One Step to The End

Chapter 1254: Slowly

It’s no joke to settle more than two thousand women. Just eating and drinking Lhasa is a big project, but Zhao Guanren is not an ordinary wicked person. He not only divides the women into groups, but also allows the well-fed concubines to manage the abandoned. Huang Lian ladies, implement the final elimination system again.

"Okay! Pretty, one more..."

Zhao Guanren was like a faint emperor at this time, lying in the water pavilion in the middle of the pond, with the beautiful legs of King Qin's favorite concubine resting on his head, and the tripod in the arms of the little wife of Wang Yujiang. , The clothes are more coquettish than the other.

"Master! The slave family has something to tell..."

A young woman took off her shoes and stepped onto the wooden floor of the water pavilion. She crawled to Zhao Guanren and handed over a booklet. She smiled and said: "The sisters in the women's workshop also lined up a few songs. Not bad, they used to be oiran!"

"Hey~ who isn't an oiran anymore, a bunch of vulgar fans are here to make you happy..."

Qin Wang concubine picked a grape and put it in his mouth, charmingly bent over and fed it into Zhao Guanren's mouth, but Zhao Guanren took the booklet and opened it, muttering: "Everyone has the opportunity, just look at your performance, come! Let this Two liners are coming in turns!"

"Hey! Thank you Lord..."

The little young woman squatted her head happily, and the prince concubine took a look before she ran away. Soon there came a group of girls with their own musical instruments. From the dancers to the piano girls, they all lived together, standing in line on the water gallery and taking a deep breath. Even more nervous than offering a dance to the emperor.

"Hey~ the little widow is crying in bed-the machine (chicken) can't be lost..."

Zhao Guanren slumped inside and smiled slightly, but "Datang Romance" was not just for fun, he didn't dare to ask "What are you going to do?", these charming concubines and beautiful maidservants each have unique skills, as well as Hu from the Western Regions. Ji, belly dancing can be messy.

"Chang'e class come in, show your plate to the Lord..."

Zhao Guanren picked up the hip flask and sat up. The girls from the Chang'e class immediately walked in. Jiao Didi bends her knees to call the master, and all started playing, dancing, singing, and dancing. Zhao Guanren stood up naked, holding a handful of silver melon seeds. Sprinkle on them.

"Official man! Concubine dance for you, I will not let you down..."

The concubine Qin saw the newcomer rushing to take the position, and jumped up anxiously, and hurriedly asked the maid to drive out the Chang'e class. She completely forgot that she had a big mouth before, and her face is still red and swollen, but where is there a woman, Where there is a palace fight.

"Okay! A good man who dances has many rewards..."

Zhao Guanren leaned against the pillar with a smile. After the prince concubine smiled, he lightly jumped into the tea tray on the low table, and actually danced in the small tea tray, sometimes with one-legged horse, sometimes forty-five degrees backwards, But never stepped on the fragile tea tray.

"Pretty! Absolutely..."

Zhao Guanren applauded and praised sincerely. As expected, none of these oirans were given for nothing, but all of them were meat on his chopping board. After he called a few more classes to dance in, he went to the independent courtyard study to let each The representatives of each class came to see themselves one by one.

"Master! Concubine is here to wait for you to sleep..."

The two beautiful concubines joined together, but Zhao Guanren asked them to talk about the current situation. A man would not tell his wife a lot, but he would definitely show off to his mistress. These women can draw a detailed diagram of the relationship and let him sort out the situation. The complex situation of the court.

The girls changed batch after batch, and the time soon came to midnight...

"Three provinces and six ministries! King Bi controls one third, and he is a right-handed party, left-handed and right-handed, right-handed is the head of the military attache, and he has military power in his hand..."

Zhao Guanren stood in front of a wooden board. On the board were rows of small iron nails. On the board were rows of small bamboo plaques of various princes and ministers, but only one surname was written. Each party was marked with a different color of watercolor, and some grassroots. Small officials are included.

"Master! It's late at night, and the slave made a supper for you, can you come in..."

Cuiyu's voice rang from outside the door, and the pensive Zhao Guanren subconsciously agreed. How did she know that the mother and daughter came in together. Cuiyu lowered her eyebrows and held the dinner plate, but Li Sheyue didn't understand the rules and left. When he came in, he said in surprise, "Guardian Picture?"

"I'm looking for death! How did I tell you..."

Cuiyu slapped her daughter in horror. It is a taboo for people to look around in the study, and Zhao Guanren’s "Hundred Officials Picture" shouldn’t be seen by outsiders, but he still turned his head and frowned and said: "What kind of guardian’s picture, you Have you seen anything like this?"

"My lord! The slave family doesn't understand the rules, please Haihan..."

Li Sheyue hurriedly bowed her hand to apologize, Zhao Guanren waved her hand to let her continue, Li Sheyue had to answer: "New officials have to buy a picture of the guardian when they take office, and it says the relationship between the civil and military officials, such as the protégé of XX. , So-and-so classmates and so on!"

"Come and see if I am a guardian's picture, right?"

After Zhao Guanren sat down at the desk with a smile, he took the wonton that Cuiyu handed over and ate it.

"My lord! You are not a guardian's picture..."

Li Sheyue stepped forward to observe carefully for a while, and said in surprise: "This is much more accurate than what has been circulated in the market. Even the secret pile of my father is known. There is also this man who is clearly the King of Chu, but my father I have always suspected that he is a princeling, but you have marked it up!"

"It seems that you know a lot, do you do anything for your father..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her with interest, but Yucui laughed first: "Yue'er was smart and smart since she was a child, and her father also deliberately cultivated her. Every day, she asked her to go to the study to sort out the case, and after finishing it in a book, she will discuss it together. It might be done!"

"It's really a shame to make you a slave. Look at what's wrong, or help me add a few more..."

Zhao Guanren continued to bury his head and eat supper, but Li Sheyue kept staring at Baiguantu in silence, and did not add it or prove the error.

"Master! Yue'er is a daughter after all. It is her blessing to be able to serve you..."

Cuiyu knelt down and lightly beat Zhao Guanren’s thigh, and said, “If you can save her from exile, Yue’er can concentrate on doing things for you. I can also raise children for you, killing two birds with one stone!"

"Wow! Let's go together tonight, you mother, teach her well..."

Zhao Guanren put down the dishes and chopsticks with a smile, Cuiyu's cheeks reddened, and she nodded shyly. The little woman was already ready to apply grease and powder. Although Li Sheyue is 18 or 9 years old, she is only 35 years old. Years only, it is the most charming and charming age.

"No! Yin Zhiping, aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning..."

Li Sheyue suddenly turned around and furiously said: "You said that a woman has to rely on her own, which made me feel deeply. Who ever thought that you were a beast with a beast. I would rather be exiled for three thousand li than bed with my mother. Let’s sleep together, send me back to Dali Temple!"

"Shut up! Do you really think you can be exiled..."

Cuiyu said angrily: "If you can't get out of this Luoyang city, you will have to be thrown into the kiln. Then you can't die if you want to. We are slaves who were born to let the master ruin and take off our clothes! Come on, have you heard?"

"You have been a slave for half your life, and you are full of your master, but I am not..."

Li Sheyue pointed to the Baiguan map and said angrily: "Do you know what this is? This map goes up to the emperor and grandson, down to the ninth-level officials, as well as Wuhoupu, the city gate official, and the six yamen and twelve guards. , This is not an official guarding plan at all, this is... this is a treason plan!"

"You're going to die, Hugh talks nonsense..."

Cuiyu jumped up in horror, and pressed her to the wall to cover her mouth. How did Li Sheyue push the pegboard on the wall again, and the pegboard suddenly slid away, revealing a pair of pegs. The complete map of Luoyang City comes with various detailed annotations on it.


Cuiyu knelt on the ground with her legs soft, and the fool knew what the picture was for. The city defense map of the **** city was secret in the Tang Dynasty. Zhao Guanren also let the bad people in the city draw them in batches and put them together. It was only half an hour ago. Just set it up.

"Li Sheyue..."

Zhao Guanren walked to the door and looked around, turned around and closed the door and pulled out the demon knife, and said: "I just made a joke with you two just now. I wanted to see how your character is. I didn't expect you to be really smart, but why? Want to find a dead end?"

"Master! She is still a child, please spare her..."

Cuiyu was frightened and kowtow begging, and Li Sheyue also knelt on the ground, and said: "My lord! The little girl has only one thing to ask for. If you can avenge my father and king, don't say you will be a slave or a maid. Even if I have this head, I will never complain!"

"You are too self-righteous..."

Zhao Guanren said coldly: "It is a capital crime to paint a city defense picture privately. No matter what I want to do, I have to beheaded. Besides, you are just a prisoner. I have many concubines here. Why should I take the risk to keep you and help you kill the snake monster? , You are only worth twenty taels!"

"My lord! Your picture of a hundred officials is wrong. There are many important officials that you haven't painted, which means you are not sure of their faction..."

Li Sheyue said sternly: "You are nothing more than collecting the words of the concubines, but what they hear is exaggerated, and it is far less understanding than my father, and I can not only help you analyze the court situation, but also Let my father’s old ministry help you!"

"You are too naive, I'm just a small official..."

Zhao Guanren disdainfully said: "You are also a fake princess born to a concubine, and your father's old ministry is not a fool. Whenever they notice that I am a little bit strange, they will preemptively chop off my head and ask the emperor to claim credit. It's obvious that it's selling!"

"You're right, but it's like Master Pei who released me today. Isn't it a speculation that he sold you a favor..."

Li Sheyue raised her head and said, "If you really bring down King Ning, he will definitely take the initiative to serve you. The same goes for my father's old ministry. Besides, my enemy is not only the snake demon, but the real mastermind is King Ning. Concubine Ning has been transferred for more than two months!"

Zhao Guanren asked in surprise: "How do you know that there are more than two snake monsters?"

"Master! The two of them have personal affair. The only ones who know the truth are me, the servant girl of Princess Ning..."

Cuiyu whispered: "Princess Ning was very romantic before she got married, and King Qing was her guest in the curtain. After they got married, the two also had fornication. But two months ago, the prince went to tease her. Also missing, the prince became suspicious now!"


Zhao Guanren asked: "Shoot the moon! How is the relationship between King Ning and his wife, how do you know King Ning is the mastermind?"

"Princess Ning is jealous, and she sleeps with King Ning every night, but on the day of the accident, I found that Princess Ning's skin was cold and not human. I blamed me for not thinking about fairies. How could King Ning know..."

Li Sheyue got up and said: "King Ning is not a big thing, but a dude, but he obeyed the princess's words, and the princess only cultivated him with all his strength. If he really colludes with the monster, the little girl thinks that only Two possibilities!"

"tell me the story……"

"Since the White Snake Demon is willing to work for King Ning, it proves that it is just a small character..."

Li Sheyue whispered: "King Kening's temperament has not changed. Chengri Li is drunk and dreaming in the brothel. If I were a monster, I would never assist him, but the princess has been thanking guests frequently recently, so she is either a monster or something more. The big monster hooked up with her!"

"There is some truth to the analysis, but you know that there are too few things I want to do, but the Jiu Clan is too little..."

Zhao Guanren squinted at her, and Li Sheyue saluted her again and said, "My lord! If you consider me a concubine, my mother and daughter are among your nine races, and none of them can run away!"

"Hey? Didn't you just refuse to serve a husband together? Why do you want to be a concubine again..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly wondered, but Li Sheyue also said strangely: "No! What I just said is that you can’t share the same bed. Besides, your concubine is a wife. You are my husband, my mother is a maid, and you are her. Lord, how can this be regarded as serving one husband together?"

"Oh! Just separate, right..."

"Right! Otherwise, wouldn't it be better than a pig and a dog..."

"Uh~ your three's so fucking..."

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