One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 306 This Thing Is Much Easier To Use Than A Magic Wand

Chapter 306 This thing is much easier to use than a magic wand

In the infirmary on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle, several single beds covered with white sheets and pillows are neatly arranged on both sides.

At this moment, the famous "Savior" Harry Potter was lying alone on the innermost bed, one of his legs was suspended in mid-air by a splint and a bandage, and his arm was also fixed in front of his chest by a splint and a bandage.

Apparently, despite Zuo Si's intervention without Gilderoy Lockhart the hustler, he was injured so badly in the match that even magic potions couldn't heal him right away.

Among them, the arm was broken by the Bludger under the influence of the spell.

You don't need to ask to know that under the impact of that terrifying kinetic energy, the fragile body of an ordinary human being is already quite lucky not to be directly broken into two pieces and hemorrhage.

As for the leg, it was caused by falling from the broom and hitting a raised piece of hardwood on the edge of the stand.

If it moves up a little bit, then he may have to say goodbye to his "little brother" for a while.

After all, even in the wizarding world, it is quite difficult and troublesome to regenerate something.

If they were unlucky enough to meet an unprofessional therapist, the Potter family might really be extinct.

Harry clearly had no regrets, though.

Because he won the game that mattered to him and caught the Snitch before the pesky Dellako Malfoy.

Especially after the match, seeing the ugly face of the other party, who looked like a dead father, gave the whole person a kind of indescribable joy, even if it cost another leg or arm for it, it was worth it.

As for the severe pain caused by broken hands and legs, I gritted my teeth and endured it, and it passed.

Anyway, when he was living with the Dursleys, he was bullied, beaten, and injured by his classmates, all of which he had to rely on willpower to fight through.

It has to be said that this boy is indeed a ruthless person to a certain extent, especially when he treats himself with extraordinary cruelty.

This point can be glimpsed from the fact that he was injured several times in the Quidditch match and didn't cry, and later it developed to wear the Cruciatus Curse without making any sound.

You must know that even Bellatrix's mentally twisted and crazy Death Eater cannot resist the pain caused by the Cruciatus Curse, and will still let out heart-piercing screams.

But at the moment, it wasn't these things that bothered Harry Potter, but the house elf who called himself Dobby last night.

The opponent not only admitted that Platform Nine and Three Quarters was closed on the first day of school, but also almost killed himself by manipulating the Bludger, both of which were done by him.

And he also vowed to guarantee that all this is for his own good, as long as he leaves Hogwarts, he can stay away from danger.

Harry couldn't understand at all, how could the school be in danger with Headmaster Dumbledore and many professors in charge.

What's more, Voldemort and a group of Death Eaters who made a big fuss about the Ministry of Magic have now been wiped out in France.

Especially the photo of the Dark Lord dancing gracefully in a white silk skirt in the newspaper suddenly replaced the fierce and brutal image before, making people want to laugh out loud at a glance, and the original sense of fear disappeared fly.

Thinking of this, Harry turned his attention to the copy of "Daily Prophet" that he kept specially on the bedside table as a treasure, and the large piece of praise for Zuo Si on it, showing a hint of envy in his eyes.

Because if he had such talent and strength, he wouldn't have to worry about the lightning-shaped Horcrux on his forehead.

Just when he was about to stand up and pour himself a glass of water, he suddenly saw a familiar figure pushing open the door and coming in from the outside.

"Long time no see. I heard from Professor Snape that you were thrown off your broom by a Bludger and almost broke your neck?" Zuo Si greeted with a smile.

"Sous? When and when did you come back?" Harry had an extremely surprised expression on his face.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and replied: "I just came back. Didn't I advise you last time, it's better not to participate in the Quidditch match? It's too dangerous for you, and it's very easy to be taken by people with ulterior motives." use."

"It's all because that bastard Malfoy took the initiative to provoke me. I can't be underestimated by him, can I?" Harry defended his impulsiveness.

In fact, when he saw the Bludger out of control on the field, he realized that something was wrong.

However, the young man's competitive spirit made him not choose to withdraw from the competition immediately, but risked his life to stage a "speed of life and death".

The last dangerous action that resulted in severed limbs was the result of a large amount of adrenaline being secreted and the brain nerves being extremely excited by external stimuli.

"You two are really a couple who love and kill each other..." Zuo Si whispered while holding her forehead.

As a relatively rational person, he really couldn't understand how a trivial matter of failing to make friends turned into a deadly enemy who didn't like each other little by little?

Moreover, the enmity between the two sides has a tendency to accumulate and deepen.

Of course, in this matter, Master Malfoy, who was spoiled since he was a child, must be more responsible.

After all, he provoked the first few conflicts.

"Forget about Malfoy, tell me what happened in France quickly? How did you defeat Voldemort and his Death Eaters?" Harry asked in a slightly excited and expectant tone.

"There's nothing worth talking about. The Voldemort you saw in the newspaper, just like the possession of Professor Quirrell last semester, is just occupying another person's body, and it is not a real resurrection in the strict sense. If With Voldemort fully resurrected, it is impossible for me to win so easily, as for the exaggerated descriptions in newspapers and magazines, just take it as a joke." Zuo Si explained indifferently.

After all, the half-dead and fully resurrected Voldemort are two completely different creatures.

The latter's magical power alone can leave all other wizards in the world apart from Dumbledore by far.

"Even so, that's pretty impressive. I'm not even qualified to stand in front of that man now." Harry subconsciously clenched his wand by the pillow.

Zuo Si noticed the other person's small movements, and comforted her with a smile: "Don't worry, no matter who it is, it takes time to grow up. As long as you are willing to spend time and energy on learning and exercising, you will one day be able to gain the strength to confront him head-on .Oh, by the way, I also brought you a present, I hope you like it."

Say it, Zuo Si took out a brown wooden box slightly bigger than the palm of an adult male from his pocket and handed it over.

Harry hurriedly took it, opened it, and was stunned for a moment.

For what lay in the box was nothing but a very delicate and handsome silver revolver.

If you are a child who grew up in a family of pure-blood wizards, you may not recognize what this thing is.

But Harry had lived in the Muggle world for eleven years anyway, and knew very well the terrifying power of guns.

Many movies and TV shows have repeatedly shown that if you don't get hit by this thing, the possibility of surviving is definitely not too high.

Especially the one in the box, as soon as you look at the magazine, you can tell that it is using a large-caliber bullet with extremely terrifying lethality.

"How about it, do you like it?" Zuo Si's eyes flashed an imperceptible playfulness.

Obviously, he gave the savior a gun out of some kind of evil intention, and wanted to see how Voldemort would react when he was resurrected again in the future and was hit by this thing.

If it was killed with a headshot, the scene would be very exciting.

You must know that even a wizard like Dumbledore cannot maintain a large amount of protective magic 24 hours a day.

This also means that most wizards will also be injured and die if they are hit by bullets.

What's more, the one in the box is not an ordinary firearm, but an out-and-out magic item.

Because wizards are not fools, knowing how quickly and destructively Muggle weapons have developed after the two world wars.

So while blessing the curse to expel Muggles, there will also be a magic spell that makes everything invented through science unusable.

If someone wants to break into a place where wizards gather with a gun and start killing, even if he successfully resists the expulsion spell, when he pulls the trigger, he will find that the firing pin cannot activate the gunpowder in the bullet.

In the same way, artillery, explosives, grenades, incendiary bombs, cloud bombs, nuclear bombs, as well as advanced weapons such as missiles, planes, tanks, warships, etc., will all fail due to various unexpected situations under the influence of magic .

That's why, even though the technology in the Muggle world is advancing with each passing day, wizards in the magic world still don't feel much sense of crisis.

Looking at the silver revolver in front of him, Harry was stunned for two or three minutes, and then he came back to his senses and asked in an unbelievable tone, "Where did you get this?"

"A small gift from a wizard family from Switzerland, privately given to me.

I secretly modified and enchanted it, and it can still be used normally even in a place like Hogwarts.

Of course, bullets must also be specially made.

The next time you meet Voldemort or his Death Eaters, you can consider using this gun if the spell doesn't work very well.

Believe me, until you reach a certain level of proficiency in charms, this thing is much better than a wand.

At that time, you only need to pull out to aim at the target, and then continuously pull the trigger.

Perhaps after a round of shooting, Voldemort's head would fall to the ground like a shattered watermelon. "

Zuo Si strongly recommended in a provocative tone.

"I...can I try?"

There was eagerness in Harry's eyes.

"Hold on!"

Zuo Si raised his hand and cast a spell on the door, completely blocking all the sounds in the room, and then made a gesture of invitation.

Harry understood immediately, picked up the revolver, stuffed a bullet marked blue into the magazine, aimed at the ceiling above his head and pulled the trigger.

next second...

A dazzling blue spark burst out the moment the hammer hit the primer of the bullet!

The violent counterforce that followed nearly knocked him out of his grip on the gun.

Before he could react to what happened, the chandelier on the ceiling above his head was engulfed by a ball of dazzling blue electric light.

Although there was no sound due to being silenced by magic, everything was carried out in complete silence.

But Harry understood that if there were no spells, no matter whether it was a shot or an electric arc jumping between the chandeliers on the ceiling above his head, there would be a huge noise.

After about two or three seconds, when the electric energy in the bullet was exhausted, three huge copper chandeliers fell directly from the height, smashing hard on the ground and the surrounding hospital beds.

Obviously, the metal rings that fixed these chandeliers had been completely softened by repeated lightning strikes.

Looking at the messy scene in the entire infirmary, Harry stared at the revolver in his hand, opened his mouth wide in shock and couldn't speak.

Even in his dreams, he couldn't believe that all this was the result of pulling the trigger once.

But in terms of lethality and destructive power, this thing is indeed much easier to use than a magic wand.


"How? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Zuo Si asked with a smile while casting a spell to restore everything to normal.

Harry nodded excitedly: "This thing is amazing! With it, if Voldemort comes to cause trouble again, I will give him a hard hit. Thank you, this is the best gift I have ever received in my life gone."

"You're welcome. There's twenty-three rounds here, which I think should last you for a while. Also, promise me that no matter how much you hate Malfoy, don't put this thing in his head, okay? "

Zuo Si also took the opportunity to make a small request.

"Hey, don't worry, although I hate Malfoy, I'm far from wanting his life."

Harry carefully put the gun back into the box, and agreed without thinking.

While the two were talking, Madam Pomfrey came in from the door at some point, and urged with an unhappy expression: "The visiting time is over, you should leave, the patient needs to rest now."

"Of course, ma'am."

Zuo Si turned around and walked out without saying a word.

But before he could take a few steps, he heard Harry's shout behind him.

"Wait! Sous! I have another question for you."

"Oh? What is it?"

Zuo Si stopped, turned around and looked at the savior lying on the bed.

This question was obviously more private, and Harry didn't want Madam Pomfrey to be around, so he gave Madam Pomfrey a begging look.

The latter hesitated for a moment, and quickly said, "I'll give you another five minutes."

After that, she left the ward and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Watching the respected school doctor leave completely, Harry asked in an uncertain tone, "Do you know about house elves?"

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Of course I know. They were originally a very powerful race in ancient times.

But later, because of the outbreak of war with wizards, they were finally slaughtered without mercy, and only a very small number of docile cubs were kept as slaves.

And these cubs are the source of the house elves' blood.

Through magical intervention and domestication from generation to generation, these little things have gradually become slavish and loyal to their masters, making them ideal servants.

However, the number of them has never been large, and they cannot be bought with money. Only those pure-blood or mixed-blood families with a long history have them.

To put it simply, house elves are equivalent to slaves in the magical world, both life and personal freedom are completely under the control of their masters. "

"You usually only follow their master's orders?" Harry frowned.

"That's right. For house elves, it is a supreme honor to serve a family and its master. Any house elf who is expelled because of a mistake will not only be spurned by wizards, but also despised by the same kind .” Zuo Si replied bluntly.

"Then are there house elves who secretly take some action behind their master's back?" Harry asked in an uncertain tone.

Hearing this sentence, Zuo Si immediately realized that it was the elf named Dobby from the Malfoy family who had come, and said in a playful tone: "Generally speaking, this kind of situation is very rare, but it doesn't mean It doesn’t exist. After all, in any group, there will never be a lack of heterogeneous species. In addition, if there are such house elves, I suggest you better pay more attention.”

"Why?" Harry blinked in confusion.

"Because all the ancient wizarding families in the entire magic world would not like the existence of such a house-elf. Because no one knows whether its deviant behavior will spread among other house-elves like a spark, and eventually lead to A large-scale rebellion and uprising, even a war that spread to most of the magic world."

Zuo Si made it very clear that Dobby was special.

Because this is the only house elf who is not willing to be enslaved and has made a substantial act of resistance.

Although in the eyes of many people, this kind of resistance is just a tiny spark, and it is still far from being able to make a big commotion.

But he knew that slavery's large-scale withdrawal from the historical stage was ignited by these small sparks to form a prairie fire.

If Lucius knew about this, he would give Dobby a Cruciatus Curse without hesitation, and then behead him and make a taxidermy to warn the other house-elves in the manor.


There is not only one Dobby in the Malfoy family, but several house-elves serving him.

Harry obviously didn't understand the complex interests behind it, he just raised his head and asked, "But they're just fighting for freedom, what's wrong with that?"

Zuo Si explained with a playful look: "Think about it, if those ancient families lost the service of the house elves, they would have to clean the house, cook, wash clothes, mow the lawn and garden, and clean up all kinds of pests by themselves. .

At that time, how can we maintain a decent life and the sense of superiority of a pure-blooded family?

Remember, Potter, that in this world the right thing doesn't necessarily have everyone's support and approval.

More often than not, what people really care about is tangible benefits.

When you can let some people get huge benefits, even if this thing is wrong, they will choose to support it without hesitation.

Conversely, if you violate the interests of some people, even if the matter is right, they will do their best to stop and destroy it.

As slaves of the wizarding world, the existence of house elves is the best example.

If you want to change all this, the first thing you need is power, a power strong enough to crush all opposing voices. "

"Like Voldemort?"

Harry made a shocking remark.

In fact, due to the relationship with the Horcrux, his thoughts, personality and many aspects are often inevitably affected by it.

If it were someone else who heard this sentence, they would probably faint from fright on the spot.

But Zuo Si touched his chin and responded with great interest: "Yes, just like Voldemort. Although his methods and theories he advocated are wrong, but with great power to overcome opponents and promote his own ideas, But it is still a good choice. Alright, let’s stop today’s conversation, I don’t want to be driven away by Madam Pomfrey a second time.”

After finishing speaking, Zuo Si turned and left the infirmary, and disappeared near the stairs leading to the lower floor after a while.

As for Harry Potter, he was lying on his sick bed alone with a thoughtful expression on his face.


With the reappearance of Zuo Si in everyone's sight, many Hogwarts students have fallen into a fanatical personality cult.

After all, he defeated the Dark Lord and his most powerful and loyal Death Eaters in a nearly crushing manner, and directly dispersed the dark clouds over the British magic world by himself.

This record alone is enough to make him a hot star.

In addition, Hogwarts students are just in their teenage years, and they are most prone to idols and power worship.

So no matter where Zuo Si goes, he is always followed by a group of boring guys who want to observe and imitate his words and deeds.

If he hadn't exuded a cold and unapproachable aura all over his body, he would have been surrounded by fanatical fans on purpose.

Especially the "little snakes" in Slytherin looked at Zuo Si with admiration.

After all, in this world, he was the first person who dared to judge Voldemort face to face as a coward and a waste.

Even the number of students who went to the elective class of making magic scrolls skyrocketed because of this, and the seats were almost full every time, which was in stark contrast to Snape's temporary and lifeless Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

As for poor Gilderoy Lockhart, although he was not completely sucked dry by Voldemort's horcrux—the diary, his body has become extremely weak due to the long-term erosion of black magic, and he is currently lying on the Holy Mount. Ge magic injury hospital bed unconscious.

According to the attending physician, it is very likely that he will never wake up again in this life.

Of course, thanks to Lockhart's contribution, Zuo Si has thoroughly mastered the method of making Horcruxes and the complex principles behind it.

In this way, in a piece of peace and tranquility, Christmas came as scheduled.

Since the Horcrux had been dealt with ahead of time, and the basilisk had no idea where Voldemort had hidden it, the atmosphere in the school was no different from before.

Most of the students signed up to go home and plan to spend time with their parents and loved ones.

Even Harry, who originally wanted to stay in school, was banned by Snape from signing on the list of detention by half-coercive means.

The only thing Zuo Si regrets is that without the attack of the basilisk in the original plot, Hermione would naturally not be able to prepare the polyjuice potion, and then turn into that cute catwoman form.

For Fu Ruikong, this can make him inexplicably more exciting than the normal human form.


Can he deliberately create an accident and have some zero-distance interaction with the girl who has turned into a half-cat, half-human form?

"Hey! Soth! What are you thinking?"

Accompanied by the girl's cry, Zuo Si quickly recovered from the wonderful fantasy, and immediately responded with a guilty conscience: "No, it's nothing, I'm just thinking about how to spend the Christmas holiday."

"Really? Why do I feel that your eyes were a bit strange just now, as if you were thinking about something impolite." Hermione's eyes showed strong suspicion.

"How could it be! What's more, we are so close, even if we are rude, how can we be rude?"

Zuo Si pulled the girl closer to her arms, trying to divert her attention by kissing her.

It had to be said that Hermione was too immature compared to him who was experienced in this area, she blushed when she was teased in a few moments, and completely forgot what she wanted to say just now.

In the end, it was the scream of the poisonous leopard, which brought the girl back to her senses, quickly tidied up her messy clothes, hair and skirt, and said in a slightly shy voice: "My parents want to invite you to Spend Christmas Eve together at home, are you free?"

"Are you going home?" Zuo Si raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Because the income of the Grangers in this era can definitely be considered as upper-middle class, but the family house is not that big.

According to the girl's own introduction, the first floor is basically the living room and kitchen, and the second floor, apart from the master bedroom, only has her room and a storage room full of sundries, and there are no guest rooms at all.

Zuo Si didn't understand, where did the other party plan to let her rest at night?

Although it was as easy for him to stay up all night as eating and drinking, the Grangers certainly didn't know this.

Are British parents so open-minded that they allow their daughters to sleep in the same room with male classmates at this age?

Hermione obviously sensed something from Zuo Si's expression, and immediately blushed and explained: "Don't think about it! My parents have cleared out the utility room on the second floor, and you can sleep next to me."

"Are there any surprises on Christmas Eve?" Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

"You... what surprise do you want?" Hermione was visibly nervous and flustered.

Zuo Si smiled slightly, and whispered something in the girl's ear.


The latter raised his leg and kicked Zuo Si angrily, and said viciously, "Don't think about it!"

Zuo Si was not angry, but spread her hands with a smile: "Then I have to decline Mr. and Mrs. Granger's kindness. Why don't you let your parents come to my house?"

"Go to your home?"

Hermione froze for a moment.

Because she doesn't know where this so-called "home" refers to.

Was it the house in the Muggle community in London, or the property in the wizarding world.

"You haven't been to the house I bought in the forest, have you? Just take this opportunity to take a look together and get to know the way. Believe me, the scenery there is beautiful, and there are house elves caring for you .” Zuo Si took the initiative to extend the invitation.

"Sounds good. Tell Mom and Dad when I get back." Hermione was obviously moved.

So far, she has not visited what the wizard's home actually looks like.

"Since that's the case, it's settled. After Christmas Eve, after sending your parents home, I happen to have some secrets to show you."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Si kissed the girl on the forehead, and then threw the meat in the bucket to the poisonous leopard cub that had grown up a lot.

After being fed by the owner, the little leopard immediately started to eat voraciously.

It doesn't know that it will soon be given to a certain goddess as a gift, and then it will be transformed by divine power.


Hermione's eyes lit up slightly.

After all, ever since she realized that Zuo Si was most likely a human from another world, she had been looking forward to the moment when the truth would be revealed.

"Yes! Secret. I hope you are mentally prepared. Because once you know this, you will never turn back." Zuo Si raised her hand and gently stroked the long hair hanging from the girl's ear.

But Hermione didn't pay any attention to such warning words. Instead, she raised her chin and replied affectionately: "As long as I can be with you, it doesn't matter even if this road leads to hell."

"I can't see that our top student lady also reveals some crazy qualities in her bones." Zuo Si joked with a smile.

"No way! In order to match you, a madman, I have no choice but to turn myself into a crazy woman." Hermione blinked playfully.

After finalizing how to spend Christmas Eve, the two quickly returned to their dormitories to pack their things and prepare to board the Hogwarts Express.

Just when Zuo Si had just walked into the Slytherin common room, she suddenly saw Gemma Farley blocking her way.

At this moment, the female prefect changed into a set of casual clothes, her black hair had obviously just been washed, her face was even painted with a very delicate look, and she was carrying a box in her hand, obviously she was going home for Christmas Festival.

Out of curiosity, Zuo Si asked in a low voice: "What's the matter?"

"I want to talk to you alone, are you free?" Gemma Farley said straight to the point.

"I should still have some time before the Hogwarts Express leaves." Zuo Si gave an affirmative answer after a little thought.

Soon, under the leadership of Gemma Farley, the two walked into an empty female dormitory in Slytherin College.

After repeatedly confirming that no one was eavesdropping, the female prefect directly took off her coat to reveal a black dress with hollow lace trim inside, and asked in a seductive tone, "What do you think of me?"


Zuo Si looked up and down with appreciative eyes, and then commented: "The figure is quite uneven, plus the combination of this dress and black stockings, and the rebellious and ambitious temperament, on a 100-point scale Barely eighty-five points."

"In other words, am I still attractive to you?" Gemma Farley smiled smugly.

"What exactly do you want?" Zuo Si tapped the corners of her mouth slightly.

Because the scene in front of him was so familiar to him.

As early as when he was an apprentice in the Mage Tower of the Floating Void City, similar temptations were repeated again and again.

And basically one counts as one, they are all vicious and ambitious seniors who want to climb up.

There is no doubt that the female prefect of the Slytherin house in front of him is exuding exactly the same breath as them.

The only difference is that Hogwarts still has legal and moral constraints, and there is no situation in which apprentices are encouraged to compete, murder and eliminate each other.

Otherwise, it is estimated that the people in the other three colleges would have died long ago, and in the end there would only be Slytherin House that did whatever it could to achieve its goals.

"How about I come to be your subordinate and lover? Don't worry, I have a tight mouth and good at keeping secrets. I will never be discovered by Hermione Granger. And..."

Gemma Farley suddenly bent down and whispered seductively in Zuo Si's ear: "I can give you the excitement and wildness that she will never be able to show."

"Sounds like a good idea. But the question is, what do you want from me?"

As if Zuo Si was not affected at all, she turned her head to stare at the other person's black eyes and asked.

Gemma Farley was obviously surprised that the junior student in front of him could still remain calm, even indifferent in this situation.

You must know that she has tried the same method on other boys, and all of them will become irrational like beasts in heat without exception.

After a moment of silence, the female prefect took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I hope to have a career of my own in the Ministry of Magic, so I need your support and help."

"You want to be Minister of Magic too?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"That's right! I not only want to be the Minister of Magic, but also the youngest and longest-serving Minister of Magic. And you will be my master, the real master behind the magic world."

In a graceful gesture, Gemma Farley got down on one knee and kissed the magic ring on Zuo Si's finger.

This is a very symbolic move.

Throughout Europe, whether it is the Muggle world or the wizarding world, it means loyalty and obedience.

Zuo Si did not refuse the other party's action of kissing the ring, but said in a slightly appreciative tone: "I like your ambition and boldness. But whether you are worthy of all this, it will take time to prove. Know Um Richie? Go to her after graduation and she'll put you in a suitable position."

"Umbridge? She's yours!"

Gemma Farley raised her head abruptly, her eyes flashing with undisguised surprise and enthusiasm.

Because if true, it would mean that Zuo Si had already had his hand in the Ministry of Magic and wielded a huge amount of political power.

"my people?

No, no, no, I don't like short-sighted fools like that.

She is just a pawn.

If you're good enough, I can replace her with you anytime.

But if your performance doesn't satisfy me, or if you feel that your wings are hard and you want to fly solo, I also don't mind letting others replace you.

After all, the British wizarding world is so dangerous, even if Voldemort and his Death Eaters suddenly returned, killing one or two Ministers of Magic would not be a big surprise..."

While saying these words, Zuo Si raised his wand and gently slid across Gemma Farley's slender and fair neck, and slowly moved down against the skin until it stopped at the heart.

This kind of fear mixed with emotions of excitement, fanaticism and admiration made this ambitious female prefect feel unprecedented stimulation, and her whole body trembled slightly uncontrollably.

As a member of Slytherin House, she was born with no resistance to this strong, confident and evil opposite sex.

In a way, Gemma Farley is not fundamentally different from Mad Bellatrix.

It's just that the latter has a more Zhang Yang personality, while the former is relatively calm and calm.

"It is the greatest honor in my life to meet you and serve you. I swear, I will never let you down, let alone betray you."

Gemma Farley let the wand touch her heart without any resistance, but puffed out her chest to show her best side, with a hint of expectation in her eyes.

It's a pity that Zuo Si didn't take any further action, and nodded with satisfaction while taking back his wand: "Very good! I look forward to your performance. Now, you can go."

"Go?" Gemma Farley was slightly taken aback. "Don't you need my service?"

"No need! At least not now. Because no one can force me when I don't want it, and no one can refuse me when I want it. If one day I need your service, I will appear directly in Before you and give orders. Before that, all you need to do is to do your job well.”

After saying this, Zuo Si left the empty girls' dormitory without thinking.

As for Gemma Farley, she stayed where she was, as if she had just experienced a euphoria, with an extremely satisfied expression on her face, and whispered in a voice that only she could hear clearly: "That's right! The master I expect to be loyal to. Strong, calm, wise, and not questionable by anyone."

After about three to five minutes, she slowly stood up from the ground, put on the coat again, regained her usual aloof temperament, and set foot on the way home with her suitcase.

Zuo Si, after returning to her place of residence, was packing up her things while complaining: "I found that the wizards in this world, especially the students who graduated from Slytherin College, have a little abnormal brain circuit. They always seem to want to Find a backer and master for yourself, and then engage in an irrational cult of personality."

"What's wrong with this? Isn't it just convenient for you to start? I think that Gemma Farley just now is very good. She has both ambition and ability, and she is not bad in appearance and figure. She will be a good lover. Wait for Umri After Qi is abandoned, she can perfectly take the former's place and become one of your hands to secretly control the world."

The diary expressed his opinion nonchalantly.

"Do you think I still need a hand to control this world? The deep well of soul, which is the source of magic, is now in my pocket. As long as I solve the problem of time magic and retrieve the lost scroll, wherever I want No one can stop anything in this world." Zuo Si rolled her eyes angrily.

The diary said with great disdain: "Then why did you accept Gemma Farley's allegiance just now? Wouldn't it be better to let her go straight away?"

Zuo Si sneered and shook his head: "No, you don't understand. If I don't accept the allegiance, Gemma Farley might join Voldemort in the future, or even become a sacrificed pawn. For the sake of showing kindness to me, I will also give her a hand."

"So... are you doing this out of pity?" There was a hint of playfulness in the diary's tone.

"It's not a pity. After all, Gemma Farley's outstanding talents are there, and she will definitely be a strong woman with great skills in the future. She has the same development potential as Hermione. Maybe when she will be able to Come in handy. After all, there is never too much talent pool. By the way, how do you think Talona will react when I give the poison sac leopard as a gift?" Zuo Si asked casually.

"Hmm——I think it might be ecstasy. After all, she has always given you things, and this is the first time you have given her something. And the poison sac leopard is very suitable as a symbol of the goddess of poison and disease. As Faerun multiplies, it will inevitably increase its influence and provide powerful assistance to its druid followers." The diary analyzed solemnly.

Zuo Si nodded approvingly and continued to ask: "Do you think I can exchange the goddess for a big druid with this thing?"

"Arch Druid? Oh - my God! You don't mean to..."

The diary communicates with the mind of its creator, and immediately perceives what its owner wants to do.

(end of this chapter)

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