One Step to The End

Chapter 1300: Da Guo Shi

New Year's Eve is only six days away, and a small snowfall has quietly arrived. The old emperor walked to the head of the city under the protection of a mantle in a mink fur cloak, but looking up, the military town of 40,000 was already There was no one, and the camp outside the town was even more empty.

"Tianyangzi! Tell me the truth, are you the lord of the cult..."

The old emperor held on to the battlements without looking back. There were only more than a thousand Jinwuwei in the town, and more than a thousand Zuo Xiaowei, who were insignificant. Even the man slipped away quietly, and the General Marshal yesterday Said to find reinforcements, but as soon as he went there was nowhere to be seen.

"Yes or not!"

Tianyangzi walked to the top of the city in the snow. Hundreds of Baiyunguan disciples stood under the city. He sincerely said: "Two years ago, the Yang family invited me to join the Shooting Sect. There was no cult at that time, and they did not teach anyone. In rebellion, I only regarded it as a tool to accumulate money, and I readily agreed to it!"

"Then do you collude with monsters..."

The old emperor looked at him coldly, and Tian Yangzi gently shook his head and said, "There is no such thing! Yin Zhiping has been directing and acting on this matter, and even monsters have been used by him, and we always thought he was fighting alone. In fact, he has many brothers in the city, even in the palace!"

"Rebel! I was greedy for money for a while and spared him a dog's life, but made a big mistake..."

The old emperor patted the battlements angrily. When the voice fell silent, he saw a few fast horses. Eight Jin Wuwei quickly rushed into the city, ran up to the top of the city and intervened and said, "The emperor! In charge, a total of 120,000 troops are approaching!"

The old emperor asked anxiously: "Didn't you ask you to find the commander-in-chief? Is the path blocked?"

"The commander of the Leopard Taowei has returned to his mind, and the Shenwei Army and the Huwei Army have gone into the mountains to suppress the bandits..."

The leader said in frustration: "These people are avoiding us, and they have the same caliber. They all say that killing monsters is the job of the Demon Slayer. They have sent troops to help. Intervention will endanger your safety. Now the Demon Slayer is clamoring, Let the Great National Master send you out!"

"Bastard! This **** beast..."

The old emperor yelled in anger and Tianyangzi hurriedly said: "The emperor! Your minister will help you break through. Let's take a small road across the river and tell the crime of Yin Thief to the world, and then lead the army to fight against him. Yin Thief's military power does not exist. In his hands, the generals are just afraid of taking responsibility!"

"The emperor! Break through, you will be blocked if you don't leave..."

Chen Tongling also hurriedly persuaded. The old emperor waved his sleeves in frustration and stomped to say a breakthrough, but the empress dowager was still in the military town. He simply confessed. Anyway, Zhao Guanren wouldn’t kill the empress, he directly killed the old lady and the court lady. He stayed in the house, confessed and ran away.

"Boom boom boom..."

Nearly three thousand people quickly fled the military town. The old emperor did not expect that he would become the exile monarch inexplicably. He didn't even understand how he was defeated, but he was surprised that he was wrong. Before you know it, it's less than half.

"Fleeing the battle, kill without mercy..."

Commander Chen drew his sword and yelled in anger, but it was okay if he didn't shout, but he awakened people when he shouted. After half an hour, he lost most of the people. Three thousand people became more than five hundred in a daze. Among the men of Shang Tianyangzi, Zuo Xiaowei didn't run any left.

"Tianyangzi! Where to run..."


A large group of cavalry rushed out from the front, blocking the otherwise narrow mountain road, and there were high mountains on both sides. The old emperor stopped his horse quickly and shouted angrily: "I am here! The evil thief Yin Zhiping is spreading rumors and conspiring, God. Yangzi didn't hold me under the hood, but gave me all the way!"

"You are the emperor? Why don't you wear a dragon robe..."

Hundreds of cavalry looked at him suspiciously. The old emperor changed his black clothes for convenience, so he could only take out the dragon robe from his bag, and said loudly, "The dragon robe is here! Don't you recognize me, don't you recognize Jin Wuwei? , Quickly **** me to the riverside, Yin Zhiping wants to rebel!"

"You are being threatened, but you don't have to worry..."

A young general said loudly: "You only need to come alone, and I will keep you away when I die, and then send you to the gods to check your identity. If you are really the emperor, the adults of the three provinces and six ministries will definitely kowtow to see you, and the Yu Lin army will also decide. I will take care of you!"


The old emperor almost exploded in anger, and said angrily: "Are you a pig brain? The three provinces and six ministries are all from the Yin thief. How can they keep me alive? If you don't want to cause trouble, let me go quickly and stop talking nonsense!"

"You can go, but they can't, especially Tianyangzi, he is a cult anti-thief..."

The young general raised Ma Jian arrogantly, and the others raised their bows and arrows one after another, with two hundred thousand taels of silver walking in their eyes. The angry old emperor made the Jin Wuwei show his badge, and even took out his own tiger charm. Came out, but they didn't even think of killing them...

"Hey~ I just killed a group of anti-thief the day before yesterday. They are all called Jinwuwei. The waist badge is still gold..."

The young man took out a waist card from his arms, and other people also took out more than a dozen, making the Jinwuwei’s eyeballs burst, looking at the bronze waist medal in his hand, and then at the gold medal in the opponent’s hand. The appearance is exactly the same as theirs.

"Kill it! Drive..."

Tianyangzi suddenly hit his horse and rushed out. Hundreds of disciples quickly attacked, but the iron-clad heavy cavalry on the opposite side rushed over without fear, but Tianyangzi was all masters of profound energy, at the moment of contact. Suddenly jumped into the air.


Tianyangzi stabbed a sword light in the air, the great master's strength is extraordinary, a knife can even a man and a horse into two halves, other people are not too much, people can volley kill people without landing, shot quickly and ruthlessly Spicy, people who beat me in the blink of an eye turned on their backs.

"Swish swish..."

A rain of arrows suddenly came in the air, all of which were armor-piercing arrows enveloping profound energy. Hundreds of disciples hurriedly waved their knives to resist. The scared Tianyangzi's soul flew away again.


Tianyangzi suddenly flew hundreds of meters away, but dozens of artillery shells exploded, blasting all his disciples out, but no one thought that the disciples were injured but did not bleed, but were splitting instead. Under the skin, hairs of different colors were exposed.


The golden guards exclaimed, the old emperor’s face turned green, but after listening to a series of roars, hundreds of disciples showed their original form, including wolf demon, fox demon, Huang Daxian, etc., one by one. The torn skin came out.

"Run! Protect the emperor..."

Commander Chen yelled in horror, but a dozen monsters suddenly rushed towards them, and the horses and men were torn to pieces. The **** wind also shocked the emperor’s horses. The old emperor was slammed. Throwing off his horse, he fell on all sides.

"Damn it! Kill them all and leave none of them..."

Tian Yangzi finally revealed his true face. Suddenly, he was shot in the air with a knife. Commander Chen hurriedly jumped up and stabbed him. Commander Chen was also at the level of a top master, but Tian Yangzi suddenly stabbed a black light and knocked him away. The weapon.


Chen Tongling’s head was cut off with a single knife, and the blood spilled all over the old emperor’s face. The old emperor screamed in exclamation while sitting on the ground, and quickly stepped back on the ground, but Tian Yangzi came to the front with sharp eyes. To his head.


The old emperor slapped a palm abruptly, and unexpectedly flew upside down with the force of the bombardment, and fell down on the side of the hillside. He crawled and hid beside a big tree, and said angrily: "I! But if you kiss Laozi, why do you want to oppose me?"

"Hmph~ Have you ever recognized my son..."

Tian Yangzi jumped to the hillside and raised his head, and said coldly: "I have been said to be a wild species since I was a child. Gao Yang only visits me once a year. I am not allowed to say that it is her son, and I am only 15 years old. Once I saw you, I would kowtow to you outside of the crowd. I can't wait to kill you in my dreams!"

"My son! You misunderstood me, whether you are trying to temper you..."

The old emperor said bitterly: "Actually, I have been sending people to pay attention to you and let people take care of you secretly. Otherwise, how can you achieve what you have achieved today? If I designate you as a great master of the country, I want to reuse you, don't you? My country has your share!"

"I don't want that one, I want it all..."

Tianyangzi said viciously: "I swear to God since I was fifteen, that I must take all your lands and mountains, put you under house arrest in the cold palace, and taste the feeling of being alone. This is my only wish. I am willing to pay any price!"

"Oh! So your wish is to rebel, just like I guessed..."


A frivolous voice sounded from the side, and it was Zhao Guanren who walked out slowly, followed by a large number of Fumushi behind him, and the old emperor rushed over and said in surprise: "Zhiping! You are here to help. I have been This bullying coercion!"

"Don't you say he is your son..."

Zhao Guanren looked at him pretendingly in doubt, but the old emperor waved his hand and said, "Slowly! Slowly! He is a wild species born to Yang Pingchuan and Gao Yang. How could he be my prince? I don’t know if he looks like he is. Quick! Get rid of these monsters!"


Tianyangzi suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. He shed two lines of blood and tears with a smile, but soon said with a grim face: "You **** dog emperor, you will insult me ​​when you die. I will unscrew you personally. The dog's head, buried with that **** Gao Yang!"

"You should think about how to escape first, Daguoshi..."

Zhao Guanren drew out the Scarlet Moon Demon Sword with disdain, and a large number of cavalry were also killed from the rear, but Tianyangzi suddenly took out a small wooden box, and after abruptly opened it revealed a black bead. The black lingering on the bead, watching from a distance It's very evil.

"Black Soul Orb! Don't touch..."

Zhao Guanren yelled in horror and rushed over at the fastest speed. Zhao Ziqiang also flew out from the mountainside, but Tianyangzi swallowed the black bead in one bite, at the moment when the two of them were about to kill. , Suddenly burst out a powerful shock wave.


The two were flew out by a severe earthquake, and the surrounding monsters all fell to the ground. Zhao Guanren and Zhao Ziqiang fell on the hillside together. When they looked up in surprise, Tianyangzi’s eyes were as dark as ink. The person flew slowly into the air.

"It's over! How come this stuff has black soul orbs, haven't you sensed it..."

Zhao Guanren looked at Zhao Ziqiang in shock. Zhao Ziqiang covered his chest in pain, and said: "The box containing the beads is sealed to isolate the breath of the Black Soul Orb. Before he has completely digested it, he should be struck by thunder quickly, otherwise Lao Tzu can Can't do him!"

"Big brother! There are all trees here, we will also be electrocuted..."

"Then you find a place without trees, take advantage of his height, kill him, hurry up..."

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