One Step to The End

Chapter 1258: A sword concubine

"Yin Zhiping! You shameless thief, get out of my palace..."

The princess was riding a high-headed white horse, leading hundreds of polo field riders, but the cue in her hand was replaced with a weapon, and a large number of guards were rushing, plus the guards of the old palace. Thousands of people surrounded the bathhouse.

"So you are Yin Zhiping. No wonder there are many people here..."

Princess Jiuyue hurriedly covered the white silk scarf on her body, sweating profusely and said anxiously: "Oh~ You quickly let me put on clothes, I will go out and say it for you, just say that this is a misunderstanding, don't you say you saw it? My body, if I don't care about it, no one will embarrass you!"

"Misunderstanding! Who cares about your body as a broken princess..."

Zhao Guanren pulled her and quickly withdrew to the inner door, and said, "This is a **** trap. They will rush in right away and deliberately create chaos and kill the two of us. There is no evidence, listen! There is a master on the roof. , I'm going to **** you soon!"

"Boom boom..."

The four black shadows suddenly broke through the tiles and fell from the sky. Before they landed, they threw four short knives. The knives were all covered with sharp blades, but Zhao Guanren suddenly retreated into the inner door, and the four knives shot in instantly. Inside the room, he slammed into the stone wall.


Princess Jiuyue screamed in shock, and finally believed Zhao Guanren's words, but followed by another explosion. A large grenade exploded outside the door in the air, and the four masters who had just landed were unprepared. He was blown to the ground without seeing what it was.

"Yell along with what I said, or we will both have to die..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly kicked over the cabinet against the door, pulled a brocade robe, wrapped the princess on his shoulders, covered her silk scarf on his head, and the female guards kicked the door into the room. At the same time, he flew through the back hall and smashed into the window.

"The princess rescued, go and kill the thief..."

Zhao Guanren changed her voice and shouted loudly. The Princess of September on her shoulders was not stupid. She suddenly saw dozens of archers outside the back hall. She slowly raised her head and shouted: "Quickly enter the house and kill the thief. The **** thief is broken into pieces!"


Some guards obviously didn’t know, they drew out their sabers and rushed into the bathhouse. Zhao Guanren rushed through them, but the captain suddenly grabbed a bow and arrow and shouted, “The man in black is a thief. He has a girl. Fellow party, shoot him to death!"

"No shooting! I am Princess Wan'an, do you want to rebel..."

Princess Jiuyue yelled with anxious eyes, but the chief guard didn't care about all this, and pulled up a bow and shot an arrow at Zhao Guanren. The scared princess screamed, and the sharp arrow hit the back of Zhao Guanren, and he was immediately miserable. Shouted and fell into the alley.

"Swish swish..."

Several sharp arrows were shot again. This time it turned out to be the Princess of September. A lazy donkey that was scared of September was rolling away. The quilt on her body was rolled away. As soon as Zhao Guanren was lying on the ground, she didn’t move. Immediately, he rolled into the alley.

"I'm a princess! Come on, the guards are rebelling..."

In September, the Beatles were spreading with brocade robe open, and they were crying and fleeing in the alley lifelessly. People outside the main entrance rushed over after hearing the news, but the topography of the inner palace was ingeniously designed to deliberately not let people rush to kill, unfamiliar people for a while. Can't figure it out.

"Kill the female assassin..."

The chief guard was obviously really anxious, and hurriedly took a few cronies to the side to stop him, and even ignored Zhao Guanren, who was lying on the ground, and soon found Princess Snow White.


Jiuyue screamed and fell to the ground. Seeing that several guards were about to shoot at the bow, a **** light suddenly slashed from the side. He cut the four people in the waist with a knife, and screamed and fell to the ground. In September, it was discovered that Zhao Guanren was here.

"Don't cry, come here..."

Zhao Guanren still had an undrawn sharp arrow stuck in his back, and he quickly touched the chief guard body, and found out a belt of Jin Wuwei, but this batch of Jin Wuwei belonged to the Prince Donggong, and he quickly put on a belt. Say hello and run away.

"Woo~ I got an arrow, save me..."

Jiuyue princess cried and threw herself on him. Zhao Guanren looked down in surprise. It turned out that her **** was cut by an arrow. He immediately picked up the princess and rushed into the yard, and quickly turned out from the back wall. It is the old palace, but the pattern is still the appearance of the harem.


A string of exclamation sounds abruptly sounded, and the two of them were shocked as soon as they landed. There were three old ladies hiding in the small broken courtyard, screaming and crying: "Big, bold! How dare to hold your Royal Highness, hurry up! Let it go, and spare you for not dying!"

"He is my guard, betraying the party outside, go and lead people away..."

Jiuyue yelled in anxiously pale face, and the old maids reacted, opening the door in a panic and ran out, and Zhao Guanren pulled Jiuyue into the hut again and pulled off the sharp point on his back to find out. He wore a stab-resistant suit inside.

"I wipe it! What a great skill..."

Zhao Guanren looked at the triangular sharp arrow in surprise, and almost shot through his stab-resistant suit. Fortunately, he didn’t use a piercing arrow. OK, Datang has too many masters.


Jiuyue put on the brocade robe and exclaimed, the blood has flowed all over her leg. The delicate princess probably has never seen so much blood. She immediately cried out: "Help me, I shed a lot of blood. Hurry up and heal me, I don’t want to die! Ooo~"

"No! Your **** is black, the arrow must be poisoned..."

Zhao Guanren hurriedly sat on the chair, pulled her over and pressed her on her legs. Jiuyue was so frightened that she was going to ascend to heaven on the spot when she heard this. She hugged him in horror and shouted: "Suck it out, you Help me to **** out the drug!"

"Little princess! You have an arrow in your ass, how can I **** it..."

Zhao Guanren smiled solemnly. The Princess of September is at most seventeen years old. Not only is she a petite and gentle girl, she is also a literary girl with poor breasts. He is not very interested in this snow-white body, but she can just run away and turn her face. The trouble is big.

"Oh~ you..."

Jiuyue beat him angrily, and said anxiously: "You've already seen your body, so what if you take a breath, you don't have to tell an outsider, just breathe it quickly, I beg you!"

"That won't work! What if you turn around and ask someone to kill me..."

"This princess swears to heaven, she will never retaliate against you, otherwise she won't die..."

September hurriedly raised his hand to swear, but Zhao Guanren wickedly said: "If it is useful, what do you want to do at Dali Temple? Besides, I am a fiancée, how proper is it to do this kind of thing, unless... you tell me It's just a matter of fact that we two are justified!"

"A foreigner? No! Do you think of me as a frivolous woman, I..."

Princess Jiuyue flatly refused. Unexpectedly, there was a shout outside. Someone had already found this side. Zhao Guanren pushed her and wanted to leave. Jiuyue immediately said anxiously: "You can't tell others, foreigners! Come on! Help me suck!"

"Called Lord Ma!"

"You are so annoying, Lord Ma..."

Princess Jiuyue made him cry all the time. Zhao Guanren immediately started detoxifying with a smirk. Jiuyue immediately buried his head and clenched his fists, and his toes were entangled, but after Zhao Guanren sprinkled the styptic powder, he unexpectedly used a writing brush. Draw more than a dozen spells.

"Don't take a bath for three days. This is a very vicious poison. It needs to be detoxified..."

Zhao Guanren took a sip of the writing brush and spit on the ground with blood for her to see. The little princess nodded her head in desperation, but after he stood up, he wondered: "Do you have a pedigree? Why did you just take a shower? Does the body odor come out?"

"You smell it? Don't tell me..."

Princess Jiuyue got up and bowed her head and said: "My mother and concubine have a bloodline of a humiliation. Although she is smelly, she is not as heavy as mine. I can't take a bath three times a day. The same is true for Yang Yuhuan in the previous dynasty, but some people Saying that her secret deodorant recipe is in the Oike, I came here to take a bath!"

"Did the princess said that the other party invited you to take a bath just to kill us both..."

Zhao Guanren stared at her suspiciously. September was stunned but shook his head: "No! A lot of people came the day before my wedding, and a concubine said this to me. I saw that concubine for the first time, but I can't remember whose concubine, she is not from the Eastern Palace anyway!"

"Let's go! Withdraw quickly..."

Zhao Guanren took her back the same way. The large group of troops went to the depths to find people. How did they know that they ran into the princess, who actually squatted alone beside a few corpses, holding three guards in his hand. The waist card was still fumbled on the corpse.

"You poisonous woman, why do you want to harm me, go to death..."

In September, he picked up a stone and smashed it. The princess actually avoided it with agility and said anxiously: "September! You must not believe this person's nonsense. He is shouting for the thief to catch the thief, and deliberately trapped me in the East Palace. Not Donggong Jingoi!"

"Well, you shameless bitch, I killed these people, should I ask someone to kill myself..."

Zhao Guanren raised the knife and rushed over. How did she know that the princess also drew out the knife quickly. It seemed that she was confident of her skill, and she pierced Zhao Guanren’s chest with a sweet drink, and the knife burst out with a blue air. Sure enough, he is a master of Grade 3 or above.


Zhao Guanren separated the sharp edge with a single move. The princess exclaimed, and the long knife instantly took off. The shocked Zhao Guanren quickly turned his wrist and closed the knife, subconsciously slapped her on her chest, and immediately patted her sitting on the ground with two people. Together dumbfounded.

"Fuck! What kind of shit, you can't take a single shot..."

Zhao Guanren didn't expect this lady to be a flowery, almost cut her head off with a stab, but the crown prince covered her right chest, looked down in disbelief, and suddenly cried, "You hit me and touched me." , I want to fight with you!"

"Hey! Don't play around, you are now a hostage..."

Zhao Guanren instinctively took a half step backward. Who knew that the princess didn’t need profound energy anymore. He cried and threw on him and waved and grabbed him. Suddenly he scratched his neck. Angrily, he yelled, “Fuck! Again! Sapo, I'll make you bare ass, shut up! Don't bite me!"

"Poisonous woman! Let you spoil..."

In September, a gust of wind rushed over. Under Zhao Guanren’s surprised gaze, she tore open her sister-in-law’s clothes, suddenly revealing a small pink belly, but the princess was not a fuel-efficient lamp, she grabbed it. Her hair tore vigorously.

"Hey~ what is this called..."

Zhao Guanren sighed deeply depressed. The two little girls had fallen to the ground and tore, but he suddenly noticed a murderous intent coming quietly. He suddenly turned around and blocked the knife. A huge force suddenly hit the knife, causing it to He flew upside down.

'Oops! Above the Grand Master...’

Zhao Guanren's heart trembled. A tyrannical force made him unable to resist. He slammed into a courtyard wall and fell to the ground. A mouthful of blood sprayed out from his mouth, but a masked man in black fired quickly. Come, a dazzling red light burst out on the long knife...

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