Chapter 87 Big Purchase

If you focus on making a magic item, you will inevitably put aside other things at hand for a while.

But Si Si is good, instead of being disturbed, the work efficiency is improved.

Whether it is the production speed or the time consumed, it is almost half less than before.

But the sorceress obviously didn't know that Zuo Si became faster, on the one hand, due to the substantial increase in the creator's level, which made it easier to use the two abilities of [Refining] and [Shaping], the effect and The area of ​​effect is also much stronger than before.

On the other hand, he has already read almost all the books in the library, and there is no need to procrastinate any longer.

He even took the time to copy a few useful second-level spells from the blank pages of the two spell books in hand.

For example, [Detective Thinking], which can detect the superficial thoughts of others;

Another example is [Power of the Wild], which can increase the target's strength, agility, and physical attributes by 2 at the same time;

Or [visual connection] that can be observed through the eyes of other creatures.

In short, they are all unpopular magics that are not in the spell books, and are relatively rare, and are rarely used by other spellcasters.

By studying and transcribing these spells, Zuo Si discovered a very troublesome problem.

That is the special ink used to transcribe spells and scrolls, and the price is too expensive.

According to the first level of magic transcription, it needs to occupy one page of the spell book, the second level needs to occupy two pages, the third level needs to occupy three pages, and so on...

If you reach the highest nine rings, you need to occupy a full nine pages.

And the ink needed to transcribe a page of a spell book cost almost 100 gold coins.

This also means...

Just wanting to transcribe all the spells of the first and second rings, the ink money alone will cost 60,000 to 70,000 yuan!

If the scope is expanded to below the fifth ring, then this number will expand to hundreds of thousands or even millions.

In addition, there is the cost of renting spell books from others (about the spell level multiplied by 50 gold coins), and the cost of buying scrolls.

Anyway, if you want to learn magic in Faerun, you must first prepare a lot of money.

Gives the feeling that no matter how much money you have, there will never be enough to spend.

What's more, the more advanced spells, the harder it is to get them.

Magic scrolls and books with more than five rings are hardly sold in the market.

If you want a higher level, you need to find another way.

Or make unknown secret transactions with the red-robed mages who set up concessions everywhere;

Or join some powerful spellcaster groups;

Or become a disciple of a certain "Grand Master";

Or find and try to trade with the plane merchant who "deceived you without discussion";

Or become an adventurer, explore those ancient ruins, and find the books, knowledge and scrolls you need.

This is also the reason why Zuo Si must leave Calimport and go to Candlekeep.

As the largest library on the west coast of Faerun, the knowledge and spells recorded there may not be the most powerful, but it must be the most systematic and comprehensive.

Thinking of this, he shrugged his shoulders with a smile and responded, "Because I'm leaving Calimport soon. Before I leave, I will use up all the materials you prepared."

"Leave? So fast?" Aisha was obviously taken aback.

"Well. I plan to hide away before the guild war starts. Oh, yes, I want to buy a lot of things from you before I leave." As he said, Zuo Si took out a list that he had prepared in advance.

The female sorceress took it and glanced at it twice, the corners of her mouth suddenly rose sharply, and she replied without hesitation: "No problem!

By the day after tomorrow at the latest, I will have everything on the list ready.

Between my casting level is LV13.

Therefore, the [Fireball Wand] and [Disarming Wand (three-ring "disenchantment")] made by me are both priced at 29,250 gold coins, [Invisibility Wand] 19,500, and [Forced Wand (four-ring magic. It can restore a mage who has Spells that have been cast, and the highest does not exceed the third ring)] 39000.

In addition, for magical items such as [Protective Arrows], I only have one [Shield of Reflection] here.

It can rebound most arrows and other attacks, and the price is 6500 gold coins. "

"Okay, I'll take both." Zuo Si didn't try to bargain.

Although the total value of these things has reached an astonishing 120,000 gold coins.

Especially the four wands, each of which is so expensive that it makes people want to vomit blood.

But for the sake of safety along the way, the money that should be spent still needs to be spent.

After all, for things like [Fireball Wand] and [Disarming Wand], the higher the spellcasting level of the creator, the greater the power.

Take fireball as an example.

The same spell, if released by an LV5 arcane caster, might be as powerful as a large Molotov cocktail.

But if it is released by an LV13 arcane spellcaster, the power is almost like a napalm bomb with white phosphorus added.

The gap between the two is so large that it is almost like two completely different spells.

[Strong Memory Wand] can even break the spell limit of low-level mages, and give the enemy a huge "surprise" in battle.

Anyway, things like gold coins were originally used for spending.

Zuo Si would not hide mountains of gold and silver in his family treasury or lair like those misers and giant dragons, and he would not spend half a copper plate until he died.

"I like your cheerfulness."

Aisha couldn't hide the ecstasy in her heart, not only the corners of her mouth were smiling, but her eyes were also smiling.

Before meeting Zuo Si, she never imagined that she could make so much profit from one person.


At the same time, at the slave market in Calimport, businessman Bernard had just completed a huge transaction with the largest local business organization and slave trading group [Lang Nail Chamber of Commerce].

80 able-bodied male (anti-harmony) slaves, 70 healthy female (anti-harmony) slaves, and a whole thousand hard-working camels thus became the property of the caravan.

Since he had learned the previous lessons, he specially hired a team of local reputable mercenaries as guards and managers, a total of more than a dozen people.

Looking at these ragged slaves who were full of confusion and fear in the future, Bernard pinched his nose and told the mercenary leader beside him: "Take them to take a bath, eat something, rest for two days, and buy some more. Use the cheapest linen and felt for clothes, and get some leather for shoes. Otherwise, the terrible temperature difference between day and night in the Karin Desert alone would kill a third of them."

"Understood! I will arrange it immediately."

A man who looked to be in his thirties nodded approvingly, and began to call on his mercenaries to work without saying a word.

Managing slaves is one of the professional skills that must be mastered for most adventurers and mercenaries in Calimport.

Because almost half of their employers are wealthy businessmen and nobles who own a large number of slaves.

Some guys are even willing to pay a high price to hire professionals just to vent their anger by capturing a runaway slave and killing him alive.

Such situations where caravans buy slaves as labor force are almost common in Calimshan.

Just as the mercenaries were waving whips and wooden sticks and driving the dirty slaves to the well for washing, a head of the Long Nail Chamber of Commerce suddenly came from a distance and said with a smile: "Bernard, My dear friend. Since you bought a lot of goods from us this time, after discussion we unanimously decided to give you a gift."

"Gift?" Bernard's eyes flickered with wariness.

After all, he is a shrewd businessman himself, and he is very clear about the thinking mode of a businessman.

If a merchant offers to give you something, the guy wants to make more money from you.

(end of this chapter)

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