One Step to The End

Chapter 1280: Rao Zhimen


A stern cry came from the inner courtyard. Chief Chen hurried in and shouted, not allowing Jin Wuwei to embarrass the Kang family's female family members, but Zhao Guanren took the opportunity to take out the imperial gift waist card, drew out the demon sword, and placed it on the stone bench. Cut it down with a knife.


The copper waist card was instantly split in half, but there was no interlayer in it, only a few bubbles of different sizes. There was no place to engrave the magic circle. Unless the craftsman’s methods had reached the nanometer level, it was their misunderstanding. The old emperor.

Chief Chen walked back soon, and said in surprise: "Hey! Why did your waist card break?"

"Bai Li Hongle colluded with a cult, and the people caught said they were listening to me..."

Zhao Guanren sat back and said in a low voice: "But they are not using the whistling ears of the sentinel, but a small object with an engraved formation. But when I heard me talking ten miles away, I suspect that the waist card was moved by someone. I never leave this thing!"

"There is such a thing? But how does the waist card do tricks..."

Chen Tongling quickly took out his waist card, sat down and knocked and flicked, and took Zhao Guanren's waist card to study. The serious attitude was not like acting. Even his subordinates ran over to watch together, but they didn't even listen. Through such monitoring methods.

"I guess they were talking nonsense, I'll go back and take a good trial..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and put away the broken waistband. After the Jinwuwei all walked away, he handed over a small cigar and asked: "Lord Chen! Why did the emperor marry the September Princess to me? Her mother should Are they the children of the Xia Ba Sect?"

"Boling Cui family! Fuzhou Yang family! Guannei Han family! Jiangnan Baili! Hedong Wang family! These five families are also called Shangwumen, and the mother and concubine of September is surnamed Wang, Hedong Wang..."

The commander Chen smiled bitterly: "The Cui family insisted that the prince was forced to **** September, and Zhao Qingtian's face was smoked here, and the royal family was backhanded. The emperor asked the emperor to give an explanation. The emperor simply threw them to you. , Let the three of them quarrel with you, anyway, you are not afraid to bite if you have too many lice, haha~"

"Depend on!"

Zhao Guanren said angrily: "After a long time, I'm trying to divert my conflicts. I really want to be the emperor and want to hire me as a son-in-law!"

"Who would dare to hire you as a son-in-law, you think the Zhao family would be happy..."

Chief Chen smirked and said with a smile: "You are really barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. The Manchu civil and military has offended you once, but seeing the emperor is almost unable to protect you, the Zhao family has also been forced to the corner, and Luo Zhimen is afraid. Raise the butcher knife!"

"Luo Zhimen has a good name. It has been stitched and patched for three hundred years..."

Zhao Guanren said disdainfully: "But they can't sew their own crotch pants, colluding with monsters, using cults, and rudely rebelling. They have already appeared on the stage. But I came to Datang only to kill demons and kill demons. What is there to be afraid of being in the immortal class?"


Chen Tongling stood up and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "But righteousness can't cure the demon. Fahai was almost killed unjustly. You should give in. If you continue to make trouble, the emperor really can't help it!"

"Ren is good to be ridden by others..."

Zhao Guanren put up a finger and said proudly: "If I give in half a step, they will dare to push the nose and face, but I have one last question. Which prince will Shangwumen support this time?"

"There is no sign for the time being, Gao Yang has publicly supported King Ning, but she said it doesn't count..."

Chen Tongling waved his hand and said: "Anyway, it's not the prince who is forbidden. The evil obstacle seeks to get the rabbit to **** his **** every day. If it is not for him to contain the seven kings, the emperor wants to slap him to death and marry the prince to you. It's a little compensation for that girl!"

"Oh~ I'm so touched by what I said, I will definitely repay the emperor's kindness to the emperor, are you busy..."

Zhao Guanren got up and walked out of the door. After arranging a team of people to do the work quietly, he only took a few people straight to the Town Demon Division, but the "texture" of the situation had already formed in his heart. They did misunderstand the old emperor, but it did not represent him. Just a good bird.

The old emperor instructed Chen Tongling to say so much. He just wanted to see how much potential his dung-chucking stick had, and whether he could mess up this pool of stagnant water for more than three hundred years.

"Lu Shapi! Has the murderer caught it..." Zhao Guanren swaggered into the Yamen, hundreds of Fumushi all followed in, and Tianyangzi also came back at this time, leaning on the pillar very low-key without speaking, and Lu Poyan talked a lot, and finally said that they had chased the wrong person.

"In that case, let's have a meeting and re-assign work..."

Zhao Guanren glanced at the real murderer in Qianniu Weizhong, and walked into the main hall proudly and sat down. More than 20 officials followed. This time everyone had learned how to behave. One person held a bowl of tea and drank his head. Only waiting for the official Zhao to speak.

"The insider does something inside, otherwise it will be a mess..."

Zhao Guanren put down the tea bowl and smiled: "Many of you come from temples and temples, then go to the building below to collect taxes. Tianyangzi will give them a sample. You go to take charge of Jiangnan Road, and Lu Popi to Huainan Road to take charge, every month. Cocoa keeps 30% of the tax bank for personal use!"


The two looked at each other suspiciously, and they didn't dare to say anything to him. These are the two fattest places. He shouldn't let the talents be right.

"Uh~ it's easy to build a government office, but it's hard to collect taxes..."

Tianyangzi pondered for a while before he hesitated and said: "We are unfamiliar with places in our lives, and maybe we have to be beaten up. So how should this manpower be recruited, how much is appropriate, and how long the company will bear the cost, You have to make it clear!"

"I will give you three months to be responsible for the expenditure of 200 people in each office..."

Zhao Guanren raised three fingers and said: "Why do you want to give you 30% of the tax and silver? You have to manage the local government and share the money with the local tyrants and evil gentry. How much can be left is your ability. The Secretary only sends people to check the accounts regularly. Don't you Just do it too much!"

"Where's the clerk? Hurry up and put it on record..."

Lu Poyan hurriedly got up and said, "My lord! It's very fortunate to stand before the fight, but don't let us just bloom and bear fruit, you just pulled us back, you have to set up a paper to protect it!"

"Ha~ you all learned to be smart, but it also depends on your abilities..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and said: "I promise not to mobilize you in the first year. The assessment will be conducted at the beginning of the second year. As long as more than half of the temples and temples in the prefecture are paying taxes, you can continue to serve for two years. How about the firm fee? Our company only draws half of it?"

"Half of it is okay, it's not difficult..."

Lu Poyan whispered a word, but Tian Yangzi was also scared by the pit. He actually got up and talked with his confidants for a while, and finally said: "What else do you want, your lord, right? "

"I have already said what I should say, there is only the last one, to eradicate the fornication cult and the demon way of fornication..."

Zhao Guanren said sternly: "You are all cultivators. Don't betray your conscience for profit. If you find a cult, you must strictly investigate and deal with it. If you can't beat it, you will transfer the soldiers to the government. Just work together!"

"My lord, please rest assured, it is my duty to remove demons and defend the way..."

A group of people got up and gave salutes. After Zhao Guanren returned the salute, he was assigned a task. Even the former chief of Qianniuwei was assigned to the fat man. He only kept the murderer and continued to lead the army. But no one at the scene dared to be happy, and they all watched eagerly. Hold him.

"Oh! If you want money, go to the accountant and call the creditor. Today, the official will pay off the debt..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and beckoned. Everyone started talking in surprise, and the creditors rushed to see Zhao Guanren sitting in the hall and shouted excitedly: "My lord! You are finally back, and you are the only one. I'm doing things with my heart!"

"It's just a duty! It makes you feel scared, and the officer invites you to have a drink the next night..."

Zhao Guanren stood up and politely bowed his hands. The six accountants he hired lined up, crackling with an abacus to clear the accounts. The foremen of the few workshops also arrived, and they came up with excitement and bowed to thank them, and then lined up to lead. money.

"Hey! Huainan Road is here to get money, open the government and build fifty thousand taels..."

The master book suddenly knocked on the table and yelled. A group of officials didn’t expect to send so much. Lu Poyan ran over in surprise, but as soon as he looked at the account book, he was furious and said: “Why did Jiannan Road give 80,000 taels? Was the Huainan Dao born of Xiao Niang?" "Jiannan Dao is fighting, and the folk customs are sturdy, or you can change it with them..."

Zhao Guanren looked at him angrily, Lu Poyan stopped talking immediately, Jiannandao praised justice, and the creditors were all merchants, and curiously asked them why they paid the money. After the officials explained it again, Everyone knows that the Town Demon Division has made a fortune.


Zhao Guanren smoothly picked up the tea bowl and shouted: "Little Lady Shi! Your **** is getting bigger and bigger. Have you done the errands that the official accounted for?"

"My husband! How dare you neglect the things you confessed..."

A young woman smiled triumphantly: "If you don’t believe me, you can ask Liu’s accountant. We ran a bunch of people eating idle meals, and saved the material. The cost of running fire has been cut by more than half. It doesn’t cost me a lot of money for a box. All friends want to open a fire shop!"

"You're great, you can talk about your capital..."

Zhao Guanren jumped up anxiously, and the young woman with poor acting skills slapped her lips quickly, but the creditors were shocked when they heard this. Seeing that the Zhenmaji became rich, there was no need to lie to people to pay for it. Many people are rushing for wholesale.

"Let's talk about it! We must have been tricked, it's really tricky..."

Lu Poyan shook his head irritably, and murmured to Tianyangzi as he walked out. The cost fell like a roller coaster, showing that it was a trick designed early in the morning, as well as giving them money in public, which is also saving shareholders. Our confidence.

"Stop! Where do these merit boxes come from..."

Tianyangzi suddenly stopped on the street. Two Demon Slayers were driving over in a carriage. There were four heavy merit boxes on them, and Lu Poyan was also surprised: "These boxes have no names, are they? ......A crooked little teacher?"

"Two adults! I just copied an adulterous religion, and there are still a lot of believers..."

A demon slayer said: "The prostitute deceives female believers to sleep, and the white prostitutes still collect money, saying that only the women he has slept in can go to heaven. The deceived people have reached hundreds of people. Exaggeration, I can deceive hundreds of thousands of taels of silver every month!"

"Mingquan County? What kind of teaching, where is the dojo..."

Lu Poyan's eyes lit up, and the other party replied, "Shooting Sun Sect! The descendants of worship, this kind of cult has no dojos at all. Xialang Village is their den. Each branch will transport the money to it and then divide it. Let's I'm going to fight with the adults and copy their money overnight, no! Lao!"

"You don't have to go, Mingquan County is under the control of Huainan Road, and it's within my responsibility..."

Lu Poyan patted his chest awe-inspiringly, but the other party whispered: "My lord! Bring the people from our team. We injured the man who was caught by the three brothers. The horseman said to copy the money. Half, Sharan Village can at least copy hundreds of thousands!"

"You go back for the time being. If what you said is true, your reward is indispensable when you come back, go..."

Lu Poyan waved his hands vowedly, and the two had to hesitate to leave, and Lu Poyan immediately turned around and asked: "Tianyangzi! Li Zhiping said that all punishments for cults belong to us, as long as they meet the characteristics of cults. Is it all right?"

"Yes! The Suppression Demon Division doesn't take any money..."

Tianyangzi whispered: "I've heard of Shooting the Sun. The believers in the rural unconventional religions are all peasant women and villagers, which definitely fits the four characteristics of the cult. However, when people move out, the entire village, and even several nearby villages, will come together. It's hard to chew!"

"Humph~ No matter how hard it is, I have to eat it..."

Lu Poyan disdainfully said: "If I can't even deal with a wild teacher, how will the officer collect taxes on Huainan Road in the future? The officer will kill them and be intimidated by them. Then go back and ask me to be the head, yes! Do you want to do so? Increase your knowledge with me?"

"Alright! I don't have any idea about tax collection..."

Tianyangzi nodded and walked with him, but Zhao Guanren was hiding in the side alley, and said without looking back: "Liangzi! Old Zhao is too cunning. Shooting the sun teaches not to play with him, you have thick eyebrows. The big-eyed foreign incense master can play a role!"

"I'm leaving tonight, you and Teddy are the only ones left in the city, you two should be careful..."

"Don't worry! He is an old Teddy who can't kill me, and I'm a little dragon who can't kill..."

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