One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 57 Only Strength Is The Foundation And Guarantee Of Everything

Chapter 57 Only strength is the foundation and guarantee of everything

After completing the transaction, Zuo Si was not in a hurry to summon the little genie in the lamp.

Instead, he studied the hidden magic runes on the surface a little bit, and then stuffed them into the satchel that he always carried with him.

I plan to wait until I finish my trip to Candlekeep, and then use my rich knowledge reserves to try to answer all kinds of tricky riddles that the giant spirits may ask.

When he returned to the hotel with his soldiers, the sea in the east had already started to turn slightly white.

If there are no accidents, the sun should come out in a short time.

"I've been tossing and tossing for a whole night, and I feel very tired. It seems that for my current body age, long-term physical labor and staying up late are still a bit too much."

Zuo Si stood at the door and yawned while shaking her head helplessly.

As the "little prince who stayed up late" in the university dormitory back then, he had the experience of "cultivating immortality" by sleeping no more than three hours a day for a week, which directly shocked the other roommates.

Of course, it is also possible that he was afraid of his sudden death in the dormitory.

But now, even staying up for one or two nights without sleep feels a bit unbearable.

Just when Zuo Si was about to wake up the waiter who was dozing on the counter, and prepared a bucket of hot water for a bath, he suddenly found a black figure coming out from the entrance of the cellar.

The soldier immediately stepped forward vigilantly, holding a shield in front of him.

But soon, the tense expression on his face relaxed.

Because the person who came was none other than Fang Gesi.

The werewolf girl raised her nose and took a sniff, her eyes widened in shock: "This smell is a mixture of killing, rot and death! Master...Master, have you gone to the sewer to trouble those ratmen?"

"Your nose is surprisingly sensitive."

Zuo Si raised his head and stared at the girl standing in front of him.

Although he knew for a long time that werewolves had the same amazing sense of smell as canines, he never expected that the other party could smell the smell from his body from such a distance.

And still without transformation.

It is no wonder that in the book "Common Monsters in the Wild", werewolves are rated as the top few monsters that adventurers and travelers are least willing to encounter.

Because once they are targeted by them, it often means that no matter how you run, you will not be able to escape.

Victims are often exhausted from the long chase and are eventually torn to pieces by the werewolves.

"It's not my nose, but the smell of blood on your body is too strong. How many damn ratmen did you kill tonight? Ten, twenty? Fifty?"

The werewolf girl stretched out her tongue and licked her lips, her eyes revealed strong hatred and bloodlust.

She will never forget who destroyed her clan and killed the parents and elders in the group.

If possible, Vangers even hoped to join in the hunt himself, tearing the throats of those despicable ratmen with his sharp teeth, and digging out their hearts with his sharp claws.

"More than three hundred! The master killed more than three hundred ratmen tonight, and helped Epke capture their leader alive." The soldier took the initiative to answer.


The werewolf girl seemed unable to believe what she heard.

She has seen with her own eyes how terrifying these crazy ratmen are, and when they charge, they are like an endless black tide.

No matter how many you kill, there will always be more Ratmen behind.

Otherwise, with the fighting power of an adult werewolf, even if the opponent had a silver-plated weapon in his hand, how could they all be killed.

"That's right! Those enemies who ruined your family are dead and fled. Even their leader has become a captive who was locked in the torture room and tasted all kinds of torture.

So from now on, you don't have to think hard about how to get revenge.

Enjoy your new life.

Don't be immersed in hatred all the time, it will not do any good for your growth. "

After saying these words, Zuo Si stretched without any image, and then walked upstairs.

Only the werewolf girl was left standing there stunned.

The soldiers, on the other hand, went straight to the counter, woke up the dozing waiter, and asked him to prepare a large bucket of bath water immediately.

After taking a shower and having a simple breakfast, Zuo Si quickly lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

This time, he slept very soundly.

It wasn't until about two o'clock in the afternoon that I opened my eyes and woke up.

Looking at the bright sunshine outside the window and the endlessly noisy streets, Zuo Si gently rubbed her dry eyes and asked without looking back, "How long have I been asleep?"

"A full nine hours." The soldier immediately handed over a glass of water.

As a loyal summoned creature, he already knows his master's living habits very well through these days of getting along. For example, the first thing after waking up from sleep is to drink a large glass of water, so he prepared it early.


Zuo Si took it and drank it all without saying a word.

Since there is only such a humanoid summoned creature at hand, he uses it as a servant and guard more often than as a combat unit.

"Master. During your rest period, Chief Epke sent someone to deliver eight money orders from the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth with a face value of 1,000 gold coins."

As he said that, the soldier took out a few sheets made of special paper from his pocket. The shape and pattern were a bit like banknotes in modern society.

Each of these bills bears the profile of the goddess Woking.

It is not only a symbol of the goddess' authority in the field of trade and wealth, but also an anti-counterfeiting mark.

Any priest of the goddess of wealth can use this mark to determine whether the bill of exchange has been forged by some magical means.

The most important thing is that no matter in any corner of Faerun, as long as there is a Temple of the Goddess of Wealth, you can use this note to exchange the corresponding amount of gold coins without paying any additional fees.

"A money order for 8,000 gold coins? This leader of the Thieves Guild is really generous." Zuo Si picked up one of the money orders and stood in the sun to examine it carefully.

He originally thought that if the bald and fat man could give almost 4000 to 5000 gold coins, it would be the best.

After all, this price can already hire a team of adventurers with quite good level and experience.

But who would have thought that 8,000 would be given at once, and it would be a portable bill.

"I think he wants to continue to rely on your power, Master, to win the upcoming Calimport guild war. In addition, that Ms. Aisha also came to you at noon, and hoped that you would wake up as soon as possible." To her mage tower."

The soldier straightened out what happened during the day.

"Oh, has the magic item merchant prepared the materials?"

As soon as Zuo Si heard that the sorceress was looking for her, Zuo Si's sleepiness disappeared immediately, and her whole body became energetic in an instant.

Compared with cooperating with the leader of the Thieves Guild to "earn extra money", he obviously pays more attention to Aisha who owns the mage tower.

the reason is simple!

The amount of wool that the latter can gather is simply not comparable to the former.

And compared to pure money, knowledge and power are what Zuo Si desires most at the moment.

Because if there is no power, no matter how much wealth you have, you are just a fat pig kept in a pen.

Just look at Bernard.

As the heir of the Roldan Chamber of Commerce and one of the most successful young businessmen in Amn, he clearly possesses amazing wealth, but he was almost lost by a pirate ship.

Similarly, Captain Harlett of "Blood Hand" can also be regarded as a well-known figure on the sea, and the wealth he has plundered over the years is even more numerous.

But in the end it is not necessary to bleed to pay the ransom.

Therefore, in Faerun, a country full of crises and conspiracies, no matter whether it is power or wealth, everything is imaginary.

Only strength is the foundation and guarantee of everything!

(end of this chapter)

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