One Step to The End

Chapter 1318: Ambush


Waves of artillery bombs from morning to night, violent explosions are more lively than the New Year, artillery is considered to have completely changed the battle mode of Datang, individual is strong and useless, until the stage of crushing, a good tiger can't stand a pack of wolves. , Once the formation collapses, it is not far from death.

"Push! Push me hard and blow them to death..."

The generals of King Yan's army were hoarse, and iron cannons of various sizes continued to converge. The mules and horses and Minzhuang pushed and pulled together. From the scale of hundreds of doors, it can be seen that this was a long-planned rebellion. The game was set before.

"Report! Artillery positions were found on the 19th landmark..."

"Report! Chen Jiawan found a guerrilla unit with over 1,000 troops..."

"Report! The main enemy cavalry has escaped, and our cavalry has emptied again..."

Military sentiments were sent to the Central Military Tent in succession. Wei Wuya’s tactic was to alternately advance artillery and light cavalry at high speeds, not to give the guerrillas a chance to approach, and when he found the main force, he sent heavy cavalry to attack, compressed the front on three sides, and kept the enemy. Drive to the river.

"These **** flies dare not fight head-on, and they pretend to be ordinary people..."

King Yan stood angrily in front of a large sand table. The sand table was actually made very realistic, showing the landforms of several nearby states, cities, and even rivers and roads, and they were all marked with grids and then numbered. The soldiers only needed to follow the map.

"Lord! We are only now advancing to the second day, and the results are already very significant..."

A general smiled and said: "The corpse bandits don’t even want to load food carts. They have become a gang of bereaved dogs. As long as their artillery positions can’t stand up, our three-way pawns can keep advancing and drive them to the river. Let Bailijia take a good look at our ability!"

"If this battle is won, do you still care about Bailijia..."

Wei Wuya stared at the sand table and said: "The corpse bandits have no food to grab, but the artillery shells can't be grabbed, so they must cut off their transportation lines. They must quickly let Jinling take the shot, and let them desperately want to occupy the dock. It can save us a lot of things!"

"The corpse bandit blocked the road, and there are masters of the Fu Demon Master, and the flying eagles sent have not returned..."

King Yan shook his head and said: "However, if you advance at this speed, the corpse bandit will have to get out of the way within two days. As long as Jinling City hears the sound of the guns, it will definitely attack according to the plan. Then we will unite Jiangning and Yangzhou. Can make a dumpling for the corpse bandit!"

"Is there any news from Zhao Wangjun? That kid is a scourge..."

Wei Wuya straightened up and looked at him. King Yan nodded and said: "The news received just an hour ago, Zhao Wangjun is advancing towards the southwest. Unlike the corpse bandits, they fight steadily all the way. Every time a city passes, there will be Jinwuwei. Read the imperial decree before, dare to attack if you don’t open the city!"

"The Zhao Wangjun went to Tubo, they are the main force..."

Wei Wuya nodded slightly, and a scout suddenly ran in, clasping his fists excitedly: "Master! A group of corpses was stunned by the bombing, and they escaped into a valley of death, causing General Baili to block it. At the same time, more than 200 people were beheaded, and more than 300 were captured alive!"

"Great! Bring the captives here quickly, and this army division will interrogate himself..."

Wei Wuya and others went out excitedly. It was already the second evening of the exchange of fire between the two sides. Chen Guangda was stationed in a huge valley with 10,000 cavalry and 5,000 heavy artillery troops. Stay by his side.


A cavalry rushed into the simple camp and said out of breath: "The mountain bandits in Death Valley were really bombed, and they were blocked by Bai Lirong. A large number of them were taken away. They picked up our bombs. No one believes that they are not a corpse collection army!"

"Damn it! It's really weird..."

A rider slammed the table and said, "Boss! Dahong and the others were bombed. It's not surprising that the guys are always thinking about stealing chickens. They must be bombed if they get too close, but these unlucky mountain bandits have been staying in Death Valley. , The scouts let us intercept, how can we find someone in the valley?"

"Isn't it the bait insects doing the trick again?"

The generals looked at Master Yang one after another, but Chen Guangda waved his hands and said, "You haven't been in contact with outsiders. Where did the bait be possessed. Tell the whole army that there are flying monsters in the sky. Let the snipers set up light traps and focus. Firepower knocks down the monster!"

"Mother! It turned out to be Flying Monster, no wonder you get bombed everywhere..."

The generals went out cursingly, Chen Guangda also took a big-caliber firecracker, but as soon as he went out, Shitai Yang followed up. I will share with you insights and insights on how the Flying Demon discovered us, and I will go when I figure it out. Notify Zhao Wangjun! "

"You really don't want to be lonely, you want Zhao Wanggao to take a look at you, or you really want to be a female player..."

Chen Guang laughed and rode on a war horse. Master Yang also climbed onto the war horse with a bow and arrow on her back, and said: "I just want to leave a joss stick for my Yang family. If I make a contribution, I will ask King Zhao not to kill my nephew. Children, if you lose, I will die if a woman dies!"

"No! You just don't want to be mediocre, you are born to toss..."

Chen Guangda smiled slightly and ran away. Master Yang also took a lantern and followed. Hundreds of cavalry quickly left the valley with them. After running for more than half an hour, they stopped and entered a mountain stream to chop wood. Dozens of bonfires were lit.

"Wait! Does the Flying Demon know tonight..."

Chen Guangda walked into the woods above the mountain stream and put on auspicious suits with Master Yang. Forty snipers also quietly scattered. Cavalry and war horses.

"Are you really people from other worlds..."

Master Yang was too silent for a while and couldn't help it. Chen Guangda said faintly: "Yes! But now is not the time for small talk, the flying demon must have very good eyes, maybe he has night vision ability, you can sleep if you can't stand it. , Don’t kill others!"


Master Yang lowered her head in embarrassment, and leaned against the tree with her bow and arrow, but I don’t know how long it took. Just when she was half-dreaming and half-awake, her mouth was suddenly covered, waiting for her to open her eyes in horror. Chen Guangda pointed to the sky quietly.


Master Yang frowned in confusion. He couldn't see anything because of the black light. But four white light flare bombs suddenly shot into the sky. Her eyes suddenly burst, and there were actually two birdmen flying above, and the whole body was completely dark.


Forty sniper rifles rang almost at the same time. The oversized caliber can be called an anti-tank gun. Two birdmen who were about to run were immediately struck by the attack. They issued two harsh screams, and dozens of blood spatters burst out all over their bodies. As soon as his head was planted, he fell down severely.



A bigger birdman shot at swift speed, unexpectedly grabbed two birdmen in the air, but the snipers had already finished their projectiles. It would be too late to reload. They could only quickly take off the bow and arrow on their back and pull. The full bow shoots towards the opponent.


Chen Guangda suddenly fired a shot, and the pointed lead bullet spun towards the opponent's head, but a halo popped out of the opponent's body, and the bullet was suddenly blocked, and the armor-piercing arrows were also bounced away, even the second grade. The archer failed to break the defense.

"Fuck! Do you dare to open the shield and blow it up..."

Chen Guang threw a large grenade violently, and easily hit hundreds of meters with his arm strength. At the same time, there were more than a dozen thunders thrown out together, but after a series of explosions, the two bodies were shaken off. But the large birdman just made a circle.


The Birdman let out a frightened scream, and a dozen yellow lights shot out from his mouth instantly. Chen Guangda immediately rushed Yang Shitai out, only to hear a muffled sound, the yellow light shot through several big trees in a row. The tree almost shot Master Yang.

"No! It rushed over..."

Master Yang suddenly exclaimed. Chen Guangda slammed her down the hillside. When he turned his head, he pulled out the short spear behind him. After he threw himself against a large rock, the bird man was like a fighter jet with his mouth. Li kept squirting arrows at him.

"go to hell!"

Chen Guang threw a grenade fiercely, but when the opponent's body was tilted, he dodged, and suddenly pulled up to an insurmountable height. He bowed his head again and shot arrows at him, and kept moving in the air at high speed, not shooting others. Its chance.

"Damn it! Come down, I'll be singled out with you, otherwise I will roast your hands..."

While escaping in the mountains and forests, Chen Guangda shouted in anger. The Birdman also "bite" him without letting go. The other snipers ignored him, and the sword light sprayed like no money. Finally Chen Guangda was thrown out. A fall and fall.


Birdman took the opportunity to dive, as if he wanted to tear him to pieces with his own hands, but Chen Guangda suddenly propped him with one hand, and he rolled forward and turned back and smashed a grenade, but the birdman did not even flash. Now, a pair of red eyes stared at him firmly.

"I recharge! Open membership..."

Chen Guangda yelled headlessly, and at the same time threw an ingot of gold. The birdman was surprised that what he threw was not a grenade, but a transparent glass bead. The glass bead exploded directly in the air. The huge figure burst out.


A domineering roar suddenly sounded, and the birdman felt paralyzed all over, and sent out a red soul shield in horror. Who knew that there was another half-moon slash on the face, and its soul shield was broken, and it was severely slashed. Its waist.


The birdman crashed to the ground, and the bird feathers in the sky flew everywhere, but the "scum scum Hui" in the air was cut off from the huge dragon slaying knife, before Chen Guang yelled. Stop, he cut the stone and the birdman in half with a single knife.


The ground trembled fiercely, the big bird man was neatly cut in half from the middle, and strange green blood was sprayed everywhere, and Zha Zhahui carried the dragon slaying knife domineeringly, holding the golden sword in one hand. Ingot, loudly said: "Nine or ninety-nine, you deserve it!"

"You can pull it down, you can't keep alive if you see money open."

Chen Guangda walked over without annoyance, Zhazhahui suddenly disappeared with his ingot, and a good pearl also tumbled down.

"It turns out to be a mother..."

After Chen Guangda stepped forward and picked up the beads, he kicked the birdman who was split in half. To be precise, he should be called a harpy. His appearance is really hard to describe, but Yang Shitai rushed out and said in surprise: "You Will God still spend money?"

"No way! The relationship with the gods is not iron, you can only spend money to recharge..."

Chen Guang laughed and walked down the mountain. After a while, the snipers ran down and said, "Boss! There is a birdman who hasn't died completely. We asked a few things. They only have twelve flying monsters. But four of them have disappeared near Jinling City, saying that there are master Fumushi!"


Chen Guangda cursed in an angry voice: "I don't send anyone to deliver the letter. I will make Lao Tzu come to the mountain to feed the mosquitoes in the middle of the night. Look at the enemy!"

"Great! It's time to end the guerrilla warfare long ago, let's go and order..."

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