Chapter 296 Spark Resonance

"Is not it?

Just because Harry is the savior, no matter what he did wrong, he can be forgiven.

Whether it's my parents, or Headmaster Dumbledore or other professors, they will always look at him differently.

Even Snape had changed his mind this term.

But what about me?

Do I deserve to bear all this alone?

Growing up, I could only pick up old things from the big brothers. I kept hearing my parents and others around me praising Bill, Charlie, and Percy. Even George and Fred were more popular than me among my classmates. .

I'm just a little ordinary, what's wrong with that? "

Ron had obviously accumulated a lot of resentment these days, and now he finally found a way to vent.

The previous envy for the savior has now turned into anger and resentment.

After all, Snape's degree of eccentricity no longer needs any explanation, almost everyone can see it.

With his awkward personality, he is not even suitable to be a teacher who teaches and educates people.

Not to mention teenage children, even adults who are targeted by it for a long time will almost inevitably explode their mentality.

Seeing Ron posing in front of him with a look of "it's not me but the world", Zuo Si couldn't help laughing, and said while laughing, "In the end, you're just angry that you've been treated unfairly, even Blame best friend Harry.

But you know, Harry has been silently enduring the experience that you think is like being in hell these days from the time he was sensible until he entered Hogwarts at the age of eleven?

Do you know how he can only watch his cousin receive piles and piles of presents on his birthday every year, but he has nothing, and he can't even get a word of happy birthday?

Knowing that if he pissed off anyone in the family, he'd be locked in a closet and starve for days?

Knowing that the Dursleys would insult his dead parents every chance they got?

Do you know that he can only wear baggy old clothes changed by his cousin all year round, and at the same time, he is constantly bullied at school, and he is lonely without even making a friend?

Do you know that from the age of six or seven, he has to learn to do various housework including washing dishes, washing clothes, weeding, cleaning tables and floors?

No, you don't know anything.

To you, Harry Potter is just a celebrity with a savior aura and a large inheritance. His eleven miserable years in the Muggle world don't matter at all.

Even those descriptions are just pale words and language.

Do you feel miserable, wronged, and suffering all the suffering in this world?

Believe me, Ron, what you're going through right now is nothing compared to Harry.

And I found out that Harry seldom mentions his almost miserable childhood to others, and he will not blame others for a little setback like you, trying to shirk all responsibilities and faults.

His bravery, perseverance and indomitable willpower is why your parents, Headmaster Dumbledore and other professors appreciate it.

So don't always talk about the three words of unfairness, because compared with Harry, you at least have parents who love you, a big family that is a little poor but complete and lively, and brothers and sisters who also love you.

You're not being fostered with a hostile relative or subsisting on leftovers all day long.

Remember how thin Harry looked when he first entered school last term?

Let me tell you, that is the result of long-term malnutrition.

Sometimes I really don't understand, you obviously have more than the other party, but why do you always show an inferiority complex?

Because Harry has a large inheritance and more pocket money at his disposal?

Or is it just because his name is Harry Potter, the legendary savior who defeated You-Know-Who to save the British wizarding world?

But have you ever thought about the price he paid for all this?

If it were you, would you rather receive a large inheritance, or would you rather have your parents and family by your side? "

Accompanied by a series of questions, Ron, who was still aggrieved one second, fell into shock and silence the next.

After all, although Harry occasionally mentioned his childhood experiences before, most of the time he only mentioned them briefly and did not describe them in detail.

So his knowledge of this was limited to knowing that his friend was not doing well before coming to Hogwarts, and the Dursleys were very, very annoying, but that was all.

But now, after listening to Zuo Si's more specific description, the misery and despair that hit his face instantly extinguished all the fire in Ron's stomach.


Compared with the days when Harry Potter lived in the Muggle world, what was the grievance and suffering he endured now?

Especially in the last semester, the other party has been targeted by Snape and Malfoy crazily, and at the end of the semester, he had a face-to-face encounter with the frightening Dark Lord.

Those were the murderers and enemies who killed Harry's biological parents...

If you really want to delve into "unfairness", then Harry Potter is the most qualified person to say these three words.

Reminiscent of his inexplicable anger and resentment in the past few days, as well as his sneering attitude towards those classmates and big brothers who came to visit, Ron couldn't help feeling ashamed, drooping his head with a look of lovelessness.

"Are you awake now?"

Zuo Si waved his magic wand to clean up all the empty plates and leftover food on the table, with a playful look in his eyes.

Ron nodded slightly: "Yes, I'm awake. Thank you, otherwise I might have done some more outrageous actions in a daze. It's just that I don't understand, why are you helping me?"

"The reason for helping you is simple. I hope to see a different Ron Weasley, not the current savior Harry Potter's follower." Zuo Si replied casually.


Ron froze slightly.

Because he has always considered his relationship with Harry to be friends.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Or do you think your relationship with Harry is different from the relationship between Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy?

I can tell you very clearly that there is no essential difference.

What you have in common is that you have attached your life to another person.

Think back carefully, whenever your views and opinions conflict with Harry, don’t you always subconsciously compromise and give in?

Although it is a matter of course that friends help each other and tolerate each other.

But if one person always takes the initiative strongly, while the other person backs down without a bottom line, then this kind of relationship cannot be called a friend, but a master and a servant, a superior and a subordinate.

Are you sure you are really going to live in the shadow of Harry Potter?

Think about it, when you grow up more than ten years later, the outside world will always use words like Harry and his friends when referring to you, but you don’t even deserve a name. Are you really willing to be in such a situation?

Don't you wish you could do something with your wits, your strength and your wit? "

At this moment, Zuo Si's tone and attitude are exactly the same as those devils in Baator Hell who tricked mortals into selling their souls.

Under the influence of his provocative language, Ron soon inevitably had a spark of ambition.

As a school of magic, Hogwarts has almost zero efforts to care for and guide the mental health of young students, and this gives Zuo Si a lot of room for maneuver.

To be precise, apart from the savior Harry Potter, there is no other student who can receive special treatment and care from so many people from the principal to the professor at the same time.

Most of the students basically grew up savagely, and when they were bullied, they could only suffer in silence, or formed gangs to find opportunities to retaliate fiercely.

This is why the students of the four major colleges like to hold groups without exception.

Because not reporting to the group means being bullied to death.

It should come as no surprise that Slytherin House students who grew up in this environment would choose to become Death Eaters.

After all, from their point of view, whether it is Voldemort or the entire high-level organization, they are basically talented seniors and seniors of their own college. After joining, the other party will naturally take care of themselves. In essence, it is still the set of concepts in the school to keep warm.

"What do you think I should do?" Ron asked, taking a deep breath. "

"First of all, get your attitude right, get to know and know yourself anew.

Secondly, try to keep a distance from Harry during this semester, and wash away the image of you as a follower in the eyes of others.

Finally, and most importantly, bring your Charms level up to at least 4th grade and above.

If you have done the above, then we will talk about the second step in the next semester.

Oh, by the way, since your wand is broken, I'll give you this as a gift.

If you encounter any problems or difficulties in learning and practicing magic, you can come to me at any time, and I will be very happy to provide some help within my ability. "

After finishing speaking, Zuo Si took out a hand-made wand and placed it on the table, then got up and disappeared at the end of the dark corridor where you couldn't see your fingers.

Carefully picking up the new wand placed in front of him, Ron murmured to himself in a voice only he could hear as if possessed: "I am Ron Weasley...not anyone's follower...let alone Living in Harry's shadow all his life..."

After muttering for about two or three minutes, he dragged his tired body back to the Gryffindor common room.

"What did you do to Ron?"

Hermione, who hid in the dark and peeped for a long time, finally asked.

"Nothing. As you can see, I just treated him to a meal, and then told him the truth and the most superficial truth. As for the rest, it's Ron's own choice." Zuo Si He shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant smile.

No need to ask, he knew that the reason why he appeared here tonight was entirely because of the girl next to him who was only wearing pajamas.

As a classmate with a fairly good relationship in the first grade, Hermione couldn't bear to watch Ron degenerate and sink step by step, turning into a disgusting ghost who everyone hates and dogs hate.

But she couldn't think of any good solution by herself, so she could only turn to Zuo Si, who seemed to be able to solve any problem easily, and then had the conversation tonight.

"But Ron seems to have changed a little bit more than I expected." The girl's mouth twitched slightly inadvertently.

Zuo Si responded with a smile: "Isn't this great? Not only does he no longer have inferiority complex and cowardice, but he is also ready to sharpen himself to make a career. If Mrs. Weasley knows that her youngest son has finally enlightened, maybe You'll be crying and thanking me."

"Well, maybe you're right. I'm not sure, though, if Harry is ready for a whole new Ron." Hermione whispered her concern.

She knew very well that even though the savior was usually a good-spoken person, he was actually a very stubborn person in his bones.

Once a decision is made, it will never be changed easily.

If Ron made compromises like before, the two of them would naturally get along very happily.

But if Ron also becomes independent and insists on his own opinion, sooner or later they will have a violent quarrel, and it is not impossible for them to part ways and become strangers in the end.

"Everyone should live for themselves instead of flattering others. Ron just chose another life path, and Harry either accepts it all, or blesses and ends this friendship. Although he is the savior, it is also important to understand that The world doesn't revolve around him alone."

Zuo Si obviously didn't care at all about Harry's reaction.

Because he knew that the boy would soon lose his mind to think about these messy things.

As the Ministry of Magic began to formulate relevant laws and regulations, and at the same time semi-publicly resurrected the dead, Snape would soon obtain a legal identity for Lily and appear in front of everyone.

At that time, Harry's headache might be how to deal with his relationship with his stepfather.

In addition, there are younger brothers and sisters born after the mother is pregnant, how to deal with them.

As for Ron...

Sorry, his friend who has only known him for a year is far less important to Harry than his mother.

After finishing this topic, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became delicate.

Both of them could clearly feel that the massive secretion of hormones was affecting the body and produced a strong urge.

Especially the bright moonlight shining in from the outside of the window makes the surrounding environment look very romantic.

Soon, the distance between Zuo Si and the girl kept getting closer, and finally their lips collided.

It took a full minute before they slowly separated.




Hermione could hear her heart beating wildly, and her whole body was shaking from overexcitement and tension.

Even if she didn't need to look in the mirror, she knew that her face must be flushed at this moment, because the hot feeling is not deceiving, and at the same time, her brain is madly secreting dopamine and endorphins, bringing an unforgettable extreme pleasure.

And this kind of happiness and pleasure is something that girls have never experienced before.

In contrast, Zuo Si, who is fairly experienced in this field, is much better. After licking his lips, he joked with a smile: "Is this a reward for my help tonight?"

"That's right! How do you feel now?" Hermione asked pretending to be calm.

"Well—it's not bad. But I still want more. And the skills in this area are a bit blunt and immature, and need more practice." Zuo Si also followed the serious nonsense.

"It's twelve o'clock now, I think we can practice for another ten minutes, and then go back to the dormitory to sleep." The girl glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and suggested.

"Happy to accompany you."

Soon, the two young men hugged each other again.

No one knows exactly how long the practice lasted, but it was certainly far longer than ten minutes.

In the classroom during the day the next day, Hermione, who had always shown her image as a good student who listened carefully and answered all kinds of questions from the professor, unexpectedly deserted and yawned for the first time, and blushed and giggled inexplicably from time to time.

Some experienced senior female students immediately realized what this reaction meant, and all smiled knowingly.

After all, this kind of thing is too common in Hogwarts, and there is nothing to make a fuss about.

For some couples in the fifth and sixth grades who fell in love, it is normal for them to stay away for several days.

Compared with the girl who is very easy to see flaws, Zuo Si's behavior is no different from usual.

He just took what happened last night as a flavoring agent to relax his mind, and soon after it was over, he turned his attention to reading Netheril scrolls and studying various magic and spells.

In less than a month, he successfully digested and absorbed a lot of knowledge and materials brought out from the Floating Void City.

Among them, [Starfall], a super-destructive magic that is far more powerful than nuclear weapons, is now officially added to the available magic cards.

Especially after throwing [Starfall] and then activating [Spell Calamity] to link the cemetery, I am afraid that it will mess up the whole world in a matter of minutes, and if it is serious, it may permanently change the landform, natural environment, and spell casting environment. It belongs to the out-and-out "Mie Shi" package.

Seeing the new card made with great effort, Zuo Si rubbed his chin and muttered in a low voice: "I don't know if the power of [Starfall] and [Spell Calamity] can reach the legendary level of destruction." Solan artifact—the same trillion percent."

"You want the same sign?"

The diary suddenly asked.

"Of course! That's a terrifying magical power that can turn the faces of countless planeswalkers. It is said that just the aftermath can tear apart and create twelve fragmented worlds in an instant. If I have such a hole card, I can explore boldly with confidence. Zendikar, without worrying about being killed by the Eldrazi titans sealed in that world." Zuo Si replied without hesitation.

The same sign is something invented and created by the Solan, an ancient intelligent race in the time and space of Dominaria.

No one knows what principle it uses, let alone how it was made.

The only thing known so far is that when the same sign was activated, the plane of Dominaria was torn to pieces by terrible forces and fell into a terrible ice age that lasted for thousands of years.

As for the Sorans, they were the first race to establish a brilliant civilization in the time and space of Dominaria, and even developed to the point where they could manufacture various large aircraft, floating cities, intelligent constructs, automated machine workers, human body modification technology, and countless A super-giant machine that even modern earth technology can't imagine.

Later, because of the dispute over the technical route, a powerful and evil leader, Yawgmoth, came out, and under the leadership of an ancient planeswalker, he came to a mechanical time and space and transformed it into a world full of half-mechanical and half-biological creatures. Phyrexia of morphological life.

In the end, Yawgmoth, who created Phyrexia, destroyed and buried his hometown with his own hands, completely sweeping the Soran civilization into the dustbin of history.

He himself is considered by many planeswalkers to be one of the greatest threats in the entire multiverse.

Just based on Yawgmoth and the Phyrexia he created, we can see how strong the Soran civilization was back then.

Therefore, as the ultimate weapon that condenses the top technology and magic of this civilization, Tongzhao is so complex that even many planeswalkers can't fully understand it, and it can barely be used.

If the same sign can be obtained, Zuo Si is equivalent to obtaining the prerequisite for an equal dialogue with any force and those ancient planeswalkers.

Otherwise, in the eyes of veteran planeswalkers like Sorin Markov and Spirit Dragon Ugin, a novice like him might not be much different from other mortals, and would most likely be used as pawns or cannon fodder at critical moments.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si summoned the legacy, and fell into deep contemplation as he watched this thing shaped by the sparks of the previous planeswalker.

Because he suddenly realized that almost all planeswalkers have some unique signature skills.

For example, Sorin Markov is good at creating life, and Lithomancer Nahiri is good at drawing power from the earth and shaping rocks into various forms.

Another example is the spirit dragon Ugin, who through long-term research on the relationship between matter and energy, invented a universal and non-attribute energy that can be used in his own original magic system.

"You want to take advantage of this extra spark?"

The diary seemed to have sensed the master's crazy thoughts, and the tone revealed unparalleled surprise.

Because things like sparks are a mystery even to Planeswalkers.

There is no way to detect what it is, how it was born, whether it belongs to energy or matter.

The only thing that is known is that very few people possess the spark, and even fewer are able to ignite it in the end.

In some time and space, several or even a dozen planeswalkers may be born at the same time, while in other time and space, there is not even one.

Zuo Si replied meaningfully: "Why not?

Most planeswalkers only have one spark, but I have two.

This is both a disadvantage, which interferes with my ability to teleport, but also an advantage.

As long as I can make the two sparks resonate and act on my body and soul at the same time, an unimaginable power can erupt.

And this kind of power is enough to make those aloof gods feel scared. "

"Spark resonance? You are really getting more and more crazy. Be careful, the spark is not an ordinary thing, it is not only a source of power, but also a part of your life. If something goes wrong, it is not just death It's that simple." The diary warned solemnly.

Zuo Si nodded approvingly: "I don't need you to remind me about this. What's more, this research has just taken shape in my mind, and it won't be easily put into practical action in a short time."

But after all, since the idea was born, the words "Spark Resonance" are like a seed, taking root and sprouting in his heart.

Except for occasionally taking some time to develop a relationship with Hermione, the rest of the energy is devoted to researching sparks.

Of course, as a more cautious and life-saving person, Zuo Si did not mess around with his own sparks, but took the sparks left by the previous planeswalker as an experimental product, and conducted a series of tests that were not considered dangerous.

Through these tests, he got a lot of valuable information and data about sparks.

Just before going to the Ministry of Magic to participate in the ceremony of resurrecting Gideon Prewett, Zuo Si came to the depths of the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts alone, stood on a bare boulder, and began to try the first The resonance between the sparks.

"Master, I have driven all the creatures within a few kilometers away, you can start with peace of mind." A summoned black dragon reported in the common language of Faerun.

"Very good! Continue to be vigilant! Remember, don't let anyone approach." Zuo ordered without looking up.

Without saying a word, the black dragon immediately soared into the sky and began to circle around the dense forest.

As soon as the unicorns and centaurs wanted to approach, he immediately swooped down to release Long Wei, scaring them away quickly.

In fact, if Zuo Si hadn't ordered that no killing be allowed, this evil black dragon would be more than happy to play tricks on the intruders and kill and eat them cruelly.

But unfortunately, the master's order is absolute for ordinary summoned creatures, and there is no possibility of it being misinterpreted.

This is very different from having a follower with great power and growth.

Watching the black dragon completely disappear into the night sky, Zuo Si closed her eyes and began to perceive the two sparks in her body.

Among them, the burning spark in his chest, he knew without asking that it belonged to him.

On the right arm, near the back of the hand, it gives people a dying spark that seems to be extinguished at any time, and it belongs to the former planeswalker.

After confirming the location of the sparks, Zuo Si took off her upper body clothes, stood shirtless on the boulder, raised her right arm and gently touched her chest.

next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A dazzling beam of light pierces through the sky!

Just the resonance generated by a close approach immediately released unimaginable terrifying and destructive power.

Everything within a five-kilometer radius, including trees, rocks, soil, and various small animals, was all evaporated by the released energy in an instant.

And where he was standing, there was also a huge pit with a depth of hundreds of meters.

Thanks to the preparation in advance, I took off all the magic items I was wearing and put them in the laboratory. Otherwise, except for a few artifacts, the rest would be reduced to ashes in minutes.

"Damn it! It's a big game now!"

Looking at the horror scene around him that seemed to be coming to the end, Zuo Si immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, so he didn't even care about cleaning up the scene, and threw a powerful confusion spell, and then quickly cast teleportation magic and fled back to the castle to pretend to be a good baby.

Facts have proved that this is a very wise choice.

Because not long after he left, Dumbledore, wearing a nightgown and holding the Elder Wand, rushed over, staring solemnly at the Forbidden Forest that had been erased from the map, and his heart was full of words that he could not speak. Describe the shock.

You must know that the huge magic wave that came out at that moment just now is something he has never heard of or seen in his life.

"Albus! What's going on here?"

Professor McGonagall followed closely and felt the scene, his voice visibly trembling.

Dumbledore shook his head slightly: "I don't know. A powerful confusion spell was cast on the scene, and there was no way to find any useful clues."

"Could it be the mysterious man and his subordinates?" Professor McGonagall speculated with lingering fear.

"Impossible. I know Tom. Although he has a very high attainment in the field of black magic, there is no magic spell that can achieve such amazing destructive power. It seems that some dark forces hidden deeper can't help but want to start It's time to act."

When he said this, Dumbledore's eyes showed a trace of anxiety.

Obviously, in his opinion, this matter is probably related to the behind-the-scenes man who secretly gave the blood of the Dumbledore family to South.

This hand alone can instantly level the terrifying magic within several kilometers, which is enough to prove that the opponent is much stronger than Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

If you fight head-on, the possibility of losing is quite high.

Just when Professor McGonagall was about to say something, several other professors in the school also rushed over, staring dumbfounded at the appalling scene in front of them.

Hagrid, the gamekeeper, even exclaimed loudly: "Professor! What's going on here?"

"Tell me, Hagrid, what did you see tonight?" Dumbledore asked seriously.

"Uh... I only heard a loud noise when I was patrolling, and then I saw a white beam of light rising into the sky. Oh, yes, the centaur also said that they saw a dragon in the sky above the Forbidden Forest tonight."

Hagrid hurriedly said all he knew.

No matter how thick his nerves were, he realized that what happened today was absolutely extraordinary.

"Dragon? What kind of dragon?" Dumbledore continued to ask.

"Sorry, the sky was too dark at the time, and the people and horses were taken aback, so they didn't bother to look carefully. I only knew that the scales on the dragon's body were pitch black. But as far as I know, the Forbidden Forest used to seem No dragons have ever been recorded, so it should be exotic."

Hagrid became visibly excited at the mention of dragons.

After all, what he likes most are those big, fierce animals.

If a wild dragon came into the Forbidden Forest, then he could get along with this big guy day and night without worrying about being punished by the Ministry of Magic.

"An alien dragon?" Professor McGonagall was keenly aware of the problem.

"It seems that it should be a mount or a vehicle. Someone has broken into the territory of Hogwarts." Dumbledore quickly made his own judgment.

Although dragons are savage, ferocious and almost impossible to tame beasts in this world, some powerful wizards can still make dragons obey their orders.

"Damn! This is not good news." The little Professor Flitwick cursed in a low voice.

Because the opponent can blow up the Forbidden Forest like this, they can naturally blow up Hogwarts Castle, even if the latter has a lot of magic protection.

"What should I do? Do you want to ask the Ministry of Magic for help?" Professor McGonagall turned his attention to the principal.

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment, and quickly vetoed: "Forget it, there is no need for it. Because of this powerful magic spell, even if a dozen or even dozens of wizards help, the result will not be too big. The difference. But from now on, the control of the Forbidden Forest will be strengthened, and the professors will take turns patrolling every day, and they will send a signal immediately if they find any abnormal situation."

"Understood! I will make a patrol schedule later, and everyone will form a team in twos according to their own time to ensure that the castle and the students attending classes inside are not threatened."

"Please schedule my schedule later, I hate getting up early."

"I suddenly had an ominous premonition that something might go wrong this semester."


While the professors were discussing quietly in front of the giant pit, Zuo Si had quietly returned to the laboratory, put on all the magic equipment, and was doing what he was supposed to do like a normal person.

no doubt!

The terrifying power erupted by the resonance of sparks and sparks far exceeded the limit he could imagine.

That violent release of energy is like the collision of two singularities in the Big Bang theory.

What's even more incredible is that the dying spark in the legacy actually revived after resonating.

In other words, the spark of the planeswalker can not only be captured, but also can be rekindled in the form of resonance after it has been extinguished.

"Sparks... really are an interesting and incredible thing." Zuo Si sighed slightly, feeling the state of the sparks stored in his arms.

Obviously, although this experiment caused a huge commotion by accident, it didn't end well, but the harvest was also full.

At least he now knows that the spark resonance theory is feasible.

In some planes, planeswalkers will even use the spark as a one-time expendable weapon when facing a strong enemy, using it to kill the opponent together.

So it's not that difficult to use sparks as weapons.

The real difficulty is how to ensure that the sparks resonate and release amazing energy, while ensuring that neither spark is damaged or even extinguished, and can be recycled over and over again.

If this set of theoretical research is successful, will it be possible to change from double spark resonance to three, four, five, or more than ten multiple spark resonance?

Vaguely, Zuo Si felt as if he had found his own path, a power never seen in the multiverse or any other planeswalker.

As for where to find so many sparks?

Of course it was taken from other planeswalkers!

After all, not all planeswalkers are good people, and there are quite a few of them who are extremely evil or both good and evil.

As it happens, what Zuo Si is best at is black and white.

He even had a long list of planeswalkers to kill in his mind, planning to go to Zendikar to meet other planeswalkers, and then set about killing one or two of them to prove his theory.


At the same time, in the mage tower of Askatra in the Faerun continent, a crazy self-devouring is taking place.

After a period of tempering, Isadora and her clone finally decided that both had grown sufficiently, and it was time for a round of elimination and evolution.

Right now, they were standing naked in a huge glass water tank, their entire bodies soaked in the psionic solution provided by the mind flayer.

The moment dozens of Isadoras activated their abilities together, appalling psychic energy surged in the container like a tide, connecting everyone's spirits together.

Holding hands, they stared at the twinkling light in each other's eyes, without any fear of death at all.

Because in Isadora's inherent cognition, this process of being swallowed and absorbed by another self is not considered death, but fusion, evolution, and finally becoming a stronger self.

"Sisters! For South! Let us be the nourishment for each other's growth."

As one of Isadora spoke, the cruel devouring in the eyes of outsiders finally began.

Since it was impossible to tell who was the main body and who was the clone, dozens of Isadoras let their spirits and wills separate from their bodies, and began to tear and devour each other in the psionic solution.

In about half an hour, one of them was devoured first and completely disappeared from this world.

And the body that carried her consciousness quickly melted completely, decomposed into nutrients and absorbed by other bodies.

"This human girl is a total lunatic! She's so insane it scares me."

The red dragon Wilmes, who was peeking from the side, only felt his scalp go numb.

She can't believe that there are people in the world who really don't care about their own particularity, and are even willing to turn "I" into "we" in order to quickly gain powerful power.

"Isadora has reached a higher dimension in the spiritual realm, which of course is incomprehensible with your way of thinking. As the master said, she is a genius, a real genius." Stranger explained in a tone without a trace of emotion road.

Wilmes rolled his eyes angrily: "South also said that half a step ahead is a genius, and one step ahead is a madman. Isadora obviously belongs to the latter. Look, sooner or later, she will transform herself A real monster. In addition, her obsession and attachment to Soth will sooner or later turn into a big problem."

"It doesn't matter. The master has already mastered the ability to create follower cards. With Isadora's character, she will definitely not refuse the temptation to become a follower and accompany the master forever until the end of time. So instead of becoming a trouble, she will Become the most capable helper. Ah! Look, this engulfing fusion has already achieved results."

With the reminder of the strange object, Wilmes quickly noticed that there were only four Isadoras in the pool, but at some point there were only four.

One of them looked cold, both his eyes and his movements were full of indifference that repulsed others thousands of miles away.

She didn't even pay attention to the other three herself, she walked out of the pool alone, picked up a robe and put it on casually, then stepped on the cold marble with bare feet and disappeared at the end of the stairs leading to the upper floor.

"It's really indifferent, South will definitely not like her character." Another Isadora teased with a playful smile on her face.

"You're not South, how do you know he doesn't like it? You must know that conquering an iceberg beauty is a strong temptation for men."

The Isadora who spoke this time gave people a very gentle and quiet feeling, exuding the elegance of a noble lady like her gestures.

"Hmph! Don't think that South is as vulgar as ordinary men. What he needs is a helper and spiritual partner who can do things, not a vase or a tool to vent his desires. Otherwise, tree spirits, water goblins, desires Demons, succubi, human clones, pleasure golems, there are so many alternatives."

"No, you're wrong. Sous is also a human being. He has his own emotions and desires, and he doesn't just need a helper like you said. The person who can really win his heart must be someone like me who can satisfy his emotions. and desires, and a partner who can help them deal with various things. In simple terms, it is the kitchen that goes from the hall to the bottom.”

"You...don't quarrel anymore. Sous likes to be quiet, and if you keep arguing, he will definitely be upset."

The last Isadora stopped in a weak voice.

It doesn't take much to ask, but after some devouring and fusion, the four victorious Isadoras finally formed four completely different personalities.

Among them, the first one to leave belongs to the cold type who doesn't like to communicate, while the second one is a bit like a little witch who likes to tease people, the third one is a gentle and considerate noble lady, and the fourth one is introverted shy character.

Seeing this dramatic scene, Wilmes couldn't help snickering immediately: "Hey! This is really interesting! I really don't know how Zuo Si will deal with this kind of scene when he comes back. Just thinking about it makes people feel like Excited and looking forward to it.”

But just a second later, the voice of the strange thing in her head made her original gloating mood turn extremely bad.

"The rest time is over! According to the exercise plan formulated by the master, you should go to the training room to stimulate the magic power in your body and try to release more and stronger spells."

"Exercise! Exercise! What the hell is exercising! When will this kind of day end? I haven't slept in for a long time!" Wilmes complained angrily.

But complaining is nothing more than complaining, she honestly followed the plan and started exercising for twelve hours a day.

no way!

If she doesn't exercise, the wonder thing will take over in an instant and won't return for a week.

Compared to the helpless feeling of watching others control her body, she would rather choose to suffer.

(end of this chapter)

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