One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 38 Knowledge Is Wealth

Chapter 38 Knowledge is Wealth

As the [Frozen Pearl] was put into the small pocket on the outside of the satchel, Zuo Si immediately felt the heat go away, replaced by an indescribable coolness.

It felt like walking into an air-conditioned room on a hot summer day.

Every pore in the whole body seemed to be cheering.

The woman noticed the change of expression on Zuo Si's face, and immediately reminded with a smile: "Be careful, the effect of [Frozen Pearl] is continuous, it's best not to leave it on your body for too long, or you will definitely catch a cold.

Also, if you put it in a bucket.

Then about an hour later, the water will freeze over.

After two or three hours, the entire bucket of water will freeze into ice cubes. "

"Understood, thank you. I will pay attention." Zuo Si nodded slightly.

As the creator, he saw through the magic principle and mode of operation the moment he got the [Frozen Pearl].

To put it bluntly, this thing is a cold water pearl blessed with freezing magic.

Its spell level is so low that it doesn't even have one ring, at best it's a trick with zero rings.

However, the creators were very unconventional. They did not make it a one-time attack magic item, but changed it to release it smoothly and continuously to the surroundings.

In this way, the speed of energy consumption is perfectly balanced with the speed of energy drawn from the magic net.

If Zuo Si were to estimate the cost price, this thing would only be worth 150 to 200 gold coins at best, and absolutely no more.

If he could get enough magic scrolls and cold water pearls worth 10 gold coins, with his level of making magic items, he could make more than a dozen in a short while.

It's a pity that Zuo Si doesn't have the ability to cast spells and copy scrolls, so he can only reluctantly pay a high price to buy one to make do with it.

After all, he couldn't get sick anyway.

"Is there anything else you want? For example, this charm pendant, or that magic resistance necklace?" The woman began to sell other things on the booth on her own.

She had clearly seen how many gold coins were in the luggage carried by the soldier just now, and she was eager to empty them all.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si was not interested in these low-level magic items at all. Instead, he turned his attention to the books on the shelf, and after a little observation, he began to report the titles of the books.

"Bring me a copy of "Elvish and Characters-From Beginner to Master", a copy of "Dragon Language Encyclopedia", a copy of "From Apprentice to Mage, Tricks You Should Master", a copy of "Arcane Spellcaster's Guide" Advanced Skills", a book of "On the Elimination of Materials for Casting Spells", a book of "Introduction to the Magic Net", a book of "Compulsory Courses for Advanced Mage", a book of "Guide to Spell First Attack", a book of "Super Magic Skills - Spell Extension Time"."

100 gold coins for "Elvish Language and Text-From Beginner to Master", 500 gold coins for "Dragon Language Encyclopedia", 250 gold coins for "From Apprentice to Mage, Tricks You Should Master", 2000 gold coins for "Advanced Skills for Arcane Spellcasters" Gold coins, 1,000 gold coins for "On the Elimination of Materials for Casting Spells", 1,300 gold coins for "Introduction to Magic Net", 5,000 gold coins for "Compulsory Course for Advanced Mage", 750 gold coins for "Guide to Spell First Attack", 3,000 gold coins for "Super Magic Skills-Spell Delay". "

Every time a woman takes a book from the shelf, she will quote the price of the book.

In the same way, Zuo Si would feel his heart skip a beat when he heard the price.

When the price of the last book was quoted, he suddenly realized that he would have to spend 13,900 gold coins just to buy these books!

What is knowledge is wealth?

That's it!

And in Faerun, where magic power is everywhere, knowledge is not only wealth, but also extremely powerful power.

Just when Zuo Si was shocked by the unbelievable price of magic books in the Faerun Continent, the soldier immediately lowered his voice and reminded: "Master, I am afraid that if we add up all the money in our hands, it is still a little short."

"It's okay. Take out all the money first, and I'll figure out what to do if it's not enough." Zuo Si sighed helplessly.

Since he used to live in the high tower of the floating city, all his books were borrowed from the necromancer-Asta, and he didn't need to spend a penny at all.

Now when I suddenly have to pay for knowledge myself, I realize that those books and notes that are at your fingertips are so valuable outside.

Without further ado, the soldier poured out the remaining gold coins in the bag, a total of 6,326.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the deposit note given by Epke, the leader of the Thieves Guild, including 8,214 silver and gold coins, and a total of 36,395 silver coins of various colors.

Looking at these vouchers and the gold coins piled up on the table, the woman quickly calculated in her mind, and an unconcealable smile flickered in her two strange eyes: "8214 [Centaurs] made by Amn can be converted into 4107 gold coins.

As for silver coins, Sembia's [Raven] has a slightly lower value in Calimport.

But since you spend so much at one time, I don't care too much about it, so I convert it into 1820 gold coins.

A total of 12253 gold coins.

In other words, you are still short of 1647 gold coins. "

"Can't we get a discount?"

Zuo Si blinked her eyes on purpose, trying to get rid of the remaining money by acting cute.

But unfortunately, the woman didn't like this at all, and she shook her head bluntly and refused: "Sorry, no. The rule of buying and selling magic items is that you don't bargain at all. Otherwise, you can try to eliminate one or two books from these books. "

"Oh, forget it. Please see how much this is worth."

Zuo Si took off the cylindrical translucent energy storage crystal fixed on the belt, and gently placed it on the counter.

"what is this?!"

It was obviously the first time for the woman to see such a strange thing, and she immediately picked it up and wanted to identify its use and value through magic.

However, before the spell was cast, Zuo Si took the initiative to speak foolishly and said: "This is a powerful energy storage device.

Unprecedented new technologies and advanced enchantments are used.

Can absorb and store all forms of lightning energy and release it like a wand.

However, it is different from ordinary lightning wands that can only be released one shot at a time.

It can empty all energy in one go, dealing amazing damage in a short amount of time. "

"Can I try it?" The woman asked without looking up while staring at the cylindrical energy storage crystal.

"Of course, please."

Zuo Si made a gesture of invitation, and then pulled the soldier back a few steps, leaving a relatively safe distance.

The woman who received an affirmative answer did not talk nonsense, and immediately began to mobilize the magical energy in her blood.

After the incantation and gesture were completed, a dazzling electric light shot out from between the fingers, sinking into the interior of the cylindrical crystal on the spot.

Looking at the silver lightning flashing inside the cylindrical crystal, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but marvel: "It's really absorbed and stored in it!

What is the principle of this thing?

What materials, magic and technology does it use?

How many lightning spells can be stored at most? "

"The upper limit should be thirty lightning bolts.

As for the principle, what materials, magic and technology are used, please forgive me for not being able to tell you.

after all……

No knowledge is priceless.

Especially private knowledge that only I know. "

While saying these words, Zuo Si couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a sly smile like a little fox.

From the reaction of the other party, it can be seen that this woman has been attracted by the cylindrical crystal memory.

If you can't seize the opportunity to make a big deal at this moment, how can you be worthy of the nearly 14,000 gold coins spent at this booth today.

Even if you can't make a lot of money, at least you have to get blood back.

He understood it.

If you want to learn magic knowledge in Faerun, you have to prepare astronomical wealth.

Otherwise, I can't even afford a few books.

Not to mention those high-level magic, legendary magic items, and even artifacts that cannot be measured by money.

(end of this chapter)

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