One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 304 The So-Called Dark Lord Is Just A Coward

Chapter 304 The so-called Dark Lord is just a coward

"Your Excellency South, you seem to be a little absent-minded today?"

After circling the castle, Richard finally stopped and looked at Zuo Si who was following him with eyes that had passed through time and years.

Because from the beginning just now, he noticed that the young man's vision was always erratic, and from time to time he would use the corner of his eye to scan the surrounding buyers who came to participate in the auction.

Zuo Si shook her head lightly: "No, it's not that I was absent-minded, but I found a few interesting little mice mixed in."

"Little mouse?" The old man blinked in confusion.

"Yes! Haven't you smelled the faint smell of blood in the air?" Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

As a person with a perception attribute as high as 20 or more, he has gradually learned to believe in that very wonderful intuition, or it can also be called the "sixth sense".

Although this thing is not as convincing as rigorous analysis and logical reasoning at all, the accuracy rate is frighteningly high.

Especially when there is danger around, this feeling will give the first warning.

Obviously, at this very moment Zuo Si's intuition was warning him that bloodshed was about to happen.

Although it is not yet possible to identify who it is, Zuo Si can already be sure that it is probably Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

After all, if you can't get the Philosopher's Stone, getting a piece of magic mercury is the only option.

But these people didn't know if it was because they were too cautious, they never appeared in his sight.

Otherwise, with the blessing of [True Seeing], even if it is disguised by transformation magic or compound decoction, it will be recognized instantly.

"What? You mean a dark wizard has sneaked in!"

Richard's complexion suddenly changed, and he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

If something unexpected happens at today's auction site, then he and the whole family will be disgraced, and they will not be able to hold their heads up in the circle of ancient European families.

"These people are not ordinary dark wizards, they have a lot of background.

If you want to avoid trouble by canceling the auction, I advise you to give up as soon as possible.

Because once they do this, they will kill without hesitation.

So my advice is to do business as usual and wait for these little mice to pop out on their own. "

After that, Zuo Si conveniently picked up a glass of soda water from the table beside her and drank it up, moistening her throat slightly.

"Carlo Lin, go and inform the family members to get ready, and let the Ministry of Magic breathe by the way."

After a brief hesitation, Richard immediately made corresponding arrangements.

If someone else said that, he might take it as a deaf ear, but Zuo Si is obviously not the kind of person who would casually make such jokes.

Especially through some channels, the old man has long learned that the statue made up of corpses in Berlin is most likely what the young man in front of him did, and he has long regarded it as the same as Voldemort and Grindelwald in his heart. A powerful wizard who is equally ruthless towards his enemies and has no qualms about killing.

And such wizards usually have one thing in common, that is, they are extremely sensitive to danger, blood and killing.

Since the other party dared to tell his face that there was a dark wizard in the castle, he must have noticed something.


Mrs. Carlo Lin didn't dare to neglect, she immediately turned and walked towards her brothers and sisters, as well as a large number of family descendants.

After a while, these people quickly left the small circle of conversation and gathered together, one of them was always holding the magic wand hidden in the sleeve.

From this, it is not difficult to see how important a thriving population is to a wizard family.

Coupled with some house elves, they are simply equivalent to the separatist warlords in the magic world, and their essence is not any different from the enfeoffment system that has been maintained for thousands of years in the European continent.

As long as a family has a long enough history, enough descendants, and can maintain a good relationship with each other, they can easily gather a dozen or even dozens of wizards with the ability to cast spells.

And there may not be so many law enforcement officers in a country's Ministry of Magic.

Of course, Mrs. Carlone's family can have such a strong cohesion, all thanks to Earl Richard, who has lived for an unknown number of years.

Otherwise, even pure-blood family members would gradually part ways after the death of the older generation, and even slowly evolve into several branches.

Among them, the famous Lestrange family is the best example.

They originated in France at first, but one of them came to the UK and flourished, and even ranked among the twenty-eight pure-blood families.

After arranging everything, Mrs. Carlone walked gracefully to the temporary platform, and first tapped the goblet with a spoon to make a crisp sound, attracting the attention of everyone present. Then he ordered the servants around him to open the two exquisite wooden boxes.


The silver liquid flowing in the translucent container appeared within the line of sight of many buyers.

Especially the light refracted under the moonlight has an indescribable beauty.

Mrs. Carlolin noticed the pair of guests below the stage with greedy or hot eyes, and said in French with a smile on her face: "Everyone, I don't think there is any need to introduce what this is.

And as the creator of the second Philosopher's Stone, His Excellency Sous was also invited here today, so there is no doubt about their authenticity.

Now, as the sponsor, I announce that the auction of two copies of Magical Mercury has officially started.

The base price for each copy is 500,000 Galleons, and each increase must not be less than 10,000. The two highest bidders will win tonight's bidding. "

With the last word blurted out, a man who looked to be in his thirties immediately raised his hand and shouted, "I'll offer one million!"

Undoubtedly, such an act of "super doubling" at the beginning immediately attracted the collective attention of other buyers.

"He is a member of the Brenger family, and he is also the guy who publicly shouted to buy a piece of magic mercury with one million Galleons before." Richard lowered his voice and whispered in Zuo Si's ear.

"Oh? So his family is rich?" Zuo Si had a curious look on his face.

Because in the original book, there is basically no mention of the ancient wizarding families in Europe, and there are no books on this topic in the Hogwarts library, so he doesn't know much about it.

Richard explained with a smile: "Compared to its history and background, the Brenger family is not a famous family, but a new wizarding family that only began to rise in the sixteenth century.

It is said that it originated from a Muggle who accidentally rescued a witch in distress. The two fell in love and eventually got married and had children, and gradually integrated into the wizarding world.

But because they were rooted in Switzerland and got a lot of gold and jewelry from Muggles during the two world wars, they were no worse than any other family in terms of wealth.

Moreover, this family is very good at management, not only has several dragon farms, but also has the largest magic plant cultivation base in Europe.

However, they know that their background in magic is still poor, so they are always very happy to pay high prices for various treasures. "

"So... this guy paid a high price for a piece of magic mercury just to take it back for collection?" The corner of Zuo Si's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

He originally thought that the guy who was willing to pay a million Galleons for magic mercury was someone important who wanted to be resurrected.

Who would have thought that it was the willfulness of a "local tyrant".

"No, of course not. Magical quicksilver contains the power to bring people back from the dead, and its value cannot be measured by money. If I had to choose between a pile of gold galleons and a piece of magical quicksilver , I will choose the latter without hesitation." Richard said meaningfully.

Zuo Si shook his head disapprovingly: "But the problem is that magic mercury can't be kept for long after it leaves the Philosopher's Stone, even if it uses a special container, it can be kept for two or three years at most."

Conservation of magic mercury has always been a big problem.

He has made many attempts, but with little success.

At this stage, the best solution is to make one copy for one use, which does not have the value of long-term collection at all.

It's a pity that the buyers who bid frantically in the audience didn't know this at all.

Just as the two of them were talking, the price had already doubled from the initial one million Galleons to an astonishing two million Galleons.

Although this amount of money is far from enough for these ancient families with a history of thousands of years, it is already an astonishingly large amount of money.

Interestingly, however, the Brungers, who made the initial bids, were always the highest bidders.

As long as someone bids more than him, the wizard in his thirties will immediately follow up without the slightest hesitation, as if money is just a bunch of meaningless numbers to him.

Eventually, prices finally started to get out of the reach of some buyers, and people began to drop out of this brutal competition.

But others are starting to experiment with using things or properties as collateral.

Among them are real estates such as manors, castles, and villas, as well as herbal gardens, magical animal farms, shops similar to Diagon Alley Street, etc., as well as meditation basins, invisibility cloaks, disappearing cabinets, double-sided mirrors, Silver bracelets that can become swords or shields, amulets that can protect against some black magic attacks, and other precious items.

After a series of valuations, all collateral is marked up with a specific price.

And those prices will be precious ammunition for the bayonet of the last buyer.

"Two million three hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Two million four hundred thousand!"

"Two million and a half million!"

"Two million and seven hundred thousand!"


When the price soared and finally settled at three million Galleons, Mrs. Carlone finally announced the two winners.

One of them, without asking, was the Brunger family from Switzerland.

The other is the Peroc family from Greece.

It is said that its genealogy can be traced back to the ancient Athens city-state era in 2500 BC.

Although it has begun to decline in modern times, its family background is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary upstarts.

This can be seen from one of the collaterals they took out, the skin of the Nemean lion monster.

In ancient Greek myths and legends, this terrible monster was not only extremely ferocious, but also invulnerable, and was finally strangled to death by Hercules.

But in fact, the Nemean lion monster is just a very ancient magical animal in the magic world. Its leather has a powerful magic power that can resist all forms of physical attacks. It is the best material for making armor and cloaks, so in ancient times The era was once frantically hunted by wizards until it was completely extinct.

After all, being able to block physical attacks doesn't mean being able to block the powerful spells of wizards.

In the history of the magic world, such magical animals that were hunted to extinction are by no means an exception, but a long list can be listed.

It was not until the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in modern times that the International Federation of Wizards began to protect those precious, rare, and endangered magical animals to prevent them from going extinct under the hunting of wizards.

Just when the two winning bidders finished paying and wanted to take away their share of magic mercury, a dazzling green light suddenly shot out from the corner without any warning, directly hitting the man holding the bottle of magic mercury. servant.


The latter flew back several meters in response, and then lay straight on the ground and turned into a corpse.

With the death of the servant, the bottle in his hand also flew into the air.

Before the others could react, a woman who seemed to have a crazy look in her eyes apparated to the side, grabbed the bottle in her hand, and let out a burst of unscrupulous laughter.

"Hahahaha! I got the master what he wanted the most!"

"Cecilia? Are you crazy!"

Mrs. Carlone immediately pulled out her wand and pointed at the other party and asked sharply.

Not only her, but many other people present also made the same action in unison.

Because anyone who is not a fool can recognize that the green light just now is the "Death Curse", the first of the three unforgivable curses.

Anyone who can use this spell to kill people is definitely an evil dark wizard who is crazy and doesn't take human life seriously.

"Cecilia? No! I'm not some Cecilia! The bones reappear!"

The woman grinned and shot a bright green light into the sky, followed by the light turning into the shape of a huge skeleton. A snake emerged from the skull's mouth like a tongue.


The faces of all the people present became extremely frightened.

Because this is the "Dark Mark" that Voldemort used when he set off a bloody storm in Britain.

Almost at the same time, the body of the woman called Cecilia also began to change drastically.

The delicate silver hair that was originally coiled up like a lady turned into black wavy long hair in a very short period of time, and the small and delicate face also appeared haggard and haggard during the rapid stretching process.

In particular, the two eyes were deeply sunken, leaving only a skinny and emaciated appearance in the tall figure.

The most important thing is that there is a very obvious Dark Mark on the inside of her left arm, and her demeanor and expression are full of arrogance and arrogance.

Combining the above characteristics, together with the arrest warrant sent from the UK not long ago, people can recognize at a glance that this woman is one of Voldemort's most trusted right-hand men, and also the craziest Death Eater - Bella Trix Lestrange.

"You... what did you do to Cecilia?"

A young man with a pale face asked in a trembling voice.

"Dead! I very graciously administered the Killing Curse to the poor girl after she had been tortured by the Cruciatus Curse for two solid hours. By the way, her screams before dying were so beautiful that they It's as heart-warming as a weeping lark."

Bellatrix spoke the truth in a tone full of sarcasm.

Obviously, she saw the intimate relationship between this young man and Cecilia, so she wanted to use this method to irritate the other party, and then enjoy the pleasure of torturing and killing the target.

"Bastard! I'll fight you! Avada Kedavra!"

Unsurprisingly, the young man was enraged and rushed forward to avenge his lover.

Unfortunately, he was no match for the real Death Eaters when it came to using the Unforgivable Curses.

When the tip of the wand just started to flash green light, Bellatrix's Cruciatus Curse had already been cast.


"Ah ah ah!!!!!!!"

In the blink of an eye, the young man fell to his knees on the ground and screamed like a pig being slaughtered. He curled up in extreme pain and twitched violently.

As a spell dedicated to torturing people, the key to maximizing the power of the Cruciatus Curse is to be able to feel supreme happiness while torturing others.

In this regard, even Voldemort himself may not be as good as Bellatrix, who is extremely twisted and sick in psychology and personality.

I saw this crazy woman tormenting the young man in front of her, and said with a smile: "Remember, if you don't have the determination to kill someone, it's best not to use the Killing Curse. Because any hesitation will greatly reduce the power of this spell." , not even a normal self-defense spell like disarm."

Another middle-aged wizard next to him obviously couldn't stand it any longer. Just as he was about to raise his wand to attack, another green light shot out from behind, hitting his back with precision.


With a muffled sound, the man also fell to the ground and turned into a corpse.

Immediately afterwards, under the nervous and vigilant gaze of the others, Rodolphus Lestrange slowly walked out from the crowd behind.

At this moment, the effect of the compound decoction on him has disappeared, and the whole person looks extremely thin and indifferent.

The two eyes are like a lone wolf in hunting, full of coldness and cruelty.

Undoubtedly, his appearance and the sudden killing caused everyone at the auction site to panic and distrust each other, and the little sense of resistance that had just arisen was also suppressed by fear.

Because no one knows how many Death Eaters are hiding around, and whether the acquaintances around him are transformed from each other.

"Ah! My dear, you've finally shown yourself. I thought you'd be hiding until the end."

Bellatrix raised her chin slightly, teasing her husband in a half-joking tone.

But the latter responded indifferently: "Don't be careless. The thing in your hand is the key to the resurrection of the master, and there must be no mistakes."

"Don't worry! These poor people have been frightened by the master's name."

Bellatrix showed naked and undisguised contempt in her eyes, and even kicked the young man kneeling in front of her severely, and increased the intensity of her torment.

While the couple was communicating, Zuo Si also whispered to Richard in the audience: "How, my hunch is right? These little mice will definitely jump out by themselves."

"It's such a time, are you still in the mood to joke?" The old man subconsciously clenched the wand in his hand.

If it wasn't for the dazzling Dark Mark floating in the sky, he would have called on everyone in the family to do it together.

After all, the Lestranges were just two of them right now, so they definitely couldn't resist the siege of a dozen wizards and house elves.

But the problem is that the master behind them-Voldemort is really a bit scary.

Especially in the UK, it has been revealed that Azkaban has been robbed, and many Death Eaters have been successfully rescued and regrouped by the Dark Lord's side.

If you kill the other party now, there is no guarantee that you will not be retaliated against later.

Many people present did not take action but chose to wait and see, and 80% of them also had the same mentality.

What's more, Voldemort has been crazily advocating the pure blood wheel, and many ancient families are also supporters of the pure blood theory. There is no conflict of interest between them, and naturally there is no need to be an enemy.

"Are you kidding me? No, I just think the current situation is funny. Just two Death Eaters scare most of the oldest and most powerful families in Europe from moving. This is more like a huge joke." .”

With that said, Zuo Si slowly stood up from the chair.

And his action instantly aroused the attention of the audience.

Bellatrix's pupils dilated, shrunk, and then dilated instantly, with a vigilant expression on his face, and immediately asked loudly: "Soth! What do you want to do? Do you want to be an enemy of the master?"

"An enemy? Don't you know that we are already enemies? What's more, strictly speaking, the Philosopher's Stone you stole from the British Ministry of Magic before, and the magic mercury you are holding now, Everything belongs to me..."

With the last word blurted out, Zuo Si suddenly raised his left hand and made a grasping motion out of thin air.

Before the other party realized what had happened, a big hand formed by a force field suddenly came out from under their feet, grabbing the legs of the Lestrange couple on the spot with lightning speed.

next second...

He made a downward motion.



"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!"

"Leg! My leg is broken!"

I saw Bellatrix and her husband, the whole part below the knees was instantly reversed to ninety degrees, the broken bones directly pierced the skin and exposed muscles, mixed with a viscous solution of blood and bone marrow It spewed out along the wound, forming an extremely tragic scene.

You don't need to ask to know that this is an improved version of Bigby's Big Hand series of magic, which has been transformed into a unique way of casting spells in this world.

And when casting the spell, Zuo Si also used two high-level techniques of silent casting and wandless casting.

Not to mention the two third-rate bastards in front of me, even if Voldemort himself came, he might not be able to hide from him.


Without any hesitation at all, Zuo Si directly gave the mentally ill couple a package of Cruciatus Curse, and also tried to mobilize anger to increase the power of the spell.

As a result, Bellatrix and her husband began to howl like crazy under the unbearable pain, and even hit their heads on the ground in an attempt to vent and relieve the pain in this way.

As the two of them lost their sanity and concentration, the young man who had been tortured by the Cruciatus Curse finally recovered slowly. While lying on the ground, panting heavily, he raised his head and said gratefully: "Thank... thank you!"

"You're welcome. Now these two guys belong to you, you can do whatever you want." Zuo Si picked up the wand that fell on the ground and handed it to the other party.

"give it to me?"

The young man blinked his eyes in confusion.

Although he had read many reports about Zuo Si in the newspapers, and the praise of his magical talents.

But at this moment, I finally understand why many well-known wizards regard him as a genius who will surpass Dumbledore in the future.

Not to mention anything else, just solving the unexpected and powerful spell of the Lestrange couple just now is a unique spell that young people have never heard of or seen before.

If the two points of "silent casting" and "wandless casting" are added, its strength is already enough to push many dueling champions to the ground and rub them repeatedly.

"That's right. The girl who was killed should have a good relationship with you, right? Now, you can avenge her to your heart's content."

After saying this, Zuo Si ignored the other party's reaction, directly raised his hand and aimed at a few guys in the crowd who were about to move, and shot out the compound spell that he had created.

In the blink of an eye, these guys disguised as Death Eaters turned into rain of blood and minced meat with a bang of explosions.

With the resident [True Seeing] effect, even drinking the compound decoction is useless, and the powerful magic vision will restore it to its original appearance.

There is no doubt that this kind of bloody killing without any consideration shocked everyone present.

They couldn't believe that at Zuo Si's age, they could face the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters so calmly.

It never occurred to me that this young man, who had only been in the magic world for more than a year, showed no discomfort at all when he personally killed a fellow of his kind. His indifferent reaction was as if he had accidentally killed an ant instead of a human being. .

After finishing all this, Zuo Si picked up the magic mercury that fell on the ground, and said in a slightly ironic tone: "Your men are about to be killed by me, don't you plan to show up? Or you Don’t you want these two copies of magic mercury that can bring people back from the dead?”


Two Voldemorts and several of his men descended from the sky through Apparition, and landed steadily on the lawn not far away.

The elder Voldemort, who was the leader, had a gloomy face, glanced at the miserable deaths of the Death Eaters, and the Lestrange couple who were tormented to the point of madness by the pain of a broken leg and the Cruciatus Curse, and asked sharply: "Why do you always Against me? Didn't you say that you don't want to get involved in my grievances with Dumbledore and Harry Potter?"

"Aiming at you? Please don't be too sentimental, okay? Do you think it's worth me to target you in your current state? It's just the opposite! It's you who keep making trouble for me. Whether it's snatching the Philosopher's Stone before, or bringing this A bunch of rotten fish and rotten shrimps are here to spoil the situation." Zuo Si retorted with a sneer.

"What exactly do you want?"

Voldemort suppressed the anger in his heart and continued to test.

Although he prefers to use violence and killing to solve the problem, he is not sure of victory until he is completely resurrected.

"It's very simple! Hand over the Philosopher's Stone that belongs to me, and then hand over the awakened Horcrux next to you, and I will mercifully allow you to leave alive. Otherwise... neither you nor your men can leave the castle today .”

The voice has not yet fallen!

Zuo Si suddenly raised his wand and directly cast a space seal with a huge range of influence, completely covering the space within a radius of 500 meters, and any apparition or door keys would not be effective.

"Arrogance! Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Voldemort was instantly irritated by the harsh conditions, his eyes glowing with a terrifying murderous look.

But Zuo Si shrugged her shoulders indifferently and replied: "Since you are not afraid, then come.

If I remember correctly, both you and the young self beside you are defeated by me.

In addition, due to the bad influence of the appearance of the two of you on the British magic world, I need to prove a little bit. In fact, the so-called Dark Lord is just a waste who fears death.

After all, the best way to break fear is to make concrete fear a laughing stock.

Today, the two of you will turn into clowns in full view. "

"Go! Kill him!"

"Awada eats a big melon!"

"Disarm you!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

"There are many obstacles!"


With the order of the elder Voldemort, all the Death Eaters attacked without hesitation.

The dazzling magic ray went straight to Zuo Si's position like a gust of wind.

But to the astonishment of the attackers, Zuo Si didn't even bat an eyelid, just stood there and swallowed all the spells unscathed, even the Killing Curse, which claims that nothing can resist it. .




All the Death Eaters, including the two Voldemorts, were stunned.

Because they were able to set off a huge wave in the British magic world, and the killing curse that can kill people in an instant is definitely the greatest contribution.

Even the famous savior Harry Potter was not immune to the Killing Curse in a true sense, but was bounced back by the protective magic blessed by his mother before she died.

But now, not only did someone forcefully take several killing curses, but also smiled mockingly like a normal person, which subverted everyone's cognition.

" is this possible!!!!" Voldemort couldn't help but let out a terrified roar.

"Why, can't you believe what you see with your own eyes? It's okay, I can give you a few more chances to try."

Zuo Si opened his arms in a gesture of attacking with you.

You don't need to ask to know that all the killing spells just now were blocked by the [Death Barrier] of the permanent ability of the voters without exception.

As for other spells, they were either deflected by the magic resistance equipment worn on the body, or they were converted into energy and stored by the artifact.

In fact, with Zuo Si's countless high-level equipment and resident magic effects, even standing here and hitting the opponent for half an hour may not be able to break through the defense.

Especially those things that have been upgraded with flail snail shells, the magic resistance is directly full, and there is even a certain chance to bounce back the enemy's magic.

"Awada eats a big melon!"

"Awada eats a big melon!"

"Awada eats a big melon!"

Due to the impact of the split of the soul, Voldemort's emotions were not very stable. After being strongly stimulated by the outside world, he immediately fell into a state of rage, raised his wand and shot green lights frantically.

But these terrible spells that symbolize death are like a joke, hitting the target again and again, and muddy the cow into the sea again and again.

In the end, Zuo Si even yawned out of boredom, and took a sip of soda water to moisten his throat as if no one else was around.

Such a move is undoubtedly the most direct and undisguised humiliation to the title of Dark Lord.

Only the surrounding people from the major wizarding families in Europe gradually became a little numb from the initial shock and disbelief.

Although they don't know exactly what method Zuo Si used to completely disable the most terrible killing curse.

But he understands that after tonight, the Dark Lord, who once made people dare not even mention his name, will lose the image of fear he established in the hearts of the people during the First Wizarding War.

After all, when a guy who scares people by killing can't kill people, he will naturally become a laughing stock.



three times……

ten times……

fifty times...

When Voldemort completely exhausted the magic power of the body he controlled, he finally stopped casting the Killing Curse this time, and the hand holding the wand trembled uncontrollably.

Apparently, this was the first time he had felt a fear of someone.

You must know that even Dumbledore only felt fear, not fear.

Because he knew that the greatest wizard of this age was slowly getting old and would die one day, but he could live forever with the horcrux.

But Zuo Si, which is close at hand, is different!

The latter used magic and techniques that were completely foreign to Voldemort.

As the saying goes, fear comes from the unknown.

When the details of the opponent are completely unclear, panic and fear will naturally emerge as the times require.

"How, do you still want to try again? It's okay, if you feel tired, you can come and have something to eat, and then sleep, I am very patient."

Zuo Si asked a murderous question with a smile on his face.

"You invented something to protect against the Killing Curse?"

Voldemort forcibly suppressed all kinds of negative emotions that affected his reason, and his eyes shone like a poisonous snake.

"You want to trick me? Sorry, your arrears IQ is not enough to do this. Although it's okay to tell you the answer, but I just want to see you in a rage." Zuo Si's face was full of malice smile.

But what's interesting is that Voldemort, who was ridiculed face-to-face for "arrears in IQ", unexpectedly did not fall into a rage, but narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "That's why I can't get the Philosopher's Stone. You are behind the scenes." Deliberately playing tricks?"

"Hahahaha! That's right! How do you feel when you see what you want so close but you can't get it? Does the smell of onion, garlic and gravy stained on the Philosopher's Stone make you want to pinch it alive?" The urge to kill me?"

Zuo Si let out an unscrupulous laugh.

Because at this moment, the expression changes on the Dark Lord's face were really exciting, especially the eyes full of anger and killing intent, which made him feel inexplicably comfortable.

"Very good! You are really good!"

The eyes, nose, mouth and ears of the body controlled by Voldemort began to slowly bleed out, and the veins on the forehead were even more violent, obviously angry to the extreme.

But Zuo Si responded jokingly: "Of course I'm fine! Because your clown performance made me very happy. Oh, yes, you in that young age over there once danced a ballet for me The dance drama Swan Lake has fully demonstrated his accomplishments in the field of art. I believe you shouldn't mind having an impromptu performance, right?"

Ballet Swan Lake?

Art field?

Voldemort immediately turned his head to look at his young self, and found that the other party's hands were tightly clenched into fists, and his eyes were about to burst into flames. He immediately realized that this was definitely a naked humiliation.

But before he could say anything, he heard a strange syllable behind him.

Then consciousness began to appear in a trance.

not good!

A master of the dark arts, Voldemort immediately realized that this was some kind of mind control spell, and desperately tried to get rid of it with Occlumency.

But unfortunately, the magic that Zuo Si uses is not of this world.

Although Occlumency can have some effect, it cannot be completely immune.

In the end, in the process of repeated resistance, Voldemort completely lost control of his body. He watched himself being transformed into a white skirt and stockings by transformation magic, and stood on tiptoe in an extremely shameful gesture, in front of everyone's eyes. With the accompaniment of the music box, they provoked a difficult dance.

The entire auction site was completely silent!

Both the Death Eaters and those members of the ancient wizard family were dumbfounded.

Such a horrifying and weird picture almost subverted all people's three views.

Especially Voldemort's ecstatic expression, and the thick and thick leg hair protruding from the white stockings, all made this scene full of spiritual pollution.

Only Zuo Si took out a magic camera from nowhere, pressed the shutter at an extremely fast speed to permanently preserve the classic scene, and planned to mail it to Rita Skeeter later, so that she could write an article Articles crushing fears in the British wizarding world.

What a shit Dark Lord!

Just a clown!

At the end of the song, he immediately released the control and took the lead in applauding. While applauding, he still praised: "Wonderful performance! Your artistic attainments are really admirable."


"I'm going to tear you into pieces!!!!!!"

Voldemort, who had never suffered such a humiliation, completely lost his mind, rushed forward like a lunatic, and used his remaining magic power to cast some kind of black magic, turning himself into an unstable bomb, wanting to die together.

next second...


Zuo Si suddenly rolled her arms and punched the face of the Dark Lord who was bumping into him head-on, smashing half of his teeth in an instant, and flew backward several meters like a tattered rag doll, knocking over It took two tables and several chairs to stop.

That didn't look like the astonishing power that a human body could erupt, which shocked many people present.

Although there are quite a few wizards who choose to transform and fight melee, but there are really few who can do this.

Gently flicking the blood on the back of his hand, Zuo Si sneered and asked Voldemort, whose body was about to collapse: "What gave you the illusion that you can die with me?

What gave you the courage to approach me?

Remember, you are just a second-rate wizard with a brain problem in my eyes, and you are essentially no different from the Death Eaters under your command.

If I wanted to kill you, it wouldn't be much harder than crushing a bug.

I'm not Headmaster Dumbledore, I'll be merciful to my enemies.

If you dare to provoke me again, I will wait for you to resurrect once, kill you once, resurrect twice, kill you twice, until you completely destroy your spirit and will, and crush your ridiculous ambitions and desires. "

As the last word fell, Zuo Si approached and grabbed Voldemort's hair with one hand and slowly lifted it up, turning his head to look at the Death Eaters who were on the verge of collapse: "See? This is what you all worship The Dark Lord! A coward who fears death to the core! A waste who only bullies the weak but never dares to face the strong..."

(end of this chapter)

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