One Sneeze Destroys A Magical Civilization

Chapter 63 The Scariness Of The Necromancer

Chapter 63 The Scariness of the Necromancer

boom! boom! boom!

The three magic missiles are like pistol bullets with an automatic tracking function, and every time they hit one of them, they will instantly splatter beautiful blood.

After finishing all the beatings, the legs of the sneak attacker wearing black leather armor and a mask on his head were already bloody.

Coupled with the damage caused by [Ring of the Ram] before, it has almost made him lose the possibility of standing up.

But Zuo Si did not stop because of this.

I saw him take out the [Manipulate Dead Corpse] wand, and lightly tap it on the corpse on the ground.


The corpse with its upper body covered in inlaid armor and a crossbow bolt stuck in its thigh stood up unsteadily, its two eyes gleaming with terrifying red light.


All the people watching the excitement at the scene immediately realized Zuo Si's identity.

Because no one except necromancers would easily use such evil and terrifying spells to resurrect corpses in public.

After all, there are gods and temples in Faerun Continent.

Many gods of the good camp and neutral camp firmly oppose and reject the awakening and creation of various undead creatures in their teachings.

Their priests and believers will also take it as their duty to eliminate the dead spirits that exist in the material world.

But Zuo Si, who was suddenly attacked and almost died, can't care so much now.

Without even a second of hesitation, he gave the human zombie he controlled an attack order.

I saw this adult male zombie, who was about 1.8 meters tall, wobbled directly in front of the attacker, and chopped down without saying a word.

Although the masked assailant raised two long daggers in his hand to try to block and parry, the strength of the zombie was obviously much greater than that of a human.


Accompanied by the sparks flying from the metal collision, the two daggers were knocked away on the spot without accident.

The heavy iron on the back of the ax fell straight down, smashing the attacker's knee to pieces.

Especially the crisp sound of the broken bones made everyone who saw this scene subconsciously touch their knees.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

The severe pain made the assassin couldn't help but let out a painful cry.

But unfortunately, the zombie didn't stop, but turned the ax again, smashing the knee of the other leg to pieces.

Followed by the elbows of the two arms, and ten fingers.

With an almost brutal attitude, the zombie completely destroyed all the resistance abilities of the assassin in just a few seconds.

The eyes of the melon-eating crowd who witnessed all this also changed when they looked at Zuo Si.

If they were just curious and wary before, now they are in awe.

Because in Calimport, there are usually only two types of people who command the awe of all.

One is the powerful and superior person, such as the nobleman, the leader of the Thieves Guild;

There are also those who are cold, cruel, and wield great power.

These people can be powerful fighters who can rush into the middle of the enemy and kill seven in and seven out;

It can also be an assassin who hides in the shadows and kills with one blow;

Or mages and warlocks who master the power of mysterious arcane magic;

And priests who claim to be servants of the gods...

Among them, a mage who is proficient in necromantic magic is undoubtedly the image that is most likely to arouse fear in people's hearts.

After all, just awakening and manipulating the undead is enough to scare most ordinary people.

What's more, in the hands of the Necromancer, death may not be the end, but just the beginning.

First of all, a corpse that has been desecrated by necromantic magic cannot be easily pulled up by the five-ring magic [Resurrection of the Dead].

Instead, it needs at least the [Resurrection] of the seventh ring, and even the [Full Resurrection] of the ninth ring.

A priest or druid of this level is either the chief priest of a temple in a large city, or the archdruid in charge of a certain forest.

Not to mention asking the other party to make a move, it is quite difficult just to see it.

Secondly, after killing the enemy, the necromancer can manipulate not only the corpse, but also the soul.

They can even twist the souls of the dead, turning them into ghosts or wraiths for their own use.

Some more insane mages will also make some activated parts from the soul to build magical machines that can operate automatically.

In short, in the eyes of ordinary people, necromancers are a group of evil, terrifying, weird people who must not be easily provoked.

Zuo Si is in no mood to pay attention to the reactions of the people around her.

He went straight to the attacker and pulled off the black mask that the attacker used to cover his face.


A half-elf female face with short blond hair and unusually handsome features was exposed in the air.

Especially the pair of pointed ears are very recognizable.

But unfortunately, she is not in a good condition at the moment, her complexion and lips are abnormally pale due to excessive blood loss, and dark red plasma is all around her nose and mouth.

"Who are you? Why did you kill me? What kind of person or force did you instigate?" Zuo Si asked poignantly.

Although he was very angry at the moment, he still forced himself to calm down slowly by virtue of the education and training he received in the high tower of the floating city.

Necromancer - Asta has emphasized more than once.

For a caster, anger is the most meaningless emotion, bar none.

Because this will make the caster lose the most important qualities - calmness and rationality, and become a barbarian who can only vent magical power indiscriminately.

"Drink - bah!"

The female half-elf assassin spit out a mouthful of saliva mixed with blood, and responded with practical actions.

Obviously, she was not afraid of death, and was even prepared to give her life for this assassination from the very beginning.

But unfortunately, this "spit" attack was blocked by the mage's armor before it could get close.

Seeing that the opponent had no intention of not cooperating at all, Zuo Si took out a Planeswalker card.

[Creature Card: Shadow Servant]

[LV2 black card (no upgrade)]

[Card Quality: Precious]

[Effect: After the card is activated, the Planeswalker will obtain a mass of negative energy that contains life force.

You can use this cloud of energy to kill a target, which then transforms into a shadow minion.

The servant will retain the occupation level, combat skills, equipment, personality, memory and sanity of the previous life.

No matter how hostile and hated its master is, it cannot disobey any order given by its master, and will live in endless pain and regret throughout its life.

In addition, shadow servants will have the weakness of being afraid of sunlight and positive energy like vampires.

When they are hit by strong sunlight or positive energy spells, they will be permanently destroyed in an instant.

The Shadow Servant has the dual characteristics of semi-incorporeal life and unstable form, immune to all non-magical weapons, and can hide in all shadowy places without being discovered by anyone.

All negative energy attacks will only have a healing effect on the shadow servants.

Shadow servants can kill a creature by hand, and then transform it into a spawn and control it]

[Special attention: The transformation target must be a living creature with flesh and blood, undead, elements, spirits, etc. are not included.

In addition, the remaining vitality of the target creature must not exceed the upper limit of energy given by the card, otherwise the transformation will end in failure]

[To use this card, you need to pay three points of black magic power, or three points of general magic power]

[When the conversion fails or the Shadow Servant is destroyed, the card will automatically enter the graveyard and wait for rebirth for two days]

Needless to ask, this is the last of all the creature cards that Zuo Si currently has, and also the most special one.

Because it is not like soldiers, leopards and large stone elements, the corresponding creatures can be summoned directly by using cards.

Instead, you need to choose your own goals and complete the entire transformation process by yourself.

Zuo Si always felt that this card was a bit too vicious before, and he didn't find a suitable target, so he never used it.

But today, he was obviously irritated by the half-elf assassin in front of him who was trying to kill him, and he planned to let him have a taste of what life is like death.

(end of this chapter)

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