Chapter 9 You Forced Me

What's more dangerous than facing a trapped dragon?

The answer is to face a giant dragon that is about to escape and regain some mobility!

Zuo Si is very clear that with the power he currently possesses, confronting an adult red dragon head-on is basically no different from courting death.

Especially his previous attempt to sign a magic contract obviously angered the other party.

Obviously, the "negotiations" failed.

The Red Dragon, who has a strong sense of revenge, has long transferred his hatred for Asta to everyone in the entire mage tower.

After all, for her, those low-level undead creatures outside could not threaten her life at all.

Once the powerful magic restraint on his body fails, Wilmes can fight his way out at any time with the defensive power of the solid dragon scale.

As for whether the terrible plague outside will have an effect on a real dragon, this guy is obviously not worried at all.

In other words, no such issues have been considered at all.

Faced with such a desperate situation, Zuo Si not only did not show even the slightest loss of emotional control, but changed his previous humble attitude, put away the powerful magic scroll, and laughed at himself with a smile: "Okay, I announce now Plan A failed, time to start Plan B. Remember, you made me do this."

"Plan B?"

Seeing that the little one in front of him not only did not kneel on the ground begging for forgiveness and forgiveness, but threatened himself with cruel words, the red dragon suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"Well! Yes. In addition to coaxing you to sign this magic contract, I am also prepared to take coercive measures after the negotiation fails."

Saying so, Zuo Si stuffed the scroll back into the satchel, rummaged inside for a few seconds, and then took out a glass bottle filled with Amber-colored translucent solution.

In addition to the Amber-colored embalming liquid, the bottle was soaked with a large piece of soft tissue.

The torso is about the size of an adult's hand and looks a bit like an octopus.

But there are six rings made of metal inlaid near the brain and central nervous system.

The surface of each buckle is inlaid with gemstones of different colors.

As for the lower part of the torso, there are four octopus-like tentacles with hooks at the ends.

I saw Zuo Si unscrew the sealed jar with extremely skilled movements, and use the [Awaken Creation] ability to endow the most dangerous and powerful strange thing of all magic items that he personally created with sanity.


This mass of limp soft tissue without any signs of life suddenly came to life.

It uses its sticky tentacles to wrap around the owner's arm and twist gently to express the intense joy in its heart.

At the same time, this thing still emits some kind of energy fluctuations that are completely different from arcane magic.

"do you know?

Whether it is a human or a giant dragon, the most vulnerable organ of most creatures is the brain.

Because without the protection of the skull, even the slightest impact can cause irreparable damage to the brain.

The brain is connected to the neural network in every corner through the spine to complete the control of the body.

That is, if you cut the connection between the brain and the spine, then replace it with a new controller.

Then even if the creature's consciousness remains awake, it will lose control over its body..."

While talking, Zuo Si took out a blue magic card.

[Magic Card: Enhancement]

[LV2 blue card (not upgradeable)]

[Card Quality: Rare]

[Effect: Strengthen an existing spell effect for 30 seconds. The degree of enhancement is proportional to the level of the Planeswalker, the higher the level, the better the enhancement effect]

[To use this card, you need to pay two points of blue magic power that symbolizes ocean, flow and control, or two points of general magic power, or double the amount of other types of magic power]

[After the card takes effect, it will automatically enter the graveyard and wait for rebirth, the time is two days]

Before Wilmes had time to react, the magic on the card was activated.

Just a second later!

The red dragon, who had just stood up from the ground for less than two minutes, once again felt that the originally weakened binding circle on the ground had suddenly become more than twice as strong.

Her limbs simply couldn't bear such a huge pressure.

The result was a plop and a dog gnawed shit.

The embarrassment that turned from embarrassment into anger was in stark contrast to the pride and conceit that had solidified on his face.

Due to the limited duration of the enhanced magic, Zuo Si was in no mood to stop and enjoy this ironic scene.

He quickly took out the [Fire Protection Potion] and drank it, then took the strange thing he had awakened and walked straight to where the dragon head was.

Maybe because he sensed the danger, even though Wilmes couldn't move his body, he still struggled to open his mouth and let out a deadly flaming breath to push the opponent back.

Unfortunately, the power of the strengthened binding circle is much stronger than before.

Not to mention opening his mouth to spray out the full dragon's breath, even half or even a third of its power could not be exerted.

In the end, after tossing for a long time, only a fan-shaped flame about two meters long was sprayed from the gap between the teeth and the nose.

Without exception, these flames were all absorbed by the energy protection barrier formed by the medicine.

Unscathed, Zuo Si stepped on the embers of the flames, took advantage of the gap that took a while to recharge the energy after the dragon breathed out, and placed the octopus-like creation in his hand near the eardrum of the red dragon.

In the blink of an eye, this sanity-endowed creature got in through the ear hole.

In less than five seconds, Wilmes struggled frantically in terror and shouted at the same time: "No!!!!!! Let this damn thing get out of my body!"

"Sorry, it's too late. It may hurt a little later, please be patient. Believe me, this process will not be very long, and the pain is only temporary."

After all, Zuo Si began to back away quickly, intending to keep a safe distance.

As long as you find that something is wrong, you will immediately turn around and run away.

After all, it was also the first time for him to use the special ability of the creator profession [Awaken Creation].

I don't even know if that dangerous creation will escape from my control after it succeeds.

If she hadn't been cornered, Zuo Si wouldn't have taken the risk of waking up and releasing the contents of that jar.

You must know that one of the main materials for making that strange object is the head of a monster called a mind flayer.

And mind flayers have a terrible reputation, I believe anyone who has heard of them will understand how terrifying and difficult they are to deal with.

This evil creature, who likes to eat brains and enslave other races through mind control, is born with a power called psionic power.

Most adventurers and ordinary people who do not wear spiritual protection equipment will lose consciousness and become obedient slaves as long as they meet each other.

Almost six months ago, after opening the portal, the necromancer Asta accidentally discovered this group of monsters hiding in the sewer of a certain city and planning to build a secret base.

After knowing the opponent's ability and wearing the corresponding amulet, he easily relied on the undead and constructs that were completely unaffected by the mind control ability to flatten the half-built secret base.

Most of the slaves and mind flayers were killed in battle.

Only four wounded and fainted hapless ones became prisoners.

Zuo Si had the honor to participate in the research on these captives.

After Asta lost interest in the mind flayer's body structure, he suddenly had a burst of inspiration. He cut open the half-breathed mind flayer's skull, and made use of the soft brain tissue and tentacles that hadn't completely died inside to create a body without sleep. A dreadful magical wonder.

According to the expectation at the time of design, after being awakened, the strange object will gain some abilities similar to the mind flayer.

When it penetrates a creature's ear or nose and reaches the brain, it tries to cut off the connection between the brain and the spine and replace it.

In this way, this thing can rely on the ability inherited from the mind flayer to distinguish what the signal transmitted from the brain means, and then control it.

(end of this chapter)

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