridors, halls and common rooms in the castle, or the playground and woods outside, you can I saw crowds of students.

Students in the lower grades often use this time to explore around, looking for secrets hidden in unknown corners.

While the senior grades are more likely to form a pair in pairs, hiding in a relatively secluded place and doing some intimate actions that couples love to see.

The professors basically turned a blind eye to this, as long as no human life was caused, they would not interfere at all.

the reason is simple!

A little survey of wizarding couples in the British wizarding world shows that most of them met and established a relationship in school, and then married and started a family after working for a few years after graduation.

This also means that Hogwarts is not only the largest magic school in the UK, but also the largest dating agency, shouldering the sacred duty of continuing the blood of wizards.

You must know that the number of wizards is not many, so every newborn is something to be happy about.

Even for the sake of increasing the population, they would not do such things as beating mandarin ducks with sticks.

When Zuo Si and Hermione were walking through a bush, they inadvertently saw several disheveled "senior" and "senior sisters" hugging each other and making some strange noises.

And these voices made the girl who had no experience with them feel extremely shy and uncomfortable. She lowered her head from the beginning to the end, her face was covered with obvious blush.

Because she basically stays in the dormitory, classroom, laboratory, and library on weekdays, she has no idea that there is such an outrageous place in the woods outside the castle. Those restricted-rated short movies that I watched after I fell asleep in the middle of the night.

Among them were several students from Gryffindor College, whom she had seen in Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class.

Just when Hermione was thinking wildly, Zuo Si suddenly stopped and said with a smile, "Okay, let's send it here. Further on is the huge magic barrier covering Hogwarts." out of bounds."

"How long do you plan to go this time?" The girl finally raised her head and asked.

"Up to two days, I will be back before Monday. Remember to help me take care of the cubs of the magical animals in the laboratory, but be careful not to feed them too much food just because they are coquettish and cute. Especially Ray Birds and leopard cubs are very dangerous, and you need to keep them as close as possible. If you get stuck, go to Hagrid, he is very experienced in dealing with these dangerous creatures."

Zuo Si repeatedly exhorted him before leaving.

Although he had obtained the authorization from the Ministry of Magic from Fudge, even raising a dragon was not illegal, but the danger would not disappear because of this.

Of all the magical animals currently kept, the cub is undoubtedly the scariest.

After this beast, native to East Africa, grows up, it can spray gas containing highly poisonous and magical germs from its huge poison sac, killing all living creatures in a village within a few seconds.

It is said that it takes almost a hundred wizards to join forces to subdue it.

In contrast, the Fire Dragon, which only needs a dozen wizards to control, is like a docile little lizard.

Although the juvenile leopard is only the size of a golden retriever, and it is kept in a special cage.

But if he ran out, the damage to the students would definitely be much more terrifying than that basilisk in the secret room.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them." Hermione assured without thinking.

"In that case, I'm relieved. Finally, I wish you a happy weekend."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Si opened his arms and gave the girl a simple hug, then turned around and stepped across the magic barrier of Hogwarts, picking up a very conspicuous bracelet that was placed on the ground.

next second...

His whole body was carried by the bracelet and disappeared in place.

Obviously, that was not a bracelet at all, but a "port key" blessed with magic spells.

Since all space-transforming magic cannot take effect within the range of the magic barrier of Hogwarts Castle, people from the Ministry of Magic can only place it here.

Looking at the empty lawn in front of her, Hermione stood on the spot and recalled the remaining temperature in her arms and the unique smell emanating from Zuo Si, then took a deep breath to calm her restless heart, and bent down He touched the civet's head and said, "Let's go, Bastet, we still have a lot of work to do today."


Civets undoubtedly have a very high IQ, and immediately respond to their owners with very soft calls.

As for the name "Bastet", it is naturally derived from the cat goddess in ancient Egyptian mythology.

"You are so cute! Sometimes I really doubt that you have become a person, just like the protagonist of "Child Dog Eric." The girl said to her pet with a smile.

The civet undoubtedly understood what its master said, and immediately shook its head and meowed, expressing in the simplest and most understandable way that it was not human at all.

Strictly speaking, it should belong to the spirit of nature in the mouth of druids or shamans in Faerun.

It is after the death of those animals that have lived long enough to produce intelligence that their souls are finally promoted to another eternal life form under the care of natural forces.

It's just that unlike those spirits of nature who live freely in remote forests, mountains and wilderness, Bastet was captured by a powerful mage and transformed into a highly obedient half-body summoned creature.

Whoever holds the statue automatically becomes its allegiance.

Although Hermione also learned this fact from Zuo Si, she still prefers to believe that her pet is an individual with independent consciousness and thinking ability, so she is willing to spend some time communicating with her, even playing games like Play chess, cards and other intellectual games.

The civet seemed to have sensed the girl's heart, and no longer simply carried out orders as it did at the beginning, but was very willing to interact with her.

The relationship between one person and one cat quickly heated up in a short period of time, and they even became good friends who talked about everything.

Hermione would also confide to Bastedt about some things that were hidden in her heart and were inconvenient to tell her parents and Zuo Si.

Because the civet is smart enough to understand what she expresses, but it can't speak, so it can't tell anyone what it hears.


At the same time, far away in the British Ministry of Magic, located underground in central London.

Zuo Si, who had just been teleported by the Portkey, was leaning against the wall and drinking a glass of lemonade handed over by the staff, trying to relieve the strong dizziness caused by the rough teleportation.

He finally understood why many people turned pale when they heard the word "Portkey".

Unlike teleportation spells such as Apparition, which are controlled by the caster, "Portkey" is essentially a directional teleportation magic cast by others.

That is, the fastest and most convenient way to move a person from point A to point B, and the problem of comfort was not considered from the beginning of its invention.

If apparation is compared to a car driving on a smooth road, then the Portkey is an off-road vehicle or a heavy-duty truck that is speeding on uneven roads in the wild, and it is not sitting in the cab, but sitting on the rear trailer , It’s not over until you shake your brains.

Fortunately, Zuo Si's physique attribute has long been non-human, otherwise someone with a poor physique would already be lying on the ground and starting to retch.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic! You know I've been waiting for you with great anticipation for days."

Fudge ran over from the office almost immediately, with an amiable smile on his wrinkled old face.

With the success of the first human resurrection experiment, he fully realized the great potential of the second Philosopher's Stone.

Among other things, just reviving the victims of the last wizarding war can drive countless people in the magic world crazy.

Whether Muggles or pure-blood wizards, or those ancient pure-blood families, will fawn on themselves in order to resurrect their dead friends, lovers, siblings, parents and children.

With such surging public support, even if Dumbledore wants to destroy the Sorcerer's Stone and then take away his rights from himself, he must carefully consider the consequences.

Most of all, Fudge really liked Zuo Si's research-obsessed, not-very-interested attitude toward power.

What's more, he also offered to hand over the Philosopher's Stone to the Ministry of Magic for safekeeping.

The combination of many factors made Fudge wish he could choose a young and beautiful granddaughter from his own granddaughter to marry Zuo Si, so as to gain a powerful political ally with unlimited potential.

But it is a pity that he does have several grandsons, but his granddaughters are pitifully few, and their appearance and conduct are not very good.

"Thank you very much for your invitation. You know, I have long wanted to visit the Ministry of Magic, especially the Department of Mysteries. But there is one thing I have to say, that is, can I bother you not to use the Portkey next time? Although I don't know what the spell was originally invented for, but it's almost criminal to teleport living people."

Zuo Si's tone was full of resentment towards the magic item such as the Portkey.

Fudge couldn't help laughing immediately when he heard this complaint: "Hahahaha! I totally agree!

Or rather, anyone who has tried using a Portkey to teleport will come to the same conclusion as you.

But the problem is, you're not old enough to get a license to apparate, and the Ministry of Magic has banned Floo powder for safety reasons, so you can only use Portkeys for the time being.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you like flying on a broomstick for hours at night. "

"Minister, I think it may be possible to issue a temporary license to South. After all, special circumstances are treated specially. The biggest difference between geniuses and ordinary people is that their talents are not subject to age restrictions." Umbridge hurriedly stood up came out and interjected.

"Issuing a temporary permit?" Fudge stroked his chin, thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

After all, as the Minister of Magic, he has a lot of privileges.

The only question is whether doing so will spark opposition in the inner parliament.

Umbridge undoubtedly understood the indecisive character of his immediate boss very well, and immediately leaned forward and whispered in his ear for a while.

Finally, under her persuasion, Fudge immediately promised: "Give me a few days, and next week you will receive a temporary permit to use Apparition within the UK."

"Thank you for your generosity. I will remember this kindness. Of course, there is also you, Ms. Umbridge." Zuo Si bowed gracefully.

"Hehe, you're welcome. After all, you have made so many contributions to the wizarding world, and it's only natural for the Ministry of Magic to give back appropriately." Umbridge raised the corners of his mouth and showed a smug smile.

Needless to ask, she knew that what she had done just now was deliberately showing that she had the ability to manipulate the Minister of Magic in front of her.

After a simple exchange of greetings, a group of people, led by Fudge, walked into the Department of Mysteries with the highest level of secrecy in the entire Ministry of Magic.

With the help of an elevator to go deeper underground, the first thing that catches the eye is a simple and plain black door. After passing through the door, you can see a round black room.

However, Zuo Si noticed that whether it was the door behind him or the room under his feet, the inside of the wall was densely covered with hundreds of protective spell effects.

Its power is so strong that it is even far above the castle of Hogwarts.

On the walls of the black room, twelve gates could be seen without any markings, handles or decorations.

It is impossible to tell the difference with the naked eye.

Whenever someone came in, the wall would rotate so rapidly that it would be impossible to tell them apart by remembering their location.

Some candles with a faint blue glow kept burning, providing a faint light.

As for the ground under his feet, it was like a black pool of water, as if it wanted to swallow everyone.

But the Ministry of Magic apparently had some way of distinguishing the doors.

Fudge took the lead without hesitation and walked directly into the rightmost passage.

The moment Zuo Si stepped across the threshold, she felt instantly transported from one space to another.

After losing his sense of direction for a short while, he found that the group was already in a huge oval room filled with various animals.

On the table in the center of the room, there is the second Sorcerer's Stone and the box used to hold it.

"Ah! Mr. Minister, you are finally here. If I guess correctly, this should be the creator of the Philosopher's Stone and Magic Mercury."

The short person in charge hurried over and stared at Zuo Si with an almost adoring look.

After all, the boundary between life and death is something more mysterious and unpredictable than time magic.

But with the success of the death and resurrection experiment, he saw the opportunity to spy on the mysteries of the afterlife world.

"Who is this……"

Zuo Si obviously didn't know each other, so she cast her eyes on Fudge beside her.

But before the latter had time to speak, Umbridge immediately rushed to answer: "This is Professor Herman, the first person who put forward the ghost hypothesis theory. He has a very deep understanding of the soul and death. Research, and even invented a lot of spells that can work on ghosts."

"Ah! It turned out to be Professor Herman. I have read your papers and opinions published on the Daily Prophet, some of which have inspired me very deeply. It is a great honor to meet you." Zuo Si offered to extend his right hand to meet The other party shook hands.

He has always treated these highly professional talents with great respect, even if the research direction of the other party is very likely to be wrong.

"No, no, no, it should be said that I am honored. Your epoch-making great invention broke the boundary between life and death for the first time! Let me spy on the place where the soul will go after death. It is a pity that the Sorcerer's Stone The amount of magic mercury that can be stored is too small, and it is very troublesome to replenish, and once exposed to the air for 24 hours, it will completely volatilize."

Professor Herman spoke out all the problems encountered in the experiment.

Obviously, he hoped to get some solutions or suggestions from the creator of the Philosopher's Stone.

But Zuo Si smiled and shook her head: "Sorry, Professor, I may not be able to help you in this regard.

Because magic mercury is highly condensed magic power and vitality, if it is not properly kept, it is easy to volatilize or react with other things.

It is also because of this that it can restore a corpse and even bones, and call back the soul of the dead.

Apart from the Sorcerer's Stone itself, I only know of some magical crystals and containers shaped by several special gemstones that can be stored for a little longer. "

"Magic crystals and gemstone-shaped containers? Great! Thanks for the reminder, I finally have a clue."

Professor Herman immediately found a treasure, and in the next ten minutes, he showed Zuo Si the experimental data he had conducted during this period, as well as the various reactions of August Rookwood being killed and resurrected .

For this kind of purely academic exchange, it is naturally very suitable for Zuo Si's appetite,

The two chatted and left a large group of people, including Fudge, behind, from the initial resurrection process to the differences between ghosts and ordinary souls.

We must know that the most grievous thing about English is its complex and numerous professional vocabulary.

If it is not for relevant practitioners, ordinary people may never have heard of these words in their entire lives, let alone recognize and understand their meanings.

This is true in the Muggle world, and it is still true in the wizarding world.

In order to communicate better, Zuo Si and Professor Herman even started to use French and Latin in some places where ambiguity is prone to appear.

And this kind of behavior caused Fudge, Umbridge and other bureaucrats of the Ministry of Magic to not understand what the two were talking about at all, so they could only nod their heads in agreement, pretending that they understood. look like.

Otherwise, if it was discovered that he didn't understand at all, it would be so embarrassing if it spread.

From this point alone, it can be seen that the fine traditions of the bureaucrats of the Great Empire have also left a deep imprint on the wizards.

Fortunately, Zuo Si noticed the embarrassment of Fudge and others in time. After learning the information he wanted, he quickly ended the communication with Professor Herman, and exchanged addresses so that he could contact by letter in the future.

After finishing all this, he immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Minister, it seems that the Ministry of Magic has begun to try to resurrect those dead people. Now I want to know how you plan to deal with this matter on the legal and ethical levels. Define it?"


Fudge's face became serious, and he responded in as cautious a tone as possible: "I'm discussing with other members in the parliament, planning to formulate a corresponding law to restrict this behavior of resurrecting the dead.

But rest assured, we will definitely not be resurrecting the Death Eaters and villains who have wreaked havoc on the British wizarding world.

Quite the contrary, we are resurrecting the heroes who gave their lives in the last war. "

"So... you mean that the Ministry of Magic will conduct a semi-public resurrection in the near future?" Zuo Si keenly grasped the key point.

"That's right! We already have a candidate, if you have no objections."

Umbridge quickly handed over a piece of parchment with names and information written on it.

Zuo Si opened it and took a look, only to find that the name on it was Gideon Prewett.

If I remember correctly, this person is the elder brother of Molly Weasley, the uncle of Ron and the Weasley twins, who once joined the Order of the Phoenix in the First Wizarding War and confronted Voldemort's minions.

It is said that he and his younger brother Fabian Prewett joined forces to fight against five powerful Death Eaters and fought and retreated. In the end, they were defeated and killed on the spot because they were outnumbered.

Obviously, the reason why the Ministry of Magic chose such a well-known tragic hero to resurrect is to establish a more fair image.

Moreover, although the Prewett family is not as good as those pure bloods that have been passed down for thousands of years, they are also quite powerful in the magic world.

Don't look at the fact that Molly has been living in a bit of poverty since she married Arthur, she always gives people a very poor look.

But in fact, the families behind the couple are quite wealthy.

Zuo Si dared to bet that the Prewett family must have used many connections and donated a large sum of money to the Ministry of Magic to finally succeed in winning this precious first place.

Thinking of this, he immediately responded: "I don't have any opinions on the candidates. But there is a small problem that you may not have noticed."

"Oh? What is it!" Fudge showed a curious look on his face.

Zuo Si replied meaningfully: "It's memory! According to several experiments I conducted in private, as the time of death increases, the resurrected people will have different degrees of amnesia. Considering that the last wizarding war has passed After a decade, Gideon Prewett may come back to life forgetting who he is, even those friends and family who didn't know him."

" resurrected a dead person? Who is he?" Professor Herman's tone suddenly became agitated.

"Sorry, in order to protect the privacy of the parties involved, it is inconvenient for me to reveal the name now. But after the Ministry of Magic promulgates the corresponding laws, the answer to the mystery should be revealed soon. Please rest assured that I resurrected some innocent victims, not What a vicious and vicious person." Zuo Si solemnly gave a guarantee.

"Amnesia? It seems that I need to inform the Prewett family, so that they can be mentally prepared." Fudge frowned subconsciously.

After all, he took a large amount of "benefit fee" from the other party.

"Your Excellency, it's better for you to go over this matter yourself, and leave it to me at ease." Umbridge immediately jumped out and volunteered.

Just now, this ambitious woman was still trying to find some excuse to distract Fudge away, but someone brought a pillow just as she fell asleep.

In the end, under the persuasion of this subordinate with a huge bone in the back of his head, the Minister of Magic actually left.

After Fudge left the Ministry of Magic completely, Umbridge led Zuo Si into another room without saying a word—the Hall of Time.

At a glance, whether it is the ceiling above the head, the ground under the feet, or the surrounding walls, they are all densely arranged, reflecting clocks and hourglasses of all sizes.

Whether it is the pointer or the dial, they all exude dazzling light like diamonds, making people feel as if they are in an illusion.

The sound of ticking ticking is constantly echoing in the ears, and occasionally a hummingbird can be seen flying out of one clock, sinking into another clock, and degenerating into an egg at the same time.

You don't need to ask to know that this is a place where the turbulent currents of time meet.

Crazy wizards formed a space similar to an enchantment by superimposing the "time reversal spell".

Everything in this space is not affected by the external timeline.

In the same way, the chaotic time inside will not affect the outside world.

"It's an unbelievable magical place..." Zuo Si raised her head and exclaimed with shining eyes.

"You like it here?" Umbridge asked in an uncertain tone.

Because in her opinion, the Hall of Time is the weirdest, most puzzling and frightening place in the entire Department of Mysteries.

Except for Professor Crocker, who devoted his whole life to research time, no one would want to stay in such a room where accidents could happen at any time for a long time.

What's more, even Professor Crocker couldn't endure such an environment for a long time.

Once he realizes that he has a mental problem, he will immediately stop the research at hand and return to the normal world to rest for a while.

"Like it? No, my feelings for this room are not as simple as liking, but through those clocks and hourglasses, you can see the beauty of time flowing behind them. Because mastering the time, you master the passage to the past and the future The key, mastering the mysteries of eternity and immortality. And it is almost impossible to monitor through any means here, so you can speak directly if you have anything to say."

After saying this, Zuo Si withdrew her gaze and turned her head to look at this old woman who was always dressed in tender pink clothes, intending to hear what price the other party could offer.

(end of this chapter)

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