One Step to The End

Chapter 1009: Shit stick

No one thought that Zhao Guanren was a shit-chucking stick. It dared to stir up the **** of anyone. A deputy commander told him to lie down. The two families of Zhao and Chen couldn’t talk. The Eight Gates would keep him away. The military I want to let him go right away, only reporters regard him as sweet pastry.

"What the **** are you guys, just arrange this kind of room for the pavilion master..."

Lin Duoduo got angry when he entered the dormitory building. Zhao Guanren was placed in a double room on the third floor. Not only was there no bathroom in the room, there were more than a dozen rooms on the same corridor door-to-door. Both men and women lived on the same floor, which was the same as the old school dormitory. Sample.

"Don't get angry at me, I'm just a housekeeper..."

An aunt carrying two bags of daily necessities, said: "The order issued by the above must be treated equally to all licensed fighters. They must not be treated badly or made special. Besides, the dormitories here are the same. The double room is still treated as an officer. At least it's a six-person room!"

"I'm not particular about food and lodging, it's pretty good here, right! Is Leiqiu back..."

Zhao Guanren turned on the chandelier and walked into the bedroom. Lu’s big head’s luggage was placed on the ground, but the dormitory said, “I didn’t see you back. I brought the luggage in. Lin Duoduo, you live in the front 303. You cannot share a room with men and women. This has been taken over!"

"I'm not a big soldier..."

Lin Duoduo yelled: "I'm his fiancee. Not only do we want to live together tonight, we also want to stay in this bridal chamber!"

"Whose fiancee you are, why don't I know..."

Mei Lingxiang suddenly walked in from the door. She actually wore a black special uniform, a high ponytail, a light makeup on her face, and two female majors behind her. A glamorous female instructor was appointed.

"Hehe~ Just kidding! I said I'll give him a massage..."

Lin Duoduo smiled and stepped aside, Mei Ayaka said solemnly: "From today on, I will be the chief instructor of this building. I will be called instructor Mei in the future. But after the lights are turned off at nine o'clock, mixed **** is not allowed. Violators Confinement!"

"Bring me a lot of water, I want to wash my feet..."

Zhao Guanren slumped on the bed, took out this basic exercise manual and looked at her without even looking at her. Mei Lingxiang showed her cold and arrogance to the air. After hesitating, she said: "Tomorrow at seven o'clock in the morning, don’t you You must be late!"


Zhao Guanren turned over and confronted her with her ass. Mei Lingxiang took a deep breath before turning away, leading the female majors to round the ward. Almost all the licensees were old fried dough sticks. Men and women mixed together to play cards and smoke. It is difficult for ordinary people to let them. Buy it.

"You go back and rest, I'll go to the toilet..."

After Mei Lingxiang turned upstairs for a while, leaving the two female majors aside, she went downstairs alone. At this time, it was only half an hour before the lights were turned off. Who knew that she had just arrived outside Zhao Guanren’s 311 bedroom, and she suddenly heard Lin Duoduo's melody inside. Said: "It's cool to die, hehe~ It's really hard!"


Mei Lingxiang slapped the door open with a palm. How did you know that Zhao Guanren was sitting on the side of the bed wearing big pants, and Lin Duoduo was kneeling behind him and rubbing his shoulders, and there was an extra lark, sitting on a small stool for him On the feet, the "really hard" part should be his shoulder muscles.

"What are you doing? Scared me..."

Zhao Guanren turned his head in astonishment, Mei Ayaka reprimanded her face unchanged, "You are now soldiers, not landlords, old wealth and maids, and this is a military training camp, not a resort hotel. Let’s see what you guys look like. , All go back to my room to sleep!"

"Instructor May! You are too wide in charge..."

The two women stood up very unwillingly, but Mei Ayaka's seniority and cultivation level were both terrifying, and she could only obediently and obediently if they were unhappy. Mei Ayaka still stared at them, her eyes seemed to be caught. The vixen is seducing his underage son.

"Green Five!"

After Lin Duoduo and Skylark went out, Mei Ayaka looked like she hated iron for not making steel, and she reprimanded loudly: "You can be honest, and then let me catch you fooling around with female students. I don't treat you. You are polite, your behavior is self-willing and depraved!"

"Instructor May!"

Zhao Guanren turned over lazily, and said to her with his butt: "Please close the door when you go out. Don't open the door of male students at will next time. I don't guarantee to wear clothes at all times, and if you don't understand me , Just don't fool around in front of me!"


Mei Lingxiang glared at him in horror, but Zhao Guanren didn't mean to pay attention to her at all. She took out this secret book and looked at it herself. She had to stomped angrily, turned her head and strode out, and slammed the door. The shocking sound of the sky, the left and right neighbors are shocked to look out.

"Zui Ju..."

The whistle of turning off the lights finally rang, except that all the bedrooms in the corridor were powered off, and the upset Mei Lingxiang was sitting in the bedroom. Instead of living in the senior officer’s suite, she chose Zhao Guanren’s downstairs. Live alone in a double-edged room.

"Little bastard! Do you dare to shake my face with me, I will definitely not let you go..."

Mei Lingxiang waited abruptly for more than half an hour, picked up a flashlight and slipped out the door. As she guessed, a large group of desperadoes were gathered together. Regardless of the battalion rules and military laws, many men and women were involved in the dark. Together, there are depressed and ecstatic groans everywhere.

"Huh~ a bunch of mobs..."

Mei Lingxiang came to the third floor with a cold face, and suddenly saw a few men and women rambling in the corridor, some with naked buttocks and no clothes on. As soon as he saw him fled back to the bedroom, Mei Ayaka didn’t. Despite all this, he slowly stopped outside Zhao Guanren's room 311.


Zhao Guanren’s room is extremely quiet, but Mei Ayaka is a little unbelieving. She knows the urinary nature of the little thief, so she summoned the Sect's Supreme Cold Jade Excalibur and silently poke a small hole in the wooden door. , Pouting on the doorway.

"What are you doing..."

Mei Lingxiang's eyes widened in surprise. Zhao Guanren didn't secretly find a woman. Instead, he tied his waist to the head of the bed with a rope and forced himself to pose in a meditation posture. The way of doing exercises was also very strange. He covered his lower abdomen with one hand. He rested his chin in one hand.

‘Break the seal! I wanted to restore my memory...’

Mei Lingxiang finally understood. She heard Zhao Guanren's mouth. She would fall asleep as long as she meditated. Tying herself up was almost like hanging beams. She didn't expect Zhao Guanren to be so self-disciplined and self-improving, so she hurriedly walked away from the room door quietly. opened.

‘No one can succeed casually, there is another side to the little thief...’

Mei Lingxiang thoughtfully walked into the toilet, and suddenly heard a woman say: "The surname Mei is really not a thing. People only helped her break through the realm in the afternoon. She ran over to be a running dog at night. Staring at Lv Xiaowu, let us suffer along with us!"

"No! The dormitory building is crazy, no one cares about it..."

Another woman replied: "License holders of us will go to the battlefield sooner or later. Maybe we don’t even have the chance to go home and take a look. The old witch is driven out!"

"The old witch must be a psychopath. An old virgin who hasn't been looking for a man all her life will feel uncomfortable when she sees others affectionately. It is estimated that the five intestines are regretful..."

"The old witch feels good about herself. She treats herself as a fairy all day long. The boxer briefs she wears are soiled, and the bra is embroidered with peonies. My grandma doesn't wear that kind anymore..."

"She also bathes with soap, and there is a smell of soapy water everywhere. The eldest brother in our class said that when he smells the smell, he thinks of his dead old lady, who has an aura of abstinence..."


The three women laughed unscrupulously. Mei Ayaka was standing at the door trembling, but she still turned her head downstairs and walked into the bedroom with an iron face, but she looked at the underwear in the closet, sure enough! It is all white and old style.

"A group of little bitches, I will make you beautiful tomorrow..."

Mei Ayaka cursed angrily, and suddenly pulled out the magic sword from her waist, twisted all her underwear to pieces. Thinking about it, she still couldn't help but took out the old soap she had used for decades, and threw it away. Stomped the pulpy on the ground.

"Uncle Shi! Are you still asleep..."

The door of the room was suddenly knocked by Zhao Fanxue. Mei Lingxiang hurriedly kicked the rotten soap under the bed, took the emergency light and closed the closet, opened the door and asked: "Fanxue! What happened to your house, I I heard people say that your father had a fight with the Chen family?"

"Chen Wucang! She yinned us..."

Zhao Fanxue walked in and talked about the Tianma Ling, and added: "We really underestimated her. I didn't expect her to be so scheming, but Lv Xiaowu must have seen through her tricks. Not only did she take the initiative, she didn't get into trouble. Tell my dad!"

"The bear child is very clever, it's not so easy to yin him..."

Mei Ayaka absently put down the emergency light and squeaked: " snow! Did you bring new underwear? I lost my underwear bag, and the wash is gone, right! You guys! What does the little girl use for bathing?"

"Shower gel! I'll get you..."

Zhao Fanxue ran out with a smile, and soon came back with a bag of things. He closed the door and smiled: "Uncle Master! Soap bathing is not good for your skin. My shower gel and shampoo, but I take care of them. Our sensitive muscles!"

"I don't pay attention to these, I can use anything..."

Mei Lingxiang smiled and took the things. Zhao Fanxue took out two new sets of underwear, which were actually lace hollow styles. She blushed and said in surprise: "You don't have a boyfriend. Why do you want to wear such sexy, I Isn't it suitable to wear this?"

"Uncle Shi! It's still called sexy, I'm already very conservative, okay..."

Zhao Fanxue smiled bitterly: "I often practice with the brothers and sisters. Sometimes it is inevitable to go out. Wearing too old fashioned clothes will make people laugh. You haven't seen the new batch of female disciples. They are all yoga pants and little girls. Vest, for people nowadays, appearance and figure are also a kind of hard power!"

"Hehe~ I'll have someone buy it for me tomorrow, let me wear this first..."

Mei Lingxiang looked reluctantly, Zhao Fanxue asked again: "Uncle Master! Lv Xiaowu didn't trouble you tonight, right? He is now a focal point, and the military has a terrible headache for him. It's not easy to let you come and stare at him!"

"No one made me stare at him, I was the instructor..."

Mei Lingxiang looked at her confusedly, but Zhao Fanxue said, "Why don't you know? Little five, most people can't handle that shit-chucking stick at all!"


Mei Lingxiang's face changed, and she said angrily: "The boss didn't tell me clearly. No wonder Xiao Wu looked like he didn't wait to see me. After a long time, I became the military's eyeliner. Xiao Wu must have thought I was here. Aiming at him deliberately makes me really angry!"

"Targeting is for targeting, that kind of person can't give him a good face, otherwise he will pay for it..."

Zhao Fanxue curled her lips in disdain. Mei Lingxiang hurriedly let her go back to the room to rest, but after closing the door she caught her blind again. She couldn't knock on Zhao Guanren's door in the middle of the night, but she felt uncomfortable if she didn't explain.

"Oh~ I'll talk about it tomorrow morning, it's not bad this night..."

Mei Lingxiang sighed and drew the curtains, the ghost took off her coat, and she put the little disciple's underwear on her body to make gestures, but she didn't know what she thought of, and suddenly dropped her underwear in frustration, and dived into it. Weeping in the bed.

Outside the window!

A puff of black smoke drifted slowly to the third floor, and the soul chaser ball placed on the windowsill did not light up. Zhao Guanren was still practicing the exercises intently, but the black smoke smiled in a low voice: "You want to break the seal, Zhao Guanren! Just be the waste of your life! Humph~"

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