One Step to The End

Chapter 1314: Female military division

"Don't cry! Cry to kill you again..."

Bai Lirong yelled murderously, and Tui Er cried and hid in Master Yang’s arms. The sky was already bright at this time, and they were hidden in a mountain col. There were only more than 500 soldiers left beside Bai Lirong. , The rest did not dare to convene again.

"General! Let's go quickly..."

A soldier pretending to be a farmer ran up and said anxiously: "No one is resisting. Those who can surrender have surrendered. Huang Rui also put on the skin of the Corpse Recovering Army, and is carrying a large wave of cavalry to hunt. You, we can only escape through the mountains!"

"Fucking! Lao Tzu's defeat in this battle is really useless..."

Bai Lirong punched the tree in annoyance, and said dejectedly: "Have you found out if the Corpse Collecting Army is surrounding Dantu County? Why did he suddenly kill us? How many soldiers and horses he has come? How to get around our scouts?"

"People didn't bypass the scouts at all, they bombarded us a few miles away..."

The soldier said depressed: "They are all cavalry, there are no foot soldiers to follow, at most 10,000 people, early scattered and ambushing around, but we can't figure out how they expected us to camp in Hongzhuang, it is said that there is one. The artillery is hiding in the city!"


Bai Lirong glared at Master Yang and said angrily: "It's not this **** who is telling the news. If their second room didn't promise to be careful, how can the family escape Luoyang?"

"You also know that our family fled Luoyang, so why should we be careful..."

Master Yang said in a cold voice: "You decided temporarily to set up the camp. Even if I hurried to report, their artillery would not be able to fly into the city. You should think carefully about what you saw along the way, Hong Has Zhuang appeared in front of you dozens of times?"

Bai Lirong frowned and said, "What do you mean, how can Hongzhuangcheng appear dozens of times?"

"The same guise keeps appearing on the side of the road, all with the words Hongzhuang Wine, and the white writing on the wall..."

Master Yang said sharply: "Hongzhuang’s beauties, Hongzhuang’s food, and Hongzhuang’s hot springs, and finally Hongzhuang’s floats appeared, so you stopped the march ahead of time and settled in Hongzhuang City, which you shouldn’t have gone to. They put it in their pockets and hit them with all their heads!"

"Yeah! I did see a lot of Hongzhuang's guise, and my brothers all said they wanted to taste Hongzhuang's fine wine..."

A large group of soldiers nodded one after another, and Bai Lirong was even more surprised, and asked anxiously: "Are you saying they lured Lao Tzu and let us jump into the pit?"

"Yes! They call this psychological suggestion, and they also call it holding your nose..."

Master Yang continued: "I warned you yesterday that corpse bandits will never gnaw a city forcibly. It is the corpse bandit's style to siege and aid the city, but you will not listen to my persuasion. You will gather the artillery together. Turned off your camp!"

"Besiege to fight aid?"

When Bai Lirong heard such incisive words for the first time, he asked with an embarrassed expression: "How do you understand this as a woman, does Zhao Yunxuan also teach the art of war at home?"

"Luoyang has a professional military school with three classes from junior high to senior high school. Zhao Wang is the principal..."

Master Yang said: "I just went to the military academy to steal the teacher for two months under the name of visiting him, but this little fur has benefited me a lot, so I am responsible to tell you that the corpse will spread the next step. Rumors, and then attack King Yan's army head-on!"

"What kind of rumors?"

Bai Lirong looked at her solemnly, Yang Wulang also hurriedly stood up, and finally took her as a womanly family seriously.

"The corpse bandits are invincible, our army is vulnerable, you have defected, the surrenders are added to the ranks and so on..."

Master Yang stood up and said: "The King Zhao used all kinds of rumors to capture the Emperor without blood, and Wei Dafu is his junior brother. They will certainly buy the pawns and return to the army to quietly spread the rumors, and then launch an attack after the momentum is sluggish! "

"My lord! She's right, Huang Rui has been appointed a fourth-rank official, and his subordinates are rushing back..."

A soldier hurriedly stepped forward, and Bai Lirong immediately arched his hands and said: "Miss Yang! My officer has short-sightedness. I hope to forgive me for how offended before. I will come back to the city and apologize again. But now, according to your opinion, What should we do?"

"The fifty thousand army was defeated in your hands. Only by guilty and meritorious can you regain your strength..."

Master Yang said: "You go back quickly to inform King Yan, take advantage of it, and at the same time gather the remaining parts to prevent them from spreading rumors, and then borrow 10,000 iron cavalry to intercept and kill the corpse bandits in a roundabout way. As long as the artillery is not spread, they are a group. Lamb to be slaughtered!"


Bai Lirong said in surprise: "People have 90,000 foot soldiers, even if 20,000 are left to guard Dantu County, and there are 70,000 troops behind, how can I kill my 10,000 cavalry?"

"The corpse bandits and pawns are all cloth armor. Six months ago, they were still a group of mud legs. They only relied on artillery to attack the city..."

Master Yang was too confident and said: "They have almost no melee combat experience. Once the cavalry rushes into the formation, the artillery will not blast at their own people. Ten thousand knights can be invincible, and their arrogance is so high that you never expected you to kill a carbine. !"

"General! I think this plan is feasible..."

A young general said: "As long as King Yan drags the cavalry of the corpse bandit, we can go to the middle to kill the infantry. After the killing, we can still attack on both sides. Whether we can regain our strength, it depends on this last battle. , Otherwise you can only go home and farm!"

"Yeah! For the sake of safety, it's better to get 15,000 rides..."

Bai Lirong nodded in agreement, beckoning and saying, "Quick! Go find a donkey and ride it for our female military officer, and my little lady. If you can't find a donkey or horse, I will make two small sedan chairs. Come, we must serve them for this general!"


"How about the fighting in Jiangdong? Will the Corpse Collecting Army besiege and not attack..."

The Huainan Dao Yushi sat in the teahouse near the lake, and he did not rush to drop a white son. It was the prefect of Yangzhou who was playing against him. The two old men were regarded as the best officials of Huainan Dao. The Huainan Jiedushi had always The Beijing official led it from afar, and only came to inspect it every Chinese New Year.

"The **** Wei is very good, and I saw fraud in the city. It has been around for seven days..."

The prefect of Yangzhou laughed and said: "They got an epidemic in the camp, and they all came to our Yangzhou for medical treatment. They also sent people to urge the ferry and grain and grass. They actually only brought the grain and grass for ten days, and Jiangning Mansion also gave the gate to the city. It's closed, Eunuch Wei is desperate now!"


Yu Shi sneered and said: "After all, it is a mountain bandit who came out of the wild road, who can only grab the crops, and it will reveal its original shape when it encounters a hard stubble, but the gods of the river dragon is out, and the war will start!"

"Oh? When did you leave for the expedition, why didn't you hear the wind..."

The prefect raised his head in surprise, Yu Shi threw down the chess pieces in his hand, and said coldly: "Before the corpse-recovering army crossed the river, the thief stayed in Luoyang to confuse people, let the army leave in batches at night, and mobilized a large number of civilian ships in Xiangyang. , I arrived in Jiangcheng yesterday!"

"Jiangcheng? This is heading for King Ning..."

The prefect patted his legs with a cloud of darkness, but an official suddenly rushed up, panting and said: "The big thing is not good! The corpse collection army attacked Bailirong three days ago, and Bailirong's army was wiped out and beheaded seven thousand. More than 30,000 people died, and Bai Lirong’s whereabouts are unknown!"


The two old men jumped up suddenly, the chessboard was turned to the ground, and the prefect of Yangzhou was shocked: "Didn't the Corpse Collecting Army surround Dantu County? Yesterday they came to the government for food and grass. Where did they transfer it from? Can the soldiers and horses defeat Bailirong?"

"My lord! It's a plan, they closed the road and the ferry to prevent the news from passing..."

The official beat his chest and said: "The Corpse Recovering Army only used 10,000 cavalry to defeat Bailirong. Now there are only 20,000 people outside Jinling City. The 80,000 army directly attacked King Yan's army, and said that they would break Jinling first, and then enter Yangzhou. , Hold your... madam and sleep!"


The prefect’s face turned pale, and Yu Shi also solemnly said: "Oh! Wei Dafu had expected that we would support the Yang family, and has been talking to us. This time, we can’t do it without doing anything. Wait until Jinling breaks us. It's over!"

"Are you sure there are only 20,000 horses outside the city? I won't be hit again..."

The prefect also showed a ruthless expression. The officials waved their hands and said: "The letter from Runzhou Governor’s son only has 20,000 foot soldiers left. Let’s mobilize soldiers and horses. Jiangning Prefecture has already ordered 20,000 people, just waiting for us. Crossing the river repeatedly attacked!"

"Quick! Use my warrant to assemble the troops, find out clearly, and cross the river as soon as possible..."

The prefect quickly took out paper and pen to write the order, took out the big seal, and put it on hard. How did you know that a burst of applause sounded from downstairs, and the official snatched the warrant, and ran to the top of the stairs, flattering and saying: "My lord! It's okay, the evidence of treason is in hand!"


The scared hairs of the two old men stood up, and they took a half step back in horror, only to see Zhao Guanren swaying up, holding the hand order and laughing: "You think you can fly with bird feathers, put on the official The robe can plan tactics, right?"

Master Yu Shi said in horror: "You, why are you here? Didn't you go to Jiangcheng?"

"Playing the jade flute in the Yellow Crane Tower, the plum blossoms fall in May in Jiangcheng, I can come if I can go..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and said: "This king has always done things fair, and I am afraid that you two will be wronged, so I personally come to collect evidence. Now that you have both evidences, don't waste everyone's time. Get in the prison car and go to Dali Temple! "

"Come on! Help..."

The prefect suddenly rushed to the window like crazy. As a result, he was dumbfounded as soon as he shouted. There were all Jin Wuwei in red official robes underneath. Some people dig their nostrils and sneered and said: "Jump down, you won't be able to fall anyway. Let's climb the stairs again!"

"Prince Zhao! I was also forced to go down to the official ranks, please spare my life..."

The prefect fell to the ground with tears and tears, and Yu Shi fell on the chair feebly, without the courage that he had just won a thousand miles away.

"Aren't you colluding with the Shooting Sun Cult, maybe some monsters come to rob the prison, or eat you..."

Zhao Guanren gave a smirk. He picked up a bunch of lychees on the table and walked down. The two old men were soon taken down. When they came to the street outside the courtyard to take a look, the cronies and family members were arrested. There is a leader who shoots the sun.

"The sun-shooting cult deceived the crowd by deceiving the crowd, and beheaded in the street to show the crowd..."

The Jin Wuwei stuffed the two old men into the prison wagon and escorted a group of cultists to the cross street. They soon surrounded the crowds. Who knew that Liu Tianliang also took the opportunity to jump out, dressed in glittering gold. Local tyrant dress, direct a group of handsome guys and beautiful girls to hand out flyers.

"Dear folks, cults are not allowed to enter, as soon as they die, the whole family..."

Liu Tianliang arched his hands wearing ten big golden rings and smiled: "I am the leader of the Money Sect. Our Money Sect is a fine sect approved by the court and approved by the emperor. We don't teach people to pray for burning incense, but to teach people. How to make a fortune, buy land and buy a house, if you want to make a lot of money, join as soon as possible, and it’s free for a limited period of time!"

"I want to make a fortune, I want to marry a wife, I want to buy a big house..."

The trustees roared in the crowd, and the Wuyangyang people were immediately excited. You pushed me to squeeze and register to join the meeting. Not many people paid attention to the beheading. The cult leaders were taken to the gutter on the side of the street. A dozen heads fell to the ground.


A melodious ringing sound suddenly sounded, Zhao Guanren and Liu Tianliang looked at each other in surprise. The second "poverty alleviation" task was actually completed. Liu Tianliang single-handedly boosted the GDP of the entire Tao and became the cult's hardest hit area. In Mingquan County, most of them went to a well-off society.

"Okay! The rest is up to the Black Sun Demon King..."

Zhao Guanren slowly walked up to a pavilion and looked at the other side of the river. After crossing the river, there is the Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang. The national teacher Fahai has been missing for more than a month. I don't know how he is related to the Demon King...

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