One Step to The End

Chapter 1312: Teddy's Homecoming

"Unexpectedly! I hit my hometown in Datang..."

Sitting on the back of an elephant, Chen Guangda looked at the Qinhuai River swayingly, but it was not called Jinling in the Tang Dynasty, but Jiangning Prefecture in Shengzhou. Runzhou was called Jinling and Jinshan Temple in Fahai. It is in Dantu County of Jinling.

"My lord! Dantu's county magistrate reversed, closed the four doors, and couldn't get out of it..."

A group of fast horses ran over and raised their heads and said loudly: "The King Yan rebels are coming towards our army. They have entered the land of no one along the way. They moved into Gusu City the day before. Arriving in Dantu County, I'm afraid I want to pinch our army back and forth!"

"Hello, Jiangning folks, my little pole is back..."

Chen Guangda waved and yelled nonchalantly. The farms on both sides were full of farmers who watched elephants. Chen Guangda grabbed four elephants to pull the cart, but the farmers suddenly saw him a purple-robed official with an accent similar to a local. Kneeling and kowtow in excitement.

"Don't kowtow, get up quickly, your life will be lost..."

Chen Guangda waved his hand happily, and deliberately ordered the army to bypass his hometown. Otherwise, even if 100,000 people were stationed outside the city, the crops in the ground would be trampled in a mess, but he gladly accepted the aid of grain and grass. After all, he could not be at home. Be a bandit at the door.

at dusk……

The 100,000 army arrived at the boundary of Jinling. Dantu County and Yangzhou City are separated by a river. It is also a big city full of flowers, but the head of the city has already played the banner of "Side of the Qing Dynasty". Stationed in batches in the wilderness.

"My lord! You are right, the city is full of cannons..."

A group of cavalry squatted on the top of the mountain. Chen Guangda in black was sitting on a rock, holding a single binoculars overlooking Dantu County. There were hundreds of iron cannons on the city wall, all camouflaged with straw and wooden planks. It seems that the troops that can be seen are not many.

"Good fellow! I'm not afraid of blasting my mouth with such a big caliber..."

Chen Guang squinted his eyes and put away the binoculars, and said coldly: "No wonder it makes it easy for us to cross the river. There are hundreds of red cannons waiting for us. As long as we start to attack the city, the ambush will cut off our back. Yangzhou will die without saving!"

"My lord! These artillery made earlier than the official ones, and they have spread all over the major cities in the south of the Yangtze River..."

A deputy said: "These guns were all secretly transported, and they appeared on the city head overnight. There was no sound of wind before. I am afraid that they were prepared to rebel very early. Moreover, Jinling's force is no less than 20,000, plus the cultists. More!"

"The mob, no matter how many are cannon fodder..."

Chen Guangda got up and said, "I will send people across the river early tomorrow morning to go to Yangzhou Prefecture for food and warships. If the gang of thin horses just say nothing, they will grab them after they have grabbed Jinling. The grain sent by Jiangning Prefecture will also be carefully checked. Don't eat it as a last resort!"

"Huh? There is no poison in the grain..."

A group of people stood up in astonishment. Chen Guangda disdainfully said: "You really consider yourself as officers and soldiers. When you arrive at the Baili family in Jiangnan, we are the bandits in the eyes of others. The anti-virus procedures are all set up for me, and the slogan of the Yulin Army is also Call me out!"

"Yes! Grab the silver, the grain, the woman..."

"Fart! Loyal to the Lord and love the people, protect my Datang, there is another sentence..."

"Uh, kill and bury it, I can't remember..."

The third day...

An armored cavalry regiment is advancing at a constant speed, and the banner it plays is the swallow of the king of Yan, and a military commander with a big waist is sitting in a large carriage drinking alcohol, and he is sitting in front of him who has just escaped from Luoyang City. Brother and sister Yang Wulang of the Ertaibao family.

"General! The corpse collection army has reached Dantu County, playing the banner of the Imperial Forest Army..."

A young general jumped into the carriage and looked at the Yang family’s brothers and sisters before saying: “The Corpse Collecting Army was not eager to attack. The staggered ditch!"

"They found the cannon at the head of the city. Trenches are a required course for artillery..."

Master Yang put down the wine glass and said, "As long as you hide in the ditch, you can avoid shell bombing, and the Corpse Removal Army is equipped with curved cannons. As long as the ditch is dug within 500 steps, which is less than the horizontal firing angle of the cannon, the Corpse Removal Army can fire by hiding in the ditch. , The artillery can't blow them up!"

"What's the matter? Talk less about what I don't understand..."

General Manghan frowned and waved his hand, and the young general followed the report: "General! Your plan is complete. The Corpse Collector is looking for a doctor. It is said that a large number of soldiers are vomiting and diarrhea. Even their military doctors have fallen ill. Wait two more days. It is estimated to be more sick!"

"Haha~ I heard that, this is called a conspiracy, not your tricks..."

The reckless man smiled triumphantly: "I asked Jiangning Mansion to give them food, and some good things were placed inside. As long as one person falls ill, a large area will soon be infected, and the army of collecting corpses will not attack and destroy itself in five days. Just lift the knife and chop the head!"

"General Baili is a good strategy, Yang admires..."

Yang Wulang smiled and arched his hands. At the same time, he gave his sister a blank look, telling her not to say anything, but Master Yang couldn't help but ask: "Wang Jun Zhao can reach the river, where is it now?"

"There is no news from Zhao Wangjun. Five days ago, he said that it has not yet started..."

The young general shook his head slightly, but General Boldman disdainfully said: "Your husband is a sly rat, and he will only trick others to kill him. When this general is killed in Luoyang, he will cut off his dog's head by himself. Revenge and hate in the family!"

"Count me, that's our common enemy..."

Yang Wulang held up a glass of wine and toasted him. The two chatted again, but they would not leave in the afternoon. The fifty thousand pioneers were stationed outside a small city, waiting for the corpse-collecting army to become seriously ill.

"Seven sisters! Stop talking about Wangjun Zhao, you are no longer Wangyu Zhao..."

Yang Wulang dragged his sister into a small courtyard, frowning and said: "Uncle grandfather asked us to come here to cope, on the one hand, to clear our suspicion of rebellion, on the other hand, to allow us to do meritorious service so that we can have a place in the future. Rong’s battle is the key!"

"It's not that I want to mention those things, but that their artillery is not professional at all..."

Master Yang was too depressed and said: "I just stole the division for two months, and realized that the gap between them is very big. The artillery has no fixed amount of charge and can't calculate the trajectory. How can I fight the cunning corpse collection army? I don't want to put myself Here is my life!"

"I think you scared Zhao Yunxuan..."

Yang Wulang said angrily: "The King Yan has an army of 150,000, and their small artillery can kill a few more. If you grow up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige, you will immediately roll back to Fuzhou, otherwise you will be obedient. Shut up, get ready to be your Yan Wangmao!"

Master Yang was too puzzled: "The King Yan is just a straw bag, why let me marry him?"

"The straw bag is also the prince, and the biggest king in the future..."

Yang Wulang said: "Uncle grandfather chose King Ning to be the new emperor. The queen must be one of your cousins. It is the best choice for you to marry King Yan. This is what my father asked for, otherwise you A third-married woman can only be a little wife for Bai Lirong!"

"The third wife was also the one you killed me, but you have asked me about my wishes..."

Master Yang pushed him away too indignantly, rushed into the room with red eyes, went into the quilt and cried silently, and the dullness reached dark.


A maid suddenly ran in and said anxiously: "It's not good! Go and see Miss Tweety. The slave family heard her crying in the yard next door, and Master Wu could not find anyone!"

"What happened to Tweet? What did she do next door..."

Master Yang quickly opened the quilt and ran out. Tweety is the orphan of her eldest brother. She is only thirteen years old this year. But Yang Wulang did not know why she took her by her side, and she ran into the yard next door. I heard crying.

"What are you doing, get out..."

Master Yang pushed the two guards away too hard, but they were stopped when they rushed to the door of the hall. The four guards blocked the door from letting her in until she hurriedly yelled at her. Khan was wearing a pair of big pants.

"Bai Lirong! You beast, what did you do to your niece..."

Master Yang rushed in too furiously, and Bai Lirong pushed her away at once, disdainfully said: "You're a bit damned to spoil me, your father has already married her to me, your niece is my little wife, what do I like to do? What are you doing, can you control it?"

"Impossible! You lied to me..."

Master Yang shivered in disbelief, Bai Lirong waved and said, "A little girl, can I lie to you? Your brother asked me to pick one between you and her. Of course I will pick her, and I can still want you. A third-married woman?"

"You bastard!"

Master Yang yelled angrily and hurriedly pushed the door and rushed into the bedroom. Unexpectedly, there were two girls on the bed, one of them was her niece, she was hugging her chest without a sliver, her legs were covered in blood, and she was close to her body. The maid had passed out.


Master Yang cried and threw herself on the bed. Tweet also hugged her and cried loudly. At this moment, Master Yang realized that she was married to King Yan as a wife. It was not her father who asked for it, but she was left behind. , But Tweety is just a meeting ceremony.

"Auntie! You take Tuier away, I want to go home and go back to Luoyang to find my uncle..."

Tweety fell in her arms and trembles constantly. These words hurt Master Yang. Her father once asked Zhao Guanren to marry Tweety, but Zhao Guanren said that she was still a child when she was thirteen. Will take them with a bunch of children to play.

"Go! Aunt will take you back to Luoyang, let's go home..."

Master Yang wiped away tears, picked up Tweet’s torn clothes, followed the maid who had awakened from the fainting, and after a few words of comfort, she let them put on their coats. As a result, they were blocked by her brother as soon as they arrived next door. After a questioning She got a big mouth.

"Marriage matter! You can't help a woman talk too much, shut them up for me..."

Yang Wulang also slapped Tweet's head and pushed them into the small room with his own hands and locked them. Even the windows were topped up with wooden boards. Now Master Yang was completely chilled and could only sit on the bed with his niece and maid. , Helplessly weeping.

"Aunty! Uncle is so kind to us, why should we run away..."

Tweety’s eyes were whimpering and she was wiping tears. Master Yang said with sobbing: "Your uncle warned me that not everything will be rewarded. I just understood what it meant tonight. I took my heart out to them, but they treated me like me. It’s a gift like a livestock, my aunt is cheap!"

"My aunt is not cheap, my uncle will definitely defeat the wicked and come to save us..."

On the contrary, Tweety comforted her. Master Yang was too pleased to hug her tightly, but I don’t know how long it took. When the three women all curled up and fell asleep, a sudden explosion suddenly awakened them, even the tiles of the house. They are all trembling.

"Sixty Cannon! Zhao Wangjun is calling, no! The Corpse Collecting Army is attacking at night..."

Master Yang jumped out of the bed in surprise, but the explosion sound was as intense as fried beans. Everywhere there were people screaming and shouting. She squatted by the window and said in shock: "It's a close range. How to touch him, Wei Dafu is too fascinating!"

"Auntie! But my uncle is here, let's get out..."

Tweety also yelled excitedly. Master Yang nodded too excitedly, stepped forward and kicked the door open. As a result, the roof was smashed through with a crash, and a shell exploded in the main room...

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