One Step to The End

Chapter 1287: Fight marriage

People in the Tang Dynasty saw too many people fighting music and dancing, but fighting marriage was unheard of. As the No. 1 wealthy family in the Tang Dynasty, the Boling Cui family suffocated the arrogant Cui Xunma, and took the princess back in a fit of anger. After leaving the house, he put a huge sum of money to throw money out.


The onlookers exclaimed for a while. Cui Luma’s house sprinkled gold leaf, the sky full of gold leaf is really beautiful, and the hottest geisha took turns to perform on stage, and the gate was full of running water seats. Just say congratulations. Sit down and eat whatever you like.

"Lao Ge, please, Master Shangshu, please sit down soon..."

Cui Junma happily greeted the guests at the gate, and the Manchu dynasty, civil and military, came in continuously. A man and horse is nothing. There are more than forty brothers and horses in the Tang Dynasty, but the Cui family’s wedding post is extraordinary. The second Taibao Yang family You must give face.

"Brother Liu! What happened to the Yin side..."

Cui Xuanma took the time to ran to the concierge and drank a sip of tea. A partner followed up and laughed: "It's very picky! I set up a stage to invite people to sing, and there is also a porridge shed sending out beggars, and even the copper plates are reluctant to be thrown out. It’s just that the fireworks keep ringing, there is no way, they just sell this!"

"Hmph~ Poor and sour and daring to fight with me, I'm even thicker than him when he pulls out his roots and hairs..."

Cui Huma sneered triumphantly: "You let me keep an eye on them. Any official who dares to go to his side, write them all down for the princes, and look for them one by one afterwards!"

"嘁~ Except for the people from the Demon Division of theirs, who dares to go..."

Bandang arrogantly said: "Our Cui family has very few guests at a big banquet. Once we entertain anyone, people from the three provinces and six departments are all in our house. Wealthy merchants with a little reputation have also come to our house. He is full of small businessmen and hawkers. , A bunch of second-hand brides, I look shabby!"

"Not enough! Go to Pingle Square to spread money and get people to our side. I'm going to slap his face severely..."

Cui Hu Ma walked over proudly, and soon the imperial decree arrived, and the emperor gave him a nice vacant position, but when everyone was celebrating, no one thought that the Zhao family’s old man would actually personally coming.

"Old Zhao, why are you here..."

Cui Mingma greeted him with surprise and suspiciousness. The civil and military officials also kept wondering. Zhao Guanren is getting married with his two granddaughters. According to the rules, he should not go to the man’s house, but he shouldn’t go to someone’s wedding. This is not true. Do you draw Zhao Daguanren's face in public?

"Nephew Cui Xian said that is strange. Didn't you post me a wedding invitation? Why can't I come..."

The old man Zhao waved his hand with a smile, and a large number of congratulatory gifts came in. Cui Xuanma immediately opened his eyes and smiled. It seems that the Zhao family also knows which is lighter and the heavier, a grandson-in-law with no foundation, compared with the giant Cui family. It's not worth mentioning at all.

"Old Zhao! Please come to your seat..."

Cui Luma personally helped the old man in. The weight of the Zhao family was not lower than that of the upper five. However, according to the wedding customs of the Tang Dynasty, this wedding wine must be drunk from noon to night, plus the affectionate performances of various Internet celebrities, do not drink It's impossible in the middle of the night.

"Tsk tsk ~ everyone who should or shouldn't be here is here, Li Fuma is completely faceless..."

A table of officials gathered around the table and ate melon seeds. Someone whispered, “Li Ma is a shrewd man. He knows he can’t beat the Cui family, so he said that the emperor doesn’t like people who form cliques, and he didn’t even give us a wedding invitation. Next, we also sent a gift in the past, which is considered to be a good face for him!"

"Old Zhao shouldn't have come, he's slapped his face too..."

An official shook his head in disdain, but everyone was suddenly surprised. A large group of officials from the Town Demon Division came to the door. The guards rushed to the door. How could they know that everyone was holding red envelopes and standing in a row? The team sent a gift in front of the registration desk. "Ouch~ This face is really cruel, even my subordinates turned the other way around..."

The officials shook their heads one by one, while some ridiculed: "No matter how prestigious ordinarily is, it will only show up at a critical moment. Li Zhiping is arrogant and domineering, thinking that he can win people's hearts with a little money, but in fact, no one is used to him today. This face is completely ashamed!"

"Oh~Isn't this the adults from the Town Devil Division? Why don't you go to your Master Li's house for a drink..."

Cui Luma came to the door proudly, and when he saw that there were still many Fumo captains outside the door, all of them nodded and bowed holding red envelopes.

"My husband doesn't know anything..."

An official smiled and said, "Li Fu Ma’s family is full of copper stinks. They are all traffickers and Fantou Yao sisters, and I am a courtier of the Tang Dynasty. I really cannot stand with them. I hereby congratulate Cui Lu Ma’s wedding. Lord, don't dislike it!"

"Good, good! The visitors are all guests, and you can do it when you feel like it. Please..."

Cui Fu Mazhi smiled and waved his hands triumphantly, but the Fu Mo masters were also very conscious. After they stepped forward and bowed, they sat outside the door. The inner courtyard was for the high officials, and they could only stay outside the running water table. But it is also very lively outside.


Firecrackers and fireworks exploded outside the gate. The Cui family finally bought a large number of firecrackers, and a steady stream of people sent the most fashionable flower baskets. Even a few floats were driven over. Under the attack of large sums of money, the people Almost all came to Cui's house.

"This is wicked, why didn't any official come..."

There is a gloomy cloud on Zhao’s Mansion. It seems to be very lively. In fact, there is not even a high official in red robe, and there are only a handful of small officials in green robe. Moreover, they make excuses before they start. The courtyard is full of neighbors from the neighborhood. There are small merchants and vendors who are eating and drinking.

"You should eat, drink, and take care of other people's nostalgia..."

Zhao Guanren was waiting in the courtyard with a sullen face. Suddenly he heard the sound of "boom". The plaque of the Royal Horse Mansion actually fell to the ground. Fortunately, it didn't hit anyone, but it broke into two halves. The guests were quiet for a while. , This is not a good sign.

"How to install the brand, the door will be fixed again to Laozi..."

Zhao Guanren rushed out and shouted angrily. The servants rushed out to carry the ladder and quickly removed all the three signboards in the main courtyard. The gate arch of "Pinglefang" was already empty. It's more powerful than Mafu's.

"Master Li is miserable now, God won't help him anymore, I really shouldn't offend the Cui family..."

The soldiers on the watchtower were shaking their heads. Outside the gate that was quite lively just now, a ghost that had ran away was gone. Even the theater crew was taken away at a high price. There was only one piece of firework debris, which made the diligent. The next person was swept away after a meal.


Unlike Zhao's Mansion in Menkeluoque, Cui Luma's house was very lively. The guests almost broke the threshold. More than a dozen floats drove to his door. All the members of the Cui family were also dispatched, singing, dancing and drinking banquets until the afternoon.

"Manager Zhang! You are coming here, sit down and have a drink..."

Numerous officials suddenly rushed to the door. Eunuch Zhang brought a few people in. Everyone thought that the emperor was going to make an decree again. How did you know that after being courteous, Mr. Zhang whispered a few words with Mr. Zhao, and the man immediately followed him. Walked to the backyard.

"Come on! Let's continue to drink..."

Everyone understands that the Zhao family must be called for a war at this time. Important people in the Zhao family followed one after another. The officials were not asking too much, but the people outside the courtyard were a little strange. After a while, hundreds of people were eating water tables outside the door.

"Hey? Isn't that Hou Yi? Why doesn't the Sword Demon Division care about it..."

A small official pointed suspiciously to the outside of the square. The float carrying the statue of Houyi stopped outside the square door at some unknown time, but someone said: "What do you look at? That is the statue of Emperor Shenzong, on the float. Don’t write it all...not good! It’s Hou Yi!"

"Suppression Demon Division! Cult, cult..."

A table of people suddenly jumped up. The Shooting Sun Cult is now notorious, and everyone in the Town Demon Division is also surprised. Suddenly turning around and looking out, the wording of the float banner has changed, and it says unscrupulously-- God Hou Yi!

"The Sun-Shooting God Cult and the Sun Zhenghui! Descendant God Lord! Mana covering the sky..."

A group of singers suddenly tore off their robes, revealing bundles of explosives in their waists, and the onlookers also drew out their weapons, and rushed to Pinglefang without fear of death, that's right! On the archway at the gate of Yilefang, three characters are clearly written-Pinglefang!

"Slay the Li Gou thief, and give me back to me, kill..."

Hundreds of crazy cultists rushed into the square like a torrent of knives and slashed them. Even if the people of the Sorcerer of Sorcerer drank wedding wine, they would not bring knives. They were chopped down to the ground once they met, but they wanted to run. Can't run away, someone rushed in from the back door.


A series of explosions sounded from the courtyard, and the guests who had just escaped into the door suddenly fell to the ground, a burst of gunpowder and flesh and blood rushed toward their faces, and the adults in a courtyard were actually blown into mud, and there were stumps and broken arms scattered everywhere. There are others dragging their intestines to crawl around.

"Help! Come on..."

The horrified ghost screamed. A group of them were in the middle yard. You pushed me to escape to the back yard, but they didn’t expect to kill them. A maid suddenly lit the fuse in his waist and shouted loudly. Said: "God Lord Houyi, bless me to reach the sky!"


The maid plunged into the crowd and hugged the panicked Cui Ma. Several people were blown to pieces. Even the courtyard wall was collapsed, but the explosion was still continuous. The martial arts powerful guards They were also fried to pieces.

"Kill them all, leave none of them..."

A large number of mad believers rushed into the horse mansion madly, most of them looked like ordinary farmers, but all of them had red eyes. Go up and fight for life.


The gate of Yilefang was bombarded and no one noticed that the three characters "Pinglefang" had been broken into fragments. Blood had flowed into the middle of the mansion house. Thousands of guests were slaughtered, but the guests who were banqueted were not counted. , Fanatics continue to spread out and hack and kill.

"Invaded the imperial city and killed the dog emperor..."

The number of fanatics was increasing. Thousands of people gathered in an instant. The bad guys and the Wuhou marquis scattered all at once. A few soldiers were also washed out, and several floats rushed. Rushed straight towards the palace.

"Let go! Let go of the arrow..."

The scared souls of the imperial soldiers are almost flying, and they move the stones to block the gate of the palace, but the floats are all four horses, the two horsemen are all wearing shields, and the iron cavalry guarding the palace has no time to attack, so they can only watch. The float rushed across the moat.


The carriage slammed into the city gate and made a huge explosion. The heavy city gate was blown apart at once, but the second and third vehicles followed one after another. Under the four consecutive explosions, it was majestic. The gates of the city collapsed.

"Rebellion! The anti-thief has entered the city..."

"Run, the anti-thief is coming in..."

"The Sun-Shooting God Cult! The magic power covers the sky! The sky and the earth! I alone dominate...

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