One Step to The End

Chapter 1296: Soldiers approaching the city


The door of the prison was suddenly pushed open, Zhao Guanren came to the deepest place unimpeded, and saw Princess Gao Yang across the prison door. She sat at the table alone and copied the Buddhist scriptures. She was clean, calm and graceful, and her head was fine. Without raising a smile: "Something happened?"

"Your brother was killed by the Demon King, and your son is back. Let me tell you..."

Zhao Guanren opened the prison door with the key and walked in. Gao Yang put aside his writing brush and smiled: "You can't talk nonsense, who is my son, I just know that you won't come to me unless something happens, and the emperor has never returned. Every toe knows that something happened to him!"

"Tianyangzi! Your son..."

Zhao Guanren sat in front of her and said, "I found your friend, the daughter-in-law of the midwife, and the female medical apprentice who was killed by you. I also copied Tianyangzi’s home, which is enough to prove that he is the son of you and Yang Pingchuan. He helped his father rebel!"

"That's the way the husband horse killed him, and sent me this poor woman on the road by the way..."

Gao Yang poured two cups of tea in a hurry. Zhao Guanren took out a confession and put it on the table, saying: "If this is the case, you can sign and put it on hold. I will bury you and your third brother, and save one for you. The whole corpse, leave a tomb for your son of the Great Master!"

"Great National Teacher? When did he become a Great National Teacher..."

Gao Yang raised his head slightly in surprise. Zhao Guanren knocked on the confession on the table and said: "Your son and King Yujiang have held the emperor under a hostage, and Jiao Zhao has named himself a great teacher, but it has nothing to do with you. Go on the road with peace of mind!"

"I can't die, Luoyang City will be over if I die..."

Gao Yang shook his head coldly and said: "Tell you the truth, Tianyangzi is not Yang Pingchuan's son. He is a serious Tang prince and has nothing to do with Yang Pingchuan, but Yang Pingchuan likes fratricidal drama. He joined the Shooting Sun Cult and became an altar master!"

"You said the prince is the prince..."

"I have no relationship with Yang Pingchuan, but he prefers pregnant women. When I was pregnant in June, he came to the East Palace to see me, untied my little clothes and kissed my belly..."

Gao Yang sighed and said: "The emperor didn’t want me to be the imperial concubine. After arresting us, he planted my brothers and sisters for being inconsistent and drove me out of the palace, but he knew that Tianyangzi belonged to him. Bone and blood, so you accused him of cheating for favoritism, and the emperor didn't punish him!"

"Okay! Assuming you are all right..."

Zhao Guanren stretched his hands and said: "Then what is the use of me keeping you, threatening your son not to rebel, but he opened his bow without turning his head back, would he care about you as a biological mother no one knows?"

"The one who wants to be the emperor is King Yujiang, my son is only assisting..."

Gao Yang said excitedly: "If King Yujiang becomes the emperor, he will be the first to get rid of you. You already control the Manchu civil and military, but you have no soldiers. If you take me back to house arrest, he doesn't want to be the one. Expose, my son will definitely help you check and balance King Yujiang!"


Zhao Guanren stared at her silently, Gao Yang immediately signed the confession and handed it to him: "Now you can rest assured, I am his biological mother, I have the final say on whose child he is, you can still force him Fight against cults, and give me a bright future in Datang, isn't it good?"

"You are really a smart woman, come here! Invite Princess Gaoyang to my house..."

Zhao Guanren put away the confession and went out. Gao Yang laughed very relievedly. Zhao Guanren personally sent it to the carriage outside the cell and watched her being taken away by a large number of soldiers, but followed him with a sneer and took the Yang family together. Take away in custody.

"Go to the palace!"

Zhao Guanren rode his war horse straight to the palace. All the Yulin army was replaced by his people. The eunuchs and court ladies were also from Chen Guangda. He drove straight in without even saying hello. The officials appointed by him personally came, Lord and There is no shortage of queens.

"My husband! You can count it, how can this be good..."

The acting Hubu Shangshu hurried forward and took out the imperial decree sent from outside the city, but Zhao Guanren took out Gao Yang’s confession and said, “This is a pretentious edict. Tianyangzi is the son of the princess Gaoyang. Brother Yang Pingchuan’s unscrupulous evildoer!"


The whole court was fryed at once, and even the queen walked out around the screen, and King Xiang, as the whistleblower, said: "This king said earlier that Gao Yang had a bad relationship with Yang Fang, and Tianyangzi made up for him. Lao Tzu's lack, led the cultists and monsters to rebel!"

"Wait! No matter whose wild species Tianyangzi is..."

Princess Wanfu hurriedly stood up and said loudly: "Since the emperor father has issued the imperial decree, then hurry up and canonize King Yujiang as the prince. If anything goes wrong, the prince can also control the overall situation and mobilize the three armies to lower the demons. The country cannot be one. Sun Wujun!"

"The emperor has been held hostage, did your brother escape? He must have become a puppet of a cult..."

Zhao Guanren frowned and said: "We are all in the plan. It is false to attack the palace and rebel. It is true to ambush the emperor outside the city. Maybe the emperor and King Yujiang have been swapped, and the disguised monster has already been replaced. Princess Ning and fake Yang Pingchuan?"

"Oh, how good is this..."

The King of Xiang said, "There are 100,000 troops outside the city. Those elders can't distinguish the monsters. As long as they see the emperor speaking, they will soon be under the city. Not enough resistance!"

"Wait! This imperial decree is false..."

Chen Guangda, who had not been seen for a long time, suddenly appeared. He took a closer look at the decree he sent, and frowned, "The emperor was walking in a hurry. He took away only one gold seal in a hurry. It is said that the jade seal of the country was kept in the hands of the empress, but this The font of the golden seal on the imperial decree is wrong!"

"Is this true? Where is the Jade Seal of the Kingdom..."

A group of people looked at him in surprise. Chen Guangda hurriedly beckoned people to fetch them. A young **** quickly rushed in, brought an exquisite wooden box and handed it to the queen, who took out the Jade Seal in public. I found a piece of white paper to cover the big seal.

"Quick! Compare the previous imperial decree..."

All the civil and military officials gathered around, and all ministries had gold seals and jade seals on file. It is not a national event that usually has the emperor’s gold seal. After the archives and imperial edicts are all brought in, someone immediately exclaimed: "The gold seal is fake. , The size is different, the Jade Seal of the State is true!"


Prince Xiang shouted angrily: "These **** cult rebels dare to forge the emperor's golden seal and seek out my Li family’s Tang dynasty, Li Junma! You are our backbone. You have to think of a countermeasure quickly. The rebels are taking advantage of the void to come in!"

"Report! The emperor has a secret order to send..."

An **** hurriedly ran in, and several agents, Shang Shu, took it in surprise, compared the gold seal on the envelope again, and immediately exclaimed: "Really! This seal is true, Lord Ma. You quickly see what's going on?"

"The emperor must have been held hostage, I'm afraid it's a letter for help..."

Zhao Guanren opened the envelope in public, glanced at it, and raised it up, angrily said: "Tianyangzi brought the monster to force the emperor, the emperor sent Jin Wuwei to fight to death, sent the edict to the palace, and invited all the troops to King Jingqin. , In case of any unexpected events, please call the queen empress!"

"The emperor! My emperor..."

The Queen Empress suddenly slumped on the chair, crying and crying, and the little kings hurried forward to kneel to comfort her.

"Queen Empress! One hundred thousand in a hurry, please forgive the Weichen for being rebellious..."

Zhao Guanren arched his hands and said: "The emperor is now in deep siege, and King Yujiang has been replaced by a monster. For the safety of my Tang Dynasty, please choose a prince to supervise the country. Tang Jiangshan!"

"Huh? This..."

Empress Empress was taken aback, she instinctively looked at Chen Guangda, Chen Guangda winked immediately, and other officials also stepped forward to speak. "That……"

The Queen Empress looked at the middle-aged princes and hesitated: "This palace is a family of women and Taoists, who is not versed in government affairs. I only feel that the King of Xiang is steady, diligent and pragmatic. How do all the Qings feel?"


The King Xiang suddenly felt that there was smoke on top of his head and auspicious clouds on his feet. He squashed his head and shouted, and the officials also clapped and applauded. Everyone knew that King Xiang was helpless, and his mother died more than a dozen. When he became an emperor, he was also a puppet.

"Very good! Niang Niang is really insightful, three provinces and six departments, quickly drafting the decree..."

Zhao Guanren put his hands on his back and gave an order. The Shangshu people had already carried the big seal in their arms, and quickly drafted a long decree. The nine big seals were all covered, and finally they invited the Chuan Guoyu Seal. The usual imperial edicts are ten times more serious.

"Prince! Prince Qi, Prince Rui..."

Zhao Guanren immediately stepped in and saluted. The eight little princes who drank with him yesterday turned into princes and princes. They all bowed and repaid them vigorously. After he explained it again, the prince was busy taking people to tell the world. .

"Zhiping! You come with the main palace to the back hall..."

After Empress Empress dismissed all the officials and let Chen Guangda enter the back hall with her arms, Zhao Guanren immediately followed up and closed the door, saying: "Please rest assured, Empress Empress, as long as the son-in-law confirms that King Yujiang is still alive, this crown prince will definitely be returned to him. !"

"There is also a young son in this palace, fifteen years old, who is meditating in Qi Yunguan..."

The queen took his hand and patted it, and said seriously: "My son is very smart since he was a child, but he didn't like to read, and was punished out of the city after annoying the emperor, but he has always been filial and steadfast. If... , You must assist him, the king of Xiang is just a straw bag!"

"Don't worry, my son-in-law will take him back personally, and you will be happy under your knees. You don't have to worry about the thief..."

Zhao Guanren bowed humbly and agreed. The queen chatted for a few more words before taking the person back to the palace, while Chen Guangda ordered people to stand back and forth, sat down beside Zhao Guanren, took out a few blank imperial edicts, and even took them out of his arms. The emperor’s golden seal.

"It's still your chicken thief, you changed the gold seal in advance, but why didn't he even take Yuxi away..."

Zhao Guanren took the gold seal and put it on the imperial edict. Chen Guangda moved to Chuanguo Yuxi and said with a smile: "I wrapped the box of the jade seal. Inside was the jade seal for calligraphy and painting. The old emperor took the box and ran away. It's a pity that I didn't get the Tiger Talisman on him. It is estimated that he has fallen into the enemy's hands!"

"The tiger charm has a fart. It's up to the generals to recognize it or not..."

Zhao Guanren completed a few blank imperial decree, put down the golden seal and said: "You have come to cooperate with Lao Zhao. If the old emperor is really kidnapped by Tianyangzi, the Black Sun Demon King is likely to be among them. I must leave the city for a trip. , Otherwise you will lose your life!"

"Okay! I'll let the queen make me a hussar general, and leave your people to me..."

Chen Guangda patted his chest indifferently. The two of them discussed secretly for a while and then left. Zhao Guanren didn't even eat lunch. After leaving the palace, he took the prince to look for people. In the afternoon, he led five hundred cavalry. One person and two horses hurriedly left Luoyang City.

"Everyone is polite, this official is here for the first time, and I hope you will take care of it..."

Chen Guangda put on a purple robe, led the Ouchi guards and the Yulin army out of the palace, and came to the camp of the city defense army for a while. After inspecting all the way to the evening, someone finally came to report: "Report! General Long Wu." I personally led an army of 20,000 to come and demanded that the city gate be opened for defense!"

"No! Tell him not to see the emperor and not open the city..."

Chen Guang waved his sleeves, and personally led the people to the top of the city, only to see a group of cavalry standing outside the city, and a large group of troops approaching in torrents, he said calmly: "The city gate is blocked, bows and arrows Go to the wall and shoot me **** whoever dares to approach..."

(My child goes to elementary school to hold a parent meeting. I didn't expect that there would be so many things. If the update is delayed, I will make up later. I hope to forgive me!)

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