One Step to The End

Chapter 1298: Steal a dragon and turn a phoenix


The old emperor held a golden seal of the auspicious beast in his hand and placed it heavily on a piece of rice paper, but after he suddenly picked it up, he immediately changed his color, and severely smashed his personal golden seal on the ground, and the beast on it suddenly It broke, revealing the silver wrapped inside.

"Fake! Old craftsmanship..."

Tianyangzi was surprised to pick up the golden seal. The emperor's golden seal was naturally made of pure gold, but King Yujiang copied the decree and said in shock: "It is almost the same as the real gold seal. It is difficult to compare it without careful comparison. If you distinguish, it must be a fake made out of an inverted mold!"

"Jade Seal! Get the Jade Seal of the Chuan Country..."

The old emperor suddenly realized something. The leader of Chen Da dashed forward and took out a wooden box wrapped in yellow silk from the cabinet. The old emperor snatched it over, but when he opened it, he was dumbfounded. There was a statue inside. Ordinary calligraphy and painting jade chapter.

"Damn! Damn you, I want to smash him into pieces..."

The old emperor smashed the jade seal to the ground, and the good jade seal was instantly torn apart, and the king of Yujiang’s face was blue, and he said in horror: "The jade seal of the country has been transferred. It's scarier than we thought!"

"What exactly does Thief Yin intend to do..."

Chen Tongling said in surprise and confusion: "He has no more than a few thousand miscellaneous soldiers, and he has trained for more than a month. He induced the cult to rebel in order to claim credit, but what is the use of the golden seal and jade seal? Horse!"

"He can't adjust his soldiers and horses even with tiger charms..."

King Yujiang said, "The leader of the army is not a fool. How can he oppose someone who has never known him before? Moreover, the army that defends the gods is all hard-core confidants who have followed his father for many years. It's just that... Yin thief has always been inconsistent in doing things. Common sense, will not do useless things!"

"Yes! The Yin Thief stealing the gold seal must be of great use. Will the Longyou Army want to rebel with him..."

Tianyangzi quickly looked at the old emperor, and the old emperor waved his hand and said: "Even if the Zhao family in Longyou is going to turn around, he will not be able to fight it in less than a year, and he will not be able to quench his near thirst. That's right! Send someone to ask. Did Longwu Pioneer Camp enter the city last night?"


Commander Chen immediately led the way out, and the old emperor also came to the courtyard anxiously. His palace was a rich man's mansion. The three chatted in the courtyard for a while, then Commander Chen ran back in a hurry.


Commander Chen intervened and said: "Haima had already reported half an hour ago, saying that the Pioneer Camp had entered the city last night and took over the twelve gates of the Shendu. They played the banner of Longwu Army early in the morning, but the gates were all closed. , No unauthorized entry and exit!"


The old emperor looked around suspiciously, and King Yujiang also wondered: "Father! Let's not misunderstand Yin Zhiping again, right? Twenty thousand troops have entered the city. Even if he has the ability to shake the sky, it is useless, or else Haier leads a team of people over, and see for yourself?"

"Leave now! You go back with Tianyangzi, don't let your hands go, you will kill him when you enter the city, this thief will not get rid of my heart troubles, Yuxi and Dayin must be retrieved for me..."

The old emperor walked back to the house angrily. After a while, King Yujiang ordered his soldiers and horses and set off with Tianyangzi leading 20,000 horses, but it would take a long time to get back to Luoyang. The long line was very fast. I walked to the evening and stopped in a valley to cook a meal in a pot.

"Oh~ This king's eyelids jumped, always feel that something big is going to happen..."

King Yujiang was sitting by the bonfire with a frown, Tianyangzi handed him a pot of wine, and chuckled: "Yin Zhiping is full of tricks, but he doesn't have a lot of wisdom. Just like you and I have already joined forces, he still secretly teases you to seize the son. , It’s a shame!"

"It's a pity! He is really good at making money..."

King Yujiang raised his head and took a sip of wine. Unexpectedly, a fast horse ran from behind. A "Tapai" jumped off the horse quickly, panting and asked with his fists: "Your Highness! Has the Holy Spirit ever ordered the gods and tigers." The army, Leopard Guards, etc. come to quell the rebellion?"

"Of course not, why did you say that..."

King Yujiang stood up abruptly, and said in a pale face to the side: "The mighty army pulled out in the early morning, and the ten thousand cavalry was less than sixty miles away from the right flank of our army. The army is rushing to Yangzhou Pass and is going to seal the left wing of our army!"


Tianyangzi also jumped up suddenly, and said in shock: "Why are you rushing to us? Besides, without the emperor's tiger charm, how dare they send troops without authorization?"

"The three provinces and the six ministries converge with the empress and empress the edict together..."

The other party screamed: "The edict said that Daguo Shinai, an illegitimate son of Yang Pingchuan, and the altar master of the sun-shooting cult, held the emperor with demon soldiers, skinned the prince, and let the demon replace him, and said that the emperor sent dead men to ask for help. , The nearby state capital has sent troops to help!"

"Bastard! I'm the prince, not an altar master..."

Tianyangzi yelled angrily, but King Yujiang said annoyed: "I knew that the Yin thief would not steal the jade seal in vain. I didn't expect that he was actually trying to correct the imperial order. It's over! This time is really over. It's a monster in others' eyes!"

"What are you afraid of!"

Tianyangzi said loudly: "Twenty thousand Dragon Warriors have entered the city. I will rush to the city immediately. The Dragon Warriors have been waiting in front of me, and they can still turn their backs. Get on the horse, and the pawns will follow!"

"His Royal Highness! The big thing is not good..."

A general ran over on horseback, and said anxiously: "Here is the 5,000 Pioneer Battalion Iron Cavaliers, and the **** holds the warrants of three provinces and six, and the imperial decree covered with the big seal of the jade seal, saying that you two are transformed by demons and offer a reward. Two hundred thousand taels of silver, the soldiers of the former army have mutinous!"

"Crap! Vanguard camp has long since rebelled..."

Tianyangzi's entire face was green, but when the words fell, he heard the shouts of killing. After all, the team of 20,000 horses was several kilometers long. They hurriedly called out the unknowing cavalry, mounted their horses and fled back. Only by escaping back to the camp can he survive.

"Stop! I was ordered to capture the anti-thief Tianyangzi, and the violators cut..."

A group of strong shield soldiers suddenly ran out and blocked the way out of the valley, but the king of Yujiang shouted, and the two thousand cavalry took out their horse bows, and the one in front of them lowered their bodies and raised their flags. The gun, with a big sigh of intention, rushed over.



There was a sound of earth-shaking muffled sound, and the inexperienced Longwu Army didn't care at all. They didn't know that they had been ambushed until the earthen mortar flew over their heads and exploded, but they were bombed in an instant They all turned on their backs.

"Boom boom boom..."

Waves of shells were shot from the mountains on both sides, not only large mortar kicks, but also washbasin-sized unscrupulous guns. The ammunition was stuffed with iron sand and steel sand, so I didn’t want to blow people up. It becomes mashed meat, as long as it is fried to the point of crying father and mother.


Tianyangzi plunged into the grass, and he used his greatest skill to resist the bombing, but his horse was not profound enough, so he blew out his intestines at once, and the explosives made by the government were much stronger than those of the cult. , The number is enough to plough the valley several times.

"Arrows! Arrows! Someone on the mountain..."

A general screamed bitterly, but the range of the bow and arrow was not far enough, and the second mortar kick not only exploded far, but also allowed the gunner to move quickly. Fifty guns from the left and right bombed in turn, blocking the way out of the mountain. Thousands of cavalry rushed everywhere in the valley.


The general was hit by a conscientious cannon. The flying explosive pack was super fierce. The whole person exploded like a blood bag. The armor was not rotten, and the person was broken first, but the artillery suddenly fell, and there was a tidal hoof of iron. It rang again.

"Get out of the way! Kill the anti-thief Tianyangzi, the demon King Yujiang..."

A large number of iron cavalry rushed in like a torrent, and the Dragon Wujun saw that they were members of the Pioneer Camp, and they hid on both sides with curses. What's more, if one's own person beats one's own person, no one wants to cause trouble.

"Tianyangzi! Save me, save me..."

King Yujiang, who was covered in blood, crawled around and flees lifelessly into the mountains and forests. Tianyangzi was also embarrassed, but he still turned his head and grabbed him. Suddenly, he swung his long knife and burst into white smoke. Before it started, King Yujiang suddenly screamed.


A bullet pierced King Yujiang’s left shoulder and hit Tianyangzi’s left chest hard, causing him to fall to the ground. He looked down in horror and saw a deformed copper pill stuck on his chest muscles. But a strong wind struck again like lightning.


Tian Yangzi hurriedly blocked the projectile with a horizontal knife. His palm was numb, but he couldn't see where the attacker was. He didn't even care about the crying King Yujiang. He jumped into the woods and hid two projectiles. , And quickly flew away with a knife.

"Mother! Beat it up, let him run away..."

Four snipers scolded on the opposite mountain. They were carrying guns larger than Barrett. The barrels and warheads were completely handcrafted. The cumbersomeness is a bit cumbersome, but it is nothing to the monks. The key is caliber and The power is scary.

"Don't kill me, this king is not a monster, I am a human..."

King Yujiang crawled in pain in the woods, his iron cavalry rushed from below, and all ran to chase Tianyangzi, but a foot suddenly fell in front of him, and someone asked, "Tianyangzi is Gaoyang. He’s son, or the cult’s altar master, why should he seek skin from the tiger?"


King Yujiang raised his head tremblingly, looking at Zhao Guanren with a grim expression, and said with a trembling: "The emperor wants to make the king a prince. Let me go!"

"You are still lying when you die..."

Zhao Guanren squatted down and said: "You and Tianyangzi colluded with monsters, and you paid for Jin Wuwei to delay deliberately, and attacked your father during a half-time rest. Tianyangzi jumped out to kill the monsters, and on the second day you tried your old tricks again and died desperately. The **** is exchanged for a prince, right?"

"I was wrong! Please spare my life, I will go to the emperor to be punished, and confess the crime..."

King Yujiang cried and bumped his head on the ground, where there is no dignity as a prince, but Zhao Guanren said coldly: "I put your wife to sleep. Although it was an accident, I still feel a little guilty for you. If I don’t kill you today, it’s up to your own fate!"

"It's okay! From now on you sleep as long as you want, and I won't sleep with her anyway..."

King Yujiang got up with gratitude, stumbled up the mountain for a while, and then suddenly turned around and asked: "Can you tell me who you are helping to usurp the throne? King Bi, King Ning or King Yan, why? Don't want to help me?"

"Are you stupid? Of course I rebelled for myself. The emperor, I have killed three..."

Zhao Guanren sneered jokingly, turned his head and walked down the mountain, how did he know that King Yujiang took out an exquisite small crossbow arrow, facing the back of his head, he was about to pull the trigger, and the result was a "pop". His head suddenly exploded.

"I hit it! One hundred thousand taels are ours, hahaha..."

A sniper laughed aloud, Zhao Guanren said without turning his head, he could not live for himself, and he clapped his hands and shouted: "Rectify the formation! Tianyangzi has many enchanted soldiers, and those who beheaded will be rewarded 200,000. Two, the reward for saving the emperor is 500,000!"

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