One Step to The End

Chapter 1226: Accident in accident

The sky was completely dark, Zhao Guanren changed to a Cherokee, Liu Tianliang and others also drove behind. They bought a few bags of buns on the road, and Sun Hongtao’s girlfriend was also in the car, looking anxiously. Looking out the window.

"Have you met Huang Wanmin and Sun Chuxue? Did you know that your boyfriend killed someone..."

Zhao Guanren sat on the co-pilot and handed a cigarette backwards. The little dancer took it and touched it proficiently and said: "I don't know what you said, but I know he killed people. Sometimes when he gets up, he will say that he stabbed. It costs more than a dozen dollars, and his face is bloody!"

Zhao Guanren asked again: "Do you know what happened to him and Hu Min? It is his relative who is a policeman!"

"He thought I didn't know, but there is no airtight wall under the sky..."

The little dancer spit out smoke and said: "They have been together for a long time, and Hu Min even let him have a big belly. When she was a confinement, I discovered the adultery, but he was involved with his family. It has nothing to do with me, I just want his money!"

Zhao Guanren said: "You were so big at home before. If we come one step later, you have to pack up and run away, right?"

"He didn't let me run away. He just said to go on a business trip. I'm afraid you would find him..."

Xiao Wu Niang said: "It is estimated that Hu Min has some handle in his hand, otherwise, who would want to cheat on him? He has bad breath and stinky feet. It will be gone in 30 seconds after doing that. She is shamelessly fooling around. Good dad, he doesn't even count ass!"

Xia Buer, who was driving, asked, "Dr. Chen Yueting, you should know, what's her situation?"

"Old Chen! A **** who **** fans, you can pay for it..."

Xiao Wu Niang lowered the window and flicked her cigarette butts and said: "She often introduces women to Taozi. The women she has checked are all clean. Taozi seems to have led her to the Tao. Sometimes when things go wrong, he just Run to torture Lao Chen and make her kowtow to be father!"

"Brother Yu! Turn left ahead, it's almost..."

The little policewoman suddenly reminded them that they had left Dongjiang City and entered a county in Lin Province. The little dancer also began to guide the direction, and finally came to a valley outside of a hot spring hotel that was not yet open.

"Xiao Wang! Take someone to watch her, don't use the walkie-talkie lightly..."

Zhao Guanren pulled out his pistol and pushed the door and got out of the car. Liu Tianliang and the others also came down from behind, but with only knives and bows and arrows, the group quickly came to the mountainside, followed the mountainside to the rear of the hotel, and squatted down to proceed with infrared telescopes. observe.

"Why it's so dark, there won't be no one..."

Liu Tianliang straightened his head suspiciously. The entire valley was pitch black, and even a ghost shadow could not be seen in the hotel, but after adjusting his binoculars, Zhao Guanren said: "There is a Mercedes-Benz with a Taitung River license in the hotel lobby. People must be inside, outflank!"

"I will take people from the left..."

Xia Buer led people down the mountain quickly. Zhao Guanren took Liu Tianliang around to the right, and quickly turned in from the backyard wall. It turned out that the hotel has been roughly built. None of the gatekeepers.


Suddenly there was a scream from upstairs. He couldn’t distinguish between men and women through the window, but Zhao Guanren’s expression changed. He hurried in to meet Xia Bu'er and the others, turned on the flashlight and said, “It should be the third floor. Kill Hu Min!"

"Go upstairs! Catch alive..."

Xia Buer took the lead and rushed into the stairway. The six people rushed to the third floor in the blink of an eye. Unexpectedly, there were lights on in the middle corridor, but it was invisible from the outside.


A room door was suddenly opened, and a **** man suddenly rushed out. He fell on the corridor before running a few steps, but he heard an angry shout, and a naked woman chased it out, holding a high in her hand. Take the blood-stained kitchen knife.

"Hu Min! Put down the knife..."

Zhao Guanren hurriedly raised his gun and yelled. The naked woman was Hu Min. She suddenly turned her head back and took a half step back. The kitchen knife in her hand fell to the ground with a "clam", kneeling to the ground and crying, but The man behind her was twitching.

"Hurry up and save him, don't let him die..."

Zhao Guanren rushed over and pressed Hu Min. The **** man was naturally Sun Hongtao. He didn't know where he was hit. A large pool of blood leaked out of him. When Xia Buer turned him over, Hu Min Actually chopped off his little brother.

"Come on! Where is Sun Chuxue, tell us that we can save you..."

Xia Buer knew that he could not be saved. Sun Hongtao not only suffered severe bleeding from his lower body, but also suffered several stabs in his abdomen and neck. He spouted a mouthful of blood up to the sky and said vaguely: "No...I took it away, save it. I, I don't want to die!"

"Who took away Sun Chuxue, please tell me..."

Xia Buer hurriedly helped him sit up. Sun Hongtao spit out blood on him again, but he went into shock without saying anything. Xia Buer hurriedly gave him heart compressions, but it still didn’t help. Sun Hongtao quickly He kicked his legs and died.

"He really didn't kill him, he wasn't the murderer..."

Xia Buer looked at Zhao Guanren in amazement. People died but the mission was not completed. Naturally it showed that the murderer was not this kid, but Hu Min wept and said: "The man was taken away by his friend and killed, but this scumbag deceived him. Me, I'm in the dark from start to finish!"

"What the **** is going on? Who on earth let people kill..."

Zhao Guanren took off his coat and put it on her, and led Hu Min into the room with the lights on. The windows of the room were nailed with wooden boards. The underwear of both of them were thrown on the carpet. The bed was covered with bright red blood. Obviously it was. After the two made a lot of affection, Hu Min suddenly attacked the killer.

"Give me a cigarette, I'll tell you from the beginning, I just learned the truth just now..."

Hu Min sat on the sofa with tears, Zhao Guanren lit a cigarette before handing it to her, and she finally calmed down after taking a couple of breaths.

"The fake married Huang Wanmin is a drug dealer. He asked Dr. Chen to lure Sun Hongtao into taking drugs and took pictures of him taking drugs and fooling around, so that he could sell the goods to him at a high price..."

Hu Min said nonchalantly: "Later, Teacher Zhao took Sun Chuxue to see Dr. Chen, but Huang Wanmin actually took advantage of Sun Chuxue's general anesthesia and assaulted her on the operating table, but he did not expect that Sun Chuxue was a virgin and found out If he was violated, he had to report to the police. Huang Wanmin knocked out Teacher Zhao and threatened Sun Chuxue to go to the health school to find him!"

Zhao Guanren asked in surprise, "Could it be that Teacher Zhao was also there at the time?"

"Yes! Teacher Zhao was tied to the storage room. Huang Wanmin was going to be shot for drug trafficking. He wanted to kill both of them, but it happened that Sun Hongtao came to buy goods, just in time to see Sun Chuxue enter the health school alone..."

Hu Min said: "He quietly followed to the third floor and found that Huang Wanmin was going to strangle Sun Chuxue. He was going to hold Huang Wanmin to supply it for free. In the end, a conflict broke out. Sun Hongtao stabbed Huang Wanmin to death with a dagger. Sun Chuxue killed them together, and Sun Chuxue took off his clothes and begged him, so there was a cooperative violation on the second floor!"


Zhao Guanren suddenly realized: "Sun Hongtao must have not found Teacher Zhao. Teacher Zhao broke free from the storage room. After escaping, he went to rescue Sun Chuxue, right?"

"Yes! Sun Hongtao didn't buy a car at the time. In order to get rid of the body, he called me in the middle of the night and told me that his girlfriend and father were seriously ill and asked me to borrow a car to drive to the province..."

Hu Min said bitterly: "I drove over in a hurry and just ran into the two people who had escaped. Teacher Zhao was hit and killed by me on the spot. Sun Chuxue was also unconscious, but I did not expect that Sun Hongtao was chasing them, beasts. He also jumped out to pretend to be someone, let me go home quickly, and he will take care of the corpse!"

Zhao Guanren asked, "Who did the people take away? Was Sun Chuxue dead at that time?"

"No! Sun Chuxue was still breathing at the time, but with a blood on her face, I didn't see her face clearly, but that night at the unit dinner, I was driving under the influence of alcohol, and I must sit in the prison after hitting someone to death..."

Hu Min said in a sad voice: "I was so silly at the time and helped him carry the body into the car together. Then he said that he had found a reliable friend to help him dispose of the body. I held him and cried. , And then he started kissing me, saying that he was my accomplice, and I had to repay him, and finally...I became his lover!"

Zhao Guanren asked, "Who is Sun Hongtao's friend and why didn't the body sink into the pond with Huang Wanmin?"

"After they took Huang Wanmin and Teacher Zhao to sink, they found that Sun Chuxue was still alive..."

Hu Min said: "Huang Wanmin's car also needs to be dealt with. His friend drove Sun Chuxue away and said that after playing, she would dispose of the person and the car together. I don't know exactly where, but he just said that the person His surname is Xia, called... Xia Mingliang!"

"Wait! What do you think of his name, where is the person..."

Xia Buer looked at her in horror, and Hu Min replied, "Xia Mingliang! I don't know where, but that person has a strange nickname, what is Xia Shengzi!"


Xia Bu'er exploded with a swear word, and his entire face suddenly turned white. Zhao Guanren immediately pulled him out of the door and asked in a low voice, "Isn't it really your father?"

"Who else besides him, I finally know how he entered the Great Fairy Meeting..."

Xia Buer crouched and said depressed: "He has never told me about this, but I have always been surprised how he became a gangster as a working employee. It turns out that Sun Chuxue is in his hands, so he might pretend to find it. After removing Sun Chuxue's body, let Sun Chuci thank him for his hard work!"

"What's going on? Are you going to kill your relatives righteously..."

Zhao Guanren stared at him, but Xia Buer decisively said: "Mie! Anyway, the task is to find the murderer, not let us kill him, just leave it to the police to deal with it, and Sun Chuci and the others, I don’t know any of them. Let it go, otherwise there will be countless dead people!"

"Brother! It's hard for you..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly gave him a hug, patted him on the back, took out his mobile phone, made a call to their chief, and at the same time asked him to want Xia Buer’s father, and finally called Sun Chuci, telling him the cause and effect. Said it again.

"Old Sun! I know he contacted you, where is Xia Mingliang..."

Zhao Guanrenshun pressed the hands-free button, and after Sun Chuci was silent for a moment, he said coldly: "Xiao Zhao! Thank you for everything you have done for me. I will do my best to repay you, but you don't care about it anymore. I will kill Xia Mingliang by myself!"

"Don't be confused, he is dead when caught by the police, you, hello..."

Zhao Guanren was hung up before he finished speaking. If he dialed it, he was shut down, but a piece of information suddenly flooded into his mind. The first task was successfully completed. As expected, the murderer was Xia Mingliang, but they hadn’t been happy yet. The faces of several people changed all at once.

"I'm going! How could this happen, isn't it dead..."

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